MovieChat Forums > Barack Obama Discussion > Obama's Greatest Legacy

Obama's Greatest Legacy

Everybody in Cleveland and all the minority got an obuma phone


Did anyone mention his obsession with closing Gitmo and releasing terrorist?

Obama's unnacomanied minor program directly lead to a rise in ms13

And his obsession with not using the term ISIS....he called them ISIL.

And i was told why. Large militias like ISIS have sub groups. ISIL was a sub group.

So when Obama order planes to attack ISIL...they would literally fly around ISIS looking for ISIL fighters.

Not the same. This is why planes came back without dropping bombs.
And would fly over carvans of ISIS toyotas.


I'm gonna vote for insurance at the end of a gun barrel.
Personally, I'm not in favor of this type of insurance but the DEMs and REPs voted for it. So.
About 5 to 10 percent of the taxpayers are better off under it. So screw 50 percent to help 5 to 10. The rest of the people are about the same either way( their insurance coverage).


Obama leaving the White House was the best thing about his presidency!
