She apologized forgive and forget. You'll never hear a conservative apologize for anything.


She should have apologized to Trump and his family. That aside, Griffin has a sick sense of humor and this fits with her shtick. Her "apology" was probably just due to fear of losing work.


Having never once found her funny or understood her success, I'm at an even greater loss to understand how such an ambition-driven no-talent could have imagined this stunt would ingratiate her with whoever exactly her fan-base is--or with Gloria Vanderbilt.


the content of her material is debatable, but her delivery is good and her technique is also quite good.

as for "ambition-driven no-talent", that seems to qualify one even for the position of president nowadays, sooooo...


This is the real world. Saying sorry doesn't mean shit.


Exactly. And like it or not, there *is* a real eleven-year-old kid's feelings to consider. I stopped watching "In Living Color" when the lovely Wayans clan went after Chelsea Clinton mercilessly. Kids on the verge of adolescence are particularly sensitive, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if this "joke" sends the president's youngest son into protracted therapy.

Career-shattering choice by a B-list social climber, pain for a little boy-- Wow. Everyone comes out a winner.



It doesn't matter what YOU or any of us may think of his father. He is the boy's dad and I'm sure he loves him very much.


"It doesn't matter what YOU or any of us may think of his father."

hahaha. obviously it matters a lot to HIM.

"He is the boy's dad and I'm sure he loves him very much."

yeah, as long as he is exploitable.


Whatever you say.....
I'm not going to argue my point. I'm done here anyway. KG is yesterday's news. Literally!


what point?


She doesn't need to be sorry. I feel sorry for her. Who is she surrounded by that actually thought or found that funny, provocative, or whatever? What kind of bubble does that poor woman live in? Such clueless social degenerates. This isn't high school anymore where you are forced to stick to one clique and aren't allowed to socialize with the other groups. Like fucking expand your thought horizons and get the fuck out of your safe space bubble and listen to different opinions. Good lord.


Kathy Griffin is a stupid pig -- with no talent.



Because I'm a coward, I don't like to agree with strongly-worded negative statements. Especially online. Even if I agree (and have always agreed) with what's been said. So today I'm taking a big step by saying that I agree with every one of your nine words.


That's because conservatives are smart enough not to get themselves in a position like this. They know damn well the media uproar that would have ensued if they were carrying Barack Obama's head like they were part of ISIS. She's not sorry she posted the photo, she's sorry that she got attacked for it. You're telling me if people were congratulating her for it that she wouldn't have gone bigger in the next shoot? She clearly doesn't think it's wrong, the people do. And now she's trying to save her career.


She's not sorry she posted the photo, she's sorry that she got attacked for it.

BINGO !!!!!!!


Yeah, right. Grabbing pussy, denying science, being dirty racists, killing people who are different than they are just because they are different, lying as often as regular people breath. Conservatives are so great!


When was the last time you saw conservatives rioting on their streets because they were upset? When's the last time they organized anarchist cults to destroy public and private property? When's the last time you saw conservatives chanting down the streets calling to the murder and execution of cops? When's the last time you saw a Trump supporter physically assault a Hillary supporter? When's the last time you saw conservatives defending Muslim terror attacks? When's the last time you saw conservatives defend Muslim rape gangs? When's the last time you saw conservatives saying we couldn't enjoy other cultures for fear of "cultural appropriation"? When's the last time you saw conservatives try to silence the free speech of people they disagreed with?

Yes. They are so great. Not because they're doing anything particularly great, but by simply not being liberal, they're already a step ahead in human decency. Something happened to liberals from the 90's to now and I'm not sure what it was, but they have completely rejected all the values they once claimed to cherish. We see this all the time now. If a conservative makes a move, it's bad. If a liberal makes the same move it's good. It makes perfect sense to remember Hitler as the evil genocidal maniac he was, but liberals seem to have no problem glorifying communist Marxist tyrants like Fidel Castro and Che Guevera. Because they're the "good brand" of evil. Murder and genocide is only acceptable when it's the "good" brand of murder and genocide. Because everyone that isn't liberal is by default an evil racist bigot Nazi. This is the war cry of the modern left. The cognitive dissonance makes me sick.


