MovieChat Forums > Politics > Bill Maher says the covid dissenters loo...

Bill Maher says the covid dissenters look like they were the ones who were right

Covid is the biggest lie ever heaped onto the American people in the history of this Country.


Yeah seems the conspiracy theorists are batting a thousand since 2015.

It’s doesn’t matter what it looks like though, those still pushing the Covid sham and vax are obviously blind.


The one way aisles at Wal Mart ultimately ended the pandemic.


An integral step in “2 weeks to slow the spread” indeed.

Along with wearing masks that did nothing.


No, we WERE right. Not 'maybe'. Not 'looks like'...


Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


I'm gonna say it again, you know we're living in the Twilight Zone when Bill Maher is the voice of reason. Russell Brand has fucked around and become a conservative.

WE were right but will never be fully vindicated. The idiots who regurgitated whatever they heard on CNN, the fools who repeated the lies without questioning them, will never own up to it. Because it's not in their mindset to ever be wrong.


You speak as if vaccine skepticism and indulgence of conspiracy theories is a purely right-wing phenomena. It is not, and has never been.


If proven true, it's not a "conspiracy theory". Do you know the meaning of the words you use?

It never was a conspiracy theory anyway but purely common sense.


What exactly has been "proven true", precisely?


If two government agencies say they think it came from a lab leak, how can you call it a conspiracy theory? I know you fucktards think you're never wrong but at some point, it is unavoidable.


Except for the facts those are not the same discussions "dissenters" were promoting - which were that a leak from a Wuhan lab was INTENTIONAL - and, that the COVID-19 virus was not dangerous enough to warrant the precautions they were being advised to follow.

My question at this point is exactly how many people died from COVID-19 because of the choice of some to remain unvaccinated or participate in any precautionary measures at all to prevent spread?

After all, it's possible that the number of deaths due to COVID-19 could be higher than official reports, because using the same "logic" COVID deniers used to suggest that hospitals were over-reporting such numbers for financial reasons, how many deaths due to COVID were NOT reported as such because some did not want the deaths of family members publicly reported as being DUE to COVID because to do so would have in effect proven them to have been wrong all along.


It's PROVEN the mask didn't prevent jack-sh!t and the vax was a sham.

We were RIGHT, you were LEFT...errrr...WRONG!


Riiiiiiiiight. - Eyeroll -


Masks don't do a damned thing. No mask that you can breathe through will stop a virus. Trust the science. Four of us caught COVID while wearing an N95 mask.


I've worn a fake mask for 2 years+ now. It doesn't matter lol.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


Riiiiiiiiight. - Eyeroll -


Sorry that the facts contradict your retarded narrative.


Sorry that it's so funny that COVIDiots such as yourself are always saying "No mask that you can breathe through will stop a virus. Trust the science" when COVID-19 particle size is 0.125 microns, 250 times LARGER than oxygen particles at 0.0005 microns.

Proving that you actually CHOOSING to believe the narrative that you did means you aren't even smart enough to be retarded. ; ) Sad.


"Masks are primarily intended to stop people from spreading droplets that contain the virus, which is especially important people who are asymptomatic or presymptomatic. These people may feel well and may not know they are infectious (CDC, 2021)."

Fucking idiot. As I said, no mask you can breathe through can stop the virus. Masks only help when the infected wear them. Because it catches particulate, not the virus alone. Like I already said, we all caught COVID while wearing masks.


You've never once acknowledged that you contracting COVID could have been a result of any of the OTHER numbers of ways a person can contract COVID....that is....IF you actually DID have COVID.

Just because you say you contracted COVID WHILE wearing a mask doesn't mean inhalation was the cause. I once caught a cold while wearing a winter coat. - Eyeroll -

Regardless, you obviously still don't understand that your latest post actually confirms MY post. F'ing idiot indeed.


I knew others that wore their masks, maintained the required distance, and stayed quarantined, and yet, they still caught the virus. Bottom line is that the masks did nothing to stop the virus.

I also have colleagues that were vaccinated and boosted and they still caught the virus; some more than once.

So, if the mask works than why the distance? If the mask and distance worked than why the quarantine? If the masks, the distancing, and quarantine worked than why the vaccine shot? If all four of those worked than why the boosters?

None of those have prevented infection or transmission….how do we know this?…simple…we see it occurring in others that implemented all the required mandates and they still caught the virus.

So what bullshit lies and deceptions do they sell when the above is irrefutable?
1. It is supposed to lower the risk of infection and transmission
2. It is supposed to lower the effects of the infected

All those mandates were a psychological tactic used to break people down so that they would go running and begging for the vaccine.


All of which STILL conveniently ignored the FACT that COVID could be contracted by OTHER means than inhalation alone.

Pretty obvious why you're trying to keep the focus strictly on masks though. - Eyeroll -


And it is obvious that my entire statement went right over your head or perhaps you didn’t have an intelligent or clever rebuttal to refute any of it.

Your lack of common sense is so astounding that you didn’t realize that it was not just about the masks, but about “ALL” the mandates that failed to prevent infection or transmission.
Therefore; your logic fallacy about “could be contracted by OTHER means”….is irrelevant.

Oh, by the way, there is nothing to gain in refusing the mandates that have proven to be a failure; however, there is money and profit in deceptively trying to convince others that they do….so that makes you an obvious sellout and a shill since you have a “profitable motive”.


And yet your "logic" conveniently neglects to mention that it wasn't the mandates that failed, it was the people who refused to follow the mandates which made the mandates a failure (a group that you've made very apparent you were likely a part of)...

Sellout/shill indeed. - Eyeroll -


Wow, it took you four days just to come up with that idiotic rebuttal.
Once again, go back to my initial statement where I stated that none of those mandates worked.

Try again…


Four days. So what? Just because you apparently don't have a life away from MovieChat doesn't mean no one else does. ; ) The fact that you tried to use that as part of your argument pretty much says all that needs to be said about your "argument".

But, speaking of trying again, you obviously need to reread MY comments where I proved that you're conveniently ignoring WHY the mandates didn't work. - Eyeroll -

Idiotic rebuttals indeed.


Your statement proves nothing except that you clearly ignored mine...try again


No, my statement proves that YOU, anti-vaxxer or not, are ignoring the fact that people not wearing masks were purposely sabotaging the mandates from being able to work.


Masks never worked.


So are you ALSO basing your argument on tvfans "evidence", where the "proof" they used to back up their argument that masks didn't work was an instance where a mask wasn't even being used (ie; didn't even have a chance to work)?


The BS masks we're talking about (those piece of shit 3 ply disposable blue masks) never worked. N95 masks and higher rated masks may have worked but the blue 3 ply masks did nothing. In fact the only thing those masks did was contribute to dirtying up our environment by creating more useless trash.


Interesting that you're NOW changing your argument.

First it was across the board "masks", but's not.

And who and where is the "we" you're referring to? In THIS thread, the people arguing your argument were alleging the same across-the-board, all-inclusive "masks didn't work"...which is obviously false.


Because it couldn't have. For three years, I have worn a mask every time I've gone into public, which has been very little. There were four of us who contracted COVID at the same time. Because through our powers of deductive reasoning, which I understand is a foreign concept to you and all other liberals, there was only one instance where we would've been exposed at the same time.

If the person who we contracted it 'from' had been wearing a mask, it might not have happened.

Yes, I did have COVID and I tested positive for about 10days. No, I do not lie. I know you liberals have a hard time believing that but you judge others by yourselves and believe a lot of shit that isn't true.


Did you TOUCH anything ANY time you went out in public?

And I know you anti-maskers have an impossible time understanding that your own comments don't prove what you "think" they prove, but your example of possibly contracting COVID from a person who WASN'T wearing a mask CLEARLY isn't the type of evidence for proving your argument AGAINST masks that you believe it is... _ Eyeroll -


Anti-maskers??? You are fucking retarded. We have not eaten in a restaurant in 3yrs. We have rarely gone to town at all. Every time we did, we wore a fucking mask.

The point, dipshit, is that masks don't do jack shit unless the person who is infected is wearing a mask. The reason I think we caught COVID from a person not wearing a mask is because the people sitting behind us for 2hrs were not wearing masks and were found out later to have been sick. Stop assuming everyone is as stupid as you are.

Yes, I think everyone should have been masking. I also think people should've stayed the fuck home if they were sick but I'm not a tyrant who believes the government has the right to force people to do anything.


And yet based on YOUR account, YOU suggested that if the person you referred to had been wearing a mask, you wouldn't have contracted COVID...meaning that you just proved your own comments about masks not doing jack shit wrong. - Eyeroll - Can't have it both ways. "Retarded dipshit" indeed.


Potentially. It's still a diaper to stop a flood.

The fact remains that COVID is only a serious threat to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. There never should've been a lockdown. There never should've been mask mandates. There never should've been vaccine mandates.

You idiots are completely immune to logic and reason. You never question yourself or the narrative. You just blindly follow it. People are having serious side effects from the vaccines and you morons still think it's the answer.


Actually, idiots/morons who are immune to logic and reason continually have to move the goalposts to suit their argument of the YOU have just done...AGAIN. Sad. ; )


Immune to logic and reason? You swallowed the propaganda and asked for seconds. Starting in May, you're going to pay $130 a pop for your next clot shot.


In your obviously uninformed, right-wing-propaganda-based opinion anyway.

And IF the $130 charge proves true, I'd be willing to put my money where my mouth is if it means protecting myself from disease spreaders such as yourself who apparently think you're proving yourselves more intelligent by going out of your way to try to harm other human beings by NOT getting vaccinated.

On the flip-side, how much do you pay per month for the services and devices (cable TV/internet/cellular/etc/etc/etc) that deliver your MISinformation...?


Both the transmitter & receiver are wearing N95 masks. I know people who have been fully vaxxed, but have had Covid 3 or more times. They also are more ill each time. The damn virus plays havoc with the autoimmune system.

