MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Trying to Figure Out Where Everyone Is

Trying to Figure Out Where Everyone Is

I know it will take time to get the word out; however I am just curious where everyone went if they are not here. I know there was a lot of talk about "the movie database;" however the only discussion boards that seem to be active on there are the ones centered around current stuff. There were plenty of active boards on IMDB that centered around old programs and movies from decades ago: boards which were active on the site until the very end. Where did those people go, because they're obviously not posting on "the movie database" or here. I mean it could be that they're just not posting anywhere.


I think there were two types of posters... regulars for whom the site was like a second home, and casuals who'd just occasionally come and look up things. Right now there is a catch-22 because for a new site to survive, it needs a lot of regulars but there just aren't enough of them in one place to keep any of them satisfied in terms of traffic. I think a lot of people are hopping around from place to place searching for the volume of imdb, but nothing will ever match that again. Even imdb itself had only been bleeding posters over the last decade as people went from specialized boards to general social media like FB, IG, Twitter and Tumblr. The only way this will work if people stay in one place and post a lot for a long time... but it doesn't look like people are willing to make that sacrifice so I don't know if it will happen.


I will say that I was one of the latter you mentioned: just looking stuff up occasionally. I wouldn't even log in most of the time, but instead I would go read the message boards for the information I wanted. I regret that, because I have a lot to talk about now. I am grateful to Jim for setting up this site. He has listened to the people and is working very hard to make this a great place to post. However it is seems like there is a very small number actually posting on here. I am basing that information on the frequent user names I see and how many different posts there are on the "General Discussion" board. I know this will not jump up to IMDB popularity overnight or even a few months from now, but to be perfectly honest it's frustrating not getting replies to your post when you know that on IMDB someone would have answered you pretty quick. That's me being whiny and impatient, and I know how pathetic that sentence looks; however I can't be alone in thinking that. An example I can think of is the "Golden Girls" board. That board was constantly active on IMDB, but only me and like five other people post on there now. I will still try to post on this site, because I do believe this is the best alternative out there, but a part of me has the mentality of, "why waste your time if no one is going to answer back?" I just feel like a lot of those active posters would have found their way here by now. I would have thought most of them would immediately began the hunt for a great replacement to go to and would have stumbled upon this.


I've seen more traffic on at least one other site, however that site is like a regular message board that you can find any where... it doesn't have the individual boards and that was what I personally wanted to see preserved. I, like you also never posted on imdb... I did many years ago, when it first started but ended up using it only for reference. I decided to support this site because it had what I wanted, but all I see are people that post for awhile, get discouraged and move somewhere else. If even fifty stayed in one place it could keep things going, but no one seems to have the patience or desire to do that. I'll stick around for awhile to see what happens but none of these places will last if people don't have the long term approach.


I've wondered the same thing: where the majority of posters have landed. So far, I've been reunited with a number of my IMDB friends who've found their way here, but there are still quite a few who are MIA.

"However it is seems like there is a very small number actually posting on here. I am basing that information on the frequent user names I see and how many different posts there are on the "General Discussion" board."

The number of people posting here has risen quite a bit since I joined, a few weeks ago. At first General Discussion was where people who congregating, so it was pretty hopping. Now people have wandered off to the individual film and TV boards here. Also, I see a *lot* of people on the individual boards I've never seen posting here, so they came to MC and jumped right in posting on the boards.

If you go to the Trending section on the hope page, you can see what new posts/threads are being posted on the individual boards, and there's quite a lot of activity! I always look at Trending and often go check out a movie or show I hadn't thought of or even hadn't heard of before, and read the new posts. Often enough I comment, too.


Yes it has picked up I agree, and I do like the trending section, because that give all of us a focus point as to where the posters are going, but it seems like it's only a small number of programs that stay consistently trending. I know me complaining about this is not going to rectify the situation. All I can do, any of us for that matter, is keep posting until someone bites. Persistence does pay off after all. Finally I just need to be patient! I'm just hoping all of these "lost posters" will find their way here. They say you don't know what you have until it's gone, and with the IMDB message boards I am realizing that.


"Yes it has picked up I agree, and I do like the trending section, because that give all of us a focus point as to where the posters are going, but it seems like it's only a small number of programs that stay consistently trending."

Yes, it's one of the things I like better about MC than IMDB :). There are a few very active boards that show up regularly on Trending, but I also see a lot of others.

Exactly, if we keep posting on whatever boards interest us, eventually it'll pay off. I've been surprised how often that's been happening -- even on boards where I was the first person to post a thread. I'm pretty confident more and more "lost posters" will find their way here :)


I agree, persistence can get you far. I've posted on boards that barely existed. There were no posts or maybe like one. Now, they have many posters discussing and creating their own threads and are very populated so putting content out there will receive content back and things can get rolling.

It's really the best way, from my experience and observations, to drive more traffic. Just gotta keep at it!


The words you all speak are true. :) Everything does have to start somewhere. Thanks everyone. :)


Sadly people are spread out all over the place. Like these:

And others. Eventually they will all fade away because of lack of posters.


Well that's a new one, at least to me.

People creating new alternatives just makes things worse.


I know that most of my soap opera friends are somewhere else, don't know where really, but they aren't here. I am missing that aspect. I do post on one soap site but my contacts aren't there either [shrugs]


As others have said, people are divided between different boards and sites and such. There is actually a reasonable amount of activity here, and it's likely to pick up over time. This is still a new site and growing every day.



It is nice. Both have their pros and cons. I wouldn't mind if more people came and made it more active, however. Certainly not complaining, though!


yes, intimacy is nice, but I would like more population growth.


