MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > The Reason So Many Are Fascinated By Hit...

The Reason So Many Are Fascinated By Hitler and Nazism

... is because we all secretly wonder what a homogenous world with little to no diversity, no feminism, no homosexuality, and a strong identity and cultural direction would be like.

Deep down, we think it would be wonderful.


Who actually thinks that would be wonderful? That sounds like a drab and uninteresting world.



You're an idiot.


It was 2016 genius.





The fascination with him has nothing to do with what you just said. It has to do with how such a loser/monster like him could become such a powerful man in such a short time, and how was it possible to brainwash an entire nation into following him.

Fun facts: Hitler was a vegetarian and animal rights activist.


And he loved his mother.


He wasn't a vegetarian. People crave his strong hand.


Look it up. He loved a lot of the same things the fruits and nuts of California loved. Fascinating, isn't it?


Sure. But he wasn't a vegetarian. Common misconception.


Okay, I looked it up. He says he was a vegetarian, but often screwed up behind the scenes, while his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, played it up to the masses. I can confirm that Hitler outlawed certain types of aquariums because he thought certain shapes of aquariums were cruel to fish (heard about it on Mythbusters). He also had Syphilis (no doubt acquired from one of his many mistresses) and the version of the virus he had was actually attacking and destroying his aorta (yeah, I know, it's hard to believe that monster actually had a heart). I stumbled across a History Channel story about it during the time period they had a creepy fascination with Nazi stuff in the mid-2000s. I guess God had a backup plan if good ole' Adolf changed his mind about blowing out his own brains in the bunker.


Yeah, even if Hitler had given himself up to the Soviets, Parkinson's would've finished him off shortly afterwards.




AmeriGirl, I largely agree with you, BUT there is also a very strong BDSM vibe around the Third Reich.


No way! *cringes* I can sorta see that, but I'd prefer not to use my imagination on that front.


Yea, way. I know a bit about the bondage, discipline, sado-masochism world. You think black leather, tattoos, orchestrated goose-stepping from der Third Reich are unrelated to current sexual preferences? I concede this relation may not appeal to you. I respect you for that.


I prefer vanilla and non-Third Reich themes in that field, if you know what I mean.


My understanding is that was pretty well suppressed kind of early on, once things got rolling and the leaders decided they were more of an embarassment then a help.

Probably a good thing. Be pretty weird if even today, such sexual fetishes were associated with being freaking NAZIS.


And a non drinker. Perhaps all he needed was a beer and hamburger?


🤣...sorry, that's probably not the best occasion to laugh.
But it's true, Hitler was a nondrinker and a vegetarian.
What doesn't mean automatically that meat-eaters and drunkards are better people. 😏


I was pointing out the similarities between him and California liberals that think they're better than everyone else because of those two traits.


Californian libs are nondrinkers?!
Sorry, cannot confirm that...they like to drink a good wine.
And the Californian wine is damned good!
Important for a good wine are the grapes and enough sunshine.
Much more important is the volcanic soil.
While Californian, Italian and French wine is very good, German wine is the best.
Yah, instead of shooting and throwing bombs will start a wine war. 🍷​🍷​🍷​🍷​


No, I meant the vegetarianism and animal rights part. There are plenty of California liberals that drink like fish, rich or poor.


Oh ok...sorry, my bad.
Mistakenly thought I could provoke some virtual bottle throwing. 🍾​🍾​🍾​

Hilarious was "Hitler's Alligator".
That said Alligator was one of the few survivors of the destroyed Berlin zoo and was deported to Moscow as a POW. They treated him well and he died of old age in 2020. The Alligator was a real globetrotter! As a baby he came as a gift from the USA. Hitler may've seen him in the zoo but he never sat in Hitler's living room. 🐊​


He could have done much of that without attacking the rest of Europe.


No. Culture has only ever moved to the left.

The alternative is forced on us or it simply fails.


Oh shut up you TART!


lol. Nobody except MSM is fascinated by Hitler or nazism.


While I question whether you should be speaking for everyone and how we all feel about old one-nut and his wacky plans for an Aryan super race, I have to admire your honesty.

You should probably be locked up, but good for you for wearing your swastika with pride. It takes balls (or at least one) to sing out your Nazi dreams like Julie Andrews spinning around on a mountain top.






The hills are alive with the sound of Munich?






If Hitler had won, you probably wouldn't have been alive to post that.

So thanks.


If MC had mods, you wouldn't be around to post anything!


Ah mods, in many ways the last refuge of those in the modern arena seeking the comfort of similar authoritarian certainties.


Oh don’t mention it, Himmler.

To that point though, if Hitler had won it probably would have no effect whatsoever on whether your father knocked up his sister, so we’d still be graced with your inbred ass and its toxic gas it reeks all over this forum. Which is comforting.

Sieg Heil, sweetheart.


You seem smart. I shall subscribe to your newsletter.



You may also want to check out my website at

See you there!


Wait a minute. That link doesn't work.

Say what you want about the Nazis, but I bet they'd know how to make links work.


Really? Oh no, perhaps you’re blocked or on some sort of government watch list. I suspect it wouldn’t be the first time.


You're in favour of governments watching people. Interesting.

There may be hope for you.


Oh the endorsement I was waiting for 😍

Perhaps one day you’ll find a way to my website and you can share more of your insightful musings. In the meantime, you always have The Daily Stormer.

But for now, I don’t want to keep you, I can see your time is precious. You wouldn’t want to be late for your date to graffiti swastikas on that Jewish school. Toodeloo 👋


I am currently in a lab in Paraguay. We are just days away from resurrecting the fuhrer.

Just got to finish the moustache.


Oh well, you definitely want to get that right. One small mistake and he could end up with a Village People-esque handlebar mo. Not the image you want to project at all! Might put a dent in your whole “no homosexuals” master plan.


We've already perfected the hair. Just got to make him do the funny goose step now.


My guess, ThetaSigma, is that that is a slow clap with Emojis? :D


Are these even THE main reasons and the ONLY reasons?

Also. Even if some MAY think this way, how do they know it all originated in the mind of Hitler?


I don't know, but I'll bet you could write a 20,000 word, incomprehensible treatise about it.


Hitler should reboot Hostel.
