I cannot understand how someone can defend the prequels when this movie exists

Revenge of the Sith is bad, but at least it's something, and I can understand if someone says they like it, although I'll assume they got a few loose screws. But this movie man, how the fuck can a person watch this absolute trash and say anything good about it?


Clones and Menace are pretty bad, I'm not sure why people like them but to each his own as they say. Sith was a decent film though, I liked it. The Disney films are alright but they just seem like rehashes of the OT. And to be honest, Kylo Ren and Rey are just annoying characters. Didn't care for either one.

So whatever... on a side note: I still haven't seen Rise Of Skywalker yet, so I'm reserving my final judgement until then. I will porbably watch it sometime this month just to finally get it out of the way. Then I can say "yeah, I saw it, it was so bad". lol...


AotC was the best of the prequels, you're just too stupid to understand it.


pj69 -

I know plenty of educated people that hated the prequels. So, you're just being a dipshit to say someone is "too stupid" to understand it. The only good thing about Clones is the battle of Geonosis. Beyond that, it just didn't appeal to me. What exactly was it that you liked about that film? Did you just have a really deep connection with Jar Jar Binks?

Judging films is somewhat subjective anyways. There are plenty of films out there that I like that others didn't and vice versa, plenty that others like that I didn't care for. You either like a movie or you don't. To this day, I know a few people that think The Fast and The Furious was a great movie. lol... I still laugh when they say it but whatever... it is what it is.


I'm pretty sure the educated were the ones leading the pack on their disappointment and dislike of the prequels...

But I joke.

You're right: there is so much subjectivity with film - or any art form - and you can find plenty of intelligent, cultured people who like or dislike basically any film. Although, you might find them enjoying it in a different way. For instance, somebody who steeps themselves in culture, has a high IQ, and refuses to listen to jazz on CD because a record is superior - that guy might like watching something like The Fast and the Furious, but he'd say it was a guilty pleasure, or he'd say it was "just a fun popcorn movie", but likely wouldn't say it was a "great movie".

Maybe there's something to consider there: a lot of "high art" people I know also find room for stuff that's just fun - meeting it on its own terms - but people who, let's generously say, "have more mainstream tastes" will rarely (if ever) find value in an art house movie. That's kinda telling...


Another good post, Ace. You've been on a roll lately. lol...

So true, someone that lives in a trailer park or ghetto might like The King's Speech. lol.

Or someone that lives in a mansion or high rise condo might like New Jack City. Different strokes for different folks.

You should be a film critic, Ace. I'd read your 'column'. Uuuhhhh.... do we still use that word today? haha...



If I get a column, I'll let you know. It would be fun to get paid to yap about this stuff instead of just firing it off on a message board.

Then again, maybe that'd suck the fun right out of it.


"What exactly was it that you liked about that film?"

For starters the line between good and evil wasn't clearly defined. The stormtroopers seemed like a good guys. That's just one point. I think Lucas had help in writing this second movie, and it shows. Clones created huge expectations for the closer of the trilogy, but Lucas dropped the ball in a major way in ROTS.

"Did you just have a really deep connection with Jar Jar Binks?"

If that was the case, I'd just luuuuv the Phantom Menace, don't you think? Simple minded JJB had an actual purpose in this movie, if you paid close attention. Other than being just a toy seller. Otherwise his role was reduced, probably because of fan response.

Of course Attack of the Clones wasn't a perfect movie, because it was half Lucas' toy commercial. I just pick the parts I like and there was more of them than in other two prequels.



"the line between good and evil wasn't clearly defined"

I did notice that about Clones and Menace, but as a fan of the OT, I just wasn't that compelled by it. At least it did shed some light on the backstory of the OT but to me, Menace and Clones just didn't feel like Star Wars films. It felt more like a fantasy movie with a Star Wars theme plugged in.

I thought Sith actuality seemed more like a SW movie, in that it went deeper into Jedi mythology and has a stronger focus on the mystical side of the Star Wars universe which I thought was severely lacking in Menace and Clones.

"I think Lucas had help in writing this second movie"

How so? I'm not sure when the script was written but I thought for sure the story was written years ago. Was this not partially why Lucas made episode 4 first, he felt like 4 was just a better story than 1, 2 and 3? I never really got into it as much as the the Star Wars fanatics did, so I'm not sure. Maybe you know? I've always wondered why Hope was the first film anyways...

But at the end of the day, JJB was annoying.


Me: "I think Lucas had help in writing this second movie"

"How so? I'm not sure when the script was written but I thought for sure the story was written years ago. "

In AotC Lucas shared a writing credit with another guy. The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith he wrote alone, or was credited alone for it, at least. That's unusual even for Lucas, because in the original trilogy he used professional screenplay writers (Lawrence Kasdan, and others).