Yeah, exactly.


I am enjoying the quiet, intimacy, as well as most of the posters being friendly and respectful. But I'd also love to see many more former IMDB posters (or lurkers, for that matter) find their way here.

Agree, I've looked at a number of the other sites, and find this one the most appealing by far. It's looking to me like this site is getting more and more active, so am confident it'll only become more populated.


Hello Cat. You are right about this site. Posters seem laid back, easy going and polite. And I'm finally shaking that pneumonia bug we chatted about.. Just in time to watch it snow.


Hi Bwb :). It's a refreshing change that most posters here (a few exceptions aside) are friendly -- even welcoming -- and very civil.

So glad to hear you're finally shaking that vicious and persistent bug! I *still* have the cough, which kind of comes and goes, but overall feel close to normal and good. I read about the snow storm/blizzard :/. Really good that you're finally beating the beastie so the snow won't be much of a problem for you.

Keep taking good care of yourself! (A good time for hot cocoa and jammies :)


I'm retired. Not often I' not out of the pj's. LOL. My snow removal guys will be here tomorrow. I just got about 4 inches of snow. Watching Humans now. Shake that cough asap.


Must be nice to be retired … I hope anyway. 4 inches already?? Good god. Stay warm and cozy. Don't forget the hot cocoa and to just relax as much as you can. That'll help more than anything else. Nap whenever you feel like it. Enjoy Humans!

I'm working on the cough. It may take another visit to the doc, and (ugh) a third round of antibiotics, but I'm hoping not.


I can nap better than Beetle Baily.


Hey Bwb, just wondering how you're doing now. Better, I hope?


I'm on the mend Cat. But my new high dollar McIntosh Blueray player died on me. And it replaced the other high dollar McIntosh player that broke down 4 times under warranty. So anyone reading this avoid the McIntosh MVP901. They're not reliable. Go with a Oppo player. Glad I have one for back up.


So happy to hear you're on the mend, Bwb! This much be a huge relief to you, after having been so sick for such a long time.

My cough has returned again, what a pain! I'm thinking my doc was right, that it's a sinus infection dripping down the back of my throat, causing the cough. Hate the idea of a *third* course of antibiotics, but I guess whatever it takes to be rid of it.

Sorry to hear about your problems with your Bluray player. I'm still not entirely sure of what Bluray is or does, but breaking down *4* times under warranty is insane. Hope they fix it for you, and make things right, without your having to spend more $$ that you shouldn't have to do.


Years ago I had sinus infections about 4 or 5 times a year. Went to ENT Dr.. He removed 3 polyps in my sinus cavity. They would get infected from sinus drainage. Once they got removed I have had less problems. It was worth it Cat.


Ugh! 4-5 times a year? What a royal PITA :(

I've never had sinus problems before this, but it seems this bug is inordinately fond of attaching itself to people's sinuses, including mine. I just want this bloody nuisance to be over with for good! I know you feel the same way. The fact that you feel on the mend now, as opposed to feeling like miles of rough road less than a week ago is a great sign :)


Going to watch Blacklist Redemption tonight. Then Colony after I dvr it. What is on your tv agenda tonight Cat ?


For whatever reason, last night I started watching Lost for the first time. I didn't think I'd like it, but it's different than I thought it'd be, and is really quite addictive in its way. Not yet through S1, and am pretty chuffed there are a number of seasons left to go!

Never heard of Blacklist Redemption before, but do know of Colony. Have you seen BR before, and if so, what do you think of it?


Ugh. That sounds awful.
I saw an ENT doctor a few days ago. He prescribed the steroid and said to come back for a cat-scan or something if it doesn't get better... Hopefully Inwint need surgery, but if it'll help, I'll go for it.


Hey Cat,
I found you! If you get another similar reply from me, disregard. I wrote a longer reply, but it didn't post! Suffice it to say, I've missed our discussions/debates.


Ksp! Well what do you know. Glad to meet up with you again. I saw a post from you early on where you took offense to the OP, and figured I'd never see you again, given your post.

I like this site very much. The vast majority here are friendly and respectful, which is a refreshing change from you-know-where, and much better than Reddit (which can also be a snake pit, and I've not joined there, nor am I likely to).

I've lost interest in Making a Murderer, and don't think I've been on or even looked at that board here. I figure most everyone who's seriously still into it has gone to Reddit. The chances of me doing that are slim to none.


Glad I found one of my cyber/pals! This site desperately needs a profanity filter. I read a few hostile replies to you...laced with profanity. I've been over on tMDB site. Travis, the administrator/engineer is like Jim himself, except he does have some mods. He's very receptive to our requests. I think he works on that site 24/7! He has added so much since we flooded his site. Ignore, Profanity Filter, Preview of Post, etc. He's working on adding PM's


Ah well, I pretty much ignore hostile replies, whether they're to me or anyone else. Trolls will be trolls, and even if not actual trolls, hostile people will be hostile.

From what I've seen. Travis on tMDb, seems like a good guy, same or similar to Jim here. Jim will be selecting mods, but is apparently a little behind Travis on tMDb, but I'm fine with this because the selection of mods is important. (Not criticizing Travis in any way, only saying this issue has come up more recently, and I appreciate Jim taking some time to vet and select mods).

As far as I can see, Jim is also working 24/7 to work on and improve this site, and IMO he's doing a stellar job, which isn't to say Travis isn't, it's only that personally I prefer this site. If you prefer tMDb, that's fine by me :)


It's apparent these two guys, Jim & Travis, have been swamped since we iMDB refugees have swarmed over to the sites. I've noticed some posters on both sites are complaining these sites are not like IMDB. Someone replied to one of the complainers "There's one thing tMDB has that IMDB doesn't have....message boards!" That reply should quell some of the griping.


