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Biden's VP pick: Senator Kamala Harris, Senator California



She will receive the same respect from me that Sarah Palin received from the left in 2008. That means her family is fair game and I am free to say whatever vile, sexist, misogynistic insults I can come up with.


Palin was dumb who couldn't name one newspaper she read.


Fake News!


It's payback time, Kamala Harris needs to be smeared and attacked in the most vicious ways imaginable, the media needs to dig up whatever dirt they can on her family and exploit it.

What she does with her reproductive organs now needs to be public knowledge, it is now my business.


"her reproductive organs now my business." Lol!


Just holding her to the same standard conservative women are.


It's going to get vicious and ugly.


Yeah like the way she was such a vicious rabid dog to Kavanaugh.
That's what I think of whenever I see her mug.


She has no class at all and is a disgrace to women and women's rights.


I'd say it's pretty clear you have no class at all and are a disgrace to mankind in general.


Not at all just calling it like it is. If she’s going to be on the national stage she needs to toughen up and learn how to take criticism


Kavanaugh? You mean the rapist.


No I'm not talking about finger rapist Biden.


Bergdoff Dressing-room rapist Trump?

That’s who you mean?!


Finger rapist Biden, your buddy.


Not pussy grabbing Trump?


Finger rapist Biden


Lol! Kamala frightens you just like she frightened Kavanuagh!



He wasn't frightened of her.

She sure doesn't need more power to Make America Worse Again.


Sarah Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads:

She is as dumb as a wall!


She’s illiterate. How dare Couric do her job and question her on where she gets her news!


McCain lost the election because nobody trusted his judgment after he picked such a dolt for VP. I'm relieved with Biden's choice.


Me too. His judgement was shot with Palin. It was over when she walked on stage.


Yet you support Obama who thinks there’s 57 state’s and Biden who asked a man in a wheelchair to stand up . She knows what a newspaper is I’m pretty sure if she was able to effectively run an entire state she knows how to read you dishonest libtard. Kamala Harris deserves to be vilified the same way Governor Palin was.


You're in denial. Palin couldn't name one newspaper or magazine she reads. Not one! What a dope!


The left winged media selectively edited the interview and only focused on that one clip. At the very worst it was a minor slip up that pretty much all politicians make at one point or another in their career. Obama thought there was such a thing as a "corpse man". She knows what a newspaper is, she was a qualified VP pick unlike that brainless bimbo Kamala Harris.

EDIT: You never answered how Biden expected a man in a wheelchair to take a stand?


Palin is still an illiterate dope!


I think you’re confused with Kamala Harris, AOC, Hillary, Pocahontas Warren and Pelosi. Their combined IQ is still lower than Tiger Woods golf score.

Also you just lied. She knows how to read she would never be able to become a Governor if she couldn’t. You should be arrested for slander.


And you're still in denial.


Nope just calling it like it is


Idiot Palin fell for a telephone prank in which she believed French President Nicolas Sarkozy was supporting her and McCain.

1. Palin thought a film titled, "Who's Nailin' Paylin?" was a legitimate documentary about her.
2. Sarkozy doesn't speak English.
3. Sarkozy clearly supported Obama.
4. Palin proved she couldn't differentiate between a pop culture figure and elected official. Repeatedly.
5. Palin proved how slow she was since she still didn't know it was a prank which lasted 6 minutes long.

You must be as dopey as she is.


Funny how instead of attacking someone who was harassing political figures you instead attack the political figure. You're a complete disgrace.

Obama thought there were 57 states and that there was such a thing as a corpse man. He also thinks you can obtain an automatic rifle online without any background check. Biden used to pal around with the KKK, told a man in a wheelchair to stand up and said he would never send his children to a school that was predominately black.

She had a simple "corpse man" moment, Obama and Biden have had plenty of them. She was a strong candidate who was vilified in a sexist smear job by the left because they are threatened by strong female political figures who stray away from the liberal plantation that they think all women should be on. Kamala Harris is a brainless bimbo who is now aligning with someone she believes is a racist, she only got the nomination because she doesn't have testicles, it's disgraceful.