” Getting COVID-19 Multiple Times Is Risky for Your Health”


the covid vaccine neither prevents or cures...thats the sham...Joe said you cant get Covid if you are vaccinated and then millions of people were threatened to take the jab or lose their jobs. thats Tyranny my friend.

there would have been mass riots if Trump had imposed the same rules.


"...Joe said you cant get Covid if you are vaccinated..."

Please provide your proof where Biden said EXACTLY that.

The fact is, NO virus experts said that. What they DID say was that being vaccinated was a preventative measure against getting the type of serious case that was causing deaths.

For a group of people who always accuse others of not supplying proper context, anti-vaxxers sure do EXACTLY that when they know their argument is $#!+. Sad.


During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden falsely stated that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

Biden's statements above clearly contradict the conclusions of medical authorities such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has stated that while vaccines greatly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, and reduce the likelihood that those who do become ill will experience severe symptoms and be hospitalized, no vaccines are 100% effective (also see our previous fact check, Can You Die of COVID-19 if You Are Vaccinated?):

Facts First: Biden’s second claim – that vaccinated people are “not likely to get sick” – was accurate. But the blanket promises in his first and third comments – that vaccinated people are simply “not going to be hospitalized,” “not going to die” and, even with the very contagious Delta variant, “not going to get Covid” – were inaccurate.


Great! So you're FINALLY accepting the information that the CDC was providing at the time as having been factual, and the informational source citizens should have been listening to instead of politicians re; COVID!

I have to say though, for someone who has repeatedly been seen here over the years referring to Biden as "Dementia Joe", etc, I'm "surprised" that you would provide a specific quote from HIM as evidence that you thought made your argument about COVID vaccinations and their efficacy MORE valid. - Eyeroll -

OK, I admit it....I WASN'T really surprised to see you ONCE AGAIN illustrate the type of flawed logic you always mistakenly think makes your arguments actually appear well thought out. ; )


thanks, dementia Joe is the worst and I agree with your assessment. this is why we need President Donald J Trump back as President. he will be your President in 2025, be sure to mark your calendar.


Admitting that you've been wrong about the CDC all along was definitely a good first step for you.

Now on to all of the OTHER things you keep proving you're still wrong about. ; )


never, I and Trump are always right.


Fun Fact: I already knew you and trump will never admit you're wrong. ; )


if I was wrong I would admit it.

During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden falsely stated that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

Joe lied.


But Biden ALSO went on to more accurately state at another point in the same appearance that - "If you're vaccinated, even if you do 'catch the virus, like people talk about it in normal terms, you're -- not many people do. If you do, you're not likely to get sick. You're probably going to be symptomless. You're not going to be in a position where your life is in danger."

So basically, you lied about the content of Bidens' ENTIRE comment.


nope, Joe said this:

"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and !!!****************you’re not going to die."*******************!!!


”As he did at his February town hall, Biden made a number of false or misleading claims. We haven’t been able to look into every single thing he said Wednesday night, but here is a rundown on some of his remarks.

Covid-19 vaccines

Calling on Americans to get vaccinated against Covid-19, Biden said, “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit and you’re not going to die.” In another exchange moments later, Biden said that even if vaccinated people do “catch the virus,” they are “not likely to get sick.”

”But then, during a third exchange, Biden said that since the vaccines “cover” the highly transmissible Delta variant of the virus: “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.”

Facts First: Biden’s second claim – that vaccinated people are “not likely to get sick” – was accurate. ”But the blanket promises in his first and third comments – that vaccinated people are simply “not going to be hospitalized,” “not going to die” and, even with the very contagious Delta variant, “not going to get Covid” – were inaccurate.”

The CDC Admits Cloth Masks Are Ineffective

”The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that cloth masks have never been effective. For over two years, the CDC has been forcing both children and adults to cover their faces to participate in an altered version of society.

The CDC’s announcement comes shortly after CNN’s Leana Wen admitted that “cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic.” So for over 22 months, the public has been walking around with a useless piece of fabric over their faces to blindly comply with a completely useless mandate. The CDC previously stated that surgical N95 masks were appropriate “when supplies are available,” but has since updated that guidance to say “wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently.”


So now we need to wait another year for it to be proven the virus was released INTENTIONALLY and after that you will come up with another word that you feel negates the entire premise of the argument.

"exactly how many people died from COVID-19 because of the choice of some to remain unvaccinated"
You have forgotten that the "vaccine" does not prevent transmission or infection. And 6ft and or masks don't do anything either, so you are wrong again that the unvaccinated did anything to put others at risk.

In fact the people who told the vaccinated that they were safe from getting infected or infecting others are the ones who added to the death toll.


Who do you propose released it intentionally?

The vaccine, like most vaccines, purely reduces the symptoms of COVID when you get it. If it was widely believed by governments that it would 100% prevent transmission, then all restrictions would've been removed much earlier than they were.


"Who do you propose released it intentionally?"
If it was released on purpose I imagine the Chinese did it as a means to control their population without raising human rights questions.
"The vaccine, like most vaccines, purely reduces the symptoms of COVID when you get it."
That is the definition after they updated it, correct. Go on rumble and lookup every health official saying that if you took the vaccine you would not get covid. I'm sure you have seen the videos, it's only after everyone who had taken the vaccine started catching covid that they changed the stance to the virus wont lead to immediate death if you are vaccinated.


If it was released on purpose I imagine the Chinese did it as a means to control their population without raising human rights questions.

Why would they need to do that when their population was already spiralling? And if that was so, then why did they have such extreme and long lockdowns?

That is the definition after they updated it, correct. Go on rumble and lookup every health official saying that if you took the vaccine you would not get covid. I'm sure you have seen the videos, it's only after everyone who had taken the vaccine started catching covid that they changed the stance to the virus wont lead to immediate death if you are vaccinated.

Archived from 2021. It suggests it will always stop you getting sick (albeit that was a bit wrong, but it does generally reduce the symptoms), but not that you won't literally get it.


"Why would they need to do that when their population was already spiralling? And if that was so, then why did they have such extreme and long lockdowns?"
It's a tyrannical government trying to control every aspect of life, who knows why they would do it. Could also be incompetence because these types of governments are incompetent but have a monopoly on force.

"Archived from 2021. It suggests it will always stop you getting sick (albeit that was a bit wrong, but it does generally reduce the symptoms), but not that you won't literally get it."

It does reduce symptoms has yet to be shown and that is the last leg they have left because it's so hard to prove. In the same sentence they state many people don't have any symptoms from covid19 "without vaccine", while others might die from the virus. They say they do not know if someone is going to be affected by the virus severely to start with, so how could they know if the vaccine reduces symptoms if they don't know who was going to have symptoms?


It's a tyrannical government trying to control every aspect of life, who knows why they would do it. Could also be incompetence because these types of governments are incompetent but have a monopoly on force.

But they apparently wanted it to kill lots of people, according to you.

It does reduce symptoms has yet to be shown and that is the last leg they have left because it's so hard to prove.

This is not true. All data strongly suggests the vaccines reduce symptoms:

In the same sentence they state many people don't have any symptoms from covid19 "without vaccine", while others might die from the virus. They say they do not know if someone is going to be affected by the virus severely to start with, so how could they know if the vaccine reduces symptoms if they don't know who was going to have symptoms?

Collecting data from people who get Covid without a vaccine vs. with a vaccine.


Bill Maher is hoping for a recession. He’s probably not alone. Like most Democrats, the talk show host understands that the booming economy is the single biggest impediment to his party unseating President Trump in 2020 and to winning majority control of the House of Representatives in November.

But how truly pitiful is it that someone who pretends to care about the less-fortunate members of our society is willing to throw them under the bus for political gain?

On his HBO show “Real Time” last week, Maher said: "I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point. By the way, I'm hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession."


Bill Maher was suggesting one would be needed to remove Trump from office before the last election. You've got your timestamps wrong here.

But again... why are you telling me this? Am I some Bill Maher defender or something?


What you are is a funded propagandist and corporate lackey.
What would be interesting to know is the source of that funding…..perhaps the CCP.


Who is funding me exactly?

You are accusing me of being funded by the CPC, despite me openly telling you that I would hate to live in China? In addition, I choose to spread this by going onto a movie-forum?


"Deflect and Deny"


So according to you, the fact that I deny an accusation means that it must somehow be true?


Bill Maher and the rest of the democrats were wishing for a pandemic so they could vote by mail, thats the only way they could rig the election in their favor.






I asked "What?" because I wondered what it had to do with the specific conversation.

So now it's postal voting fraud?


Nancy Pelosi said the 2016 election was hijacked and she also said that Trump was going to steal the 2020 election. Was she not aware of the Brennan Center report?

Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
11:44 AM · May 16, 2017

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”

Behar said, “I’m dreaming of the day when we all say ‘President Nancy Pelosi.’ I think that sounds really good. But the polls are showing that Biden is ahead in key swing states. It’s very encouraging in many ways, Pennsylvania, et cetera, but I’m still worried that they could steal this election. I know that the Russians are still involved. Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security just released a report warning that Russia is a key threat to the election. Now we knew this going into 2016 too, and we saw how that turned out. This is why I’m not counting my chickens at all. I’m still nervous. People have to vote, and we have to win in a landslide. How concerned are you about that?”

Pelosi said, “Well, I’m concerned, but I don’t— my motto is we don’t agonize, we organize. I have no doubt that the president, in typical fashion, will lie, cheat, and steal to win this election. So we are prepared for that. I’m sorry to have to say that, by being speaker of the House and he’s president of the United States, but that is the reality.”


She continued, “He’s trying to dismantle the Postal Service to undermine vote by mail. He’s inviting practically voter interference into our elections. The voter suppression and intimidation that he is bragging about practically that they are engaged in, and it’s really a shame in terms of our Constitution and our sacred right to vote. But again, we’re ready. We’re ready. I will do everything in my power to make sure that matter how he tries to declare victory or undermine the electoral college or try to win in the House —he’s bragging now he’s going to win in the House —I will assure you of this, with a free and fair election Joe Biden will be inaugurated, and Kamala Harris inaugurated president and vice president of the United States on January 20, 2021.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald Trump, “Whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving” the White House after the 2020 presidential election.

