MovieChat Forums > Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) Discussion > Black People’s Delusions of Grandeur

Black People’s Delusions of Grandeur

I’ve encountered black people who want Wakanda to be real so bad that they’ve convinced themselves that it will be very soon. These thoughts have been implanted by black celebrities who have fanned the flames of such an unrealistic fantasy.

Whenever I see a black person raise their fist in the air and yell out “Wakanda Forever” I’m genuinely curious if they’ve ever visited an African country outside the resort areas.


Sounds like the same sad wankers who convinced themselves that Pandora was real after they saw Avatar.


Oh yeah I remember those ones too. The Wakanda thing has more of a political bent to it, but even the Avatar crowd tried to politicize theirs.


Certainly the returned former slaves of Liberia have created a paradise on earth? Oh wait


Remember these people have an identical constitution to the United States.


Looks like Commie Wakanda in Colorado failed LOL


Man, that's kind of depressing. Their big vision was to live in mud huts...I guess that's what you get when you put minimal effort into fleshing out what was 100% a scam from day one.


Don't be so negative. Give them some decades, and I'm sure that Liberia will finally be quite similar to the United States.

(Be aware that I didn't say that Liberia will be the one to change 😁)


Well they’ve had nearly two centuries. And they’re still a mess. Just like Zimbabwe became a mess after it stopped being Rhodesia. Just like South Africa has become a mess since Mandela came to power. I’m seeing a pattern here.


Don't forget Haiti. It's a 100% black country. It's the only south-american country where blacks managed to take power. Next thing they did was to kill all whites. I wonder why Hollywood hasn't made any series about that? It was the best example of black empowerment in America.

Nowadays it has the lowest gdp per capita in center-america. It's easy to find, check the Caribbean, the darkest the red, the poorer. You'll find the country real quick.

And that's not all. They have managed to deforest the country.


Yes and those from Haiti are now invading the Dominican Republic via illegal immigration in order to deforest the other side as well. They legit think the whole island belongs to them (Dominicans beat them to claim their independence in 1844).


Yeah. It seems that mass immigration is only happening towards western countries, but it's happening everywhere. And the big problem is that it's always from poor areas to rich ones, which means the wealthy societies are becoming more and more shitholes.

You have the same problem in Chile, for example, which has been always wealthier than other countries in South-America, and that has been suffering heavy immigration for years.


Chile and Argentina are getting overrun with Haitians and Senegalese of all people. 100 years ago Argentina which was largely German, Italian and Castilian Spanish was the 3rd most wealthiest country in the world. Only behind America and The British Empire, ahead of France. Uruguay is one of the most stable and prosperous nations in South America and it’s no coincidence that it is 92% white.

Look at how dysfunctional Brazil is with the Favelas and high crime rates. Then you look at its Southern region which is mostly populated by people of German and Italian descent. 85% white...the safest and most developed region of Brazil.

Let’s face it....if we want to avoid being in a Global Favela with no chance of escape we’re going to either have to adopt Japanese style immigration laws or carve out a territory/nation that is exclusively for 1st world cultures and people. The alternative is too scary to think about.


Just repeat "diversity is our strength" over and over again, and one day you might consider it to only be 99% bullshit.


Diversity is a liability


but divershity is important brahhh


Yeah let’s advocate for it in Israel


oh vey how antisemitic of you!!! the jewish people are oppressed and discrimited and have NEVER NEVER DONE ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE WRONG!!!!!!!!! the jews are here to guide us and tell us what to do not to follow their own rules they subject us too.....


I had a professor in college that had a theory that when an elected leader of a country, state or city was black that the place would decline. Thus far his theory has proven correct all across the world.


It’s impossible otherwise


They mustve run that professor out since colleges have become so pc leftist?


He was smart enough to know that things like that couldn't be uttered in a classroom full of students. He shared it in a small seminar where the number of students was less than a dozen and where he had a good idea of who he was talking to, although I do recall he said that what he was saying was off the record and he would deny saying it if asked by anyone.


Did the professor say why this happens?


Sounds to me like you guys truly can't stand Black Panther's success.


