No one cares about this.

No one knows the character, no one knows it's coming out, no one knows who the actors are. If this didn't have the Marvel name attached to it, it would be a guaranteed bomb.


Watch it…or you’re a racist. Haha.


Simu Liu is famous for Kim’s Convenience. He’s not really an obscure actor.


I do not care which Kardashian he is convenient for be it Kim ,Khloe or Kourtney.

What film is he famous for? :)


Only Canadians know him.


I am not Canadian.


I'm Canadian & I'd never heard of him before he was cast in this


What's a Canadian?


People from Cancun.


How can he be famous for a series no one even knows existed?


You think Kim’s Convenience is well-known?


Considering it was one of the top rated shows in Canada and a show that I knew about without even living in the North American continent at the time, yes. And certainly, once I moved to Toronto a few years ago, I constantly saw ads and stuff for it, lots of people I knew watched it or were at least aware of it, and it currently has a spin-off show airing. It may surprise you that not everything revolves around the US.


Good for you. You're so smart dude.


Pointing out that a TV show exists doesn't take much effort.


It did really well on Netflix. It was a hilarious show.


I'm sure it did and is. I've watched some clips and it certainly looks funny. But I think he lives in a bubble if he thinks the masses know about that show.


I said the same about iron man 2008, the rest is history.


This one looks bad though.


Guardians of the Galaxy


Dude, It's the the MCU. The People & critics are gonna go wild for it & eat it up. Even if it's just mediocre as hell

Same with The Eternals.


It's true. They can release one of the worst movies of the year, but because it's Marvel it'll get a pass.


The MCU fans make fun of the Snyder fans & call them cultists & all that but they're honestly not that different from each other. I'm both a Marvel & DC fan but even I can't stand the fandoms sometimes.

At this point though, Kevin Feige could feed 'em literal sh*t but they'd still praise it and call it a masterpiece & stuff


but most of the mcu films are pretty good!

they're generally fun & enjoyable and satisfying to watch.

if you look at the 25 films made by the mcu in the last 12 years, and compare them to any other 25 films released by a major studio with a large-ish budget, the mcu's batting average will exceed them every time, i'm almost sure. i'd put money on that.

if you wanna criticize them for being factory made, hewing to a template & so on, i won't disagree. at least not hotly.

they're making large budget films. they're not marxist art terrorists.

but in terms of quality control, they've got a very, very good routine going, and that's not something to be dismissed.

if it was that easy to make popular, enjoyable films, we'd see a lot more of them.


Dude, It's the the MCU. The People & critics are gonna go wild for it & eat it up. Even if it's just mediocre as hell

Black Widow flopped hard. Break even was $800M and the movie hasn't made half of it.


I honestly don't see any film making close to $800m during this pandemic. I think $500m might be the max

Also, I was referring to the reviews more than anything


Break-even for Black Widow is nowhere near $800 million. The production cost was $200 million. The typical promotion budget for a film like that is about $35 million. Based on how much it has earned in theaters already, plus $30 a pop streaming, it's already profitable.


Worldwide promotion budget is usually around the same amount than production budget in a Hollywood movie. As a rule of thumb, break even can be approximated as 4 times production budget, which is $800M.


That is utterly incorrect. It doesn't cost more to market a film if the film itself cost more to make, and the industry average marketing budget is $35 million. Perhaps Marvel spent a bit more, but it's also equally likely they get discounts others don't. Odds are it evens out, and they spent between $30 and $40 million to market Black Widow.

They keep the majority of the streaming revenue. We know BW made $60 million in its first 3 days on Disney Plus. Who knows how much more it has made since then? It may well have already recouped its entire production cost simply from streaming revenue by now.


Agreed. It's amazing to me how many people babble online about how much films cost to market/promote, let alone produce. I've heard the same tired (incorrect) "has to make 3X production to break even" trope so many times. . .now, apparently, there are people who want to float a multiplier of FOUR.

