MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Trying to Figure Out Where Everyone Is

Trying to Figure Out Where Everyone Is

I know it will take time to get the word out; however I am just curious where everyone went if they are not here. I know there was a lot of talk about "the movie database;" however the only discussion boards that seem to be active on there are the ones centered around current stuff. There were plenty of active boards on IMDB that centered around old programs and movies from decades ago: boards which were active on the site until the very end. Where did those people go, because they're obviously not posting on "the movie database" or here. I mean it could be that they're just not posting anywhere.



I went here and to themoviedb after IMDB closed but hardly anyone posts or replies on themoviedb so I'm probably going to give up on them and stay here, things are slowly but surely improving, more people are joining and the trolls don't seem to be as bad here.


That is true, and this is a brand new site. I didn't learn about it until two days before IMDB closed their message boards, and it was by chance. I had just watched Titanic and felt compelled to go read their message board. That is where I saw a link to this site.


It seems to me it is probably two major type of posters. Those who see certain boards more as a social club, where you become friendly and have talks with your friends every day - and the ones mostly into discussing and reading others opinions on the subject (TV-series, Film, Actor) when it's recently watched or in the air for some reason.

Of course, all do both here, but for the first group it's not enough with some few posts on a certain board every day when they are used to it buzzing with activity. The second group is happy enough at times just having old threads to read and new ones appearing (even at a slow-ish rate) in new stuff. As long as someone responds, even after days, they are happy. So far this forum seems to have attracted to a greater degree the latter group. Hop over to IMDBv2.0 and it seems to me there is more of the social club feel - also logical that they don't mind so much that all the discussions from IMDB are gone if it is like that.

But there is a big community forming here anyway, and I think it is just a matter of time till all the most popular boards have the same kind of social feel as many on IMDB had. In the beginning (first days after IMDB shut down) things were MUCH slower on the individual boards around. Now it's practically buzzing with activity in comparison - and getting busier for each day.


Wow. Great post! πŸ‘πŸ»
Honestly, I feel like I'm a bit of both, but I'm not used to waiting weeks or months for a response, so perhaps a bit closer to the former, but still intellectual and thoughtful. ☺️


I agree! Well said! It may not be at IMDB speed yet, but I do feel like it has picked in a short amount of time considering the site has only been around less than a month. I feel like there are people who are just not posting anywhere right now most likely because they have not heard of this site yet. I'm assuming this, because how could anyone not want to be on this site if they know about it? It's exactly like the IMDB message boards! I know others went to TMDB and that other one who's name I never get right (I think it's thegotboard) and IMDB archive, but I think users will give up on those eventually.



I'm "Keith4832". I posted regularly on the "Vikings", "Person of Interest", and "Game of Thrones" threads on the IMDb boards.


Hi Keith, welcome aboard! πŸ˜ƒ


Hi StyxNyx, thanks for your welcome! :) Happy to be here among likeminded movie fans.


You're welcome Keith! 😊 And we're glad to have you! πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ‘


Hi Keith! I do not have HBO; however everyone loves GOT. I am wanting to check it out; however I have also been warned that it is gory. As good of a plot that "The Walking Dead" has I can not watch it because of the gore. How bad is GOT compared to TWD?


It is gory but arguably in a lot of cases to an appropriate degree. It's a medieval style world where demonstrations of ruthless strength are apparently necessary to keep enemies in line or to keep afloat in a struggle for survival against brutal people. Not many people can be trusted in Westeros. Still, I would have been fine without a certain few scenes - I get the picture already that certain people are foul villians/acting vilely without the illustrations. ;)

I haven't seen The Walking Dead and would be happy to avoid it as zombie hordes are not appealing to me. In GoT there are undead hordes but we don't see them that often (so far in the series). As I've said human on human violence can be bloody and chilling, and there are supernatural monsters which play a part in the seemingly gloomy prospects of the people and sometimes these are responsible for violence. I suspect there are appreciably similar levels of violence between the two series, but as to total time spent on gory violence I think GoT is something along the lines of 30-40 percent of screentime. There is a far amount of time spent on dialogue between characters and the number of characters that have been featured at one point or another probably is in the region of 60-70 plus incidental characters. Anyway, I guess I would advise you to watch it and see if it is tolerable. It is entertaining in my view because the characters can be likeable and the action and political drama are good.
