MovieChat Forums > MikeCable
MikeCable (1770)
Alien: the Fan-Made Audio Drama
More movies should have an ending like BB!
Interesting and funny Aussie time travel film with twists
What about farting?
Interesting Low-Grade Action Flick
Great car chase!
Don't know what to say about this film
Skeletor will be played by Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Ali G, etc)
Was a fun movie for little kids...
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And he has announced he will start using his real name productions in the future: Michael Douglas. However, he has added Keaton in the middle (to be known as Michael Keaton Douglas) to legally distinguish himself from actor Michael Douglas as required by the rules of the SAG.
I didn't mind it but it's definitely at the lower end of my Alien / Predator franchise spectrum. The slow motion scenes got quickly annoying.
I just hope one day before 4K discs end that they release a better-looking Special Edition 4K. It's such a fantastic movie but very disappointing that it looked so terrible and it wasn't the SE.
I thought they did it as the theatrical version only so they could re-release it at a later stage as the SE to milk some more money from us, but it hasn't happened.
The character provided a few amusing moments, but I think it said too much crap overall.
The Philadelphia Experiment also has quite a bit of soft drink product placement.
Don't get me started on Mac and Me...!
That's what I thought... the bigger the ship, the bigger the repulsor engine, so it does what it does.
Wow, honestly surprised YouTube would allow this to be on their site. I know it's all simulated except the animal killing, but still...
There's a bit of an accepted gentleman's agreement in the industry that BTTF will not be remade unless Zemeckis has passed away.
I believe that a better option is to create a limited TV series based on the characters of Marty and Doc, which flashes back and forth in time as we get to know them separately in their lives before meeting, and then season 2 could see how Marty enters Doc's life in the 1950s and it 'retells' the first film from there in a more detailed multi-episode TV format.
It's been discussed on here before and I wrote a bit of an outline, and told the OP to pursue it but I don't know if he ended up doing anything with it.
I generally like Burt Reynolds and I love cars and road movies, but I've never really found this movie to be very appealing. Maybe it could be the way it makes the cops out to seem so dumb, or its brand of humour.
She is still young and will mellow out and seek out a more stable partner in time.
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