Ha, well, those posters are right, and I have great respect for both Jim and Travis for these message boards, and for a few other boards that were started by others (whose names I don't know -- no disrespect intended).

Personally, I'm not looking for an IMDB clone, just a site that has a nice and simple interface, that attracts others, so I can engage in interesting, intelligent conversations about the various films and TV shows I've watched, or might be interested in watching. That's it for me.


I agree. I once took a Web Design class in HTML, but we didn't even touch forum-type websites and everything that comes with it. And that was complicated enough! I wish Jim (and this Travis whom I've never heard of before) the best of luck!
I'm also just looking for a nice online community, and it seems as if I've found it!


I really don't know Travis either, except that he's the owner of tMDb. I do wish both he and Jim the best of luck too.

Just like you, I'm looking for a nice online community, where we can discuss films, shows, and actors (etc), same as we were on the best of IMDB's boards. And there *were* a few really good ones, where that happened! Without the childish name-calling, trolling, & etc..

So far, for the greater part, that's what I've experienced here, and is why I like it here.



How do we put a poster on Ignore? There are some viscous posters replying to nice people.


Hi again Ksp,

There isn't an ignore function yet, but I'm certain Jim's going to put one in, as soon as he has a chance to breathe from doing all he's been doing.

Not sure if it'll be like the ignore button on IMDB, or if it'll be a "block" button, meaning we'll not only no longer see the posts of those posters we don't want to see, but also they won't be able to see ours either.

My experience has been that *most* posters here have been great, but there are a few who are … not so much. Some that are merely argumentative, and I don't mind them, but I want to be able to ignore or block (even better) the former.

Hang in. Jim's got a lot on his plate and has already done so much and made so many improvements here, and I have only been here a couple of weeks, or less!


I read somewhere that the minus button by the username would ignore, but I don't think it works. :(


I don't think so either. Maybe it's just to hide or show a specific post? That's what it seemed like. I only tried it out once, but seems like I saw other posts from the same poster, even after I clicked the minus sign, which I only did once.


I like that! I tried it and it works. As you recall cat, we dealt with an "uno" who at times (minimal) was rational, and at those times may have had something worth reading...most of the time he was on Ignore in my case! There were a few others I had on Ignore, but when reading the quoted replies I found their posts to be interesting, especially if in an informative debate. This -/+ system is the best I've seen. Good job, Jim!


Does it hide all other posts from the poster, or just the one? I really don't know for certain, but it seemed like the one time I did it, it only hid that specific post.

I never put Uno on ignore, even though some of his posts were definitely ignore-worthy, when he got so angry and started insulting people.


Just the one post. I hit the minus on one and checked to see if I could read their other posts. I could. I like this way as I explained in my prior post. There's a guy over on tMDB who lit into me for spelling a word incorrectly. He not only shocked me, he did others as well. So, I blocked him even though he seems to be intelligent. Once in a while I unblock him to see if he's posted anything worth reading. If that site was set up like this, I could read his posts...just not reply to him. It's a hassle to go into your account to block and unblock! Odd thing over there, the profanity filter bleeps the original, but if quoted it's not bleeped. There definitely needs to be a working filter here.


Ok, then it works the way I'd thought: just blocking individual posts. Good to know.

I think I'd like it if Jim implemented a block feature here, where if you block/ignore someone, not only can you not see their posts anymore, but they can't see yours either.



"where if you block/ignore someone, not only can you not see their posts anymore, but they can't see yours either."

I like your idea! This way if you are dealing with a very nasty "one" you could block him/her plus he/she would not be able to see your posts and continue with their vile retorts...
such as corpus.


BTW, why is my area to type shrinking in width each time I reply? I'm down to a width of only two words! If this continues, I'll be typing into the air! And into cyber space it goes!


I think blocking vs ignoring (ala IMDb) would be a very good improvement here, and hope Jim considers and implements it, although obviously the final call is his.

I see 7 words in the first line of your last post, but that may be because I'm on desktop Safari, vs on an iPad or Iphone. There probably needs to be some kind of limit here for posts per page and per nests, so some aren't seeing a width of 2 or fewer words per post.



Quote:My experience has been that *most* posters here have been great, but there are a few who are … not so much. Some that are merely argumentative, and I don't mind them, but I want to be able to ignore or block (even better) the former.Quote ended

Thanks for the info. I agree with you as far as the argumentative problem. But, calling a poster an f-ing retard over and over again goes beyond the pale! Also, this humanoid keeps replying with "bump". What is the meaning of replying "bump" along with the vile verbiage?


I agree. There's no valid reason to call another poster a retard, or moron, or idiot, or anything like that. Unfortunately IMDB allowed that to go on, and on, and ON, until it became part of the actual "culture" there.

People bump threads -- whether their own, or less often someone else's -- because they want an answer to their question(s), or someone else's. Under normal circumstances, it's not a problem. If it's someone who's trolling, and bumps their thread, or another troll's (and who knows the difference, really, as some trolls have *many* sock accounts, so they may well be bumping their own OP for attention), it's an annoyance, and I'd put such a person or persons on my ignore or block list, once we have them..


Yeah then fucking allow it to happen


I saw that post too, great post! 😊 Ksp...I remember seeing you on IMDb, nice to see you made it here! 😃 I was woodstock1960 on IMDb...sig was, "Ain't life grand!"


