I cannot understand how someone can defend the prequels when this movie exists

Revenge of the Sith is bad, but at least it's something, and I can understand if someone says they like it, although I'll assume they got a few loose screws. But this movie man, how the fuck can a person watch this absolute trash and say anything good about it?


The prequels really weren’t that bad, sure there was some dialogue that was poorly written but overall they told a coherent and engaging story and felt like they were made by a man who wanted to tell a story and bring his vision to the big screen

The ST takes all of the problems of the prequels and compounds them exponentially, there is not a single redeeming quality about any of them. The dialogue is so much worse, the characters are so much worse and it does everything it can to undermine what came before it. It feels like it was made by a corporation more concerned with maximizing their profits and checking off as many woke SJW quotas that they could. The prequels are The Godfather Trilogy compared to anything Disney has ever put out:

1. Empire strikes back
2. A new hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the clones
6. The phantom menace
7. The holiday special
8. The last Jedi
9. Solo
10. Rogue one
11. The rise of skywalker
12. The force awakens

The prequels at their worst are still better than the ST at its best.


you are a retard


Thank you for the very intelligent and well thought out rebuttal, your parents must be proud


my post is 2 months old, and the first reply is from a literal retard and I don't think any other response would've felt right


Don’t use the word “retard” as an insult, you aren’t supposed to put down your own kind

Anyone who likes those trash Disney movies should be institutionalized


I've only seen Force Awakens, and while I don't think it was anything special, it's still a well crafted movie and feels like it's made by a human being with human actors with at least decent writing. Meanwhile the prequels are Transformers level


The Force Awakens isn't even as good as Meet The Spartans or Disaster Movie. It's a soulless rehash of A New Hope and they replaced everything we loved about A New Hope with identity politics and the most annoying characters ever. The dialogue was cringeworthy, the acting was atrocious, the fan service was so on the nose yet wasn't earned and Rey is a Mary Sue. There is literally nothing to like about TFA.

The prequels while I'll say again aren't great movies at least add a lot of emotional impact to the OT and they were at least made by someone who gave a sh!t and wanted to tell a story. And Episode III is at least on the same level as the OT even though I would rank IV and V above it.


alright maybe you're not retarded, or at least not in the sense I originally thought. It seems you're just someone trolling sequel fans or something and have almost become a method actor at this point, because there is no way that a person like you exists out in the world


Again quit using the word "retarded" as a put down, you should have some more respect for yourself. I'm sure your life has been hard enough.


1. Empire strikes back
2. A new hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the clones
6. The phantom menace
7. The holiday special
8. The last Jedi
9. Solo
10. Rogue one
11. The rise of skywalker
12. The force awakens

Alt right tendencies aside, I'm pretty surprised by how similar that list is to mine. A particularly rare viewpoint that I share is that TLJ was actually the "best" of that atrocious trilogy & that The Force Awakens was far and away the worst of the Di$ney films and the the worst, most damaging piece of crap Di$ney has done to Star Wars in general. You don't have to like the prequels but there's no denying that there was at least creative ambition with a coherent vision, immense worldbuilding with was a clear overarching narrative.

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the clones
6. The phantom menace

(Di$ney Fanfiction)

7. Solo
8. Rogue one Edit:(Formerly ranked above Solo but my opinion has since changed)
9.The Last Jedi

10. The Rise of Skywalker

11. The farce awakens (A total slapdash abomination that single handedly undermined the narrative of the previous two trilogies and ensured the failure of its own trilogy with such atrocious, incoherent storytelling)


Exactly, the prequels may not have been as good as the OT but they were still competently made, the Disney films are some of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


It’s true, anyone who ranks Revenge of the Sith above Rogue One is pretty retarded.


Why? ROTS is a pretty good movie, Rogue One is one big pile of sh1t


Lol, sure if you’re a child who loves flat acting and predictable storylines, ROTS is an immature masterpiece


I acknowledged they had flaws I never said they were perfect but they at least told a coherent story, that is far more than one can say for the trash Disney films.


Rogue One deeps dive into an untold back story, has nuanced acting, competent acting, and character development.