Palin's moment lasted 6 long minutes and only ended because the radio pranksters became bored with her stupidity and finally informed her it was a joke.

The radio pranksters did society a favor by pointing out her stupidity. They should receive an award.

I still don't believe she reads any newspapers or magazines.

You must have a thing for Palin since you're defending someone so stupid. Only disgrace is your attraction to a really dumb moron like Palin.


Again instead of attacking the sexist bigot you are instead blaming the victim, you're a disgrace. If anyone did that to Hillary Clinton you'd throw a fit. Of course she's read newspapers, she ran an entire state very well and had a beyond impressive resume, way more impressive than that imbecile Kamala Harris. if you think she doesn't know what a newspaper is then you're a full fledged idiot, she graduated from the University of Idaho obviously she knows what a newspaper is.

The fact that you voted for a man who thought there were 57 states and a VP who expected a man in a wheelchair to stand up says alot about your own intelligence.


University of Idaho? LOL!

She majored in journalism, but, she can't name one newspaper or magazine she read!!! She's dumber than I thought.

Her high school grade point average was 2.2

D in Foreign Language class

3 C’s and 2 B’s

Her SAT score was 841 out of 1600

Palin is much dumber than a wall!

I'm going to assume you're love-struck which has made you as dumb as she is.


She knew what a newspaper was, you don't get a degree in journalism if you don't know what a newspaper is numb nuts, she just had a "corpseman" moment which Obama had plenty of . Funny how you'd bring up education considering Joe Biden finished 506 out of 688. LOL Kamala Harris graduated from Howard university, what a joke.

Love struck? Not really, I just respect strong women. You have an unnatural obsession with Kamala Harris who doesn't deserve one ounce of respect. Again she's not a real woman. She's a backwards step for women.


Palin doesn't READ newspapers and magazines. Obviously, you're having a reading issue, too.

More of your racism is showing! Howard University is one of the most prestigious black universities in the country.

You're criticizing three attorneys who passed the Bar Exam. I'd like to see you memorize hundreds of pages from multiple law books in order to pass it. Meanwhile, your dolt Palin can't read a single newspaper and caused McCain the presidency. Case closed.


Clearly she does, again she just had a corpseman moment which all politicians do, you're intentionally being disingenuous. She knows what a newspaper is (LOL she majored in journalism you idiot obviously she knows what a newspaper is) and she ran the state of Alaska very well. She was a great VP candidate who was the victim of sexist and misogynistic smears by the racist/sexist left in this country. Well Kamala Harris deserves to be treated the same way, her family is fair game, personal issues are fair game. All data shows that Governor Palin helped McCain, they lost because McCain suspended his campaign and because he wasn't enthusiastic nor black. You also never answered my question: How did Joe Biden expect a man in a wheelchair to stand up?

So not liking Howard University makes me racist? The fact that it's a "black university" is the very definition of racism and it's mostly crap academically.

Law isn't my field, if it were I would have passed the Bar exam. Kamala Harris wouldn't last one day in my field nor would you. She is a complete joke and an utter embarrassment to women and the United States in general. Not only that but she partners up with racists (her words not mine). The only thing she has going for her is her vagina.

EDIT: "Palin can't read a single newspaper and caused McCain the presidency" LOL it's "COST" the election, you're one to talk you can't even construct a logical English sentence. You shouldn't be calling anyone stupid since you lack even the basic understanding of the English language.


Your field is playing videos in your childhood room at your mom's house.

Palin was stupid for 6 minutes. That's not a moment. You're not too bright, are you?

A journalist major should be able to name one newspaper. She had more than a moment to name one. What a dummy!!!