Maybe because she knew she was going to rig the 2020 election.


So because Nancy Pelosi speculated that Trump might cheat, therefore the Democrats obviously did?




That's not evidence. That's just you baselessly speculating. Trump also accused the Democrats of cheating, so by your logic Trump must've tried to cheat.


He did and so did Nancy and Joe. The facts state that the 2016 election was investigated and the 2020 election was not. Even though Joe said he would lose by chicanery and Congress has a duty to protect our democracy.


Again, "just trust me bro" is not evidence.

And all the court cases bought to investigate the 2020 election from the Trump campaign failed.


Thats what the dems had in 2016. Although we found out later the "just trust me bro" was fake.

Those court cases were local and not Federal. The 2020 election was not Federally investigated. Nancy could have hired Mueller again to investigate but she didn't.


I don't really care what the Dems had in 2016. We're not talking about that election. No, the 2016 election was also not fraudulent. There's also no evidence the 2020 election was either.


There was no evidence the 2016 election was stolen and hijacked, but Nancy insisted that Mueller investigate. After 2 years all he found was that Russia put fake ads on Facebook.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told supporters Wednesday night his campaign assembled a team of 600 lawyers to fight against efforts he expects from President Donald Trump to limit voter participation in the upcoming election.

The team of 600 lawyers, along with 10,000 volunteers, would be in every state to figure out if any "chicanery is likely to take place."

Did those 10,600 people find any chicanery?


I don't really care what Nancy insisted. The 2016 election was not overturned. It was not stolen.

I have no idea what those lawyers found - but not sure what this has to do with the 2020 election being stolen or not.


Nancy set the precedent by Federally investigating the 2016 election. Why not just investigate the 2020 election in the same manner to see if there was any chicanery? This will only vindicate the Dems if they are right.


Can you please give me the full content of the official investigation in the 2016 election please, as launched by Pelosi? What was it trying to discover, what were the goals?


Here is volume I and II.

Let me know when you are done reading them and then we can talk about it.


Russian interference =/= Election was stolen

Quite different claims


Wow, guess you are a speed reader. Anyways, the claims were by Nancy and the Dems that Trump stole the election but all they found was Russian interference.

Trump won the election fair and square.


No, the point was about Russian interference. Only way an investigation could have potentially removed Trump is if he was implicated enough with Russia. Which would've led to President Pence.

There was never any allegations of fraud in 2016.


If there was no fraud allegations then why was the 2016 election investigated?

Also, why did Obama allow Russia to interfere in our election?


If there was no fraud allegations then why was the 2016 election investigated?

Because of potential Russian meddling. The report says it right there. Where is your evidence that it was about voting fraud?

Also, why did Obama allow Russia to interfere in our election?

Is there a big magic button for every president to press that says "Stop Russian interference"?


The Obama administration said it has seen no evidence of hackers tampering with the 2016 presidential election, even as recount proceedings began in Wisconsin.

“We stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people,” a senior administration official told POLITICO late Friday.

“The federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day,” the official added. “We believe our elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective.”

Obama said our elections are free and fair, then Nancy said the election was hijacked and we must follow the facts.

President Barack Obama on Tuesday cast Donald Trump’s claims of a rigged election as potentially corrosive to American democracy, insisting that the Republican presidential nominee was griping about an invented conspiracy.

“You start whining before the game’s even over?” Obama said during a news conference in the White House Rose Garden, adding that Trump’s claim is “not based on facts.”

Trump "knows he’s an illegitimate president," Clinton said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did … I know he knows this wasn’t on the level."

Hillary even said that Trump stole the election.

Pelosi also told the outlet that she has been working with lawyers for four months in anticipation that Trump might try to cut the vote count short.

The team included attorneys with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Republicans and former US Attorney General Eric Holder.

So was the 2020 hijacked as well?


I don't believe either election was "hijacked", and there's no evidence that either of them was.

You'll note that Clinton in 2016, instantly conceded, unlike Donald Trump who immediately claimed that the election was rigged.


How do we know the election wasn't rigged? Joe said he would lose by chicanery and Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

She conceded in 2016 because she knew the election would be investigated and hopefully Trump would be illegally removed by the Mueller Report.

The Mueller report was based on the fake Steele Dossier. Remember when Hillary got fined by the SEC for lying about the origins?

It would make sense to just investigate the 2020 election and find out if there was any chicanery.


It would make sense to just investigate the 2020 election and find out if there was any chicanery.


If thats the case, then Joe and Nancy are liars and were election deniers before the 2020 election took place. Also interestingly enough, excluding the Brennan Center, none of those websites said the same thing about the 2016 election. Why did no one accept the 2016 election results? Why did Mueller have to investigate for 2 years?



And most people did accept the election results. I don't recall thousands of Democrats trying to storm the Capitol building in January 2017.


Democrats didn't accept the results of the 2016 election but they accepted the results of the 2020 election.

Protests have taken place in at least 52 American cities. A few turned violent. There has also been a multitude of racial and hatred incidents in schools, universities and public places.

Thousands took to the streets Saturday across the United States as demonstrations against President-elect Donald Trump continued in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and beyond.

Thousands of protesters marched from Union Square to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue Saturday, for the fourth day of demonstrations, CBS New York reports.

Protests in the US against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s election victory have turned violent as demonstrators take to the streets for a second day.

Thousands of protesters on Thursday threw objects at police in Portland, Oregon, and damaged a car park, the Portland Police Department said on Twitter.

For the third night in a row, anti-Donald Trump demonstrators took to the streets in several big cities and on college campuses across the United States, including an outburst of smashed windows and a dumpster fire in Portland that police countered with pepper spray and flash-bang devices.

About 4,000 protesters assembled downtown late Thursday chanting “we reject the president-elect!” the Associated Press reported. Some among the crowd vandalized 19 cars at a dealership in Northeast Portland, according to a sales manager, reports. Protesters then headed west, over the Broadway Bridge and into the Pearl District, where the windows of several businesses were smashed.

So its ok for democrats to protest but Republicans cant protest a fraudulent election?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win.


Hillary Clinton conceded. The angry riots were due to the fact that Trump won the election against the popular vote.

In any case, this isn't relevant. I have not claimed either election was stolen.

So its ok for democrats to protest but Republicans cant protest a fraudulent election?

Democrats did not try to storm the Capitol building to prevent the electoral college votes from being counted. Republicans did. No-one said the Republicans could not protest.


We dont vote in Presidents based on the popular vote. She lost fair and square. So its ok to protest or not?


Yes, it's okay to protest. I specifically said that. It's not okay to try to storm congress.


So a few people protesting a fraudulent election is wrong?

Why did the cops open the doors for everyone?

When the Left Attacked the Capitol
Fifty years ago, extremists bombed the seat of American democracy to end a war and start a revolution.


So a few people protesting a fraudulent election is wrong?

I never said anything like that at all.

Why did the cops open the doors for everyone?

Does some cops acting complicit here somehow justify it?

Fifty years ago, extremists bombed the seat of American democracy to end a war and start a revolution.

What does this have to do with anything?


So basically you are saying its ok to protest when you don't agree with the results?


Yes. But that does not include storming elected chambers to try and force the result you want.


They walked in to protest a fraudulent election. Its not like they could change the election anyways. They were voicing their 1st Amendment rights.

All of this could have been avoided if Nancy had just investigated the election like they did in 2016. Dems have nothing to lose if they are right.


So you think that protesters should be allowed to just enter members of congress office when they want?

Do you think Congress evacuated for no reason?


Maybe the cops should have locked the doors and people walking around isn't a big deal anyways.

It was a fraudulent election, what was supposed to happen?

Trump had to build a wall around the White House to keep his family safe from democrat protesters if he won.

The protests from the dems would have been a 1000 times worse than 2016 if Trump had won.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”


That the cops were hopeless does not justify what happened.

It was a fraudulent election, what was supposed to happen?

No. It was alleged by the protesters it was fraudulent. By your logic, if Democrats in 2016 really believed it was fraudulent should they have been allowed to storm Congress?

The protests from the dems would have been a 1000 times worse than 2016 if Trump had won.

You have zero way of knowing this at all.


It was alleged by Joe and Nancy that it was a fraudulent election before the election took place. Then after Joe won, it was fair and honest.

JOE Biden has hinted he won't accept defeat at the Presidential Elections, saying that only way he would lose is through vote tampering.

Democratic nominee Biden is so confident he will win the Presidential election that he believes he will only lose to Donald Trump through "chicanery" - but his remarks raised fears that neither side would accept the November result.

He said: "Here's the deal guys, you've gotta make sure you go out and vote, because the only way we lose this is by the chicanery going on relative to polling places."

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday he believes President Donald Trump will try to delay November’s presidential election.

“Mark my words: I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” Biden said at a virtual fundraiser, according to a pool report. Biden has maintained the November election should not be postponed and has previously made similar comments.

Why would Joe make false statements before an election?


It was alleged by Joe and Nancy that it was a fraudulent election before the election took place. Then after Joe won, it was fair and honest.

No, they were saying that Trump would potentially cheat. They did not attack the institutions behind the electoral process.

Why would Joe make false statements before an election?

Why are you only focusing on what Biden said, and not Trump saying repeatedly that if he loses, it would only be due to fraud?

Why is this relevant to anything anyway? And you didn't answer my question:

By your logic, if Democrats in 2016 really believed it was fraudulent should they have been allowed to storm Congress?


Yes, democrats would have stormed Congress and then threatened to kill Trump.

In a fiery speech, the ever-provocative Madonna said she’d thought a lot about “blowing up the White House” since Donald Trump’s election.

During an appearance Thursday at the annual Glastonbury music and arts festival in Southern England, Johnny Depp had some harsh words for Donald Trump — and along with them a historical joke even he realized might end up backfiring on him:

“When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”

George Lopez has faced criticism after making a joke about killing Donald Trump.

