MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why does the internet love sucking Trump...

Why does the internet love sucking Trump's dick so much?

I hate SJWs, and I don't care if you're a genuine Trump supporter. But it seems like the internet has been taken over by rabid anti-SJWs, who are just as bad as the people they hate.

And it seems like you feel the need to worship Trump simply because he's politically incorrect. Yet if someone asked you why you like him, and presented valid arguments as to why he's a terrible president, you'd have no idea how to respond.

The worst part is how triggered you get whenever someone says anything anti-Trump. Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, etc. If you genuinely disagree with them, that's fine, and you're more than welcome to explain why you disagree with them, which I've never seen. But you're acting like they said something horrendous. All they did was have different political views, when did that become a crime?


Reasons to like Trump

- Pro America
- record stock market
- record number of stock market records
- market up 66% since he was elected
- record low unemployment
- record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics
- fighting back and winning the trade war

Any questions?


Any questions?

Yes - how much paint have you been drinking?
Every single US presidential candidate is pro-America. Yes they are, just because Trump says otherwise doesn't mean squat. In fact, Trump is probably the least pro-American politician there, because he is treating the presidency as his own personal business, and uses it for his own profit.
As for the stock market, if you got your head out of Trump's ass you'd see that his boasts are exaggerated to put it mildly. Yes, the stock market has been doing well, but he ranks fourth, not first. I have no idea where you got the 66% figure, but it ain't the stock market. The only thing that has gone up 66% since Trump's inauguration, that I was able to find, were the sales of NY Times.
And yes, unemployment is at a record low, but this is following a trend that began around 2012, when Obama was president. Since that time, unemployment has plummeted. All Trump had to do was to do nothing about it and the trend would continue. And it seems he has, good boy. Though the rate of decline in unemployment has begun to slow.
As for the trade war - the one Trump started - what has he been winning, exactly? He has been bankrupting farmers with his harebrained scheme. What he fails to realise is that if he makes the US market too unattractive to China, China will turn to other markets instead. And since the tariffs are paid by US consumers, not the foreign seller, this could only begin and end with a loss for the US. This has not been one of Trump's success stories.


No not every President is Pro America. The puppets controlling Dementia Joe hate this country and so did Obama.


And both Bushes.


Yeah they were Globalists too.


Hang on, the puppets controlling him? Wouldn't HE be the puppet and them the puppet masters?


Not only did he and Michelle hate America, Obama hated the military & law enforcement. He interjected himself into law enforcement matters whenever he could. He should have kept his nose out of their affairs.


First line was dead false. So I stopped reading.


I hate SJWs, and I don't care if you're a genuine Trump supporter. But it seems like the internet has been taken over by rabid anti-SJWs, who are just as bad as the people they hate.

For example?

And it seems like you feel the need to worship Trump simply because he's politically incorrect. Yet if someone asked you why you like him, and presented valid arguments as to why he's a terrible president, you'd have no idea how to respond.

Hmm...a supposed neutral stance to begin with and then straight to a general denigration. Seems like another dummy account.

The worst part is how triggered you get whenever someone says anything anti-Trump. Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, etc. If you genuinely disagree with them, that's fine, and you're more than welcome to explain why you disagree with them, which I've never seen. But you're acting like they said something horrendous. All they did was have different political views, when did that become a crime?

So you hate SJWs but are butthurt about Trump supporters. Shouldn't you be butthurt about both? Apparently not. Phony much, dummy account?



I see/read so much about t-Rump I could throw up. I hope the impeachment hearing end up kicking him out of the White House. He is despicable.


Let me help you. DON'T come to the moviechat politics board. You're welcome.


SJWs barely exist outside of college campuses. They are usually hit by reality the moment they enter the workforce.

So anti-SJWs either complain about celebrities (the majority of posts on MC) or they do like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder who set up shop at college campuses to debate someone with blue hair.



He tries so hard but always fails.



good point, def feminine.



Whatever UV is, he/she is learning. UV is heeding my words and shutting his/her mouth and not replying to my posts anymore. That's progress. 😁



he gets self pwned everyday...


I think it's that "he's a son of a bitch but he's our son of a bitch" mentality.


thats nice


Thank you.


Lol, you read "I hate SJWs," stopped reading and assumed it was a pro-Trump OP.






ur wecome


day 1


Of the beginning of the end for President Dumbass? I suspect you may be right...


U mean obuma? he might have to testify.


haha good try.


Oh, oh
Jah would never give the power to a bald head
Run come crucify the Dread
Time alone, oh, time will tell
Think you're in heaven, but you living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but you living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but you living in hell
Time alone, oh, time will tell
You think you are in heaven, but you living in hell
Back them up, oh, not the brothers
But the ones who set them up
Time alone, oh, time will tell
Think you're in heaven, but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but you're living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but you're living in hell
Time alone, oh, time will tell
You think you're in heaven, but you're living in hell
Mm-mm, mm-mm
Oh, ma
Oh, ma
Oh, ma children are cryin'
Oh, children, weep no more
Oh, ma sycamore tree, saw the freedom tree
All you have spoke
Oh, children, weep no more
Weep no more, children, weep no more
Jah would never give the power to a baldhead
Run come crucify the Dread
Time alone, oh, time will tell
Think you're in heaven, but ya living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but ya living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but ya living in hell
Time alone, oh, time will tell
Think you're in heaven, but ya living in hell


good song...ya mon...


day 7


2 years, who knew?