McCain ended up disliking her because of her stupidity:

"Palin responds to McCain’s regret over choosing her as 2008 running mate

When asked if Senator McCain’s expression of regret hurt, former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin tells NBC, “I don’t lie, so I’ll tell you: A bit.” Palin added, “He’s been my friend, so I’m going to remember the good times,” as well as, “I had a lot of respect for his maverick nature.”"

"John McCain: Sarah Palin 'excluded from his funeral'

Carla Eudy, a fundraiser who worked with the McCain family for decades, told the magazine that "invitations were not extended" to either Mrs Palin or US President Donald Trump.

Republicans themselves turned against her because of her stupidity. It's irrelevant what Democrats thought about her or McCain since they were competitors for the White House. Republicans became frustrated by her low IQ.

I won't blame Palin 100% for the loss. McCain didn't know how many houses he and his wife owned nor did he know the price for bread which made him unrelatable to financially struggling Republican voters. Palin had Republican voters question his judgment since she was a poor choice.

Remember, McCain had health issues so Republican voters wanted assurance that the VP could takeover.

You don't have the discipline nor intellect to past the Bar.

Yes, white racism and its legacy of slavery created the need for Howard University.

Harris, a first generation American who is senator, attorney general, district attorney and now Vice President! You're jealous!


Wrong, premise is dismissed.

It was no more embarrassing than Joe Biden asking a man in a wheelchair to stand up or Obama saying there were 57 states.

Again it was just a corpseman moment, the left winged media selectively edited and only played that one clip, she knows and knew back then what a newspaper was, although Obama definitely thought there were 57 states.

I see no evidence that McCain hated her for "stupidity", all empty speculation and sexism from your end. Dismissed.

Republicans never turned against her and she is very intelligent, the problem was the sexist media would cover up Obama's dumb moments and would only play the few dumb moments of Sarah Palin. Funny how you continue to harp on that one interview, if she really was that dumb you'd have pages and pages of corpseman moments but you don't. You're a dishonest scumbag and a sexist.

McCain lost for these reasons:
- He suspended his campaign
- He wasn't enthusiastic
- He was white

Sarah Palin re-energized his sinking campaign, all the data shows this. John McCain's opinion of her is irrelevant.

If Kamala Harris can pass the bar then obviously the standards are pretty low, she's a brainless bimbo, she and AOC's combined IQ isn't even higher than Tiger Woods Golf score. Neither you nor Harris would be able to do my job, neither of you are academically capable, nor would either of you being able to run an entire state the way Governor Palin did. Kamala Harris doesn't care one bit about the people she serves, all she cares about is getting attention.

Non sequitur, Howard University is still crap academically. Speaking of white racism Kamala Harris apparently doesn't have a problem with it.

No jealous of all, what do I have to be jealous of? She's a racist, illiterate barbie doll. She's a disgrace to women, she basically whored her way to the nomination. Right now I'm just enjoying laughing at her and your pathetic attempt of defending her.

BTW how did Joe Biden expect a man in a wheelchair to stand up?


Obama was invited to McCain's funeral.

Dummy Palin wasn't.

"Sarah Palin was an unprepared, uninformed vice presidential candidate", says a top aide on the McCain campaign.

Most troubling to the campaign, Schmidt said, was Palin's horrendous performance during prep sessions for her debate with then-Sen. Joe Biden.

Schmidt recounts receiving a frantic phone call from an aide who was trying to prepare the Alaska governor.

"He told us that the debate was going to be a debacle of historic and epic proportions. He told us she was not focused. She was not engaged. She was really not participating in the prep," says Schmidt.

The campaign flew her out to McCain's Arizona ranch and simplified the debate prep sessions. Things seemed to better, except for one problem: Palin couldn't say Joe Biden's name.

Palin repeatedly referred to Biden as "O'Biden," Schmidt says, leading to fears that she would mangle his name throughout the debate and create a PR disaster for the campaign.

That's when aides stumbled upon a solution that turned into one of the most memorable moments of the debate.

"It was multiple people -- and I wasn't one of them -- who all said at the same time, 'Just say, "Can I call you Joe?",' which she did," Schmidt says.