When was the last time you saw conservatives rioting on their streets because they were upset?

They riot. They call them "alt-right" rallies (neo-Nazi, for the layman). They also murder black people and Muslims just for being black or Muslim or those who dare to defend them. Watch the news once in a while.

And stop with the holier than thou attitude. You are a horrible person, as evidenced by your tone deaf post.

BTW, you are guilty of labeling all "liberals" as people who riot or who want to kill cops. So effing stupid. What a dirty hypocrite you are. Now kindly go rot.


Lady, I'm just an observer, with no dog in this race, but I have to tell you your tactics blow. I know what you're going for and I support it, but guuurl, you're doing the cause harm by arguing in a horrible, nonsensical fashion.

Again, I support your cause, but you're not doing any good.


Nothing nonsensical about it. True, I call people names but my logic is sound.


You shouldn't resort to ad hominems. No need, really. I do understand frustration but logic doesn't need it.


You are right but calling people names is kind of a hobby of mine. It brings me pleasure. It's the one way I'm similar to Trump.


Fair enough... :D


If you think a rally is a riot, you are off balance and should turn off the "news."


Well the skinheads have been known to punch people and stuff. They do that Nazi salute thing, too. That's pretty crazy. They torment people of color, burst into churches and kill them. Muslims, too. They yell at strangers and kill the people who try to come to their defense. Terrible folks, Trumpkins are.


You sound like the lawyer of Eric Clanton.

Well someone did something at a rally months ago, so it's self defense to hit people with a bike lock at this rally. I'd tell you to join reality, but I can tell that's not possible without heavy doses of medication. Continue embarrassing yourself and your side.


Your orange balloon is terrorizing the planet with his idiotic and spiteful fukkery and you are mad at me. You really are a fool. Go eat your crunch berries. You, my stupid Trumptard, are the embarrassing one.






not_a_virus.exe.----Well I see conservatives do downright CRAZY things, such as your last post! LOL I mean, trying to argue with a leftwinger?

I'd just like to go on record for apologizing since the OP said conservatives never apologize. Well I AM sorry. Sorry that political disagreements have gotten so personal and ugly. And SORRY to say the lefties carry a fair share of the blame!


I'm sorry that we need you around but you do exhale carbon dioxide, which is needed by plants. I don't benefit from this but the plants do so I tolerate your ridiculousness. And just because someone thinks Trump is a moron doesn't mean they are a "leftwinger". It just means that person is smart.


I should just ignore your postings, but your commentaries have become like one of those 12 car highway pile-ups! Gruesome and bloody, but so HARD to look away. LOL I know I shouldn't, but I do it anyway!

So nice of you to "tolerate" my ridiculousness. I suppose that's a lot coming from someone like you who seems so unhappy and is seething with rage 24/7.

But how would YOU be able to recognize what is "smart" anyway?? lololololol


I don't seethe with rage 24/7. Just when i get bored at work. And just so you know, I would have happily accepted a Kasich presidency. The guy is smart, not a jerk and has compassion for people. I like my politicians moderate. Trump is a lunatic.


Okay, okay, but you come across as seething! If that is what boredom does to you, I am glad we're not co-workers! (you don't work with dangerous equipment, do you? ha)

I would have accepted Kasich too. And just so YOU know, if Clinton or Sanders had won, I would have happily jumped off the nearest tall building. LOL

I would have been okay with Joe Biden or someone like Joe Lieberman, or even Al Gore.


This is pretty much spot on.


"Yeah, right. Grabbing pussy, denying science, being dirty racists, killing people who are different than they are just because they are different, lying as often as regular people breath. Conservatives are so great!"