I think it has more to do how it was forced down all our throats that Black Panther was the greatest film ever, Wakanda is real and all that nonsense. It was so ridiculous that when one critic gave it a mediocre review, they tried to shut him down. It ruined the 100 on RT.

Those are the things I can't stand. Just like when we are being forced to accept George Floyd as some kind of heroic figure to the point we have to celebrate him. It's utterly childish and few people are buying into it.

I don't care at all about Black Panther otherwise. Just another silly superhero.


This is a double edged sword. People were actually petitioning for Rottentomatoes to get shutdown because of the negative score Suicide Squad and Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice received. That is a desperate need for validation. I understand not thinking the film is the second coming but why not just be content in thinking that? So many people say the only reason it got any good scores was because of the race. Since they get pissed it rated high they feel they need to go the extreme and call it the worst film ever made. I personally would not rate it as high as critics rated it but to be honest I think a lot of MCU films are overrated. I was not a fan of Thor Ragnarok and that one is rated super high. Difference is I am not throwing a fit like a lot people on here.

George Floyd was not a hero but again lots of people on these boards tried to use his past to downplay the actions of Chauvin. It is an overreaction on both ends of the spectrum. George Floyd was not a hero but do not attempt to say that Chauvin was not guilty of committing a crime. The people who think cops can do no wrong are no better than the people who think Floyd is a hero.


Remember when Jolly 'Ol England had an Empire that never saw a sunset? It came crashing down eventually.


Yeah all Empires rise and fall. The difference is the English changed the world as we see it. They made vast contributions to humanity.


So did every non-white civilization that they borrowed/learned from before them. Nobody's better than anyone else


All lives matter?


Yeah like who? Who did the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans “borrow” so much from?


Actually the Romans borrowed from the Greeks


One European people from another. I meant who did these people borrow from in Africa?


Ahh in that case nobody


IS this a joke or a legit question?


So did every non-white civilization that they borrowed/learned from before them. Nobody's better than anyone else

Bullshit. Some societies are wealthy and productive. Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, post-Renaissance western world and some periods in the north-east of Asia: that's the peak of the humanity. And right now, instead of trying to export the culture of the best societies, western world is importing the culture of shitholes. It's like a fucking suicide in slow motion.


^ This


Whenever I see a black person raise their fist in the air and yell out “Wakanda Forever” I’m genuinely curious if they’ve ever visited an African country outside the resort areas.

Whenever? Have you actually EVER seen a black person, in real life, raise their fist in the air and YELL out "Wakanda Forever?" Seriously, I'm curious. Come on, man. I get the overall point you're making, but have you actually ever seen a person do that?


Yes on tv and during a BLM protest last year.


So not ever in real life, no.

But you started your thread "Whenever I see...", as if you see black people all the time, all around you, randomly thrusting their fists into the air and yelling out "Wakanda Forever." You don't. You've never seen that. I'm just sayin.

Again, I get your overall point, and I don't disagree with you. All the nice places on Earth seem to have... a couple things in common. And all the shitty places on Earth seem to have... a couple things in common.


Be interesting to see what happens in the upcoming summer Olympics during the U.S. national anthem


OP never met a black person in real life. He would shit his pants.


Are you suggesting they’re violent and anti social?


No, I'm suggesting you are a pussy that likes to talk shit online.


You’re literally perpetuating the stereotype that they’re violent and have impulse control issues.


What reaction would you expect when you spew this racist bullshit?


Idk ask the well behaved white People who have to put up with the blood libel/original sin of “whiteness” hoisted on them.


"No, I'm suggesting you are a pussy that likes to talk shit online."

Pot calling the kettle black.🤣


He is right though. None of these internet white trash would dare to say anything in black man's face.


I really hate to respond to a racist troll post seriously, but...

