MovieChat Forums > Paul Reubens Discussion > masturbated in a theater

masturbated in a theater

just heard


Oh no! Send him to jail!


Here's not the hero of the story.
Where's the message board for the poor minimum-wage schmuck who had to clean up after pee wee was done?



Like 30 years ago, in an "adult" theater.

Who cares?


The custodial staff.



I doubt one more load of jizz made much of a difference to them. They signed up to be jizz-moppers, and went to work every night prepared to mop jizz.


If you're not a poet, you should be.


Whose jizz this is, I think I know...


Know you know why they called him "pee wee".


It was in a adult pornographic cinema. I would expect a lot of that kind of thing happened in places like that, and management would probably turn a blind eye or else risk losing audience numbers. Three other audience members were also arrested at the same time.

He did 75 hours of voluntary community service as punishment without a record, some of which included self-financed and produced videos to educate children about the dangers of using drugs (something which affected him in his younger years). The incident got blown up in the media at the time and forced him away from the public eye for a while.

There is also the 2002 incident but it is all explained and closed if you look up the info.


He wouldn't jerk off to The Greatest Showman or the Little Mermaid. People treat him like that.

People don't jerk off in a theater to superhero films or Star Wars. He wouldn't do it at Homeward Bound films or at Fern Gully or even Transformers films.


How are you so sure?
That Fern Gully is quite the inspiration.


It's giving examples of where to charge him with exposure crimes. I don't think would've at the Elephant Show. I don't watch porno movies. Paul Reubens was treated unfairly. I do like horror movies.


Hey, speak for yourself. A lot of us get VERY into Star Wars films. Don't judge us.


People werd acting like he molested children or was into child porn. Parents didnt want their to watch his children's show PeeWee's playhouse.


do you think he ever went to a movie alone or with others or even a movie premiere ever since ? i'd like to know.


George Michael jerked off at a park and there was a bus driver in 2013 jerking off while driving a bus in the Lincoln tunnel. He wouldn't jerk off at baseball games Pee-Wee. We heard he's gay in real life but no proof. I get turned on to hot women blowing bubbles from bubble gum. If Paul Reubens were to get turned to bubble gum blowing he should watch baseball.


Wait, what?


I would think Paul Reubens learned in school like in health classes that private parts in private places. Baseball is where to see men blowing bubble gum. Paul Reubens wouldn't jerk off to GI JOE movie or even Full Metal Jacket. I like action movies.


I like action movies too. My name is action kamen.


A movie to never jerk off to is the Polar Express. He wouldn't have jerked off to that movie if he went to a theater to see it. He wouldn't do it at superhero movies or Star Wars movies.


Well, I guess it was a sexy theater.


I know you are but what am I


Maybe you should try doing with yourself in a theatre lol.
