MovieChat Forums > Sinéad O'Connor Discussion > Sinead O'Connor died from natural causes...

Sinead O'Connor died from natural causes, coroner says


Yeah, Natural Causes at 56 Years old.. Not buying it.. People don't die this young of natural causes unless there's a significant reason and considering no one in any of the articles published over her want to try and address it is questionable in itself?? And if you suggests she died from the "Jab", Liberals will lose their minds over it


Yeah, it doesn't sound right to me, either. A natural death - at 56? I figured she committed suicide. Or, maybe one of those long term cases of self abuse that finally caught up. Such as drinking over a lifetime which eventually destroys the liver and will kill you. Don't know if she smoked. Anyway, to just simply die at 56 for absolutely no reason doesn't make sense.


Natural causes doesn't mean dying for 'absolutely no reason'. Dying from natural causes simply means you didn't die due to an external factor such as an accident, traumatic injury, medical negligence, &c. It doesn't rule out any type of illness or health issue.


Yeah, so maybe there is more to uncover in this case. Perhaps she had some type of long term illness. I suppose dying of "natural causes" implies she didn't commit suicide. But one has to think some kind of health issue was involved. I wonder if we will ever find out what it was.


Or if it will ever be our business.


No, just curiosity. In fact it isn't any of our business. I don't know Sinead personally, obviously. But she was pretty whacky. It's why I figured it was suicide. I doubt, very highly, she lived a perfectly healthy lifestyle. Could she have just dropped dead at 56 for no reason? Well, one supposes it is possible. I doubt it though, one would be willing to bet there is more to the story.


In fairness, I think most of us probably assumed it was a suicide. I did too. A long history of mental health issues, a lot of trauma and upset and -- if memory serves -- a recent bereavement in the family, when she lost her son to suicide. I think her mother may have died by suicide too. It was an easy conclusion to jump to.

But... apparently we were wrong. But, yes, curiosity aside, we're not entitled to the details.


Wow - I didn't know about her son (or her Mother). Just knew about the constant chaos in her life.

So yeah - suicide was a logical conclusion. As you say, apparently we were wrong. Let me ask you this - what would you bet on as to what really caused her death? If I had to bet, I'd say long term prescription pill use and abuse finally did her in.


I really wouldn't like to speculate. I know nothing of O'Connor's medical history or lifestyle.


Fair enough. Sounds good. Nice chatting with you today - best wishes.


Wasn't it reported as a suicide when they found her body?


I'm with you. Not my business, nor do I care.


Yes, because no one in history ever died before the age of 56 unless they were hit by a car.


Dying at 56 years old of natural causes simply doesn't happen unless there's a reason and they're not saying.. The end


What is your definition of "natural causes"?


Natural Causes when a person passes away means that at the time of death, they had no underlying medical complications or diseases that caused them to pass away and I'm sorry, but Sinead O'Connor most likely had a medical issue no one knew about or that she didn't want anyone to know about...


Well, any time someone dies from something other than blunt trauma/poisoning, etc. it's from natural causes. Maybe 1000 years from now medicine will be able to find out why some people just die, but they just do. Some are obvious like an aneurysm, heart attack, cancer, etc. but many are not known or understood . Even people who die from old age die from some medical issue.

Getting back to O'Connor, the coroner only had to certify she wasn't poisoned or stabbed or shot or beaten to death. Any death that wasn't suspicious is considered natural causes, even cancer. With no criminal activity indicated, they don't need to be any more specific.


If she died of Cancer, that would not be natural causes because you knew the cause of death


Cancer is a natural cause of death.


I don't consider dying from Cancer or breast cancer or pancreatic cancer natural causes, so looks like you and I will agree to disagree, Ok??


With respect, it doesn't matter very much what your idiosyncratic definition of 'natural causes' might be; it only really matters what it means in standard medical practice and legally on coroners' reports -- and it means what you've been told it means.

This isn't a subject on which you agree to disagree. This is a subject on which you either accept the factual information you've been given or you don't.


Medically speaking, it is a natural cause.


People die from broken hearts. She was depressed from her son dying. But there could have been other factors.


so looks like you and I will agree to disagree, Ok??

I don't mind, but you will be disagreeing with everyone else:

"What exactly does it mean when someone dies of natural causes?
Death is usually considered “natural” if it wasn't caused by an external factor. Simply put, a “natural” death is one that occurs due to an internal factor that causes the body to shut down, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. It means there was no external reason for the death, such as a traumatic injury.",such%20as%20a%20traumatic%20injury.


If she had died of cancer they would’ve listed cancer as the cause of death.




They only have to be specific if it's a coroner's inquest for suspected foul play.

There was no foul play in her death, so "natural causes" is sufficient.


Not necessarily. Diseases certainly are natural causes. So would a heart attack due to long term substance abuse. They don't have to tell us anything other than it wasn't due to an outside factor.


Perhaps they haven't identified the cause. Just eliminated external ones.


You are categorically wrong.

Name one cause that you do think is natural.


25 years ago my friend's cousin died when he was 18. He had no health issues and it wasn't suicide. He just had a random heart attack.


A Random heart attack doesn't occur at 18 unless there's under lying reasons you don't know about.. It just doesn't happen.. I'm sorry but it doesn't


it happens ALL THE TIME.


I'm a paramedic. No, it does not happen all the time. You can have a heart attack this young or younger, but that's exorbitantly rare compared to the usual 40+ range where it happens. Also, like BKB said, it usually happens due to underlying reasons, you do not get a heart attack out of nowhere.



To protect the family, the public announcement of a cause of death was natural causes instead of the drug overdose it was. Sinead O’Connor (Sinead O’Connor Died of Natural Causes, Coroner Says)


Natural cause of death on exactly THAT date? Yeah right...


What makes that date special?


I mixed something up, I thought it was the date of her son's death, but that was in January.
It is still a bit difficult to believe that this was just "natural causes" and not self inflicted her massive struggles considered.
Also doesn't help that she just posted about him and how difficult it is days before she died.

We will never know, but frankly if I'd expected anyone to do it... it was her.
She seemed too far gone on too many levels. Her weird politics, conversion to Islam, the constant patriarchy babble, her life style in general, the loss of her son and the rest of her life being more or less in shambles as well... I mean yeah.

Still could have been a stroke, heart attack or whatever else. Vaccine as well, who knows.




Since there was no foul play, there was no reason the coroner would disclose anything more than that without a court order.

Sure, she very well might have drunk herself to death or had some other self inflicted medical issue.


What is natural causes? lol!!!

Did she have a heart attack? A stroke? Something killed her. At 56 natural causes is living and breathing and being alive.


Natural causes means there was no foul play involved. If there was, they would have been more specific.

If she died from drinking herself stupid and choking on her own vomit, that would be natural causes. If someone injected her with an overdose of fentanyl, that would be murder.

The first case would be "natural causes", the second would be a suspicious death.

So what if she killed herself or OD'd? Maybe her family didn't want that disclosed.


"If she died from drinking herself stupid and choking on her own vomit, that would be natural causes."

That is how I want to go out, naturally.


LOL, MC post of the week.

reply, the only place where Sinead O'Connor gets as much time in the spotlight as Taylor Swift.