When I was a kid, I felt exactly the same way about Star Trek, and so did a lot of other young nerds. Those dreamy nerds obsessed with a fictional world grew up to turn my home town into Silicon Valley, and to make build computers and communicators very like the ones we saw on "Star Trek". I'm serious, my damn cell phone actually does a lot of the things the Enterprise computer does (and it's way smaller), and they use vital sign monitors like the ones in the Star in hospitals, and if we don't have warp drive and transporters yet... it's not because scientists who loved sci-fi as kids aren't trying to make them real. Sometimes that kind of imagination and love for something that isn't real can be a wonderful thing, sometimes that's how things that were once pure imagination become real, so who knows. Maybe in a generation or so, something of Wakanda will be as real as our cell phones.


Liberia has a carbon copy constitution of the United States. They cut off the ear of their overthrown President on live tv.

A piece of paper or lofty ideals don’t make a nation. The people do. Their quality determines the quality of the nation. Wakanda? Africa isn’t nearly as developed as Eastern Europe, you know the part of Europe that was held back by communism.

Them becoming Wakanda level developed would require a miracle that would top the resurrection.






It's funny how these ever contradictory, try hard white supremacist degenerates have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than to spend their days, starting threads like this obsessing over black people while trying desperately to convince themselves that blacks are oh so insignificant. These depraved white supremacists are just an absolute mess of micro penis inadequacy.


Funny, not ONE of the racists I've called "needledick" has ever denied it!


Isn't needledick a racist euphemism???


Well someone just told me more about himself than he intended!


U used that in advance, and it is racist ... so ... why U so racist? :P


Why can't you spell "you"? Three-letter words too hard to spell?


'cause i'm lazy, obviously ... can you imagine what i can do with the time i saved?


Try to invent a dick-finder with an extra-powerful lens, which would benefit not only you, but all your fellow trolls who never leave their mother's basement?

Now fuck off, your momma has your lunch tray of 10 PB&Js on white bread all ready.


Well, why would i invent something that would benefit only other pricks like you???

I can send you picks of my 10" white dick if you insist. Although you might fall in love with it and I don't think i can handle that ...

And again you jumped the racist gun, which is not unexpected ...


"When I was a kid, " - I'm gonna stop you right there. Unless you somehow hold the racist idea that blacks are as mentally developed as kids ...


Black people are the only ones to play pretend a fictional place is real or use a catchphrase. Yeah, ok.

Not like there are parks where people can live their fantasies for a day, right, white supremacist?


No you’re right, soyjack millennials...often white fantasize about Marvel stuff being real. They too take it to another silly level.

But blacks have politicized the Wakanda thing. You can tell they desperately need the fantasy. When the movie came out...actual searches of wanting to travel there skyrocketed.


Nope, they don't. They have fun re-enacting fantasy events in real life but they DO KNOW that those are fantasy events. No, they don't believe in those events being, you know, REAL.

Oh, and those are NOT just for the white people ... being it LARPG or ComicCons ...




Now they've cast a black woman to play a Jarl in Vikings Valhalla so they get to say


It's particularly bad that many believe that Wakanda is what Africa would have been if not for the white people's meddling. Critical race theory is designed to support this belief.


Despite the exact opposite being the case. Most places in Africa didn’t even have the wheel when whites showed up.


yeah, because apartheid did such great things for South Africa, right, white supremacist?


Looks like a proponent of the critical race theory has joined us at last.


Any theory that upsets conservatives is good.




Apartheid South Africa had the biggest economy on the continent, the biggest black middle class, was the most industrialized nation in Africa, and was the only nation in the continent with nuclear weapons.

It was a serious country. In less than 30 years of black majority rule...they can’t even keep the lights on anymore.

So you tell me, who did it better?


You are replying to the wrong person


If white people hadn't raped and pillaged all of Africa they would be building civilizations in the Andromeda galaxy by now. They would be building starships that are 20 miles long and can hold a million people.


Flying pyramids lol


Uhm, sounds like the plot of District 9 ... but in reverse ...

Anyway, AFAIK the sub-Saharan Africa didn't even invent an alphabet (there was one writing system, pictograms, for a brief period of time but limited location and was lost). How can you build any ships when you cannot write plans and you didn't even invent ... the wheel?

PS: yeah, I know, you were sarcastic ...