This thread has nothing to do with whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
This has to do with a person with bad judgement and not much of a conscience. She may have apologized, but to who? This was an act of cruelty. It wasn't funny.


This has to do with a person with bad judgement and not much of a conscience.

You just described Trump. A lunatic of a man who has the power to pull us out of the Paris Agreement and to launch nukes. Did you vote for him? Well thank you for screwing my future, jerk. A powerless comedienne takes a picture and that is what bothers you, not The Buffoon in Chief. Wow are you ever a dolt.


Truly well said


I sure didn't vote for him, but I did agree that the Paris Agreement was not a good deal for the US. I like agreeing to be more green, but the US is far more green than a lot of other countries. Making us share the majority of the burden just didn't make financial sense. I want a deal that doesn't break our backs.


Barron Trump thought Kathy Griffin actually beheaded his father:
Report by Caitlin Yilek | May 31, 2017, 11:28 AM



thanks for sharing the link. When I first saw this story on the news my first thought was of
Trump's young son and how things like this must be affecting him. I hadn't thought of his grandchildren.
I'd like to think that a grown woman would stop and think about the consequences of her actions. This stunt was a disgusting juvenile act. Shame on that photographer as well.


It's a joke link, stupid.


I'm not a stupid person. I can expect name calling from one who is.
Don't talk to me.


Go eff yourself. If you voted Trump, you are 100% stupid. There is no excusing it.


Who did you vote for Kewl_kat? If everyone who voted trump is 100% stupid I'd love to hear who an enlightened person like yourself would have chosen?


I voted for the one quality candidate: Hillary Clinton. Remember her? She won by 3 million votes.


Glad to hear you actually voted. Clinton was in no way a quality candidate, she committed treason. But I won't judge you for voting for her, there were no good choices this election.


"Quality"?? There must be a new definition for quality. Lying piece of self serving, sociopathic garbage comes to mind! LOL

So the country has three million more morons, so what?


Well I AM sorry. Sorry that political disagreements have gotten so personal and ugly

"Quality"?? There must be a new definition for quality. Lying piece of self serving, sociopathic garbage comes to mind! LOL

So the country has three million more morons, so what?

Why did u type that quote at the top and then do exactly what you hate in the next quote? It makes you seem so crazy.


Even crazier than you? LOL

"Quality candidate"? Seriously!! She IS a self serving liar. According to her, she "ducked sniper fire in Bosnia" when video footage clearly sees her being feted with flowers! And that is the LEAST of her lies!

She destroyed the finances of retired people who invested in her Whitewater boondoggle. She destroyed the lives of the women that her horn dog "husband" boinked.

Quality? I would be lying to agree that she is "quality" in any way, shape or form. She and Bill are perfect examples of white trash with money.

To call out someone as a liar is not a "disagreement". It is just speaking to the truth. Of course if one is a Clinton fan, the truth is a foreign concept.

And I am sure you will continue to call people "jerks" and tell them to shut up when they disagree with your opinions.


Everything you just typed is right wing propaganda. You seem to believe anything you are fed. Are you a religious person? Just curious. I have religious friends who say the same stuff you do. They are programmed to believe in lies and superstition. It's a shame. Your brain can be used for such good but here you are, stuck in a brainwashed state.



At least I have a brain, bwbphile.



I proved it by not voting for Trump.



You are a zero trick pony.



OMG. I'm on summer break from college where I made the Dean's list twice, you dunderhead.



I work too, you ridiculous freak.



No, not where your mom works. I work in a chem lab.



And look how you have to respond to everything I post like some obsessed lunatic. And you are a grown man! Now that's sad.



I'm a teenager. My brain is still developing. Yours appears to be rotting.



