MovieChat Forums > They Live (1988) Discussion > Love this movie, but the Republican anal...

Love this movie, but the Republican analogy

doesn't exactly work, at least not anymore. A lot on the left have become about control and censorship. They want more government and control over people's lives; unless it's something they agree with like abortion. Hell, many of them are openly socialist. At the very least, they try to publicly ruin people's lives when they don't agree with you. It's pretty ironic Carpenter is such a staunch liberal, because the left has turned into the party of controlling people's lives.


I didn’t think the film took party sides, it just seemed to be about a ruling elite, which in this day and age are the Globalists - the Davos cabal. Perhaps the ruling elite took a different form in 1988 but the film resonated very well with today’s predicament.

You’re right though, the Globalists have climbed in bed with the Left, who are the source of all the sinister authoritarianism that is ruining Western civilisation.


" Empire of the Sunglasses: How ‘They Live’ Took on Republicans and Won

John Carpenter’s underrated sci-fi horror movie did more than skewer yuppies — it gave us the last word on the Reagan era"

"John Carpenter’s ‘They Live’ Was Supposed to Be a Warning. We Didn’t Heed It. We Didn’t Even Understand It.

The horror master’s most prescient movie has nothing to do with serial killers or vampires—it’s about greed and propaganda. And it’s truer than ever."

“I wanted to strike out in some way, so I cast the Republicans as alien creatures,” Carpenter later recalled."


As I said, perhaps the ruling elite took a different form in 1988 but the film resonates very well with today’s predicament, in which Globalists have climbed in bed with the Left, and together are the source of all the sinister authoritarianism that is ruining Western civilisation.


"As I said"

Bro, you were just wrong. Carpenter is a known liberal. Not just a liberal, but an extreme one. This movie is a direct shot at Republicans during the 80s.


"Bro", he's not wrong at all. He's spot on.


The featured Imdb review says "see the world for what it really is, a communist type environment controlled by aliens".

Rolling Stoner has been Communist for at least 20 years, of course they LIE!


It's not a republican analogy. It's about how we all sell out every day because we don't see the control behind the "freedom" we have to consume and consume. And how everyone else who doesn't or can't buy into this freedom is simply not wanted.

It's specifically targets Reganism and the "its all yours for the taking" ethos.


"It's not a republican analogy."

"It's specifically targets Reganism"



Republicanism does not equal Reganism


Don't try to reason with Republican Trump fans. They are as dumb as they come but pretend to be knowledgable. They also lie at every corner. They all used to love Reagan, most of them still do. Forgetting that his economic policies destroyed the middle class. Then again, Reagan was a Bible boy compared to today's Republican players. Corrupt economists, immoral and filthy, lead by their demi-God Trump.


Everything you just posted is the Left..


The typical conservative defense: "I know you are, but who am I?" It's bullshit. Try harder or get lost.


@:[deleted]; - does your nickname refer to your brain?


the left has turned into the party of controlling people's lives.

The left: "How about we let the slaves go free and untie the women from the kitchen sink?"


which slaves?.... the current day slaves held be muslims in the middle east, the muslims you and the left loves so much.

The Secret Slaves of the Middle East


Rich Arabs Give Their Children Black Slaves As Birthday Gifts


oh , there other facist right wing oppression justifications

"we didnt invent it"
"black people do it too"
"other people did it first"
"other people are still doing it"

non of which is justification for ongoing inhumane behavior.
I totally agree some middle eastern countries human rights records are horrific , not to mention attitudes to women , but again that in no way justifies the same attitude here.


Republicans freed the slaves. Democrats fought against Lincoln. Then, when it comes to the civil rights era, that was predominantly a republican led action. Just look at the. Votes at that time and you'll see that democrats did not support the civil rights act.

In the 90's, the crime bill was written and promoted by the democrat party. This put more Black people in Prison for lesser crimes. Joe Biden was the key figure.

Sorry, but you seem to be missing a little history with your narrative. It's okay though. We live in a time of political puritanism.


ok , i did a bit of reading , you were right .
Looks like the Republican party was formed to abolish slavery
they should mention that more!


It is mentioned a lot. We live in a glut of narratives so its understandable that people wouldn't hear it. The best thing to do is remember that regardless of political preference, every commentor on here likes this movie. Its frickin awesome.


