
Wasted potential *SPOILERS* Character ages Good books on her Alternate universe Sarah is so unlikeable Obi wan's age No post on this great show? B. 1977 but 21 in 1997? Reminded me of Austin Powers Unlikable immoral people View all posts >


You can download old time radio app on your phone or if you have scribd/everand, you can listen to it too. If they investigate and find out no explosives were set and it broke on its own, he should be cleared. An actress or actor known for primarily doing nude and x-rated films. We're there Amerindian tribes known for cannibalism? I only know of the papuans in png, but melanesians and Polynesians were not cannibals. 1 of them isn't even native but a famous bold star from the Philippines. That was common though in the 20s and 30s, just read Errol Flynn's autobiography when he was in Papua New Guinea for 6 years. He claims he took a couple of film makers down the Sepik River, an uncharted part of PNG. He later did an Australian film where lots of footage were taken by an ambitious director traveling thousands of miles for nature and native shots. I like this too actually. Probably imitating papuan groups with poynesian aesthetic. A lot of people today believe we are not alone in the universe. The way the Martian attack was set up over the radio, as if it was a real breaking news is what sold it. It's always the presentation. The Exorcist is still shocking today for It's grossness, crassness from a sweet 12yr old girl, and it was shot in a documentary feel style. People were horrified by the violence, people today will still walk out of films they find too violent or disturbing. The Exorcist was disturbing then and now, no horror film has topped it imo. People were not fainting g and walking out because it was and is a very disturbing and scary film. Planet of the Apes look cartoonish imo, a better example would be Jurassic Park. I see it lol, the jawline. View all replies >