MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Sad misplaced people.....

Sad misplaced people.....

I often post on the individual boards and find the posts of the folks who are talking about IMDb's shutdown. "Where do we go from here?" I just ran into another one.
There are so many alternative sites that people posted back in February. Very rarely do I see MovieChat on those lists.
The funny thing is that in the last days of IMDb, I did see this site on someone's list. I just can't remember which board it was.
How did the rest of you find out about this site? Was it listed on a board on IMDb?
There are so many of those posts that I run into. It wasn't so long ago and yet, it seems sooooo long ago! I keep hoping that these people find their way here.


I know what you mean! Keep seeing all of these mini-communities that sprung up on individual boards and their sad goodbyes. And I yell at the screen "It's all still here. Come baaaaaack!!!"

I actually found this place through hackernews, having specifically searched to see if anyone had attempted what Jim accomplished -- an archive of the imdb boards.


"Cooome baaaack!" 🐋

Sorry. Couldn't resist. If you don't know that reference, then shame on you. (Shame... Shame... Shame.... *bell ring*)

Anyway, back on subject... Yes, I have seen dozens of those poor goodbye threads. It's tragic. Hopefully they do find their way here, or at least to another movie forum site.

I actually don't remember how I found this site. Probably lurking on the right IMDb board at the right time. Or Google.


"I know what you mean! Keep seeing all of these mini-communities that sprung up on individual boards and their sad goodbyes. And I yell at the screen "It's all still here. Come baaaaaack!!!" "

My feelings exactly! The sad goodbyes are the hardest. I think I said a few myself. Those and the petitions to keep the message boards going.... I never bothered with those because I already knew that those were useless.
I am glad that I came here. This site was so easy to join and I think it's the best.
I do hope that more people will discover MovieChat and stay.


I found it via a quick Google search, but it was still months after the shutdown.


Aren't you the smart one? LOL! I mean that in a nice way.
I don't know if I ever would have thought of doing research. I just got lucky!


I think I searched imdb board replacement, or alternative


That would make sense...... something I do not always possess.


I'm also got here from googling "IMDb forum alternative" and I thought hmm Movie Chat, what a nice name! It doesn't have a fake or ripoff sounding names like IMDB2 or TMDB, etc. So here I am.


I agree! A nice name...... no alphabet soup!


Ikr. Movie Chat... What a wonderful phrase! Simple, conscise and to the point. Other sites' names are like Chinese bootleg toys that instead of Star Wars it says Ster Wnrs or something.


Love this comment! :)


I just followed the crowd at chow time




what movie is that from?


LOL! no movie. That's from me.


I meant .... "I just followed the crowd at chow time" .... very famous 90's movie,,, hint: military movie


Got it! I'm a bit slow.....


need another hint?


Sure. Lay it on me.


A Few Good Men


you win naps, great movie
ever see it margo?


I have seen it many times. You Can't Handle The Truth!


come on Harold, it's 6 months, it's a hockey season


I learned about this site while still at IMDB, and was fortunate enough to frequent threads where the link was dropped, along with some other sites.

I recall reading all of the sad goodbye threads, and then creating a post telling these very people of a site that contained almost all of the complete archives, and all that they had to do was to meet up there the next day, and carry on as usual. No one replied to those threads, and suspect that not many of them read them either, because almost none of them showed up. I grew frustrated and just faced palmed it, and hoped for the best.


Who knows, wanton? I may have found out from you! If so, thanks!


Yeah, everybody I talked to about coming here complained about the donate button and refused. People are strange.


Whoa! I nearly forgot about that donate button! That may have turned people off because they thought they may have to pay.


Yeah, I got a lot of that too GK, even after it was made clear (I posted Jim’s original quote over there) that it was strictly on a voluntary basis.


In the Final Days I was mostly posting on the Politics board..which was primarily a CESSPOOL, by the way! But there were a FEW of us who were sane there...and one of them, who I actually didn't even know that well, pm-ed me something like "I'll miss your commentary, but there's this new site opening up I hope I'll see you at."

They didn't want to put it on the main boards were the swine would see it. I think someone had pm-ed the moviechat link to her in the same way.

I was extremely flattered, and I'm very grateful they tipped me off : ) And it was great to be able to stumble over here immediately, reeling from the shock of old boards closing a day early.


After the election year we had, I can only imagine the way that politics board must have been. I never went there.... too many high emotions! It was bad enough out here in the world, as I am sure you already know. Enough about that!

Is the person who tipped you off here as well? I hope so.


I think I've seen them here once or twice, and I thanked them. But our reunion wasn't a big, emotional, Academy Award nomination movie clip or anything...


I don't remember how I found this board. I just know I required a board to have individual boards for each film/actor/director/key grip, and this board fit the bill. I've spent, maybe, a grand total of fifteen minutes combined on the plethora of alternative sites.


I tried a couple of other sites too. One was not very friendly. the people treated me like an interloper. LOL! I suppose I was!
Both were hard to navigate. They were nothing like this with individual boards. I dropped both after I joined this site.
It is still so strange to see these posts. I wonder where all of those people went.


I think I saw a post from Jim on the IMDb Politics board. Unfortunately many users had already settled in to the countless other boards as Jim was a bit late getting in to the game.


I found out about the board a few days before the IMDB shutdown through a fellow poster but didn't sign up until a week later.


I was on the final chapter boards before they close them.One of the members....I don't recall his name...posts a link with this site and that's how I joined here😉


I found out about this site from either Google or IMDB2. :)


Well,Kentry...I joined this site only because I thought that the resident evil and tomb raider "family"will be here too, but as I soon discovered...I am the only raider here😉


That's the frustrating part, croft. All of the people you had those discussions with are archived and you can read what they had to say but you can't continue the conversation with them.
I hope that a few more of your fellow Resident Evil and Tomb Raider fans will eventually find their way here.


A few more,MissMargo...i'm sure that not even one of them are here...oh well,i'm starting to getting used to be the single raider around here😉


I would join you Croft, but I'm sorry to say that those sort of movies just aren't my cup of tea.


I'm not talking about the Tomb Raider movies,MissMargo...but thank you for your good intention😉


I'm pretty sure I found out about this site at IMDBv2 awhile back, but when I joined just now it was through a google search.


I'm glad you found it! Hi Daisy! I keep meaning to say Welcome. I've seen you around recently. Sorry I was so slow.


Oh no problem! Thanks for the welcome and nice to meet you! I've been loving it here so far! :) I have time off so I'm on my laptop alot, and then this tab open all the time. I've been spending a lot of time here already! :D