StyxNyx and others:
Thank you all for welcoming me. I had registered before under kspkap, but could not recall my password. Ain't it fun! Anyhow, I looked for a link to reset, but could not find one? So I registered again as a new user by adding an "s" to my screen ID.

I had perused this site (liking the layout), but was aghast at some of the posts! Definitely locker room talk! I understand the "anything goes" board, but pornographic posts should not be permitted. I did reply (as did others) to a poster letting him know how disgusting and childish his comment was....then I left the board. If I recall the "report" flag wasn't available at that time. This site most assuredly needs a profanity filter. Hateful replies laced with the f-bombs, are not a good thing.

StyxNyx, I'm sorry I don't recall Woodstock60, but maybe if I saw your Avatar I would. Does Jim plan on adding a way to use Avatars? Also, sig lines, which btw, will eventually become available on tMDB. To be honest, MovieChat is more user friendly so I could definitely find my parking place here.


Hi ksp, you're very welcome! Yeah, the site was still in it's "new born" state and therefore, did not have a reset button or any way to retrieve your password at that time.

I know exactly what you mean about the offensive posting, it's disgusting to my eyes as well and, personally, isn't at all necessary to use profanity. I don't know why people insist on speaking that way knowing that it makes other's uncomfortable. No respect. 😒

My avatar, on IMDb, was a pic of woodstock (Snoopy's buddy) flying. He's such a cute little guy! 😉

I think the ignore/report buttons will come in time. Right now, Jim is trying to merge the rest of the content onto the boards and is working hard at it. He says it's more difficult than he thought to merge the old IMDb posts with the new posts we have created here. I'm sure he'll get to adding more bells and whistles once he gets everything merged in though. It's tedious work that he's doing, we all just have to be patient and bear with him.

But yeah...this is my permanent home, I love everything about it and the majority of the folks here are warm, kind and friendly. 😃


kspkaps I haven't seen as before Nice to meet you. Welcome


Thank you much! Please read my reply to StyxNyx as it pertains to all you nice folks!


Hate to bump in on what seems like an almost private conversation, but I've had a head cold / sinus infection for the past month that won't go away. Two antibiotics have done nothing. The doctor actually put me on steroids for a week to try to nip it in the bud. 🤧😪
And it's snowing a ton here, too. I though spring was supposed to be just around the corner!😨


Oh no, you have the same thing Bwb and I have :(. I can't believe how stubborn this bug is!


It really sucks. But misery loves company, eh?
I think mine is very very slowly getting better. I can at least function now, while at the beginning I was just laying on the couch all day, sleeping or blowing my nose. >.<


I was doing the same thing for weeks -- laying down all day, watching movies, sleeping, and blowing my nose. It seemed endless.

I'm also getting better very slowly, but sometimes the cough goes away, only to return again :/


I'm still spending most of the time lazing on the couch, too. At least I don't have all that much of a cough, mostly headaches and nasal problems.
Hope we all get better soon!


I ended up with walking pneumonia. What fun that has been. Leia you located in upstate N.Y. ? I used to deliver new cars all over N.Y. and New England. I feel for you. Glad I'm retired. Stay warm and toasty.


Close, MA. I've had pneumonia before. Even worse with my asthma, bleh. At least this cold hasn't reached my chest yet.


Get well soon.


Thanks. You, too!


I'm in agreement with that, Dazed! I love the friendly folks we have here...and the intimacy we're all sharing. I think it's quite warm and cozy here and am slap happy to be among so many like minded folks...GOOD folks that I am comfortable enough with to call "friends"! 😄😄😄


You are correct, and it really is the best alternative as it's recreated like the old IMDB message boards. I only learned about this site like two days before the message boards shut down, and that was only because I went to a movie's message board page that I never went to. It was by chance. Before that I had been looking at some of these other sites people suggested, and to me they all looked messy and disorganized. This site is none of those things.


Hi Holly. Love your name. If you like, I'll join you at the Breakfast at Tiffanys board. lol! Love that movie!

I agree. The other sites I visited seemed messy and some of the people were downright rude. I enjoy this site and the people. It's so easy to navigate.
I try every day to post at least once here. I'm confident that others will follow.
Just before IMDb boards shut down a few friends said they were going to take a bit of time off from posting and message boards so maybe many others felt the same way. Who knows? Eventually people will shop around and make thier home here.


Breakfast at Tiffany's was such a great film. I'm a big Capote fan, in general, although I still have a hard time watching That Scene with Cat.

I wouldn't be surprised if a chunk of IMDB posters did take some time off of posting, and looking around for a good, viable alternative. I did the same thing myself, even though I regularly posted on a few boards. I checked out a few of the alternatives people posted, but none particularly appealed, and then I got burned out even looking. Fortunately a week or so later I checked out MC, and here I am.


Hi Cat. Yeah, the scene with Cat is hard for me to watch as well and no matter how many times I have seen it I still hold my breath until I see that sweet cat again and then I well up with happy tears. What can I say? I love all kitties....... my own is probably my dearest friend.


I'm the same way. Even though I've seen it so many times, each time it breaks my heart until she finally has Cat back in her arms again!

I love all kittehs too. My dearest (kitty) friend died about 10 years ago, and I still miss her. We were very bonded.


Nobody cares


Hi Miss Margo! I love your name as well! I am going to make more of an effort to post on here each day too, and I will definitely be contributing to the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" board!! :)


See you there!


Yes Ma'am!!