Shane Gillis, the comic who was recently rejected as a “Saturday Night Live” cast member after offensive material of his resurfaced, reportedly joked about President Trump being assassinated during his first stand-up show since he lost the job.

It seems dems would have done way worse things in 2020 if Trump had won.


Yes, democrats would have stormed Congress and then threatened to kill Trump.

No reason to believe this.

Not sure what the utterances of Madonna or other celebrities has to do with anything.

It seems dems would have done way worse things in 2020 if Trump had won.

Yet literally didn't when Trump was elected in 2016.

And you still haven't answered my question.


Based on precedence and previous threats to Trumps life.

In 2016 the dems had violent protests across the nation and then threatened Trumps life and his family.

Here is your answer for a second time:
It seems dems would have done way worse things in 2020 if Trump had won.

Why did Trump have to build a wall around the White House?


In 2016 the dems had violent protests across the nation and then threatened Trumps life and his family.

Yet nothing of any significance actually happened. Yet the Republican supporters literally tried to storm congress to force them to stop counting the electoral votes.

Here is your answer for a second time: It seems dems would have done way worse things in 2020 if Trump had won.

Not what I asked you. I asked you if the Democrats in 2016 had the right to storm congress if they believed the election was fraudulent?

Why did Trump have to build a wall around the White House?

Not answering this until you answer my question.


Yes, the democrats would have stormed the Capitol and then would have stormed the White House. This all would have happened if Trump had won.


That's not what I asked you. I asked you if the Democrats would've been justified in charging congress in 2016. Yes or no?


Yes, if there was proof of it being fraudulent, which there wasn't any proof.


And there's no proof of the 2020 election being fraudulent.


That is true, but the 2020 election has NOT been Federally investigated like the 2016 election. If they had Mueller investigate again and found nothing then I would accept the results.

You cant complain you are going to lose an election by chicanery and then say there was no chicanery after you win. It would be like Tom Brady accusing the other team of cheating before every game.


And the 2016 election had not been federally investigated by January 2017. So by your logic, why wouldn't Democrats have been justified in storming congress if they felt it was fraudulent?

Again, I've given you tons of investigations that have said that there's no evidence whatsoever of fraud in 2020.


If they thought it was fraudulent then they would have stormed the capitol and possibly try to kill Trump.

Thats not evidence. Thats just websites all stating the same thing. Why didnt those same websites say there was no fraud in 2016? Why did Nancy use the fake Steele Dossier to start the Mueller investigation?


If they thought it was fraudulent then they would have stormed the capitol and possibly try to kill Trump.

"It came to me in a dream"

Again, by your logic if the Democrats thought it was fraudulent it would've given them the moral right to storm the Capitol building.

Did you even read any of the many reports I gave you?


Yeah, I read them. They were local and federal judges that said there was no fraud or they threw the case out without even hearing the evidence.

Like I have said before, Nancy could have initiated a investigation like in 2016 but she didn't.


Again, [citation needed]

And the 2016 investigation happened AFTER Trump was in office. So by your logic if the Democrats thought it was fraudulent it would've given them the moral right to storm the Capitol building.


Yes, I have no doubt they would have stormed the capitol building and threatened the lives of anyone who voted for Trump.

These threats happened days after Trump was elected in Nov.

In a fiery speech, the ever-provocative Madonna said she’d thought a lot about “blowing up the White House” since Donald Trump’s election.

During an appearance Thursday at the annual Glastonbury music and arts festival in Southern England, Johnny Depp had some harsh words for Donald Trump — and along with them a historical joke even he realized might end up backfiring on him:

“When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”

George Lopez has faced criticism after making a joke about killing Donald Trump.

Why did Trump have to build a wall around the White House in 2020?


And if we're going to play games here, elected officials indicated support for executing Democrats:


Not sure what the utterances of elected officials has to do with anything.


It's relevant if you're going to compare the supposed militancy of Democrat supporters with Republicans.

Your thoughts on the Paul Pelosi attack?


You dismissed my facts so I did the same in kind.

Paul Pelosi's attacker was his gay lover. His was in the house for several hours before the police arrived. Paul wasn't hit until after the police arrived on scene. Paul wanted the Capitol Police at first but the Local Police arrived first.

Conveniently the officers did nothing about an intruder with a hammer until after Paul was struck.


[citation needed]



Sorry, a basic reading of what happened indicates your claim about it being Pelosi's gay lover is horseshit. Literal conspiracy garbage.


I thought people loved a good conspiracy story. Thats what great about the internet is that you can repeat the same lie over and over again til it becomes the truth.

For example: the 2020 election.

You can keep saying there was no fraud in the 2020 election but I wont believe it til there is a formal federal investigation by a independent counsel.

Debunked conspiracy: Covid originated organically in a Chinese wet market.

Trump was right all along.
Coronavirus: Trump stands by China lab origin theory for virus
1 May 2020


I thought people loved a good conspiracy story. Thats what great about the internet is that you can repeat the same lie over and over again til it becomes the truth.

So you're literally just going to uncritically believe an utterly baseless lie about Paul Pelosi?

You can keep saying there was no fraud in the 2020 election but I wont believe it til there is a formal federal investigation by a independent counsel.

Will you insist on this for every election ever?


Well no one has said he wasn't Pauls gay lover yet.

Yes, if Trump wins the election it will be fair and honest and no investigation will be required.

If Trump loses, the election was a sham and investigation is warranted.


You don't know how the burden of evidence works. You make the claim, you back it up.

And are you genuinely arguing those things? That if Trump wins there will be no need to have any sort of investigation, but that if he doesn't there must be one?


Thats how the democrats did it, they used the fake Steele Dossier to start the Mueller Report. You dont need any real evidence. You just repeat on the news over and over and over that Trump cheated.

Then Joe and Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the 2020 election. Joe said he would lose by chicanery and Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”

Behar said, “I’m dreaming of the day when we all say ‘President Nancy Pelosi.’ I think that sounds really good. But the polls are showing that Biden is ahead in key swing states. It’s very encouraging in many ways, Pennsylvania, et cetera, but I’m still worried that they could steal this election. I know that the Russians are still involved. Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security just released a report warning that Russia is a key threat to the election. Now we knew this going into 2016 too, and we saw how that turned out. This is why I’m not counting my chickens at all. I’m still nervous. People have to vote, and we have to win in a landslide. How concerned are you about that?”



Yes, I have no doubt they would have stormed the capitol building and threatened the lives of anyone who voted for Trump.

That you think this is not evidence.

These threats or musings from celebrities happened during his mid-term. Why didn't the Democrats storm the capitol building after the 2016 election?

Why did Trump have to build a wall around the White House in 2020?

Because of protests related to BLM. These spawned for reasons other than protesting him being in office.


False, they said it after Trump was elected, stop spreading fake news.

Madonna: ‘Blowing up White House’ taken out of context

Updated 1:44 PM EST, Mon January 23, 2017

False, it went up because of the election, stop spreading fake news.

U.S. President Donald Trump is spending Election Night behind an extra layer of security at the White House, where authorities have temporarily erected a fence to protect him from potential protesters for a second time this year.

New anti-climb fencing went up around the White House on Monday, sparking tongue-in-cheek accusations that Trump had finally built the “wall” he’s been working to finish throughout his first term.

If you are just going to make up stuff then I will too.


Updated 1:44 PM EST, Mon January 23, 2017

Why didn't Democrats try to stop him from taking office by force?


Good question. You might ask Nancy Pelosi that.

They did try to illegally remove Trump by a failed Mueller report and 2 failed impeachments.

Today, Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to overturn the results of the 2016 election. Congressman Biggs voted against this vindictive, partisan sham and issued the following statement:

"Democrats have pursued a predetermined outcome for three years, and today, voted to overturn the will of 63 million Americans who voted for Donald J. Trump. This is a dark day for the United States of America. History will abhor the Democrats' radical, vindictive efforts to punish, harass, and remove their political opponent.

"Democrats have lied about the content of the July 25 call that was shamelessly exploited, met secretly with the whistleblower, held Soviet-style hearings behind closed doors, blocked the President's counsel from participating in the fact-finding portion of the inquisition, refused to allow Republicans to call key witnesses, obstructed Republicans from asking questions, broke key House rules, and contorted the facts and context behind the Ukraine phone call to fit their predetermined narrative. Democrats started their impeachment movement in the immediate aftermath of President Trump'selection, and they have not relented to this day.

"If Americans think that this divisive impeachment will end soon, they are sadly mistaken. House Democrats are promising to recommit their efforts after the Senate commences their process, no matter what outcome they reach. Thankfully, I anticipate the Senate will vote swiftly to exonerate the President, and he will continue to keep the promises he made to the American people. We are grateful for President Trump and all of his hard work to make our nation great. He is the leader our nation selected and needed for this consequential time in American history."


Impeachment =/= Saying an election results were fraudulent


Trump wasn't impeached anyways.

The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official upon conviction is removal from office.


Right, but impeachment is not the same as trying to officially rebuke the election results.

It would've ended up with President Pence, not the annullment of the prior election results.


True, but the dems were trying to illegally remove Trump from office. The dems tried unsuccessfully three times but then succeeded in a fraudulent election.


No evidence that the 2020 election was fraudulent. You don't get to just assume the conclusion of your own premise.


If there was no evidence then why did Nancy claim that Trump was going to steal the election again. And why did Joe say he was going to lose by chicanery. Also Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


This question simply does not follow.

I'm not sure how Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton making claims that Trump would try to cheat has anything to do with the actual functioning of the election.


I dont know either but that was their claim. After the election they said the election was fair and honest despite previously say that Trump would steal the election and use chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


Okay? So what? Why do you keep repeating the full text each time? I am well aware of of what Biden, Pelosi and Clinton said.

Also, don't the Republicans now control the House? Why can't they kickstart some official investigation?


Because you keep asking the same question.

Because they like the status quo and dont like outsiders swimming in their pool of greed and corruption. Trump exposed them so they dont want him back.


Because you keep asking the same question.