It’s not a masterpiece but is a solid 7/10. ROTS is a 2/10, everything in it is terrible execution - the acting, the storyline, the effects, the predictably. 3/10 at best.


Lol all Rogue One was was a 2 hour explanation of a minor plot hole that cost 4 billion dollars to make. All they cared about was getting their investment back. The characters were boring, the dialogue was atrocious and there was not a single redeeming aspect. That’s cute though that you love your little Rogue One movie though, it’s a 0/10 just like the rest of the Disney fan fiction.

ROTS was not as good as episodes IV and V but it did tell a story and established likable, relatable characters, the action was solid and the emotional intensity was well done, it’s a 9/10 and it’s freaking Casablanca compared to Rogue One

EDIT: You saying Rogue One had good characters is one of the most laughably hilarious things I have ever heard, this is about the extent of the "character development":
- Jynn - She's strong
- Galen - He doesn't want to finish the Death Star
- Casian - At first he follows orders but then he doesn't with no explanation (even though the Empire did what he was ordered to do in the first place so there's not much of a character arc)
- Saw Gerrera - He's a stern mentor, (I guess)
- Crenic - He's bad
- Asian guy (I don't even care what his name is) - He's blind
- Booty Rook - He's a pilot
Yeah those are so very well fleshed out characters you got there, kiddo.

There are also enough plot holes to fill a Star Destroyer, such as it makes no sense why the Rebellion would want to kill Galen, the Death Star is already finished, there's not much good that would come from killing him, they'd might as well capture him and interrogate him and heck Galen would gladly tell them everything he knew. Or why did Casian tell the storm trooper asking for his identification that he had to remove his gloves, HE WASN'T WEARING ANY GLOVES!!! Yeah our heroes being idiots is what drove the plot forward, that's a major issue.


Man, prequel fans are such an enigma. And the exact point of my post was how do people defend movies like AotC and then turn around and shit on something like Rogue One? Even if Rogue One was the worst movie ever made, I just don't see how that has any impact on AotC or RotS's quality? Those two things are completely independent, whether the Disney stuff exists or not is irrelevant, the prequels are still really poorly constructed movies that were made to sell toys. It's like saying that Batman v Superman is good because Thor: The Dark World is bad, it just doesn't make any sense, their quality is completely independent of eachother.


I'm not a prequel fan, in fact I don't even think Episodes I and II are anything special, they have their moments but they also have their issues. I never once even insinuated I was a "prequel" fan you idiot. I am looking at this objectively: Rogue One is a bad movie and I proved that it was a bad movie. I also never said that the prequels were good because the Disney films were bad, I said that the prequels were better than the Disney films. You need to lay off the strawman and learn how to debate honestly, kiddo.


you call everyone sequel fans who dare call objectively bad movies bad, and then you get upset when someone calls you a prequel fan after you seem to have every single prequel fan talking point down to a tee


I didn't get upset at all, I just called it like it is. I'm sorry the truth bothers you so much. Maybe you should calm down and take a stress pill.


I like how we both just did the "take a chill pill" thing, not sure if it was intentional on your part or not as you don't seem very self aware


I’m going to go ahead and take that as your concession. Better luck next time junior, I suggest in the meantime you sign up for some kind of remedial logic and reason course


I still ain't sure if you're for real or not, but either way you're pretty damn entertaining. I'll give you that much


Your personal insults are dismissed and your concession remains noted.


I ain't kidding with you here mate, every single reply of yours is funnier than the last. You're like the biggest stereotype that I have ever encountered on any forum, and at this point I don't think you're trolling and I'm genuinely curious what kinda person is behind these comments of yours. Like someone out there wrote that last reply and put it out into the world for everybody to see.

Even for Moviechat users you're an extreme case and that's fascinating. Keep on doing you man, as it's what makes me come to this site over shit like Reddit and such.


Your personal insults are dismissed and your concession remains noted.


1. ESB
2. RotJ
3. ANH
4. Rogue One

and then we're at the part of the list where all the movies are hot garbage.....

5. Force Awakens
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. Solo
8. Phantom Menace
9. Rise of Skywalker
10. Attack of the Clones

The Last Jedi gets its own category for essentially killing Star Wars. Worst. Shit. Ever.