I love your name too, Holly. Did you, by any chance, pick that up from "The Lovely Bones"? I loved that film, even though it was pretty ugly. 😩

Whoops...never mind, I guess you're referencing that name from "Breakfast At Tiffany's". There's a character in "The Lovely Bones" that calls herself that too...of which she took from "Breakfast At Tiffany' that film as well. 😊

I think it's time for me to go to sleep, haven't slept in at least 36 hours...insomnia. I say stupid stuff at that forgive me. 🙍 😉


StyxNyx you are correct about "Breakfast at Tiffany's," and thank you for the complement! Btw you are all good. I know what it's like to be sleep deprived and then try to carry on a regular conversation, lol.


You're welcome...and thank you for your understanding, my dear. 😊



Your reference to "The Lovely Bones" made me shiver again. That movie was so disturbing it stayed with me for several days. Just as "The Changeling" did which also led me to do research resulting in further discomfort. Movies of this genre should be on my "Not to Watch" list.


Yes, it did with me too ksp! I'm assuming you're talking about the 1980 version of The Changeling? That was another "stick to me for days" film for me as well. Both films were very haunting. The Changeling scared me pretty good the first time I watched it, back in 80, and still remains to creep me out a lot. And yes...The Lovely Bones is definitely a very disturbing film! Don't know what attracts me to films like that but they just do. Maybe for the realism in that things like this happen all the time, it's extremely sad, it really makes you think and feel deep pain for this young girl (Suzie). The realization that this is happening somewhere in the world right now and as you're watching the film. It's like a wake up call that never goes away.


My bad! I was referring to "Changeling" with Angelina Jolie. I prefaced the title with a "The". I don't recall seeing "THE Changeling" which you referenced. I did a search for "Changeling". Good Grief! Are they not able to title movies differently?

For the past year I've been viewing the ID channel. I knew there were evil people in this world, but until I started watching these crime shows it didn't dawn on me how prevalent murder is...and the gruesome way some are committed! I refuse to call the perpetrators sick because they aren't....they are just plain evil!


No worries ksp, we all do it. 😊 But yeah, there's like 4 different films called "The Changeling" and then there's "Changeling", of which I thought you might have meant too. I've been aware of that one since just before it came out but have never watched it yet...I don't think? Yep...too many with the same title is irritating and, sometimes, confusing as hell! Same with song titles.

Definitely a lot of grossly, evil people in this world...that's a fact. I think that's what attracts me to these types of films/ see what the evil people are capable of and knowing that a lot of it happens for real.

If you like creepy, haunting films, you should definitely watch "The Changeling (1980)" with George C. Scott, it's really good...IMO! 😃


OK, I read some reviews to check if it was a slasher flick. It is not so I added it to my Netflix DVD queue. You would think I liked blood and gore (redundant?) movies since I've watched every episode of Bones and Supernatural, but I don't. Maybe it's the fear factor interspersed with the bloody knife sequences.
The following are some of the movies I don't care to view again...too disturbing:

Of course, the original "Psycho" Janet Leigh stated she stopped taking showers for a long time. I, myself, when staying in a hotel/motel never cease to think of "the shower scene"! And, I saw it when released, 1960!

"What Lies Beneath"
"The Vanishing"

Edited to add "Night of the Hunter" 1955 with Robert Mitchum


I'm sorry ksp, I meant to tell you it's a ghost story...and a real good one!

I used to like the gory slasher films when I was a teen but have grown towards supernatural, psychological thrillers. I think I said that before but don't remember to whom I said it to. Please excuse me if I repeat myself, but my short term flew out the window so bear with me.

"Psycho" was excellent! I try not to think about the shower scene while I'm in the shower but sometimes that's hard to do...especially if I've just finished watching and then take a shower. I like to purposely creep myself out

The other films you wrote, I like them all but my favourite was, "Se7en", the one with Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey. And again, Kevin was awesome! He was so creepy! This is the only "Seven" I've seen, which, for this film, it's actually spelled, "Se7en".

It's been awhile since I've seen "What Lies Beneath" but I remember that I liked it. Harrison Ford is great!

"The Vanishing", with Kiefer Sutherland, of whom I really like too, I saw and liked it too. Need a re-watch on that one as well.

But yeah, those are all good films...especially "Se7en"!


Go figure! The movie jacket has it as "SEVEN". In fact, most references state SEVEN...sometimes it is Se7en...

"Seven (sometimes stylized as SE7EN[3]) is a 1995 American neo-noir crime thriller film directed by David Fincher, and stars Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, John C. McGinley, R. Lee Ermey, and Kevin Spacey."


LoL, you're right, it says "SEVEN" on my DVD cover too. Everywhere I've read it online always said "Se7en"...that's weird. But yeah, that's the film I was talking about that I really loved. Every film that I've seen, with Kevin Spacey in them, were really good. Kevin does not disappoint! 😊


Spacey is a strange bird! We tried so desperately to watch him in House of Cards. After a few episodes my husband and I looked at each other and agreed "no more!"

I have Madoff recorded, but keep putting it off. To be honest, hate to differ with you, different strokes for different folks (whatever that means) and all that, but I'm just not a fan of his. He is brilliant no doubt!
BTW, who played the bad dude in "The Vanishing"? I can't recall....was it Kiefer or Jeff?

On another topic, was it you who was having trouble with insomnia? I am having insomnia spells too frequently and I take Lunesta followed by a Phenergan! It is 4:30 here and as you can see I'm still plucking away on this iPad. As a rule my time without sleep may last around 48 hrs. But, a few weeks ago I was awake for over 60 hrs!


I feel like it's much busier than last week. I feel like it's finally picking up steam and we've seen a lot of new posts from people. It'll take some time but I think this site is great and it's only a matter of time.