I'm not asking any question at this point. You are the person who keeps repeating the same weird question. I'm not bound by whatever weird shit Biden, Pelosi or Clinton has said. The US electoral process is not controlled by them.

Because they like the status quo and dont like outsiders swimming in their pool of greed and corruption. Trump exposed them so they dont want him back.

This sounds like a Republican party disciplinary problem then. Perhaps you should complain to them.


The dems controlled the votes in 2020 therefore they manipulated the electoral process.

It wont do any good, the Repubs are happy with the status-quo. Everyone is getting rich again.


The dems controlled the votes in 2020 therefore they manipulated the electoral process.

No evidence presented. Dismissed.


There was the suitcases of votes in Georgia and 2000 mules in Arizona. Maybe they should investigate to make sure there wasn't any chicanery.


There was the suitcases of votes in Georgia and 2000 mules in Arizona. Maybe they should investigate to make sure there wasn't any chicanery.


So these suitcases of votes is just a figment of my imagination?

"Highly respected Dinesh D'Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, "2,000 Mules," that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen.

Its says Dinesh D'Souza is highly respected.

How do I know whats real or fake? Maybe they should investigate the 2020 election to see if there was any chicanery.

Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


So these suitcases of votes is just a figment of my imagination?

The articles I posted directly respond to the claimes alleged by 2000 mules.

Dinesh D'Souza and "highly respected" do not belong in the same sentence.

How do I know whats real or fake? Maybe they should investigate the 2020 election to see if there was any chicanery.

I don't know why you're ranting about this when it's now up to the Republicans if they want to pursue this pointless endeavour.

Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

It's so weird that you keep on repeating this robotically. I know this. You don't have to keep on copy and pasting it. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that there has been no evidence for electoral fraud.


The articles I posted claim the opposite, why are your claims justified but mine are not?

They wont pursue it because they like the status quo.

If there was no evidence of electoral fraud then why did Nancy say that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

Why would they make claims of fraud if there is no fraud?


The articles I posted claim the opposite, why are your claims justified but mine are not?

It's up to you to read both and come to your own conclusion. But the point is you're acting as if there existed no rebuttals to your claims about electoral fraud.

If there was no evidence of electoral fraud then why did Nancy say that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

This question doesn't make any sense. So apparently, according to you, a political candidate alleging that fraud could happen obviously means that it will?

Your grasp on logical inference is not strong.


I came up with my own conclusion. That is my right. Maybe there was electoral fraud and maybe there wasn't. The fact remains there was no Federal investigation into the 2020 election.

Yes, if you lose then you can claim fraud but if you win you just disregard it and say there was no fraud even though you previously said there would be fraud.

Its a classic set up as you can never be wrong.


I never said it wasn't your right. But I don't have to take it seriously.

The fact remains there was no Federal investigation into the 2020 election.

So go pressure the Republicans to start one then.

Yes, if you lose then you can claim fraud but if you win you just disregard it and say there was no fraud even though you previously said there would be fraud.

Which is precisely what Trump actually did. A detail.


And likewise. We are all entitled to our own free speech.

Wont do any good. The Repubs are happy with the current situation.

Yup, both Trump and Biden claimed fraud, but then Biden said there was no fraud. A detail.


So what do you expect me to do then? The Democrats pushed for an investigation in 2016 (of a different nature, as it primarily focused on Russian interference). The Republicans are now in power to be able to do so. But they won't. Them's the breaks. It's your own party.

Yup, both Trump and Biden claimed fraud, but then Biden said there was no fraud. A detail.

And if Trump won, he would have claimed there was no fraud. What's your point here? The comments here don't matter. What matters is the electoral process on the day that is independent of the candidates, run by state bodies.


The Dems pushed for an investigation based off the fake Steele Dossier.

They were investigating collusion between Trump and Russia to steal the 2016 election but all they found was that Russia put fake ads on Facebook/Twitter.

Pelosi: 'Cold hard evidence' of collusion between Russia and the Trump family

Now you are getting it, "if" they had lost they would have used their claim that Trump was going to cheat again and win by chicanery. Its a classic set up. If you win then you just disregard, but if you lose then you say I told you I was going to lose.


Again, this doesn't matter. Is there any actual evidence of 2016 or 2020 election fraud? No.

Now you are getting it, "if" they had lost they would have used their claim that Trump was going to cheat again and win by chicanery. Its a classic set up. If you win then you just disregard, but if you lose then you say I told you I was going to lose.

So why aren't you equally angry with Trump who also claimed potential fraud, but would have accepted it if he won?


If there was no evidence then why did Mueller investigate for 2 years?

If there was no fraud in 2020, then why did Nancy said Trump would cheat again and Joe said he would lose by chicanery?

Why would I be upset with Trump? He was right about the fraud and I agree with Joe there was chicanery in this election and Trump should have not conceded like Hillary said.


If there was no fraud in 2020, then why did Nancy said Trump would cheat again and Joe said he would lose by chicanery?

It doesn't matter what any of them said because none of them have anything to do with how the electoral process in any state is actually run. Biden, Pelosi, Trump and Clinton do not control any of it. It literally does not matter.

Why would I be upset with Trump? He was right about the fraud and I agree with Joe there was chicanery in this election and Trump should have not conceded like Hillary said.

Because he claimed fraud, directly claimed fraud before the election - he just so happened to lose.

If Trump won in 2020 then would it be acceptable, in your mind, for the Democrats to claim fraud?

You don't have to type out the whole text about "chicanery" every single time. I do have a memory, you know.


Why would candidates claim fraud but when you win say there is no fraud?

Yes, dems would have claimed fraud because they lost, thats the set up.
If they had lost they would have used their claim that Trump was going to cheat again and win by chicanery. Its a classic set up. If you win then you just disregard, but if you lose then you say I told you I was going to lose.


Why would candidates claim fraud but when you win say there is no fraud?

I am, you may have noticed, not Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi. What they were thinking is really irrelevant to what I think.

Yes, dems would have claimed fraud because they lost, thats the set up.

Trump also claimed fraud. But conveniently, if he won you would not have called it a setup.

If they had lost they would have used their claim that Trump was going to cheat again and win by chicanery. Its a classic set up. If you win then you just disregard, but if you lose then you say I told you I was going to lose.

And this is exactly what Trump did.


Exactly, now you are getting it. There is no difference. They both claimed each other would cheat. I think we are making progress.


Right. But you wouldn't have accused Trump of winning fraudulently had he won.


Exactly, I think you are getting it now. You accuse your opponent of cheating but then say there was no cheating and you won fair and square. I think we are making progress.


But Trump also accused the Democrats of cheating. Had he won, and accepted it, he would have been in the exact same situation as Biden.

Yet conveniently you wouldn't be calling fraud.


Also, as usual, you're being intellectually dishonest. Full context of Biden's remarks:

"Biden encouraged potential voters at a campaign stop in the must-win battleground of Pennsylvania, telling them “make sure to vote because the only way we lose this is by the chicanery going on relative to polling places.”

Biden referenced what he said were attempts by Trump to discourage voting, including casting doubt on the security of mail-in ballots and the encouragement of potentially intimidating Republican poll observers.

When asked directly, Trump has repeatedly avoided confirming that he would accept the result of the election.

Before leaving the state, Biden told reporters his comments were “taken a little out of context” and added that “I’m going to accept the outcome of this election, period.”


So basically Biden said Trump was going to rig the election to win.

"attempts by Trump to discourage voting, including casting doubt on the security of mail-in ballots and the encouragement of potentially intimidating Republican poll observers."

If Trump did all these things then how did he lose?


"Before leaving the state, Biden told reporters his comments were “taken a little out of context” and added that “I’m going to accept the outcome of this election, period.”

>If Trump did all these things then how did he lose?

I mean it's public record that Trump did disparage mail ballots. But at the same time, just words don't dictate election results. He lost because he couldn't convince enough people in the right places to vote for him.


So then Trump didn't rig the election like Biden said he would? Biden said Trump was going to rig the election but then he didn't get enough votes? Why would a candidate say his opponent would rig the election when obviously he didn't?

If Trump did disparage mail ballots. I assume the dems would want to investigate this as potential fraud.

Did Trump lose because he didn't get enough votes or that he didn't disparage enough mail ballots?


>So then Trump didn't rig the election like Biden said he would? Biden said Trump was going to rig the election but then he didn't get enough votes? Why would a candidate say his opponent would rig the election when obviously he didn't?

No, because Trump wasn't able to do so.

>If Trump did disparage mail ballots. I assume the dems would want to investigate this as potential fraud.

Historically, it's beyond rare. There are many sources for this. Trump baselessly casting doubts on it doesn't change anything.

>Did Trump lose because he didn't get enough votes or that he didn't disparage enough mail ballots?

He didn't get enough votes.


So basically you are saying Trump wasn't able to rig the election? Understood.

So basically Trump lost because he didn't get enough votes and he didn't rig the election.

So it was wrong of Joe and Nancy to falsely accuse Trump of cheating? I assume they are going to apologize.


No-one was. The US system is stronger than Trump or Biden.


Sure. Whatever. Point is that neither 2016 nor 2020 were rigged.


If the 2016 election wasn't rigged, then why did Mueller investigate for 2 years. Why did Nancy accuse Trump of collusion? Seems disingenuous of her.

Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
11:44 AM · May 16, 2017

She said the election was hijacked? Was she lying?


I am not here to defend Nancy Pelosi. I am here to point out that there was no evidence, still is no evidence of voter fraud in the 2016 or 2020 election.


If there is no evidence then why did Nancy falsely claim the election was hijacked? Will she apologize to Trump?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald Trump, “Whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving” the White House after the 2020 presidential election.

How did she know Trump was going to leave the White House?


>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald Trump, “Whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving” the White House after the 2020 presidential election.

Dude, are you seriously using pre-election confidence booster speeches and comments as evidence of fraud? In every election, the winning party often declares that it will win. It's a completely normal thing.

Also, I am not here to defend Nancy Pelosi. I really don't care what she's said.