Not me. I thought tho movie was idiotic.


I would be quite dishonest since the parties "switched sides" on social issues in the '60s.

The ancient Republicans, who started good, became the party of choice of racists when the Democrats made some moves to help Black people (Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act of 1965).

Why do you think 99% of people who fly the Confederate flag (a state that existed with the sole purpose of keep using slavery) vote Republican?

But, then again, dishonesty is one of the pillars of (modern) Republican thinking (gangrened by the MAGA movement, but it started earlier).




The GOP of today is not the party of Lincoln, it is not even the party of Eisenhower. The Democrats of today are not JFK Democrats.

Then GOP is not even the pro-gun party anymore; there is no pro-gun party. Reagan proved he was very anti-gun with his ban on open carry w/o a permit when he saw black people carrying. Reagan also closed the machine gun registry for civilians in 1986. Bush banned bump stocks in 2006 by classifying them as contraband machine guns. Trump did the same in 2019, so that Congress could not ban them by a new law and provide compensation. Trump went even further with his proposal that people have their guns seized without due process if anyone claimed they were a threat. Trump final dig at our civil rights was that the entire Constitution be suspended over his claim of fraud.

Does the above sound like the party of Lincoln or Ike?

Anyone who claims our most recent version of GOP and Democrats is anything like those in the past is a liar, stupid, or something worse.

Instead of being sorry, you could educate yourself on how both parties have changed.


True indeed........

"The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists"


Bullshit drivel coming from right wing incels.


Bullshit drivel coming from left wing incels such as yourself

sad stuff indeed :-(


The quota comes from either Winston Churchill or Ignazio Silone. Which one of them do you call a 'right wing incel', you fascist douchebag?


Fuck off, Trumper! Censorship by the left? When Trump couldn't even face reporters who asked normal questions. Everything seemed like an attack. He declared the free press "the enemy of the people" and he had his angry mob of idiot fascist storm the Capitol once he lost in a democratic election.

So, stop your right wing propaganda, right now, you lying ass! You are prove that this movie still is relevant.


You think I voted for Trump because I criticized the left, LOL. What are you, a child?


By the way you write, the same question can be applied to you. You certainly think like a toddler.


You're just bitter I called out your mistake. You are an ideologue. A partisan whackjob. You see criticism of your "side" and because you have the mid of an angry child you think, "He's a Republican!" Besides the fact that I am not, you think that is an insult. You're mentally ill. Look how you react to criticism of your "side", you lash out and throw tantrums.


When only one side is right, it's hard not to feel criticized for the wrong reasons.






100% agree. But like all great works of fiction you can watch it with applying a match to the current dictators of the day.

The intent by Carpenter may have been to target Republicans, but he couldn't for-see the far-left fascism that would be prevalent 30 years later.


It's an awesome movie. I absolutely love it. But the analogy exactly hold up; and I'm not even sure it was relevant when it was made. Sure, Republicans of that were super religious and what not, but I don't think there's much evidence that they secretly plot to control people's lives for no other reason than their own gain.


Republicans are for corporations to control your life and Democrats want government control. Both are the same.


Do corporations really control your life?


They make the laws with their lobbying efforts. Corporate influence in Washington benefits their bottom line and has little positive impact on the electorate.


I mean, governments technically make laws....

What I was trying to hint at was, what kind of examples do you have where a corporation is actually forcing you to do something?


Corporations are forcing me to dump plastic into the oceans because they wont supply product not wrapped in plastic. why? because it makes them more money.

If we had someone in charge not controlled entirely by money we could have rules about not pointlessy using one use plastic.


I don't want my goods packed in wood crates like a century ago. Fucking Hippies and their hatred for everything modern!


When I buy beer , I get 18 cans in a cardboard box
Some brands then encase that box in plastic, some dont.
The fact that some dont proves its not necessary.

Would you be prepared to accept beer - encased in a metal tin , further encased in cardboard , without it being further encased in a pointless plastic wrapping?


I get your point but try to look past our little false dichotomy of Dem vs Rep. It's not as real as you (MAY) think it is.

Behind closed doors the DNC and GOP agree on a lot and some of those things in which they agree are bad for the citizens of the USA.