Absolutely agree. TFA was easily the worst of all the Star Wars films.


At first I wasn't going to see it because I just assumed it would suck but then I saw all of the great reviews it was getting so I changed my mind. I have never left a theater so confused as to how anyone could possibly think that was good. It only took about 5 minutes for me to realize that it was a rehash of ANH only not good.


Revenge of the Sith is atrocious. It's only got a good score because people were sick of being disappointed/disliking Star Wars. It would be the worst Star Wars movie ever made it if weren't for this one, which is downright awful. Clones has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

We all know the prequels suck, but these revisionist history Lucas cultists are trying hard to make them a thing again.


ROTS is a good movie despite some flaws, AOTC is decent, anything is better than watching MaRey Sue teaching Han Solo how to repair the falcon , or Fat Rose Tico lecturing Finn on the power of love or whatever oh and that stupid space horse scene from TROS


Rose Taco*


Lol or “Fat Asian Bitch”


I never DREAMED in a MILLION YEARS that Disney Star Wars would actually have a fandom of ANY kind, but, well, here we are.


It’s a very small minority, most of the Disney fan boys have admitted they were wrong . The people on here defending them just haven’t gotten the memo yet




Star wars fans like yourself are a joke. You deserve to be slapped honestly.


Cos I don't like the ST?


No you guys seriously act like Star Wars is a cure for cancer. You go on and on about how it is so bad because of Disney when the prequels were utter trash. You ever consider Star Wars was overrated to begin with? The toxic fanbase has honestly made me hate it with a passion. I'm glad it got destroyed for you guys and hope it continues to keep getting destroyed.


The Prequels were NOT utter trash, the Disney crap was.


Yes they were utter trash. Critical reception and the fan reception ranks tfa above any of the prequels. Rogue one is considered better than any of the prequels as well. I don't put more stock in you having it right over them. I'm glad Disney owns it and you won't ever get it back. Like I said you guys getting slapped would be great. Your taste in cinema is trash. You can't debate to save your life. Keep on listening to the idiot critical drinker, a poor man's red letter media.


calling them a poor man's RLM is an insult to RLM. He straight up just doesn't know how to review movies and I suppose instead of rewriting all this bs I'll just copy and paste an old comment of mine:

"This guy must be the laziest reviewer on YT. All he does is recite the plot with way too much detail, and stopping occasionally either to make a comment that has been endlessly recycled or making some joke that is usually about his drinking. Seriously, if you've watched one of his videos and seen the movie he's reviewing then you've seen the video.

Plus, as little as I like them, his hate for anything that even resembles SJW's is tired. He has yet to make a smart comment about a movie and is just really shallow with his reviews. And while someone like Jeremy Jahns is maybe equally as shallow, at least he's shallow in a reasonable amount of time. Drinker's reviews can sometimes be 20 minutes long with 0 substance."

Don't know how to do the fancy quote stuff. Or is that even a feature on this site?


Preach brother! I agree wholeheartedly!


Got any examples of why the critical drinker is an idiot movie reviewer? Or does it just boil down to not liking his politics (which is 99.99% of the case for people who don't like the critical drinker). I can take a wild guess and say that you don't like conservatives, orange man bad and that you support BLM.


Moviefanatic was citing critical drinker when he dissed a movie he didn’t like. Moviefanatic is a complete joke and let me fill you in on something: he has made it his mission to follow me onto every board I post on and say the exact opposite of whatever I’m saying, he’s the equivalent of an annoying little brother. And yeah the POS has glorified BLM(cop murder)he’s a sick and disturbed individual although I’m pretty sure he attends an adult day care center daily. He also cites RT and MC frequently which is quite odd because no one ever asserted the prequels were higher on those sites, the truth is however both sites are subjective opinions and each film is rated by different people so it’s literally like comparing apples to oranges. Also he disregards MC and RT when they don’t give him the answer he wants. He a biased libtard plain and simple and he needs to get a life


lol. It's hilarious how predictable they are.