The Democrats have admitted that they rig the elections against each other:


You're taking the word of Marianne Williamson? Lmao

Also Fox News looks likely to lose their case.


She is a Democratic Nominee. She is one of them.


She's an outsider candidate who will unlikely even make it to the first primary.


It does not change the fact that she is still a democrat and one of them.


You do realise in every election all kinds of weirdos attempt to run for nomination right? In both parties.


It still does not change the fact that she is one of them. A democrat since 2019.


I'm not getting the relevance here at all. It's not hard to be a member of a party.

It doesn't imbue you with authority or the idea that you know everything.

Otherwise I take it you'll be defending all the Republicans who attacked Trump in the 2016 primaries?


Once again, you are deflecting by changing the usual.


Marianne Williamson is a new age spiritualist kook. She isn't a trustworthy source on anything.


Nice try of trying to discredit the usual... "the democrats" are not trustworthy which is why they rig and steal elections. You just admitted


I admitted no such thing. The opinions of an outsider candidate who obviously wants to win doesn't reflect on the wider Democratic party as an institution.

I think Marianne Williamson is full of shit. By your logic, Alan Keyes and Andy Martin are top tier Republican sources.


Exactly, the winning party will always say there is no fraud and the losing party will say there is fraud.

Donald Trump knows he is unlikely to win a fair election in 2020. But his strategies to cheat are so numerous and scattershot — did you catch that story about how acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf blocked a report about Russian propaganda? — that it's tempting to take comfort in the hope that he has no overarching strategy to fake or steal a second term.

1. Keep as many Democrats as possible from voting in the first place.
2. Declare victory on Election Day before final results are tallied.
3. Disqualify as many mail-in ballots as possible.
4. Build an ad hoc right-wing militia to intimidate election officials or pro-democracy protesters.
5. If all else fails, reject the election results by declaring the election "rigged" and refuse to leave office.

So now none of this happened because the dems won.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to her Democratic colleagues on Sunday warning them that the 2020 Presidential election could be “stolen” from them, adding that it is possible Congress determines the outcome of the election.

I assume Nancy will be apologizing to Trump soon for all the false claims?


How many times do I have to tell you that I am not here to defend Nancy Pelosi.


Not a problem, just making sure we are on the same page about accusing the other candidate of fraud and the ramifications of false statements.


You will notice if you squint - that I am not a democratic representative, and have never claimed that the 2016 or 2020 election were fraudulent. Trump was himself, in the lead-up to the 2020 election, claiming that if he lost, it would be due to fraud.

And in terms of dirty tricks. Trump literally tried it:


Trump was right though, there was fraud and chicanery just like Joe and Nancy said there would be.

Trump was right about the suitcases of votes that were hidden under the desk and counted after all the watchdogs had went home.

Thats a huge red flag if you are keeping votes hidden under a table.


Trump was right though, there was fraud and chicanery just like Joe and Nancy said there would be.

No evidence for this.

Trump was right about the suitcases of votes that were hidden under the desk and counted after all the watchdogs had went home.

Provide evidence for this.


If there is no evidence then why did Nancy say that Trump was going to steal the election? Why did Joe say he was going to lose by chicanery?

Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes.


If there is no evidence then why did Nancy say that Trump was going to steal the election? Why did Joe say he was going to lose by chicanery?

What would those statements have to do with the claims that the actual electoral process was fraudulent?

Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes.

Literally googled within 5 seconds:


Because Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

How do you know its not illegal ballots? Was there a Federal investigation? Did the Supreme Court here the case?


Because Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

Trump also claimed, repeatedly, that if he lost it would only be due to fraud. What's your point? The electoral process is independent of Trump, Hillary, Biden and Nancy Pelosi. It has nothing to do with any of them.

How do you know its not illegal ballots? Was there a Federal investigation? Did the Supreme Court here the case?

Sorry, are you alleging that there should be a federal investigation in response to every single flippant claim about the 2020 election?


It looks like Trump was right though. There was fraud according to Nancy, she said that Trump was going to steal the election, and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery? So there was or wasn't any chicanery?

There was a Federal investigation in 2016, why not just investigate the 2020 election?


It looks like Trump was right though. There was fraud according to Nancy, she said that Trump was going to steal the election, and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery? So there was or wasn't any chicanery?

So because Trump lost... that means he was right?

There was a Federal investigation in 2016, why not just investigate the 2020 election?

In the context of Russian interference claims. There was no direct investigation concerning the actual issue of the electoral process.


According to Nancy and Joe he was right. They said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

They were investigating collusion and manipulation of votes.


According to Nancy and Joe he was right. They said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.

This makes no sense whatsoever. It simply does not follow. When did any of them say that if they happened to have won, it would be due to fraud? They said that Trump would try to cheat.

They were investigating collusion and manipulation of votes.

What do you mean in this context by "manipulation of votes"?


I know it doesn't make sense but thats what they said.

Its in the Mueller Report, you can read it if you want to.


I know it doesn't make sense but thats what they said.

No, the logic of your argument makes no sense. You're saying that because Biden et al claimed that Trump would try to cheat, the fact that they won meant... they cheated? Your logic just makes no sense.

Just did a search for "votes" and "fraud". There's no allegation here specifically from what I can see that voting fraud happened on election day.


I know it doesn't make sense why would someone claim they are going to lose but then say the election was fair and honest?

These posts included
allegations of voter fraud,101 as well as allegations that Secretary Clinton had mishandled
classified information.102

stated that he only asked the
countries? positions on how they would vote on the resolution and that he did not request that any

I did, what kind of internet do you have?


I know it doesn't make sense why would someone claim they are going to lose but then say the election was fair and honest?

They said *if* they lost. Not that they would lose. Also, again, your logic, your conclusions make no sense.


Now you are getting it, "if" they had lost they would have used their claim that Trump was going to cheat again and win by chicanery. Its a classic set up. If you win then you just disregard, but if you lose then you say I told you I was going to lose.


Yet Trump was also claiming that if he lost, it'd only have been by fraud. So if Trump won, would that therefore mean it was fraud?

Your argument is fundamentally unfalsifiable.


If Trump won then there would be no fraud according to Trump, but Joe and Nancy would claim fraud.

Like I said before, its a classic set up because you can never be wrong.


If Trump won then there would be no fraud according to Trump, but Joe and Nancy would claim fraud.

And if Biden won then there would be no fraud according to Biden. But Trump would claim fraud (and he did). So what's the difference here?

What matters is actual evidence on the ground. And there's fuck all.


Exactly, now you are getting it. There is no difference. They both claimed each other would cheat.

There are lots of red flags but in hindsight you really don't need evidence as the Steele Dossier was not grounded in facts. All you need is to repeat the same lie over and over again til it becomes the truth.


People do not believe the 2016 election was stolen, so your comparison does not work.

In addition, regardless of sentiment - what matters is the facts on the ground, and there's no evidence for fraud in the 2020 election.


Tweet BREAKING Thousands of
names changed on voter rolls in Indiana. Police investigating #VoterFraud.
11/2/16 Tweet BREAKING: #VoterFraud by counting tens of
thousands of ineligible mail in Hillary votes being reported in Broward County, Florida?)


That's a damned lie. That's what the COVID shots do but vaccines are supposed to produce immunity.


Collecting data from people who get Covid without a vaccine vs. with a vaccine.


So numbers from the people who spent 3yrs lying about it?


There are sources from health organisations in every single country that will tell you exactly the same thing - the vaccines have a direct impact on the symptoms of COVID, should one catch it.


The vaccines do what we've said they do for 3yrs. They mitigate symptoms for high risk individuals. They do not induce immunity. They also cause heart problems for low risk individuals. Which makes you a fucking idiot for taking the shot if you're not old or already have health problems.


They mitigate symptoms for everyone. I never claimed they made you "immune" to Covid.

Evidence please of "causing heart problems" in meaningful numbers. All data points I've read is that catching Covid badly is more of a risk to your heart by a lot vs. taking the vaccine.


That's unprovable.

That's what fucking vaccine is supposed to do. Immunity is the point.

We know young people that died from the COVID shot.

There was a 30% increase in heart attack deaths for people 20-40.

Fuck the vaccine and anyone who pushes it.


That's unprovable.

No, it's not. There's data everywhere about this. I gave you some already.

We know young people that died from the COVID shot.

A tiny, tiny fraction.

There was a 30% increase in heart attack deaths for people 20-40.

Are you sourcing this?,finding%20without%20a%20clear%20explanation.

The blame is on COVID, not the vaccine.

Fuck the vaccine and anyone who pushes it.

Does that include Trump?




Your article is from MARCH 25, 2022.

My link provides information and sources for up to Jan-of-2023


None of the graphs shown on your site go to January 2023


You need to click on the link(s) below the graph that takes you the source(s) that show charts up to 2023.



The site just aimlessly speculates that the excess deaths are due to the vaccine.


Speculates? LOL, ok.

In that case you should take that same answer/response and apply it to yourself about the cdc links that you provided to CraigC above and when you also mentioned this to him: "No, it's not. There's data everywhere about this. I gave you some already."


The CDC data contrasts unvaccinated COVID death rates vs. vaccinated COVID death rates.

This is just looking at excess death rates and jumping to conclusions.


So you are contradicting your own it.


What? The source notes excess deaths. It doesn't say THIS IS DUE TO THE VACCINE.


That is why I provided that link.


Your link is not the CDC. Your link just literally says "Well this must've been caused by the vaccine just trust me bro"


Spoken like a pawn of Big Pharma...I get it.


You can't even wipe your ass with what the cdc prints out. They are corrupt and most of them jump between working at the cdc and working at the drug companies they are supposed to oversee.


So according to you the entire world which reports much the same data is lying. Almost every single doctor, scientist, every single government representative. Hundreds of thousands of people in on this conspiracy.


The entire world that most people live in are seeing the reality. The vaccine does NOTHING!


[citation needed]


"The inhabitants of reality" - Reality


I live in the UK. There is no such wider sentiment.



The vaccine injures, cripples, and kills.

