MovieChat Forums > Masters of the Air (2024) Discussion > Looks like more woke Hollywood trash

Looks like more woke Hollywood trash

I haven't seen it and I didn't see anything in the trailers that stand out as woke, but I have little doubt that this is filled with woke ideology. Hard pass.


i didn't see strong diverse women piloting the airplanes


I could have been fooled by some of these girly feminine "men" that they have starring in this woke trash. There is no way actual men are as beautiful as the main dudes. Its makes me uncomfortable seeing them because it can't help but be turned on. It's disgusting! I'm so tired of this gay nonsense being pushed onto me.


Its ok , you can choose to ogle the midget lesbians instead!


That would violate my probation.


Funny aside from the 2 main characters, I thought the rest were forgettable plain actors. Watching I was thinking, are people getting uglier? Everyone else looked deformed somehow or weak, even ugly. Compare this cast to the cast of BOB or Memphis Belle. Hollywood is getting uglier and forgettable uncharismatic actors.


Surprisingly, it’s NOT woke at all. At not least the first episode. The show seems to be all about the realism. It’s like Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers, except in the air.


It's a companion piece to Band of Brothers, like The Pacific was.


Two episodes in, so far so good.


Same opinion. We’ll see if writers or critics exaggerate real world portrayals showing captured black and white U.S. pilots incarcerated in German POW camps. I understand this to be an upcoming episode


Well, there were black pilots, the Tuskegee Airmen.


Yes, that’s what I was talking about regarding the upcoming episode. It will be interesting to see how they are portrayed and, if faithful to history, whether people still complain about it.


You seem to expect it to be exaggerated though. As if it always is.


Having now seen part 8, I thought the story of the Tuskegee pilots was done very well. Perhaps there were some anachronistic embellishments but, no more than the other episodes. I thought it was interesting that the sinister methods of the German interrogation of the main black pilot, LT Alexander Jefferson, paralleled those used in the interrogation of his white counterpart, MAJ Bucky Egan, a few episodes earlier. It was sort of a “we’re all in the same boat” moment. Maybe this was meant as a message to today’s America. What did you think of that episode?


That doesn't mean we want to see them in our TV shows.


are you this desperate for attention and approval?

another far right troll to ignore *sigh*


are you this desperate for attention and approval?

another far right troll to ignore *sigh*

Yep, there are huuuuge shitpiles of those...


You had to ask? ;-)
What people are tired of is the endless whining about woke,
and the endless mind games Republicans play with people
as brainwashed as jihadi terrorists.


When endless woke goes away, the endless whining about it will stop.


Sorry, but the whining about it is all out of proportion to any danger from it. And in order to maximize whining about it Republicans and Right-wing media makes up or hyperbolically exaggerates about what there is.

A good example is Jon Stewarts episode on trans laws in Texas that did not affect anyone in reality, yet had the whole state Republican population whining like crybabies over something that didn't happen.


Another Village Idiot!


I don't get that feeling at all from the first episode.

It's quite focused on the boys dealing with everything going on. I'm sure they will bring in more things later on into the mix.

It's also quite technical which I appreciate, being into aviation.


there's absolutely nothing woke about this show. it's almost all white men. doesn't matter though, the script is terrible.


There are previews floating around in which they have black pilots. That did it for me. I am not watching this any longer. I'm so tired of blacks, gays, and "strong" women being in my TV shows and movies.


There were actual black pilots in WWII. Why are you upset that black people exist and are in films?


Because I miss the days when I didn't have to see them.






You don't have to see them now. Go back under your rock you racist f*ck.