Whatever. At least I have one.



oh! klever kewl kat--Ha ha! I just KNEW "religion" would find its way into the conversation. Not that anyone who admires Mrs. Clinton would have any understanding of basic morality!! I am NOT "programmed", but I'd say you are if you put your "faith" in "Holy Mother" Hillary.(a false goddess if there ever was one)

Just FYI, my religious beliefs and belief in the Ten Commandments were formed in childhood. Self serving criminals always raised my religious antennae. If it's "superstitious" to distrust a self serving sociopath like that broom rider, well guilty here!

Was the video of Mrs. Clinton being greeted with bouquets of flowers in Bosnia "right wing propaganda"? Duh. CAN you actually BE that stupid or brainwashed? It is scary. Please stop voting until you have the MRI that bwbphile suggested. LOL

I actually SAW and heard her on the news when confronted with that lie of "sniper fire"!!!! Her excuse (what else does she HAVE, except a basket of excuses?) was that she had jet lag and "misspoke". Ha ha, like "jet lag" causes most people to lie.

I used to be a flight attendant and I and other crew members would be jet lagged from flying back and forth to Europe several times a month. That is, actually WORKING on a flight and not sitting with my fat a##ed pantsuit in a seat being waited on by the peons. None of US had a problem with the truth, even though jetlagged and tired.

You folks will eat up any swill that woman feeds you. Bon appetite!



Yes, in the months that I've been here, I've seen pjpurple consistently posting strong, articulate, lucid arguments. She embodies true feminine empowerment, imo .


bwbphile and db20db- thanks guys (or gals!) I don't know about "feminine empowerment". I just have a big mouth I guess.

I really planned a "do-over" at this site and not get into the political arguments like I did on 'The View' site on IMDB.

But that darned trending bar pulled me in! ha I'd read things and I couldn't help myself.


I'm a guy, I've always admired genuine intelligence and lady, you've got it ! Keep it up . I really enjoy reading your posts.



imagine his disappointment, when he found out the truth.


In her "apology," Kathy -- without her faced painted on with makeup -- looks scarier than the artificial severed head she was holding up!



I think what Griffin did was unacceptable and unfunny... but Ted Nugent threatened to kill the last President and Hillary and Trump didn't care about that


Both sides have extremists and people who take things too far. I miss the old days when both sides were more or less respectful.


Agree... I'm a Democrat who despises Hillary... I just want a decent human being back in office.


Who is going to run for the Democrats in 2020?


The same corrupt leadership is still there so it very well could be her... I can see they are slowly testing the waters with her... putting her out for that Wellesley address... but I'm hoping we can get someone who's not bought and paid for by the banking and pharmaceutical companies. Which will be very difficult... but we shall see.


Tim Kaine could run, he's a smart, likable guy and from an important swing state.


Maybe, but he didn't help her campaign at all. Who knows... if he were the front man maybe he'd show me something... but I'm not sure he has the charisma to go all the way. My mind is open though... I just want someone who isn't beholden to special interests... the fact that he worked with her is already a big red flag for me.


You can't get that up in politics and not be beholden to someone. The pendulum will swing WAY to the other side at the next election, and things will be as bad or worse. Corruption and greed are what we'll get either way. The media won't allow a moderate independent to be heard, unless it an already wealthy, well known, and well liked celebrity.


We just had one and he got treated like crap.


I fully supported him... when he withdrew I voted for Stein.


If you mean the narcissist in the white house for last 8 years who regularly used the constitution as toilet paper, people who believe individual liberty, self-governance, and self-responsibility will politely disagree with you.


You were saying? Just some of many articles.

"the narcissist in the white house for last 8 years who regularly used the constitution as toilet paper"
Hardly "polite disagreement"

But nice try. FAIL


I didn't vote for , and I don't care for him. However, I just read those articles you cited. They were pretty thin at best. They were looking for something as hard as they could, not finding anything, and grabbing art the very thinnest of straws. Nice try, though.


Actually they weren't thin; you just want them to be. Several were quite clear. But please cite all the times Obama violated the constitution, especially in his first 100 days.