Oh, and a higher rate than ever in spontaneous abortions and miscarriages following the COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. That is the "left's" favorite" effect of the vax.



Big Pharma pays off/funds different organizations, elites, globalists, lie and deceive...but you are already aware of this since you are one of their pawns.


So I could literally share any source that disputes what you claim and you would dismiss them as "paid off". So we're back to this again:

So according to you the entire world which reports much the same data is lying. Almost every single doctor, scientist, every single government representative. Hundreds of thousands of people in on this conspiracy.


Lol, I see that your are trying to apply/imply suppositions contrary to common sense and reasonably deduction.....again.....nice try.


This directly follows from your evaluation of data. I could provide you any link and you'd just say "big pharma paid them off". Your position is set up to be completely unfalsifiable.


Once again, spoken like a Big Pharma lackey....try again.


What would I have to say in order for you to not call me a "Big pharma lackey"?


Me - No vax. Caught COVID and felt like I had a mild cold with a 99 degree fever for 2 days.

My Brother-in-Law - Fully vaxxed and boostered. Caught COVID and was flat on his back for 2 weeks in abject misery with a fever of 101 degrees.


Do you think anecdotes matter more than the data?


I prefer to think of it as my personal experience with COVID rather than an 'anecdote'. What is more valid than a person's own experience?

I have no idea whether any of the data we read about is true or not. It could be misleading propaganda for all I know. All I know that is true for certain is what happened to me and my Brother-in-Law.


I prefer to think of it as my personal experience with COVID rather than an 'anecdote'. What is more valid than a person's own experience?

Bulk data. Exceptions don't demonstrate the general trend.


As I said, I have no real idea whether or not the data we have been given is accurate or falsified to back an agenda.

Based on the now proven inaccuracies regarding other information we have been given about COVID, (eg. the firm, definitive explanation that the pandemic was a purely natural occurrence and absolutely NOT a lab leak) I would actually be more inclined to distrust further information from the same sorts of sources than to trust it.

However, the differing experiences of my unvaccinated self and my vaxxed and boosted Brother-in-Law with COVID are things I witnessed and experienced first hand.


As I said, I have no real idea whether or not the data we have been given is accurate or falsified to back an agenda.

Are you often this skeptical about scientific releases? Every single scientific and medical group in every single country more or less reports the same thing: vaccinated people are much less likely to die from COVID than unvaccinated people. You think it's possible the entire western world is collaborating to pretend the vaccines work - and this would necessarily include tens of thousands of doctors to go along with it.

Whether or not it was a lab leak is completely irrelevant to the effectiveness of the vaccines.


We are living in strange times, now. I no longer have faith that any organization is independent of government controls, scientific and medical groups included. I no longer have faith that governments would not manipulate and mislead and harm us to further their own ends. At one time, I would have accepted it as a given that these entities had only our best interests in mind.

I no longer think that is necessarily true.

Again, the only things I am 100% confident in about COVID are based on my own experiences.


This is borderline solipsism. The notion that every government, scientific and medical organisations, hospitals across the entire world could somehow successfully work together to falsify data about a vaccine that doesn't work (as you're implying) is beyond the realms of reason. Hundreds of thousands of people would be partaking in this international conspiracy.

And if this is so, if governments everywhere are willing to do this

Why haven't they made anti-vaccine protesters disappear?


It wouldn't require hundreds of thousands of people to be involved, it just takes the heads of each County who are alligned with each other (conspiring) to lay it all out to the hospitals and Doctors and give them rigged information telling them why they are doing what they are doing and they will follow the orders believing they are doing the right thing.

Some Doctors did speak out and were duly dismissed and instantly discredited and also weren't their 3 Countries who didn't go along with the plans and all 3 Presidents had heart attacks within a few week of one another, c'mon man


It wouldn't require hundreds of thousands of people to be involved, it just takes the heads of each County who are alligned with each other (conspiring) to lay it all out to the hospitals and Doctors and give them rigged information telling them why they are doing what they are doing and they will follow the orders believing they are doing the right thing.

Who are the "heads", exactly that would feed false data? You don't think doctors and nurses would notice trends on the floor? You don't think researchers would spot problems in the data provided?

Some Doctors did speak out and were duly dismissed and instantly discredited and also weren't their 3 Countries who didn't go along with the plans and all 3 Presidents had heart attacks within a few week of one another, c'mon man

What Presidents are you referring to here, exactly?
Barely any doctors, as a proportion of doctors "spoke out" against it.

And if the conspirators here are literally able, and willing to murder heads of state - as you allege, then why haven't anti-vaccine activists all been arrested in the west? There are a number in my country. Why are they still protesting?


Because they don't give a fuck about protesters, they are just noise with no real power, zero threat to them.

Who are these 'Heads' who the fuck do you think are you being thick on purpose?

Yes the people who produce the 'data' are corrupt thats exactly what we are saying, provable no but if you don't have instincts then you are a little lamb to the slaughter and i pity you

The presidents thing i'll have to look up but ill get back to you on that, yes political assasinations are a thing they have happenned once or twice in the past you sorry to blow your mind with outrages conspiracy gobbledygook


Because they don't give a fuck about protesters, they are just noise with no real power, zero threat to them.

The protesters helped contribute to vaccine hesitancy.

Who are these 'Heads' who the fuck do you think are you being thick on purpose?

You think heads of states, politicians, most of whom are not Epidemiologists are capable of producing credible fake data to the scientific and medical community that they'd be convinced by? The idea of Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock somehow cobbling together some data and tricking the scientific community is beyond laughable.

Yes the people who produce the 'data' are corrupt thats exactly what we are saying, provable no but if you don't have instincts then you are a little lamb to the slaughter and i pity you

So basically your argument here is "just trust me bro"

Do you think COVID actually existed? If it didn't, what was the grand plan here exactly?

The presidents thing i'll have to look up but ill get back to you on that, yes political assasinations are a thing they have happenned once or twice in the past you sorry to blow your mind with outrages conspiracy gobbledygook



And basically your argument here is just trust me bro, i'm a Scientist

Did you ever learn about the white coat effect, you are there prime meat.

No Boris or any of them doesn't do shit he kicks back with a cocktail while people hand him a script now and then.

So the suspicious deaths were as follow
Jovenel Moise Haiti- Assasinated 17.7.21
John Magulfi Tanzania-Heart Attack 17.3.21
Pierre Nkuruniza 6.6.21

All 3 refused to roll out vaxinations all three within weeks of death were back on board


And basically your argument here is just trust me bro, i'm a Scientist

I'm not a scientist. But there are tens of thousands. Tell me, when you go to the doctor, and he gives you a diagnosis, do you tell them to fuck off? Or argue that they only wants you to trust them "because they're a doctor"? Do you immediately assume all scientists are full of shit and are lying to you about everything?

There's data from every source you could imagine regarding COVID, and the COVID vaccine from almost every country on earth. Your conspir

No Boris or any of them doesn't do shit he kicks back with a cocktail while people hand him a script now and then.

So who are the people making the fake Covid data to hand to epidemiologists and doctors then?


Not every Dr is Corrupt or every Scientist, the shadow state or whatever you want to name them, globalists ect select a few bent ones to give them the data they need to fit their narrative.

That and or the Data is legit but is manipulated by whomever we hear on the news and endorsed by said governments.

For example anecdotal or not i know a lot of nurses personally who were encouraged to label deaths as Covid related whether they were or not, orders and incetives were simply passed down and people follow orders. Look at the Nazi soldiers, people following orders thinking they are doing the right thing but at the same time not wanting to raise any problems because it could cost them their livelyhood


There's literally nothing to say here.

You're just making claims without a shred of evidence. I can either believe every independent health organisation, notable epidemiologists, scientists and the majority of public health advocates and doctors, and check all of the data that they've all put out and independently observed

Or some guy online


Or you look around with your own eyes stop reading every little thing they put out and see how far fetched the whole thing is

Were scared into believing this thing was killing everyone, meanwhile everyone you knew said they felt fine and maybe had a sniffly nose for a few days. then we are forced to stay indoor for nearly a year, then they bring out a protection and force people to take it even thought they felt fine, and then after taking it people come out and say they feel week and ill all the time and more people start having random issues they never had before, with a lot of fatalities.

And on top of that our leaders who fed us this bullshit were out partying lol you are gullible mate

Personally i don't give a fuck if you believe me or not because when the shit hits the fan i know i am ok.


Or you look around with your own eyes stop reading every little thing they put out and see how far fetched the whole thing is

And see what? What is farfetched exactly?

Were scared into believing this thing was killing everyone, meanwhile everyone you knew said they felt fine and maybe had a sniffly nose for a few days.

No, this is not true. I had Covid. I wasn't great for 3 days. I know a number of other people who were much worse.

At no point was it ever alleged to be "killing everyone" though.

then we are forced to stay indoor for nearly a year, then they bring out a protection and force people to take it even thought they felt fine, and then after taking it people come out and say they feel week and ill all the time and more people start having random issues they never had before, with a lot of fatalities.

The vast majority of the world was not forced to take it. No-one I know has had other "random issues", nor has there been any evidence produced anywhere that people are dying because of the vaccine.


At no point was it ever alleged to be "killing everyone" though.

What is the definition of a Pandemic?

The vast majority of the world was not forced to take it

So people weren't told they could lose their jobs? or denied access to social places?

nor has there been any evidence produced anywhere that people are dying because of the vaccine.

What do you class as evidence? healthy people having heart problems within weeks of taking it? People personally saying they have never felt so bad?

Oh you mean government evidence, can't help you there

Wasn't there scientific data that 'proved' Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction? how did that work out


What is the definition of a Pandemic?

Pandemics don't have 100% death rates.

So people weren't told they could lose their jobs? or denied access to social places?

Being denied access to social places for a period of time is not being forced to take it.

And vaccine mandates were only applied for certain public healthcare jobs in certain countries.

What do you class as evidence? healthy people having heart problems within weeks of taking it? People personally saying they have never felt so bad?

More anecdotes. Why do I know no-one who has suffered from it? Why have I not?