Um plenty. Go watch his review for Midsommar. He reuses the same joke over and over and if I have to hear one more joke about SJW's my head will spin. Also way to project a generalization. Go to a board where I have ever supported BLM, also yeah I do not like Trump no secret there but I do not bash him for anything I have no basis on. Never once have I ever brought up the Russia scandal. The other thing is even if I dislike Trump I do not want to hear Trump bashing in every video you make about films. I get just as annoyed when in Hollywood you can't hear an interview without someone mentioning him and bashing him. Look I get it you do not like Trump I don't either shut up already. Same goes for the sjw, yes I get it you do not like that now enough man good grief.


Ok, so a joke he kept using didn't land. That says more about his comedic failings than a bad movie critic.


It isn't just his jokes not landing. He writes a movie off just on the basis of not liking the theme or message. Look there are plenty of messages, themes or politics I disagree with or may not like, but I do my best not to have my mind made up before watching the film. Even if I agree with a movie's politics if it is a bad movie I'm not going to give it a pass simply because I agree with it's politics. I like strong female characters but if a character has no struggle and is overpowered to the point of absurdity I will call it out regardless of it's a female or male. I don't want to hear constant jabs about sjw or Trump. Critique the film on it's acting, directing, editing cinematograophy etc. Constant jabs about sjws is just dumb and tired. As I said if someone was constantly bashing Trump on their reviews I'd get sick of that also. If he does it not like a movie's message, theme or politics it is all bad nothing is good about it. Or if he does compliment it it's in a backhanded way. That shows he is incapable of being reasonable or objective.


Do you have a specific example from an actual review? I'd like to watch and see what you're actually criticizing him about.


I told you earlier watch his review of Midsommar, Annihilation or the Watchmen tv show.


So you liked that movie and didn't like what he said? Nothing he said was invalid and he gave pretty thorough reasons why he thought it was bad. You guys act like all he says in his videos are "movie sucks cuz SJW's!" When it couldn't be further than the truth.


It is not because he likes something I don't. He judges things on a curve. If he does not like the politics, or the film makers past work he is going to do his best to tear the movie apart. It shows he can't judge a film fairly. His reviews last way too long for how shallow they are.


Yeah it sounds like you just don't like his politics.


Think what you want. I think he is a shallow garbage reviewer. I do not judge things off a curve I judge them for what they are. Second he calls the Mandalorian cliche but then he turns around and praises Joker as if it the sweetest thing since sliced bread. Joker is derivative of Scorsese, mainly King of Comedy and Taxi Driver. You've cast a generalization onto me and think I fit the mold of a cookie cutter liberal. Nope there are plenty of left wingers I can't stand.




I'm really glad you shared that with us.




Exactly, the prequels at least knew how to tell a story and flesh out compelling characters, you cannot say the same for the Disney films


Moviefanatic also has no basis to call the prequels “utter trash” if we go by his system. They still did decently at the box office and have at least over a 6.5 or so on IMDB which is at least respectful. Trust me, he is just saying the opposite of whatever I’m saying, if I were on here fanboying in my pants over the Di$ney films he would be defending the prequels as if it were his life mission.


Can you prove this ? good lord you truly are deluded


Just check out the hate videos on YouTube and how many likes they are getting. You are one of the few people still defending these trash movies


Why would i do that? I form my own opinions and dont follow a crowd that know jack shit about starwars or care about it for that matter, everyone thats born after the original trilogy seem to think there experts on star wars and act as the gate keepers of which film to like.


You asked if I could prove it , genius. I’m sorry you don’t like the answer


that's not proving it dipshit , proof is statistics via legitimate sources, ill give you an example

TFA Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score - 86%
AOTC Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score - 56%

TFA IMDB Score - 7.9%
AOTC IMDB Score - 6.5%

Based on the above, which film was received better?


The YouTube videos have more people contributing so I put more stock in them. Also the sources you cited were when the movies first came out, that was back when everyone was fanboying over them, I never disputed people seemed to like them back then. You aren’t too smart are you? Probably why you can’t see why Disney Star Wars is such worthless trash


Face it kid , you are wrong and i am right, how come the Prequels weren't fanboyed over ? it it had been 16 years since Return of the Jedi ?? well , I'm waiting ?

Disney star wars is worthless trash ? 5 movies 5 billion made at the box office, released one of the most popular shows of 2019 and 2020.

