Woke trash

Dr. Strange has to watch on as his true love, a white woman, marries a black man.

He then meets a girl from a planet with no men, who therefore has two mothers. Oh but don't worry, in case you needed help, she proudly wears an LGBT Pride pin on her jacket, just so their agenda can further be pushed.


You got a problem with Black people ? Miss America had two mothers in the comics.


Promoting interracial couples is to breed out pure breed whites.


Dude don't get upset its just a movie , don't let the big black man scare you , I'm sure he's a nice guy in real life, were all cut from the same cloth holmes.


White people are under attack. Every commerical now shows an interracial couple. It's an agenda.


By that logic, every race is equally under attack.


Not really. Take a look at non White (except East Asian) birth rates. They are all very high, particularly in Africa. Interracial marriage leads to disappearance of Whites, but not Blacks and brown as they have high birth rates and aren't facing any significant immigration.


The other races would only be under attack if, say, a black majority country started showing only mixed race couples.


You're correct. It is an agenda. A lot of people believe we would all be better off if we stopped separating ourselves into tribes. White vs. black, Etc. Interracial couples are one way entertainment people are attempting to soften the perception of divisions between us. It can be a bit annoying, but the idea isn't to be an attack on white people. It's an attempt to paint a picture of a world where we're all getting along.


Do you see liberals attempting to weed out ethnicity? No, in fact they actually encourage ethnic pride (among non Whites). Dividing people into ethnic groups is OK, but dividing into races is not. Does not make any sense.


Also do you see these "entertainment people" promoting intermarriage among Jews? Why not? Could it have anything to do with who these "entertainment people" are?


Damn son, didn't take you for a Klansman until now.


Probably a leftist spouting what he thinks conservatives believe.


Indeed. It's honestly hard to tell between the false flag trolling and the extremists on this board lol.


You need help.


Won't that also breed out pure breed blacks? And why does any of it matter? Is someone any less of a person if they aren't 100% from one ethnic background?


By diluting the races they create a homogeneous people who are more compliant to the government.


Well that makes no sense at all. Why is someone is is of mixed race more compliant to the government?


Remove all racial identities, make mutts, and you have less societal fragmentation, only class fragmentation, which they also want to eradicate.


Unfortunately it's my belief life is a little more boring than that. What we're seeing in "wokeness" — although obviously some people on the Left take it too far — is people are simply trying to come together, and that's all there is to it. 😊


That makes no sense at all. Compliance to the government has nothing to do with one's ethnic heritage.


You need help.


Blacks in America are rarely 100%. Even Michael Jackson was mixed. His mother Katherine is 1/4 Chinese. Go search her and you can see she kind of has that mixed Asian look like Tiger Woods.


No, it won't. Take a look at African birth rates. They double their population every 30 years.


I can say that about black people the media is trying to breed out pure blooded blacks


Oh no! Anyway.



Whine, conservative. It's muzak to my ears.


I dont notice any bec i wuz 2 buzy enjoyin moovie


Are you just assuming the planet had no men? We only saw 3 people from that universe.


More so than that, why are we supposed to empathize with Wanda again?
Didn't she ENSLAVE an entire town?

I'm sorry but everyone lost family members before, during and after the blip.
Contrary to what Dr. Strange says, she is not justified or in the right to "show her emotions". She's killing innocent people left and right coz "muh fake children". Writers couldn't do a better motivation for the antagonist?

Also No, it wasn't just the Darkhold corrupting her that made her sociopathic, the Wanda Vision show had her ENSLAVE people before she got the Darkhold. The show, which Disney clearly wants to setup as some cross channel intro to the movie.

You can't both have it both ways, you can't treat a character with kid gloves and also make them an antagonist.

Also, the film was littered with Strange always misusing the Darkhold to "save the world". As if to show that he's definitely bad but the weirdo who wants to torture a kid into giving her powers is somehow justified, yeah right.

Also, what was Strange's arc again? "Muh girl left me, so I'm depressed and pining for her and have to live without her"? Didn't he know this in the very beginning? Or is it some weird feminist power fantasy to see a guy be left a wreck after breakup?


Yes but she only did it to spite Strange.


Exactly. You will never hear about the objective undeniable downsides of interracial marriage anywhere in the news.


My parents are Vietnamese and Canadian, my wife’s parents are African and French, my kids are brown Vietnamese Canadian French Africans.

How you like me now motherfucker? How you fucking like me now !!!??


I'd need photos lol




Why am I busted? I want to see what mixing every race looks like.


I’m busted…