Wasn't there scientific data that 'proved' Saddam Hussain had weapons of mass destruction? how did that work out

That was never "scientific data".

Do you immediately assume all scientists are full of shit and are lying to you about everything?


Oh my god you are deliberately being obtuse.

Denying people access to basic things unless they do as they are told is forcing people, no matter how you frame it, you know full well what the implications were.

That was never "scientific data".

Scientific Data or not, there were supposed 'evidence' and reasons that they pushed for justifying what went down there. How many times does your wife have to come home with her pants ripped that you start to suspect that maybe she wasn't attacked by Badger?

The problem with people like you is because you read all the little docs that they laid out of you and understood it because they make it easy to follow with little pie charts that you think you are an authority and that you are smart just like the scientist men.

Meanwhile looking down on your fellow man or 'stranger online' who has no ulterior motive with you and look down on them for not swallowing the same shit you did.

BTW reading and regurgitating a piece of information does not make you intelligent. It just means you are good at following instuctions, just how they like you, a harmless useful idiot


Denying people access to basic things unless they do as they are told is forcing people, no matter how you frame it, you know full well what the implications were.

This didn't happen in the USA, to my knowledge. Nor even in my country (for the most part). Vaccine passports only happened briefly, and mostly referred to entertainment functions.

Scientific Data or not, there were supposed 'evidence' and reasons that they pushed for justifying what went down there. How many times does your wife have to come home with her pants ripped that you start to suspect that maybe she wasn't attacked by Badger?

So because the data for Iraq, which was not corroborated and investigated and confirmed by every single state organisation and independent organisation on earth (contrasting it with Covid) was faulty - therefore all data ever for everything else is now wrong?

Meanwhile looking down on your fellow man or 'stranger online' who has no ulterior motive with you and look down on them for not swallowing the same shit you did.

I'm not looking down on you. I'm just asking why I should trust some guy over the the scientific and medical world.

You've not actually presented any evidence, I might add. Just you going "trust me bro" regarding all of it.


Jovenel Moise Haiti- Assasinated 17.7.21

Dude, Haiti was and is a fucking gangster warzone.

John Magulfi Tanzania-Heart Attack 17.3.21

"His death on 17 March 2021 was attributed by the government to a long-standing heart issue. He was succeeded by his Vice-President, Samia Suluhu."

Pierre Nkuruniza

Ironically died of COVID (reportedly).

Why on earth would they assassinate the head of state of *Burundi*, but not other heads of state in Africa that promoted vaccine skepticism, or other leaders who fuelled it like Jair Bolsonaro?


A confidential document first reported on by The Wall Street Journal revealed two key facts about the U.S. government's efforts to identify the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. First, it indicated that the Department of Energy (DOE), which has an intelligence unit and is part of the intelligence community, had changed its stance with respect to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 from being unable to make a determination to concluding a laboratory-associated incident is the "most likely" origin of the pandemic.

Second, the Journal's reporting revealed that the FBI had previously concluded, with "moderate confidence," that the virus came from a laboratory-associated incident. The significance of both of these agencies' views are important, administration officials and media reports have suggested, because of their deep wealth of scientific expertise.


In any case, I'm not really sure it being a lab accident or a natural mutation has much to do with the effectiveness of the vaccines.


Bill Maher's Wish
The third option is to admit openly what many Democrats no doubt feel privately: That a good recession is what the party needs to reclaim its former glory. After all, it did get Obama elected president.

Over the weekend, HBO talk show host Bill Maher spoke the words out load.

"I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point," he said, talking about the booming economy. "And by the way, I'm hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy.

"Sorry if that hurts people, but it's either root for a recession or you lose your democracy."


What on earth does this have to do with anything?


"I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point," he said, talking about the booming economy. "And by the way, I'm hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy.

"Sorry if that hurts people, but it's either root for a recession or you lose your democracy."

Bill wished for the economy to crash and he got his wish. Now he is saying that Trump is right about the origins of the Kung Flu.


What does the origin of Covid, be it natural or lab-produced in China that escaped have to do with the vaccines credibility?


Bill Maher is hoping for a recession. He’s probably not alone. Like most Democrats, the talk show host understands that the booming economy is the single biggest impediment to his party unseating President Trump in 2020 and to winning majority control of the House of Representatives in November.

But how truly pitiful is it that someone who pretends to care about the less-fortunate members of our society is willing to throw them under the bus for political gain?

On his HBO show “Real Time” last week, Maher said: "I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point. By the way, I'm hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession."


Funnily enough, I'm not tied to the opinions of Bill Maher.


No one is to be honest.


Wow, it really sucks how I get that mild polio bout every few months because my polio vaccine really doesnt prevent me from just reduces symptoms.... 🤣

No, I've never contracted polio, because polio doesnt exis.......I mean my vaccine actually works. Same with my Smallpox vaccine, don;t get that mild smallpox every few weeks either 🤣.

Now about my tetanus... 🤣

The new definitions created by Pfizer make vitamins a "vaccine" lmao.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


Do you think every vaccine works the exact same way?


"You have forgotten that the "vaccine" does not prevent transmission or infection. And 6ft and or masks don't do anything either, so you are wrong again that the unvaccinated did anything to put others at risk."

For the sake of discussion, let's suppose you are right.

Then how would you explain the numbers have gone down or that the pandemic is over?


Because it has been 3 years. And just about everyone has gotten the virus vaccinated or not.


Got anything to show this or to back up your claims?


The "numbers" were fake from the get go and the pandemic was always a fucking sham.


So every single country on earth faked all their deaths from covid...?




So what happened then to all those people? Did they die of Covid?


He is right. You people rant about "trust the science" while you're entirely ignorant of it.

I would challenge you to explain why the death rate did not go down after a year of vaccines.


Because a lot of people, mostly the Trumptards, kept on being deniers and refused to take the vax.
So they got it and kept the numbers up while they thankfully died.


That's total bullshit. There is no scientific justification for that. There would be, if the vaccines actually did what vaccines are supposed to do.

We didn't take the shot because we used our brains, instead of swallowing whatever narrative we were fed by people who we knew were trying to manipulate us. You idiots not only drank the Kool Aid but donned the brown shirts. The only "tards" were the ones that clamored for the shot without asking a single question. The following are the reasons why I didn't take the shot:

1. The vaccines were developed over a very short time with very limited testing. In other words, experimental. Major red flag.

2. Very high survival rate, particularly for my age group.

3. I work from home and can isolate as needed.

4. It ain't a vaccine. It only mitigates symptoms. It does not prevent contraction or the spreading of the virus. Another red flag.

5. The harder assholes like you pushed the vaccine, the more red flags it raised. When people started losing their jobs for not taking the shot, that screams tyranny to me loud and clear.

6. It requires signing a waiver that I will not sue them for side effects or death. Another red flag.

All my fears have been justified with reports of blood clots, heart attacks, strokes and other side effects. Not to mention that COVID didn't even cause me to have a fever. So go fuck yourself with the propaganda and lies.


For the sake of discussion, let's suppose you are right.

But he actually is correct. All of this was known well before 2020, but Mass Formation Psychosis is a real son of a bitch it has been revealed.

Then how would you explain the numbers have gone down or that the pandemic is over?

Because SARS-type virus explode fast, and peter off out of existance...we've seen it play out 3 times now...

SARS 1 in 2003-4

MERS in 2012-13

and now SARS2 in 2020-21

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


Please provide your proof that COVID was released INTENTIONALLY....and as I stated elsewhere....your proof that ANY virus experts ever said anything other than being vaccinated was a preventative measure against getting the type of serious case that was causing death.


You don't know that it wasn't intentional, do you?

The vaccine doesn't do jack shit to prevent the spread. Where do you get this?

It took me 3yrs to get COVID and I'm really glad I didn't get the clot shot.


What a "surprise" that the anti-vaxxers here tried to change the subject from having to prove their INITIAL claims that COVID was released intentionally...

....and, that they totally ignored responding to the subject/possibility that the number of deaths of anti-vaxxers might have actually been higher than reported because when the time came, they may have refused to officially admit some of their own died from COVID thereby exposing their hypocritical "logic" used to suggest their claims that COVID numbers were artificially inflated for blah, blah, maga-talking-point, blah, reasons.

Anti-vaxxers STILL textbook pathologically wanting things both ways in their favor....who'd have thunk it? - Eyeroll -


If you don't think it wasn't intentional you living on a different planet


So to be clear, by removing the use of double negatives, you've said that a person is living on a different planet if they DO believe that COVID was released intentionally.


The put up police tape around play grounds, it was crazy


Well it was engineered by the Marxist WEF left who also runs the Democrat media/party, so there’s that.


The one way aisles at Wal Mart ultimately ended the pandemic.


oh shit, I accidentally went the wrong way down the one way isle once. I wonder how many people I killed,lol. Seriously though, I remember a lady giving me a really dirty look because I walked 5 feet the wrong way rather than loop all the way around to come back down the isle. I just winked at her.


"Covid is the biggest lie..."

I doubt all the things were lies.
I think a lot of it was just misunderstood.

And the start of the Viet Nam war and 9/11 were bigger lies.


Bill Maher's Wish
The third option is to admit openly what many Democrats no doubt feel privately: That a good recession is what the party needs to reclaim its former glory. After all, it did get Obama elected president.

Over the weekend, HBO talk show host Bill Maher spoke the words out load.

"I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point," he said, talking about the booming economy. "And by the way, I'm hoping for it because one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy.

"Sorry if that hurts people, but it's either root for a recession or you lose your democracy."


51 Links to More Scholarly Studies & Writings on Sudden Deaths in Athletes:
Includes a link to more than 1000 (one thousand) scientific papers on COVID vaccine injury

100 Links to Sampling of 100 Published Papers on Covid Vaccine-induced Cardiac Injuries to Young People:

Covid Vaccine Sources:


Good reporting, also no one knows the long term effects of a mRNA vaccine. I have heard it could lead to sterility in men and women. The only people that will live on will be the anti-vaxxers.