Warrant free wiretapping, indefinite detention, expanded government secrecy. Basically every executive order by every President in my lifetime. Those aren't "by the letter" violations, but they surely violate the spirit of the free society embodied by the Constitution. The Constitution was written as a framework to limit the over-reaches of government tyranny, and enumerate specific freedoms which could not be trampled (by the government). Any powers not specifically granted to the government were assumed to be prohibited. However, due to a misuse of the "necessary and proper" clause, every administration has used the "power of the pen" to extend the reach of the executive arm. The current administration is no different. To conclude everything was peachy under the previous administration is just delusional.


Where, exactly, did I conclude everything was peachy? Reading comp problem?

"Those aren't "by the letter" violations, but they surely violate the spirit of the free society embodied by the Constitution"

That's a pretty far cry from "who regularly used the constitution as toilet paper."

So much for accuracy in your statements.


"Where, exactly, did I conclude everything was peachy? Reading comp problem?"

I never said you concluded that. I am saying that conclusion is (in my opinion) incorrect. A previous poster said many people were quite happy with the previous 8 years. That would imply they thought it was peachy. I have no way of knowing whether you felt that way or not.

"That's a pretty far cry from 'who regularly used the constitution as toilet paper.'"

The toilet paper comment may have been hyperbole, but I feel purposely violating the spirit of the institution is very much akin to disregarding it as an outdated relic good for nothing other than waste disposal. GW once called it "just a GD piece of paper." Your feelings may differ.


People being quite happy with it and considering it "peachy" are really 2 different things. Compared to the ignoramus in office now, I'd venture to say many were quite happy with dubya, too, though they certainly wouldn't call his administration peachy..


I guess happiness can be viewed retrospectively as a comparative quality. Often, when I think something is peachy, I'm happy about it. When I'm happy about something, I think its peachy. Semantics maybe. I don't really even use that word to describe stuff. I snarfed that from my Mom's lexicon, I think.


"Both sides have extremists and people who take things too far. I miss the old days when both sides were more or less respectful."

I second that emotion. There wouldn't even be a thread here if a certain comedian had been a bit more respectful.
I agree with what you said though. Things have gotten way out of hand on both sides. We all need to stop fighting and try to get along.


...or if millions of idiotic Americans didn't vote for The Clown Buffoon in Chief. What a joke our country is right now. A complete and utter joke. And if you were one of the morons who voted for the orange nightmare, go eff yourself. Seriously. Have you no respect for our once proud nation?


The clown buffoon lost in November. She was not smart enough to realize we are Republic. Not a democracy. She forgot about the electoral college.


Actually the clown buffoon won. I'm far from a Hillary supporter, but voted for her to vote against that moron. What people failed to grasp was that while there was/is a good chance the moron will be impeached, there was an equally good chance Clinton would've been. If she was, we'd have ended up with a relatively harmless president. If the moron goes, we get president Himmler.


The thing is, there would have been nothing impeachable concerning Hillary. It ended up being a bunch of right-wing BS propaganda. She was cleared of any crimes. Will Trump be found innocent? Time will tell. Even if he is found not to have committed crimes, he is dangerously stupid. Hillary isn't.

I agree about Pence. Deeply religious people can't be trusted in positions of power. They are irrational and their superstitious beliefs are a form of mental illness.


I agree. but I honestly think Hillary is FAR from pristine. The point, of course, was, that if people took the time to look at the big picture, which most don't, they may have voted differently. But they got sucked in by all the empty rhetoric


Extremism in any form, be it religion, conservatism, liberalism, is a mental sickness.

Hillary had a long history of questionable ethics for financial gain going back to Arkansas days. People were desperate to vote for someone outside the political machine, however ill advisable that candidate might be. That's why are where we are now. The professional politicians are at fault here. If, as a whole, they weren't so scummy, the people wouldn't have looked for an escape.