There not perfect , far from it, the last jedi was shite, and TROS , although i did find it entertaining, had a crap story , but other than that its not all bad , suppose you have to be a star wars fan to appreciate.


Also I never said audience scores were higher for the prequels so you just committed a non sequitur, I said the world is waking up and realizing the Disney films suck which I have proven. Also people were really into the prequels when they first came out, people dressed up as Jedi’s when going to the theaters so your assertion no one ever “fanboyed” over them is debunked. Get over yourself and your trash movies. Also learn how to debate honestly without logical fallacies. The Disney films have all of the problems of the prequels only multiplied, however they don’t tell a logical story which the prequels did. Also if you have to deflect to box office numbers and the subjective opinions of critics then that proves you can’t defend your trash wokefest movies


The world is waking up to the fact they sucked , prove it , send me stats , send me tangible proof that the world thinks they suck ?

Its like your fucking 5


I already gave you proof, the truth is you just don’t like the answers and now you’re pitching a fit. It’s ok to man up and admit you were wrong. These movies are trash and apparently no one gave you the memo.

Edit: here you go, pee wee: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr5A93glKqk. The guy rips into The Last Jedi and it has over 35,000 likes and only 726 dislikes. That is a complete and utter blow out


So a bunch of nerdy virgins mouthing off on YouTube is your proof? Haha ok, i provided proof and hard facts, the majority of people that watched TFA prefer it over the prequels , accept this.


My source has a wider sample group and your source came from when the film first came out and I admitted it was high then because everyone was fanboying in their pants and hadn’t caught on yet. You really don’t know how to debate honestly do you? Here’s another: over 138,000 likes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0528-TlRODI


You lost. The Disney films are objectively better.


Because the prequels weren't nearly as bad as the naysayers claimed. The ideas were good, the story was good, the music was good, and the fight scenes were good. It was the acting, pacing, and in some cases the CGI that were questionable. Lucas definitely could've used an editor that stood up to him more often, and reigned him in for some of his ideas, but the prequels are actually pretty good, all things considered.

They added to the lore; they expanded on Anakin's character, making him one of the most tragic characters in all of fiction with one of the greatest character arcs ever written; and despite some inconsistencies with the original EU (particularly with how the Clone Wars went down), the prequels were respectful of the franchise and its fans. George Lucas didn't belittle the fans for their criticisms, in fact he took them to heart and tried to improve the prequels. He downgraded Jar Jar and any mention of midi-chlorians, he improved the pacing with each movie, and the acting got better with each movie, especially Hayden Christensen. The prequels also didn't push any radical agendas; they were political, yes, but not woke. Their politics were strictly tied to the context of the story.
The sequels, however, told half-assed versions of stories we already saw in the original trilogy as well as the now "Legends" branded EU, not to mention they were used as platforms for toxic and divisive agendas that have no place in Star Wars.

The prequels got mixed reviews when they first came out, but evidently they've aged like wine as the years went because of all the reasons I mentioned, and that's why fans have defended them, and will continue to defend them. I don't see the sequels aging the same way because they disrespected the lore, just as the people behind the scenes disrespected the franchise and its fans.


"Because the prequels weren't nearly as bad as the naysayers claimed."

The prequels are only half bad - specifically, the half about Anakin and Padme.

Most of the stuff that goes on when they're not on screen is actually pretty interesting, what with Palpatine's rise to power, his manipulation of galactic events, the Jedi revealed as teetering on the edge of destruction, the glimpse of Coruscant at the height of its power, it's all good! Until those damn idiot kids come on again, and ruin things.

I have such mixed feelings about the prequels, they're such a mix of good sci-fi and godawful romance.


I completely agree, despite their flaws the prequels were at least competently made and you can tell the people behind the camera actually gave a crap about the story. The Disney films were made by a mega corporation more concerned with identity politics and getting their investment back. To me they don’t count anymore, they are just really bad fan fiction. I just finished a Star Wars marathon which only included 1-6 and it’s so much better this way.


The sequels have always seemed like bad fan fiction to me. Although the prequels have their [well documented] issues, the story is important enough to carry it for me.