Ridiculous. NOBODY knows how much movies cost. You can make educated guesses, but at the end of the day, there is really only ONE industry that the IRS simply Does Not F$#k With. Their accountants and lawyers are LEGENDARY; hilarious that some people think they've cracked the code.


I feel like that's because Marvel has a pretty good track record though. Which is why now they're starting to introduce characters that aren't very well known. Heck even Iron Man wasn't an A-list hero before his movie came out.

It's like movies directed by Scorsese, Tarantino, or Nolan. Would as many people be excited for or go see those movies if their names weren't attached to them?


I don't think the general audience will go to a movie for a director. An actor, definitely.


Unless your fans of the director though is what I'm saying. Just like how fans of Marvel go see Marvel movies. General audiences won't see something JUST because it's Marvel. Shang-Chi being a more obscure character definitely won't draw in a general audience.

You said if it didn't have the Marvel name attached to it, it would bomb. But you can say that about anything that doesn't have a proven track record or following like certain directors or even to your point, actors. If certain movies didn't have certain actors or directors that people were fans of, they would for sure do a lot worse at the box office.

Basically I'm just saying that what you're saying about Marvel can pretty much be applied to anything or anyone. As lackluster as Die Hard has been in recent entries, people will still go see the next one if Bruce Willis is in it because they're a fan of Bruce Willis. If you try to do Die Hard without Bruce Willis though, it definitely wouldn't do nearly as well if it did well at all. Just as a Nolan or Scorsese film wouldn't do as good if their names weren't attached.


I should have also specified that if the Marvel name wasn't attached, this would probably get average reviews. Once critics see the Marvel name, their eyes light up.


There's a small handful that have average reviews. I don't think being a Marvel movie guarantees anything really.


Audiences very often see a film solely based on who directed it, much more so than because an actor is in a film.


Huh? Tony Leung is in many critically acclaimed films that are/were in the IMDB top 250 such as Infernal Affairs (The Departed is famously a remake of this film), Chungking Express, Hero...he's been famous in the film scene since like the 90s lol. Awkwafina has been a mainstream hip-hop artist for like 15 years (I'm not really into her music but I haven't heard much other than what's on the radio), has her own TV show, Michelle Yeoh has been in tons of movies (she was a Bond girl, was also a lead in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Benedict Wong has already been in multiple Marvel movies, Ben Kingsley has won multiple Oscars and is super famous, etc. Just because you haven't seen certain critically acclaimed movies doesn't mean someone isn't famous lol.

Also, most people didn't know who Iron Man, Black Panther or Guardians of the Galaxy are and those ended up being some of Marvels most successful films.


most people didn't know who Iron Man, Black Panther or Guardians of the Galaxy are and those ended up being some of Marvels most successful films.

They were successful through word of mouth. Nobody cares about Shang-Chi. Whether it becomes a hit through word of mouth is a different story. It also helps having the Marvel name to it.


If they can take a somewhat obscure comic book character and make a very successful movie out of it, that's even more impressive to me. The main thing I was pointing out in that comment was that there are tons of famous actors in this movie, it's not just starring a bunch of no-namers. The only main actor I wasn't familiar with before was the guy playing Shang-Chi himself.


I did at one point. It's the first movie that takes place in the present in the MCU and was an introduction to a new character who would likely be an Avenger. I thought the first trailer looked really good. I was surprised at how good it looked.

Then more trailers came out and I thought the action looked flat. Too rehearsed and anticlimactic. Then he started mouthing off. More than once too. I decided to give it a chance anyway. I didn't like it. At. All. The action was very boring. No sense of tension or danger. Even the action was emotionless. And I did laugh a few times, but the humor was very awkward at times. Ben Kingsley was uncomfortable to watch.

The Suicide Squad, another comic book I recently saw, was MUCH BETTER.


I don't like the main actor. He was on a show called Kim's Convenience and he was the worst actor on the show.


I don't like him NOW, but never heard of him before this movie.

I never heard of the show until he was announced for this movie. I just watched a few clips. It looks pretty funny.


I loved this movie and it was the best choreographed action in the MCU imo but I definitely like The Suicide Squad a lot better.