But Palin's problems stretched beyond the debate performance.

Heilemann and Halperin write that the campaign soon realized that Palin was woefully uninformed on basic issues of U.S. history and politics.

"Her foreign policy tutors are literally taking her through, 'This is World War I, this is World War II, this is the Korean War,'" Heilemann told "60 Minutes." "This is the -- how the Cold War worked. Steve Schmidt had gone to them and said, 'She knows nothing.'"

Schmidt says Palin also gave the campaign headaches by repeatedly making false statements on the campaign trail, a habit, Schmidt says, that Palin still displays."

What a dingbat!!!


You are just citing other people's opinions, non sequitur.

The facts speak for themselves, she ran the state of Alaska much better than that bitch Kamala Harris ever could have done and her being on the campaign got McCain votes. McCain ran a poor campaign and he was white which is why they lost.

You also never answered: How did Joe Biden expect a man in a wheelchair to stand up?


Nope, your OPINION about someone you don't know nor ever met is irrelevant.

McCain's campaign officials and aides knew her and worked with her. They all agree that Dingbat Palin (her new nickname) was stupid and a liar.

We both agree that McCain ran a poor campaign because he chose Dingbat Palin as his running mate.

Republicans thought Hillary Clinton would be the candidate which is why they chose Palin.

Dingbat Palin quote about newspapers and magazines:
"“I’ve read most of them…Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years.”

LOL! Journalist major who doesn't know English.

Kamala Harris is going to pulverize that sycophant Pence during the debate. He peed in his pants when she was chosen.


No you were supposed to prove she was dumb, all you could deflect to were debunked liberal talking points and other people's opinions. Your premise is dismissed numb nuts.

The data shows that she energized the base, one of the reasons they lost was because McCain was white.

That's one quote numbnuts, it was a corpseman moment and Obama had many such as when he thought there were 57 states. She knows was a newspaper is, she majored in journalism, you however don't know how to construct a meaningful sentence.

Kamala Harris is a brainless bimbo who only got as far as she did because she has a vagina, that is literally all she has to bring to the table (which I'm guessing Biden took full advantage of).

As for her religious beliefs, I am an atheist, the Earth is not 6000 years old but the vast majority of the country believes that as do the majority of Democrats. Kamala Harris is also Christian (LOL she actually believes some invisible man in the sky created the Earth out of nothing, what a brainless idiot) and subscribes to the same nonsense you are accusing Governor Palin of, also the age she believes the Earth is is irrelevant to how well she can run the country. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris being filthy racists is far more disturbing. And Mike Pence didn't pee his pants when he found out, he was probably relieved and now he's trying to figure out a way to not humiliate her too badly and come across as a bully. The sad truth is for you you need more than a vagina to be able to hack it on the national stage.

BTW how did Biden expect a man in a wheelchair to stand up?


Continue to fantasize about Dingbat Palin.

This "Who's Nailin Palin?" video should help:
You're welcome!


Your concession and your misogyny are noted.


I concede that you're as stupid as Dingbat Palin.

Your racism, misogyny and stupidity are duly noted.


No racism or misogyny from me. The fact that I am calling out Attention Whore Harris for her unethical and Nazi like behavior makes me an advocate for women. The fact that you are defending her says a lot about your lack of intellect kid.

Also you never explained how Joe Biden expected a man in a wheelchair to stand up.


Dingbat Palin believes that the Earth is 6,000 years old in which dinosaurs and humans coexisted.



So do Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They believe in the invisible sky daddy just as much as Sarah Palin does. In fact the vast majority of the United States is that deluded numb nuts.

EDIT: Your video was of Matt Damon, not Sarah Palin but I guess I can't expect someone of such low intellect to know the difference. Heck you support Biden who didn't even know that a man confined to a wheelchair couldn't stand up.


You mean Dingbat Palin.


Your concession remains noted. Now go fantasize over Attention Whore Harris.


Dingbat Palin is whoring around now since she couldn't hold on to her husband. You should give her a call.