I’ll also add one thing that is really annoying about the sequels is one minute they are shoving as much unearned fan service as they can in our face and then the next minute they are turning the characters we already like into incompetent, infantile man babies. They seem to want to have it both ways and it so did not work.


I don't know where to even start with this one. Do you also watch movies like Suicide Squad, Transformers, Jupiter Ascending, and such stuff and think to yourself "well the execution wasn't very good, the acting was awful, the production looks disgusting, the writing is nonexistent, the characters have no chemistry, but at least there were some good ideas so ultimately these movies are good ideas with some poor execution"? Good ideas and lore don't make movies, and there are enough examples of bad book to movie adaptations to show you that. Not that the prequels' lore is anything to write home about, in fact I feel like most of it is overall detrimental to the originals like everything to do with Yoda is embarrassing, and all the jedi stuff like them reusing the desert robes that were obviously just the norm in Tatooine, or them being battle commanders for some reason. Maybe it's just because I've read some incredible worldbuilding like in ASOIAF or Dune, and have higher standards, but the planets and alien races introduced by the prequels are nothing special. George Lucas' magnum opus was Star Wars, and creating that world from scratch in the 70's. Adding shit onto that is not all that impressive imo, and especially not when it's shit like the gungans.

Music is good of course. The fight scenes however? So of the ones that come to mind: Maul fight (cool music, boring characters, sterile environment, maul should've lived to be Obi Wan's rival, overly choreographed), Dooku vs Anakin and Obi Wan (worst fight in the entire series), vs Yoda (embarrassing, can't believe Lucas did this), Yoda vs Emperor (even worse, although Ian McDiarmid hacky performance is the highlight of the trilogy), and finally Anakin fight (too long). To me fight scenes are so much more than the action itself, and the prequel fight scenes just feel like they're overcompensating for a bad story with flashy lights, as opposed to doing something special like the Luke vs Vader fight.


Suicide Squad was a terrible movie, as was Jupiter Ascending; the Transformers movies are just guilty pleasures. Suicide Squad added nothing to the DCEU and can be skipped entirely, unlike the prequels which add a lot of interesting context (at least to me and many other fans). Can people skip the prequels? Sure, but they'd actually be missing out.

Maybe you didn't like all those aspects you mentioned, but the rest of us either didn't mind them, or perhaps actually liked them. There was a sense of passion put into the prequels that gives them a huge edge over the sequel trilogy, as well as the movies you mentioned, hence why fans like myself are not only more forgiving with prequels' flaws, but will go out of our way to emphasize what they did right when having discussions like this.


Thanks for the level headed reply


The only redeeming feature about the prequels is that the outcome was predetermined from the start; Anakin trashing the Jedi council, getting Padme up the duff, and the clone wars.
The Disney trilogy started of by remaking ANH which nobody wanted. After that they just winged it.


Star Wars movie ranked from best to worst:

OG trilogy
Everything else made after 1983.


AOTC is the best of the prequels.


jesus, how bad do you think TPM and RotS are then?


Both are significantly worse than AOTC.


The Phantom Menace was a huge disappointment.
Attack of the Clones was quite boring.
Revenge of the Sith was a massive improvement on I and II.

However, I believe that with much tighter editing the PT could have turned out much better.


Exactly, the problems with the prequels were all in the execution. The Disney films had nothing going for them


I have mixed feelings about the newer stuff: -
The Force Awakens - I was genuinely excited about this and perhaps let my emotion wash over the fact that it took too many elements from A New Hope and just rehashed them.
The Last Jedi - This was a mess and would need almost a complete re-write to save it.
The Rise of Skywalker - I’m sure there’s a good film in there somewhere, but it seemed to drag in parts.
Rogue One - I really enjoyed this and thought it fitted in nicely.
Solo - Harmless, enjoyable, popcorn fun.


They were all shitty, and they got progressively shittier. Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong, and I'm someone that nearly never makes statement like that. In the case of Star Wars, however, it's objectively, factually, inarguably true that the prequels are the three worst films, and they grew progressively worse.


Not even close, the prequels were flawed but overall solid films, the Disney Films are some of the worst films ever made. Although I will argue that after TFA it never got as bad as that one was.