I really think that trending bar helps so much to get us talking about movies and shows too.


I agree MissMargo, it's a great addition to getting the ball rolling a lot smoother, helping spread the people around more.


Ditto that Drmccormack. I'm definitely seeing lots of new posters today than I did a week ago! 😊


Yep, that is my impression too. It's so active now that I post much less than I did in the first weeks, since I mostly post when I have something to say that I don't see anybody else have covered fully. Have to get a grip not going back to full "lurker"-mode again lol.


Yeah, me too as far as lurking. I'm going to try to comment more but I don't have much to say. There are some wonderful film critics that posted quite a bit on IMDb. They were like encyclopedias. I've seen some of them on here so I'm hoping they'll keep this site growing.


IMDB Message Boards had a LOT of forum lurkers, including myself, who for years would just go to the site after watching the latest TV show episode or movie and see so many questions asked & answered without me even having to type a thing.

I suspect this site does as well, but it would be better if more contribute to discussion to get it further on its legs.


you just described me perfectly. i had like 5 posts on imdb in 10 yrs but was ALWAYS on the boards. ive been making an effort here because i really want this place to succeed.


I think that fits a lot of people here. I was a lurker in IMDb, never even made an account, but here I'm posting almost constantly. Someone, I think it was DreamersxDisease described it as lurkers coming out of the shadows to help this site grow.


Volley you nailed it for me as well. I was an active poster on IMDB from 2004 to 2010, and then I posted randomly in 2013 on one thing, but that was it. I was just a lurker and would not even sign in. I'm not sure what made me stop posting, because I wasn't posting on social media in its place. I think I was just self conscious that I was doing too much of it, and like you said I could usually get my answers without having to post anything. Speaking of social media I am trying not to be on there excessively, so I will be utilizing this site much more. Social media has really gotten out of hand. It's all marketing schemes, people fighting over politics and trying to one-up each other on whose life is better. I should have started posting way earlier on IMDB, but lesson learned. I look forward to talking with you guys, and I know more fill follow. :)


I feel exactly the same HollyGoLightly. I don't want to use social media too much because I feel like I'm always being marketed to or providing marketing information unwittingly.


Exactly! It's just out of hand now. I mean I enjoy keeping in touch with people who matter to me, but it has lost its appeal.


I avoid social media altogether. Too many marketing ploys, and too easy to be stalked.
I only have LinkedIn because I had to make an account for one of my classes... Haven't touched it in months.


"I am just curious where everyone went if they are not here." Personally, I don't care where they went.

I'm staying here, and I think patience is in order. has gained quite a few new users in the last 2 weeks. Posting and commenting, and not leaving comments unanswered are vital. I believe we're establishing a firm footing, and by staying on for the duration, again with patience, will grow to be the Only place to be for TV and Movie discussion. Doubts aren't inviting.

As Catbookss said "I am enjoying the quiet, intimacy, as well as most of the posters being friendly and respectful." I agree.

EVERY site started with a small number of users, then grew. I'm adamant the attitude of the users who have frequented here have a direct influence on anyone considering joining, and in turn, they will recommend it. It WILL grow, everyone.


I'm home-based on TMDb (but like now and then also visiting here, for the general discussion topics). My favourite genres are Silent and Pre-Code eras films; on TMDb I'm steadily posting on boards for movies of those eras, and also on a number of later (1930s through 1950s) films' boards, and certain t.v. series', and certain actors'/actresses' boards. It all takes time, and TMDb users started just three weeks ago with completely empty boards, and many proactive users there are actively daily significantly working on remedying the initial deficit. So check back in there, from time to time, and the expanse of what vintage movies, and their stars, and t.v. series, are being posted about will steadily grow, and the actual discussions expand. It's all an active work currently and ongoingly in progress.

TMDb continues to gain more new members every day (also, presumably, does Movie Chat), so more new users chime in, and create new threads, all the time. It takes a lot of ongoing work and time to go from zero to 100. But daily things do grow and grow. Here they also do. But I'm making this reply to this thread's OP, who stated that posting about old titles isn't happening on TMDb. It truly is. At least it has been since during the last 2-1/2 weeks (and particularly since during the last couple of weeks - and especially during the last week). Admittedly a majority of TMDb posting so far continues to be regarding current and recent years movies, t.v. series, and stars. But I'm more and more discovering more TMDb members who clearly are - like myself - seriously interested in the old b&w Classic films.

Realize that this post is entirely nicely and pleasantly meant, and in no way hostilely or aggressively intended: I come fully in peace. :) If you're not interested in anything I've mentioned about TMDb, that's fine, and all's well and good. We're all in this IMDb exile situation together - even if not all home-based in the same place. We all have options; the dust hasn't entirely finished settling yet, and we don't know what the coming months may hold. May IMDb re-introduce archived boards content to their site and demand that it be removed from the sites presently posting it? If so, will all of your new movies/t.v./stars posting go out the window at that time? Where would that leave Movie Chat, if so? I invite you to please keep a truly open mind. I think TMDb and Movie Chat members, and our two individual sites, seem to probably have the most generally in common regarding what we're about and what we want of all the various sites alternatives to IMDb. I think we mutually view one another as friend, not foe - as healthy competition, not as one another's dastardly nemesis. BOTH sites are very good, credible, and pleasant places to be. I very much like both sites. For me, TMDb simply fits my needs by far best.

I don't know why, but though I'm definitely signed up to receive Movie Chat reply notifications, I never, ever do receive any. So if anyone responds to this, realize I won't at all be informed via notification e-mail, therefore that it may be quite some time before I eventually realize your response was posted.


