MovieChat Forums > genplant29

genplant29 (89)



I fully agree with you about TMDb. I'm entirely pleased and contented with there. I fully agree with you. Entirely pleased and contented TMDb member here. It's 5:19a.m. here now, and I am sooo exhausted. If you hear a loud thump, know that it's my head crashing atop the desk as I fall fast asleep sitting up. lol ;) No notification e-mail was received about your new response post above. But the red bell did show I had gotten two messages, which yours was one of them. Curiously, the other week, when I first signed up for notifications, I did, on solely that one day, received two automatic notification e-mails. But those were the only, and the final two, ever. Yet the bell lights up red when someone has responded. I never know if there's a reply unless I actively go onto Movie Chat and see the red bell (and need to be actively logged in). When I am actively on a thread, I proactively look for responses to my comments, so usually respond by sight, even before I ever get around to noticing whether the bell has turned red. Time for me to catch some serious zzzz's now. I'm still wondering how the East Coast winter storm is going to effect my area. Currently there's heavy rain, though may wind up changing over to snow. I'm in the MidAtlantic region, which depending on portion thereof determines whether rain or snow will predominate. On that note, I bid you adieu until we meet again, hopefully sometime soon, my friend. :) Thanks for your good response, which I appreciate. :) Hi, Cat! Yes: I still never receive e-mail notifications. And I've definitely even reset my mail settings here, thinking that maybe if I'd unclick the receive e-mail notifications option, then re-click it, then resave, it would maybe remedy the situation. But it didn't. And I even tried doing that with a complete log-out, then log back in, in the middle of the process. Again/still, no luck. (Yes: I regularly check my spam folder, and no Movie Chat notification e-mails have gone there.) Thanks for "getting" my post, above, and how it was meant. I appreciate that, as I hoped that's how it would be correctly taken, but wasn't sure that it would be. As someone once told me, sometimes perception is more relevant and important than actuality, if you know what you meant, and how it was meant to be taken, but the audience takes it some entirely different other way, and is convinced that how THEY took your words was DEFINITELY how you meant them, whether you insist and swear on your life to otherwise or not. lol. So I'm glad that what I wrote was "got" as intended. :) I'm not sure what you're referring to in your 4th paragraph above, as I've had no issue with cut-off parts of boards/pages, and how everything appeared three weeks ago is still how it does, for me. I'm on a desktop computer, and don't know whether accessing TMDb via a device of any other kind might have a different look. Consider popping back by TMDb sometime in the coming days, just to check, and perhaps the issue you mentioned in your paragraph 4 may now be resolved. I daily glance over all the new Technical Support forum threads there, and don't recall seeing the sort of issue mentioned there that you refer to. I have a feeling that it's probably been resolved, since it would probably have an active forum thread if it weren't. I personally have all along, since day one, really loved the modern, fresh, sleek look of TMDb. Plus it's so much easier to read boards and threads, and there's so much more life to the overall appearance of the environment. I don't understand how you can consider the look of TMDb "just too ugly," yet is Movie Chat beautiful, when it's just line after line of routine looking uniform compact text? I'm not arguing with you, just expressing a sincere question. Not that I think there's anything at all wrong with the look of Movie Chat, as I like it entirely well. I'm home-based on TMDb (but like now and then also visiting here, for the general discussion topics). My favourite genres are Silent and Pre-Code eras films; on TMDb I'm steadily posting on boards for movies of those eras, and also on a number of later (1930s through 1950s) films' boards, and certain t.v. series', and certain actors'/actresses' boards. It all takes time, and TMDb users started just three weeks ago with completely empty boards, and many proactive users there are actively daily significantly working on remedying the initial deficit. So check back in there, from time to time, and the expanse of what vintage movies, and their stars, and t.v. series, are being posted about will steadily grow, and the actual discussions expand. It's all an active work currently and ongoingly in progress. TMDb continues to gain more new members every day (also, presumably, does Movie Chat), so more new users chime in, and create new threads, all the time. It takes a lot of ongoing work and time to go from zero to 100. But daily things do grow and grow. Here they also do. But I'm making this reply to this thread's OP, who stated that posting about old titles isn't happening on TMDb. It truly is. At least it has been since during the last 2-1/2 weeks (and particularly since during the last couple of weeks - and especially during the last week). Admittedly a majority of TMDb posting so far continues to be regarding current and recent years movies, t.v. series, and stars. But I'm more and more discovering more TMDb members who clearly are - like myself - seriously interested in the old b&w Classic films. Realize that this post is entirely nicely and pleasantly meant, and in no way hostilely or aggressively intended: I come fully in peace. :) If you're not interested in anything I've mentioned about TMDb, that's fine, and all's well and good. We're all in this IMDb exile situation together - even if not all home-based in the same place. We all have options; the dust hasn't entirely finished settling yet, and we don't know what the coming months may hold. May IMDb re-introduce archived boards content to their site and demand that it be removed from the sites presently posting it? If so, will all of your new movies/t.v./stars posting go out the window at that time? Where would that leave Movie Chat, if so? I invite you to please keep a truly open mind. I think TMDb and Movie Chat members, and our two individual sites, seem to probably have the most generally in common regarding what we're about and what we want of all the various sites alternatives to IMDb. I think we mutually view one another as friend, not foe - as healthy competition, not as one another's dastardly nemesis. BOTH sites are very good, credible, and pleasant places to be. I very much like both sites. For me, TMDb simply fits my needs by far best. I don't know why, but though I'm definitely signed up to receive Movie Chat reply notifications, I never, ever do receive any. So if anyone responds to this, realize I won't at all be informed via notification e-mail, therefore that it may be quite some time before I eventually realize your response was posted. Don't ever even acknowledge a troll, as it just encourages them. If everyone 100% freezes them out, they'll have no fun, and get no satisfaction, so will eventually go find something more satisfying to do to fill their time. Makes you wonder how pathetic their lives are and how abused and/or neglected they must have been growing up, and how worthless, lonely, and empty their present lives must be. They certainly don't do their selves any justice, and just look like losers. This is a nice site, and it would take an ingrate, with no life or sense of self-worth, to want or try to ruin that. IMDb did welcome its members to, before the 2/20/17 end of the message boards feature, to archive out their posts, if they wished. I personally did so, in order to assure that any of my own writings, of throughout the years, that I particularly like, and/or that I thought I'd maybe be able to reuse somehow, or somewhere, going forward, that it'll be readily available to me. So, we did all have advance notice to save any of our past posts that we personally wished to keep. It would have been nice if IMDb had announced boards closure at least 30 days beforehand, instead of just 14 days, so we could have all had more time. Incidentally, I personally haven't at all ruled out that IMDb may, in some form, present archived read-only filtered past message boards posts on their site at some point, when they introduce their new features that they wrote of in their site message on 2/20/17 in which they stated they'll be introducing new features this year and be providing "meaningful" ways for users to express themselves, and to share with one another, etc. I personally really think that, as part of whatever all their new system features will include, they're going to electronically filter out all past posts that seem like potential trolling, or that include links or urls, or problematic words viewed as derogatory, defamatory, or demeaning, etc., and present a lot that's electronically judged to be good save-worthy content. If so, whether those past posts would be still electronically linkable to us, if we were to return as users, would be the big question. If IMDb DOES in some form present the archived past boards posts (selectively), then what all's saved over here, from the IMDb boards, is I think going to be viewed a real problem. Incidentally, IMDb has never, at any point, stated they actually were, or are, going to delete all, or even any, of the boards content. All they stated was solely that they were closing the boards feature itself. So they have full rights to at any time use any of it that they may wish. View all replies >