It seems like extremists on both sides are all that are promoted to high enough levels to run for President. I think that was Trump's appeal to many. He wasn't a senator, congressman, or governor. He was perceived as being "outside the machine." People were desperate to get out of that cycle so badly they voted for anyone not in that circle, however ill advisable.


Her liberal thinking got to her imo. She loved welcoming Muslims so much for their enrichment that she lost her sense of touch and mixed the beheading with an American instead. No surprise there.


Shut up, Rorikon. You are so annoying. Get some original thoughts for a change. Are you just living your life as a Rush "rail 24/7 against the boogeyman liberals" Limbaugh clone? What a sad existence. Go rot.


"boogeyman liberals" Yeah you're all a bunch of snot noses!

Saw Megyn Kelly (not a fan of hers though) give a speech in L.A. shortly after the election. She mentioned Trump.

Kathy Griffin was in the audience and gave her the finger and shouted out "@#@@# something or other". They had to bleep out what Ms. Pigmouth said. What a "classy" broad!

Ms. Kelly tried to be nice and just said ,"Oh come on!"

I WISHED I could have been Megyn Kelly for one minute just so I could have said, " I see we have Ms. Griffin here. Her idiotic screeching just explains the meaning of why she is on the D-List. That was obviously her highest grade in junior high, before she flunked out."


So? Trump grabs pussy and insulted his way to the presidency. What is your point?


My point is that Kathy Griffin is a foul mouthed moron! Okay? Or are you a "dum dum" too?

Is little loudmouth Miss Griffin in NO WAY responsible for the garbage that comes out of her pie hole? Is it OKAY that she gives the finger and swears at a person giving a speech?

If Rachel Madcow gave a speech about Obama and Ted Nugent yelled, " F##@ him!", would you be just as forgiving? I think not!

"Insulted his way to the Presidency"? Huh? You have quickly gone from silly commentary to incoherent babbling. Now BACK to your lemonade stand!


So you don't remember "Lyin' Ted" "Low energy Jeb" "Crooked Hillary" or all the times Trump called people stupid. He quite literally insulted his way into office. Wow, you really are living in an alternate reality.


what about billary?


what about millary? or zillary?


poor kewl kat-- Is business slow at the stand?? Run out of lemons? Your posts always sound like you've been sucking on one! Alternate reality?? No just actual reality. I DO NOT deny what Trump said, but neither am I RESPONSIBLE for what comes out of his mouth. DUh!

"Crooked Hillary"? Well that's so obvious it hardly needs to be said!

I had no real desire to further the Bush dynasty by voting for Jeb Bush. Neither did millions of other voters. But if he had been my only other recourse to "Crooked Hillary", I would've been pulling that lever, you betcha (channeling Sarah Palin here).

I didn't vote for Trump because he "insulted his way into office". Jeez. I CAN think for myself, even if you can't. LOL

Trump called people "stupid"? Well aren't a lot of people stupid? I only have to tune in to Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews to see that first hand!! Thank the Lord it aint a crime or we'd have to lock up the DNC and a large number of Republicans too. Maxine Waters would be doing a life sentence, lololol.

I suppose Trump's calling other pols "stupid" is waaay worse than Hitlary calling half the citizens of this country a "basket of deplorables". What a dumb arrogant piece of crap. A candidate is supposed to insult his opponent, NOT the people who he wants to vote for him! No wonder that lying sociopath lost! There's not one insult Trump leveled at her that wasn't deserved OR that I hadn't thought of years ago!

Well as long as there are voters like you, the Mrs. Clintons of this world stand a chance.


It's been a kinda slow week. Anyhow, Hillary only called 50% of you "deplorable". I think it's way higher than that so actually she was being kind.


I feel Hillary propped Trump up thinking it would be an easier victory than against a more opponent. People distrusted her so much that it backfired. I think people old enough to remember the first Clinton presidency and what a crooked farce it was made the difference. I know a lot of people that would have voted for anyone other those two, but in the end we're forced to go with what perceived to be the lesser of two evils. I think time will show were right to do so.