Nice post, from someone who's made TMDb their main home, and visits here :)

Your post came off in no way as hostile, aggressive, or competitive, only as explaining your preference and why, and updating some info. There have been several discussions here about other sites, and MC, just some comparisons and explaining why someone prefers one or the other, and what each has to offer. I completely agree that there's absolutely no reason for any alternative site to regard another as nemesis or foe or anything like that (and as far as I know, neither MC or tMDb's owners have done anything like that).

Some people are going to prefer one site over another (even outside of tMDb and MC), and that's just fine.

The owner of tMDb did something to tweak the boards a week or more ago so I can no longer see the first inch or two of any thread names or the posts in it, so I stopped visiting for that reason. Probably just a browser issue, but since I use Safari for everything, and I don't feel like using another one just to visit tMDb, it's another deterrent for me now, even to visit :/. I would like to visit there, at least occasionally. Just don't feel like launching another browser only to do so.

Don't know why you're not getting the email notifications. I've received them from the beginning. There was only a day or two when they didn't arrive. Have you checked your spam folder?


Hi, Cat! Yes: I still never receive e-mail notifications. And I've definitely even reset my mail settings here, thinking that maybe if I'd unclick the receive e-mail notifications option, then re-click it, then resave, it would maybe remedy the situation. But it didn't. And I even tried doing that with a complete log-out, then log back in, in the middle of the process. Again/still, no luck. (Yes: I regularly check my spam folder, and no Movie Chat notification e-mails have gone there.)

Thanks for "getting" my post, above, and how it was meant. I appreciate that, as I hoped that's how it would be correctly taken, but wasn't sure that it would be. As someone once told me, sometimes perception is more relevant and important than actuality, if you know what you meant, and how it was meant to be taken, but the audience takes it some entirely different other way, and is convinced that how THEY took your words was DEFINITELY how you meant them, whether you insist and swear on your life to otherwise or not. lol. So I'm glad that what I wrote was "got" as intended. :)

I'm not sure what you're referring to in your 4th paragraph above, as I've had no issue with cut-off parts of boards/pages, and how everything appeared three weeks ago is still how it does, for me. I'm on a desktop computer, and don't know whether accessing TMDb via a device of any other kind might have a different look. Consider popping back by TMDb sometime in the coming days, just to check, and perhaps the issue you mentioned in your paragraph 4 may now be resolved. I daily glance over all the new Technical Support forum threads there, and don't recall seeing the sort of issue mentioned there that you refer to. I have a feeling that it's probably been resolved, since it would probably have an active forum thread if it weren't.


Hi Gen!

I greatly appreciate your gentle and kind evaluation of both sites, and so forth. Very nice to hear :)

I don't know what the problem is with the notifications here. Did you get a notification when I responded to your post? You responded fairly quickly, so it seems you may have gotten one.

I've gotten the notifications from the beginning, although granted I only signed up perhaps two weeks after this site opened, and I believe getting notifications was the default then, but isn't now (no idea when that started). If you unclicked and reclicked, and then saved, getting notifications, I have no idea what the problem is. For me it's worked great right from the beginning, except for a day or so recently when I received no notifications at all. I figured it was a glitch of some kind.

My sense is that the default, to begin with, is that notifications were sent, and sometime after that you had to opt in, but as you've already opted in, I have no idea what the problem is. You can write directly to Jim @ [email protected] and see what the problem is. Jim is very accessible and responsive, in my experience, as well may be the owner of tMDb. I have no personal experience of the owner of tMDb, but you may well and he, or she, may well be equally responsive :)

Absolutely, I get your post, and much appreciate it. There really is no reason for any "board wars." We've all felt displaced and it's not an easy time, especially if we were a regular poster on any of the boards. IMDB was like a daily home for many of us. Even those who were lurkers now feel the loss. I'm happy to see many of them delurking here, and probably doing the same over there.

I'm assuming you mean you're not seeing a problem with the layout of tMDb on your browser, as I am. Someone here posted they were having a problem seeing this site using Chrome, which I haven't used to access it, because Safari is my preferred preference. I'm not criticizing tMDb, only saying for me viewing it is a problem because I can't view the first 1.5 inches of any thread or posts. This may be cleared up if I used a second browser (Chrome, for instance), but I haven't tried and don't, personally, have any compelling reason to try, because I use Safari for everything else, without any problem. I too am on a desktop. I will give tMDb another try, even though I feel as at home here as you do there. Peace, and thanks for your kind and well-thought-out post :)


It's 5:19a.m. here now, and I am sooo exhausted. If you hear a loud thump, know that it's my head crashing atop the desk as I fall fast asleep sitting up. lol ;)

No notification e-mail was received about your new response post above. But the red bell did show I had gotten two messages, which yours was one of them. Curiously, the other week, when I first signed up for notifications, I did, on solely that one day, received two automatic notification e-mails. But those were the only, and the final two, ever. Yet the bell lights up red when someone has responded. I never know if there's a reply unless I actively go onto Movie Chat and see the red bell (and need to be actively logged in). When I am actively on a thread, I proactively look for responses to my comments, so usually respond by sight, even before I ever get around to noticing whether the bell has turned red.

Time for me to catch some serious zzzz's now. I'm still wondering how the East Coast winter storm is going to effect my area. Currently there's heavy rain, though may wind up changing over to snow. I'm in the MidAtlantic region, which depending on portion thereof determines whether rain or snow will predominate.

