MovieChat Forums > AbolishWokeness

AbolishWokeness (32)


Does she have any nudes online? Woke. Lucy is a Mary Sue and has no place in this movie Confirmed woke... Woke trash that makes Booth seem like the bad guy Black people and women ruined this for me POTUS 2028 election worst nightmare is Eye Patch McCain (Crenshaw) vs Buttiege Okay, so they want us to actually believe nuclear weapons are real? Looks like more woke Hollywood trash View all posts >


No one is falling it for it, commie. You'll never be one of us. Nice deflection. Why are you defending this woke trash by attacking patriots such as myself? Okay, Abe "Buttinksy" Lincoln the Tyrant defender. Don't you have a communist meeting to attend to? Great response. Honestly, at this point it's up to your detractors to prove that the "women" are not trannies. If they cannot do that, then we have no choice by to assume that they are transgenders. This isn't just good advice for movie/tv shows, but also for real life. I'm currently in the process of exposing my wife for her lies about being born a man. I don't know how I was so trusting to the point that I allowed a man to bear and give birth to four of my children. Never again. My blinders are off. I shit you not. Extremely attractive person that looks very feminine, but I assure you that chick has a dick. Spoken like a true wokie trying to distract from any criticism of wokeness. No one is falling for your trickery, Huffington Post. I disagree. This movie makes me want civil war even more than I did before. The cool Russian dudes who have been paying me to spread their talking points and generally cause discord in the US have promised me my own fiefdom after the collapse. My section of land wont be as large as Tucker Carlson's, MTG's or those people at Codepink, but it will be enough to satisfy my desire for power. Oh you better believe that I will and I make sure everyone knows why I am upset about this movie.... After I watch it. Most "females" in real life and on TV are transgender now. I'm a professional transvestigator and based on my estimates, at least 8 out of 10 "women" are transgenders. Most of them are pretending they are not. Take Obama's "wife" as an example. Also, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Kaitlyn Jenner, Kate Middleton, Don Lemon, Katie Holmes, etc.... If you see a "woman" on that show, then there a 90% chance that "she" is actually a man. That Elle Purrel "chick", yeap. A dude. No, I don't watch woke trash. View all replies >