So anyone who has a divorce is a "whore"? I don't expect you to be able to back up your assertions with evidence, you never have, LOL. At least her marriage wasn't as f-cked up as Bill and Hillary's. Your post is more evidence of your own Nazism.

Your concession and misogyny remain noted.


She ran an entire state and did a great job at it. The Katie Kouric interview was selectively edited to smear her, she very much does know about newspapers you disingenuous libtard.

She was a far more qualified candidate than this abomination Biden just picked.


Selected and edited? They played the full interview back then when republicans tried saying this. The whole unedited interview - and she showed what a joke she was.


The Democrats only cared about 30 seconds out of that entire interview and that's the only thing the left winged media would play because they were sexist, it was slander at its worst. It was selectively edited.


Lol!!! If you’re running on the Presidential ticket, maybe you should know what’s going on outside your little neighborhood?

She went down in history as a one note joke.


Lol she knew exactly what she was talking about she just had one “corpse man” moment and that’s all the left would focus on because they are sexist. You are a dishonest scumbag and she was far more qualified than the brainless bimbo you are defending

Neither you nor Kellai have been able to explain to me how Joe Biden expected a man in a wheelchair to take a stand?


👏🏻👏🏻 Right on! You can do it, I can do it also. But, Trump and Pence would be wise not to attack her. With the glass ceiling being broken long ago and equal rights for women a given, they still resort to being the weaker sex when it suits them. As a result the public still frowns on a woman being verbally attacked...if she happens to be a Democrat! Sarah Palin was fair game and of course John McCain didn’t fully support her.

When Hillary first ran for the New York Senate seat against Republican Rick Lazio, she garnered a lot of votes during one of their debates. How? Mr. Lazio stepped away from his podium and walked over to her. He violated her space as Gore did with Bush.

The only way to challenge Harris is for another woman to do the job, but Pence would have to step aside. Think about this for a moment. Do any of you alt lefties believe if the tables were turned, Kavanaugh had been a Democrat woman, the same charges levied against her as they were against Kavanaugh, the same vile rhetoric would be thrown at her? Without a doubt...NO!


- The black community can’t stand her.

- She has a track record of sharp criticism for Biden’s sleazy past.

- She’s from a state who’s rigged voting process is a guarantee win for Democrats so she’s no help there.

- her family were slave owners

- Pence is the perfect choice to handle her. His calm regal persona will run circles around her in the VP debate.

It’s a no go for #JoeBlow.


You have made me more aware of typos, so...I gotcha! 😉

She’s from a state [who’s] rigged voting process is a guarantee win for Democrats so she’s no help there.

I do this frequently when typing fast & furious! Most of the time I catch it.


Haha yeah I type fast and on a phone. And I don’t usually proofread. And when I do it’s after I posted it and then I have to go back and edit it. Lol!


We've come to expect that from you.


I'm happy with this pick! I hope they'll make it to the White House!


Didn't she call Biden a racist? I guess racism isn't that big of a deal to her considering she's now partnering up with one. That says a lot about her lack of character and her own racism.


Can you refer to that quote where she called Biden a racist?

We will wait...



Obviously, he isn't.


Non sequitur FYI he very much is he even palled around with the kkk


You mean Fred Trump who was arrested when he was in the KKK.


Fred Trump is running for President? Also thanks for being honest that Joe Biden is a racist. Your concession is noted.


I corrected your error.

Trump's father was in the KKK. Trump is a sympathizer, but I'm pretty sure he kept his father's white robe and hood.


He’s not running for president (lol he’s been dead for 2 decades) so it’s irrelevant (I’m not even going to bother fact checking you) also do you care to back up your claim that Trump has a KKK robe in his closet?


For the record, she's Asian and Jamaican, but will pass for Black if it suits her purpose. 🙄 Another phony politician.


I was just saying this on another thread.

Jamaican, Indian, Asian...?
But I read that she "identifies" as black.