On that note, I bid you adieu until we meet again, hopefully sometime soon, my friend. :)


Hi again Gen, it's earlier here, but I'm pretty tired myself, so there may be two loud thumps, one not too long after the other.



Uh, whut?

You're probably sound asleep by now, while I'm only mostly comatose, yet close to being sound asleep myself. Soon, soon.

Anyway, I can't figure out why you're not getting the email notifications here, and it's even more mystifying that the red bell shows you that you've gotten responses, yet no email notification (I thought they were related).

I never signed up for the notifications, but have received them ever since Jim posted that they were instigated here. Since I like them, I've never opted out, or changed anything in my preferences since I arrived and have, unfortunately, no help or explanation for your experience here.

At least the bell is working right for you (as is mine), and I wish I could help you with the notifications.

Time for me to catch some real zzzs as well, and may you make it through the wind and snow all right :)


Cat, as to your problem regarding the following:

"The owner of tMDb did something to tweak the boards a week or more ago so I can no longer see the first inch or two of any thread names or the posts in it, so I stopped visiting for that reason."

Strange? I also use Safari on an iPad. I'm not having the problem you are seeing (or not seeing). I wish I had an answer for you.


Out of all the alternatives I found this is the best one because it has all the old conversations and individual boards and it's built like the IMDB one. I tried TMDB but it's just too ugly and I lost interest in a few days with how the boards are set up.


I personally have all along, since day one, really loved the modern, fresh, sleek look of TMDb. Plus it's so much easier to read boards and threads, and there's so much more life to the overall appearance of the environment. I don't understand how you can consider the look of TMDb "just too ugly," yet is Movie Chat beautiful, when it's just line after line of routine looking uniform compact text? I'm not arguing with you, just expressing a sincere question. Not that I think there's anything at all wrong with the look of Movie Chat, as I like it entirely well.


I just find TMDB very boring and I don't find reading their boards easier to read at all. Moviechat looks much better and is setup with former IMDB users in mind, TMDB is not. At first I was a big supporter of it but people are slowly leaving as there is nothing there to keep you interested. It's missing features and it's missing the whole IMDB feel that made the boards great. Moviechat retains that same feel and has kept old post. TMDB only appeals to a niche crowd that wants something different, it's sorta like Rotten Tomatoes, the whole aspect just doesn't draw enough people in. For hardcore former IMDB users, it's too different and lacks familiarity.

Moviechat gets straight to the conversations without all the other fluff and extra clicks.


Moviechat is the place I go. TMBD is more difficult to navigate.


Thanks for your good response, which I appreciate. :)


I looked at Rotten Tomatoes early on as a possible alternative, but it just didn't come anywhere near scratching the itch I had.

For me this comes the closest by far, so here I remain.


I was also looking into RT Forums as an alternative, but it really has a terrible format, and it's still so empty after all this time.

One would think a website tied to large corporations could afford to make their forums look better, and be more functional.
Look at the Beauty and the Beast forum over there. Not only is it empty, there's unnecessary links everywhere, it's cramped, and just overall too messy to look at.

I hope MovieChat keeps the clean and simple look. Although, I can see upkeep costs being a problem later on as this website continues to grow, and Jim is still paying for this out of his own pocket. I would not mind ads on here if it helps Jim out. If there comes a time that needs to happen in order to keep the site alive, I hope the ads are tastefully, unobtrusively placed in the best spots, and don't look like the mess that is RT's forums.


After IMDb closed, TMDb was the first site I went to. But I also found it complicated to navigate. Plus, I had problems with quoting people's text. I'm sure Travis fixed it in the meantime and made it more user-friendly, but I still prefer nested comments like we have here.

I like the fact that Travis is more present on the site than Jim is... Jim is like an absent father for a moment, but it's understandable cause he has a lot more work to do than Travis who already had an established site when IMDb dumped us, plus Travis had a group of trusted posters who were with him for years, while Jim had none. That's a huge advantage for a start. Once I was on moviechat, I absolutely loved watching this site start from scratch and grow.

I follow several series and I occasionally check their boards on TMDb to see if there is some interesting conversation going there, but it isn't. There's more conversation about them here even though it's still a far cry from IMDb. I would prefer to lurk on other people's conversation but that's impossible now. If I want to see a conversation going on, I'm forced to start it myself (and others are forced to read my pitiful attemps) :P


I agree about the layout, it's not welcoming as this is. Though, I do admit that I still miss IMDb, I never go on there any more, not for anything, I hope they suffer.


Hey guys! My name is Andy. I've been a faithful and devoted IMDb poster since 2005. I was also deeply affected by the message boards shutting down on February 20th (right before the Oscars too!) Ever since then, I've been trying to pick up the pieces and search for a board where I can reconnect with many people and come share my thoughts and feelings about movies, shows, actors and many more! This site really is bringing back those amazing memories! I just love movies and when having questions or thoughts about a particular thing, I love coming to the boards and see what others have to say about the movie or ask something I don't understand about it.

Right now, I'm really enjoying MovieChat and the nostalgic environment is really encapsulating me within something that I've loved and grown up with through my life. I really hope many lost friends can find their way here and we can rebirth IMDb's original message boards here in this new setting that will be our new Tree of Life for years to come.


Welcome DanTUtilize glad to have you here.


Thank you everyone! And this response is for the rest of you below me! Thank you for your response!



Welcome Andy/Dan, glad you made it! Hope you kick back and stay awhile. 😊


Welcome Andy! I'm glad to see another IMDB refugee here!! I am hoping this will be our new place as well. Great to have you here, and talk to you soon!!


We're glad to see you here, DanTUtilize. I read your other comments, and you're welcome!
