MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Obama's Greatest Legacy

Obama's Greatest Legacy

Everybody in Cleveland and all the minority got an obuma phone


He sent Bin Laden to Davy Jone's Locker and rebuilt the US after 8 years of Bush failures.


he killed bin laden? im pretty sure it was some gi joe camo turkey who has that honor not obuma


"If you like your doctor, keep your doctor" Lies. Premiums rose. Obamacare is a joke.


Republican care wasn't a failure but it would have been if Obama hadn't saved it. Still he should never have compromised, better to have single payer later than half ass plan now. Do you realize that Nixon was the last republican pres to accomplish anything remotely positive? If you call sending all our manufacturing to China positive.


Nixon ended Progressive LBJ's war against Vietnam.

Trump canceled your war against Korea, all your millitary war game exercise on the wealthy South Korean border. You had us there for 70 years.


Gotta love the Alt Right history warp.




8 years of Bush failure??? I think you are engaging in hyperbole there, it didn't get bad until 2007 with the housing crisis. President Trump however has done an amazing job cleaning up the economy after 8 years of Obama failure and the doubling of the national debt (especially after Obama called President Bush unpatriotic for accumulating less debt).


You don’t think that Bush contributed to the economy going tits up?!


He actually brought the issue of the housing crisis to note two years before it went bad. He was called a racist and it was said that he wanted poor people on the streets by his opponents. So it's not cut as nd dry.


He was called a racist for speaking on the housing crisis? Yeah, I’m going to need a reference for that.


Look it up. The called him racist nearly every other week. If he wasn't called racist, he was called stupid, billionaire, fascist, lizard person, dictator, NWO puppet, warmonger, ect... MSNBC made bank off of this with Bush.


I don’t doubt that he was called a racist, all presidents are. I doubt that he was called a racist for speaking on the housing crisis. I don’t know what to look up because I’m not getting anything.


It's hard to find now. I'll post it after I switch my search engine. Google is epic crap.


Wouldn't these phones be called Trump phones now? If someone collects SNAP benefits, using Section 8 or are just low income will qualify for a free phone from the government. Obama has nothing to do with these phones anymore.


People still bitching about that?


He set race relations back, decades.


Haha what absolute nonsense. A black president set race relations back for who?


There's no point in trying to shnie the light of reality on you.

P.S. He's half white.


Totally f'ed up my health insurance. Thanks, Obama!


yeah he really bumfucked the middle class with his bogus obumacare fines for people too poor to buy insurance but not too lazy to not work and get free insurance like his voter base


His greatest legacy? It’s hard because there are so many to choose from.

Set the record for underemployment at 95,000,000.

Took a recession that should’ve lasted 6mo and made policy that caused it to last 6 years.

Promised free healthcare for all, and gave everyone a 500% increase in healthcare premiums.

Corrupted the FBI.

Told us in October of 2016, a month before the election:

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections. There's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time."

A month before the election of Donald J Trump, and Trumps policies that lead to the strongest economy in history, Obama’s idea to create jobs was....”how you gonna do that? Wave a magic wand?”

Had such an atrocious presidency that Donald Jefferson Millhouse Kennedy Washington Reagan Trump was elected in an electoral landslide.

A truly historic presidency. In that it will go down as one of the historically worst presidencies in history.


His affair with Beyonce


Making the tough call for killing Osama Bin Laden.

If the mission failed, very high chance he would have been a one term President.