Black privilege.


But I read that she "identifies" as black.

Like Bruce Jenner identifies as a woman.

The world has gone mad 😱


That's what I'm talking about, man. 😉


Hey, man...I dig ya! I dig ya! Hells Bells! I thought we left the ‘70’s decades ago. The clothing was atrocious...along with the vernacular!


I wouldn’t go as far as to say there is such a thing as black privilege but liberal privilege is definitely a thing.


She is Black! That's very obvious.


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -MLK

Well, I suppose if your "skin color" works in your favor, you'd be wise to capitalize on it.

That's want Kam and the Dems are doing.

By the way, this morning, several news outlets referred to her a Indian.


Democrats see everything through the prism of race


As a leftist, I hope Biden loses...


I hear yah. Biden wasnt my choice 1-20 if not further up the list. I'm in a state that will go to Biden no matter what so technically could write in someone else or abstain. I won't though. Considered doing the same in '16 but ultimately decided I wanted HC to beat Trump by as large of a margin as possible. That didn't happen obviously but being part of the 3 million popular vote has given me some solace over the last 4 years.


"As a leftist, I hope Biden loses..."

We know Biden admitted he could only consider one term because in his words he's not a young guy but after Kamala told Biden she was his pick, that put the nail in his coffin.


Might help Biden’s chances in CA.


She is very abrasive, it's going to be hard for Joe to play up the "I'm an idiot, forgive me" angle when he has that witch behind him.


Trumpers seem extremely agitated by her. That tells me Harris is good news.


What's to discuss which hasn't already been discussed by MSM? They saw his pick list, people were pushing for it (DNC not the people), and it it came true as predicted. It was down to either Susan Rice or Kamala Harris. She at least got her wish of being president of something when no one wanted her. Biden caved to tokenism pressure.


"Biden caved to tokenism pressure."

It sounds like you only believe white men should occupy high office.


No we just don’t believe you should get to be the nominee simply because you have dark skin and a vagina


You obviously have an issue with anyone holding high office who isn't a white male or you wouldn't bring it up.


She only got the nomination because of her skin color and her reproductive organs. The sexism/racism is all on the Democrats side. The Republicans care about credentials.


"The Republicans care about credentials."



I wouldn’t be surprised if Harris slept with Biden in exchange for the nomination. Your concession remains noted


Are you surprised that Melania got an Einstein VISA quickly because she slept with Trump?


That’s his wife you idiot of course she’s going to sleep with him lol.


She wasn’t at the time moron. She was a high paid “ girlfriend “

On his payroll.


Lol and he gave her a political position??? Nice try numb nuts. The relationship between Biden and Harris is disgusting at best

Also your entire premise is speculation show evidence or shut your mouth


He gave her the position of First Third Lady.

Also your entire premise is speculation, so show evidence or shut your mouth.


It’s beyond obvious that Harris whored her way to the nomination, you’ve not provided a shred of evidence to your claim however and it doesn’t even matter because President Trump married her


Yeah ok. Whatever you believe.


It’s beyond obvious quit deluding yourself


Obviously, you're a racist and misogynist for saying an attorney, senator, former district attorney and former attorney general of a state had no qualifications nor experience, therefore she must have slept with someone to be nominated.


LOL just giving her what she deserves. She's not a strong woman, she's an entitled spoiled brat and anyone can see that she definitely whored her way to the nomination. She's a complete disgrace to women. Funny you'd mention racism considering she is now teaming up with someone she believes is racist, guess racism isn't that big of a deal to her. (it is to me however which is why I'm calling her out on her bigotry).


I'm sure a misogynist like yourself believes all women in power sleep their way to the top. You sound like a bitter incel.


Strawman I never said that and I never attacked all women, I attacked one woman who deserves it. If anything I'm just leveling the playing field. Kamala Harris is an insult to women, by attacking her I am actually advocating for women. Why would you have a problem with me advocating for women? Sounds like you're the one with issues.


Good choice!
