MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Star Wars introduces transgender Jedis

Star Wars introduces transgender Jedis

They're running out of woke checkboxes πŸ˜‚


They’re still trying to balance the scales from the original trilogy. You see, Order 66 not only instructed the clones to kill Jedi, but also alternative lifestylers and women. It was very effectively carried out and that’s why in the OT there were only two Jedis, two women and one gay (C3PO) left in the entire galaxy. They’ve been trying to make up for that ever since.


The franchise is already dead though.


How is it dead? Mandalorian was epic, there making another batch of TV series and movies, so how is it dead?


Mandalorian got the fans back for a while, but the franchise was hanging by a thread... and then they decided to fire Gina Carano for not bending the knee to the woke gospel.

That decision is gonna take a toll on the Marvel series too. Disney execs really screwed it this time.


What!!!!!! Hanging by a thread how ? 4 out of 5 movies have made over 1 billion each , the mandalorian is loved by critics and fans , I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about.


So did Transformers. Money doesn't mean quality.

The Mandalorian "WAS" loved by fans until they fired Gina Carano.

A lot of good faith has been lost with that one act.

I like the Mandalorian but lets not get carried away here it was ok, every episode was almost the same. It was simple which is what made it good but if they once again swamp the market with a ton of new shows people will just tune out.

Cara Dune was a great female character but unfortunatly you are not allowed to have different opinions and vote differently in America. I thought it was a democracy but I guess not.


What!!!!!! Hanging by a thread how ? 4 out of 5 movies have made over 1 billion each

It was the first one the one that made the big bucks. The second one made only 2/3 of the 1st one, and the last one made made 2/3 of the second one. The other movies in the franchise had a downtrend too, with Solo being even a flop and losing money, something that was unthinkable in that franchise.

If the franchise was alive, they would have made the announced second trilogy by now. As simple as that.

Star Wars was dead. The Mandalorian managed to revive it... until the Gina Carano incident. Disney has really screwed it.


Aww! Poor furiousstyles, your precious Star Wars still getting hated and mocked...well it shouldn't come as any surprise as everything Disney owns is either extremely woke or straight up shit, and that includes the theme parks. OMG! all the dark secrets Disney parks try to hide from the public makes the happiest place on earth more like a horror show, first of all the employees are exposed to some pretty horrific working conditions, they have to walk around the park in extremely hot weather and in those very heavy costume, and on top of that the employees are often harassed by park visitors, and because they are required to they in character if they get injured they can't get medical assistants untill they are out of the publics eye to keep up it's "family friendly"appearance. That's only haft the story, the visitors are subjected to some questionable treatment, for instance guess who have died in accidents on the rides weren't allowed to be declared dead until they were removed from the parks premise, so technically they can say that no one has ever died at Disney Land, my god! the length that these idiots go to to protect their reputation is absolutely insane.

Bottomm line is, this is the exact reason why I refuse to support anything related to Disney cause they are a toxic company, anyone who supports Disney is toxic...that includes you, you ass fucking faggot!


oh look , its the resident DCEU dick rider

"employees are exposed to some pretty horrific working conditions"

i was expecting you to say they are abused but fuck me, they are hot?? hahahahaa dufus

Listen dipshit, you don't support Disney because it pisses all over your precious DCEU, Star Wars is loved by many , as you can see by the audience scores on most websites, so why dont you make like a tree and leave, fucker.

Game set match , i win again


He's right. The Mandalorian was the only good thing Disney had going when it comes to Star Wars and they just fucking ruined it by firing Gina.

The shit's over. RIP Star Wars.


Nah. While it is bullshit for her to be fired, Favreau and Filoni will still make a good show despite the setback. As long as the show is good, it will be successful.


I won't watch it and I know a lot of other people won't either. I canceled my D+ subscription, as did a friend of mine. And I've seen a lot other people online report the same.

Fuck Disney.


We'll see how it works out. My prediction is they won't miss a beat.


I mean, I'm sure they'll produce a second season. But it's tainted now.


Only for soft snowflakes like you, man up and stop acting like a pushy.


LOL. Why would I support a company that kicks me in the face? I have better places for me money to go.


How have they kicked you in the face?


Disney has a long history of giving the middle finger to people who hold conservative views. The woke-ification of Star Wars and firing of the only outspoken conservative in the cast is the newest iteration.

As a conservative, I take the shit personally, as do many others.


My advice to you is dont take things to seriously, lifes to short.


I didn't until the Left started getting really crazy. Now I realize that there are genuine threats out there to our traditional American values and way of life.


And what is this threat? Perhaps you should stay of social media for a while and ignore the news, far far too sensitive


You're right that I get sensitive when I see that people want to destroy the nation I love.

Your comment reminds me of the scene in The Insider when the lead character goes to get his mail and finds a bullet in his box. He reports it to the police and, during the interview, the police tell him he seems emotional. You know what he says?

"Yeah, I get emotional when assholes put bullets in my mailbox."

When assholes:

- Act prejudiced toward white people and Asians because of the color of their skin

- Push destructive notions like Critical Race Theory in our governmental, educational, and social institutions

- Attack religious belief

- Attack freedom of speech

- Attack the 2nd Amendment

- Push discredited Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideas

- Push nonsense notions about human gender identity

- Try to tear down the nation's history and the great figures who established this country

- Try to institute their bullshit in elementary schools and teach it to our kids

. . . I get emotional. Make no mistake, we are in the middle of a culture war in this country, and whoever wins it will determine the direction of the nation.


Bit like what happened to the Native Americans isnt it


They had a right to be angry. I've never denied they got done dirty by the US government, especially the broken treaties.


I agree, but you need to consider that half of the population considers itself being woke. Mandy will still be profitable - just not as profitable as before.


Mandalorian is mediocre at best.
People are just so thirsty for something not shit in the Star Wars universe that they hang on to everything they get.
Mandalorian has "woke" written all over it. Especially the last episode was "pussy power" from top to bottom and it's getting fucking tiresome.

So far it was nothing but mediocre writing (quest-like episodes which is fine but not "epic"), a cute puppet to keep the estrogen-laden bunch of the series interested and fan service dialed up to 11 to please the old fans.

Mandalorian is the best "Star Wars" we got since the original trilogy. But that doesn't make it "epic".


Having female characters doesn't make it woke , its a quality TV series, very enjoyable, and most of the episodes are well written.


And I did not say it does.


Exactly. Mandalorian checks all the woke boxes, but Favreau managed to hide it very well. I quote myself:

Do you know that woke golden rule "bad guys are white males and good guys are non-white or female"?. [Favreau] He casts an hispanic dude as main character (box checked!)... and then put him permanently under a helmet. The Jedi Kid? Usually, they would have used a black kid. Instead of it, he uses a mini-Yoda. It's cute. It's popular. And what matters for Disney execs: it's not a white kid (box checked!). Then we have the usual the "badass female" as a secondary main character (box checked!), but he casts Carano, who was a MMA fighter, a real badass female who is actually credible in the role.


However... to Favreau's credit, he did have a Hispanic as the main villain. If it were Kennedy or Ruin Johnson involved, you can bet your bottom dollar he would have been a straight, white male.

He gave the former evil Imperial sniper (Bill Burr) a nice redemption arc, showing not all straight white males are evil (a huge no-no in the playbook of the Rainbow Reich) and managed to undermine the wannabe Mandalorian leader (Bo Kotan) by having Mando mistakenly usurp her Dark Saber, leaving her like a trann-smission without a stick.

But you're right... it was obvious that the show was still riddled with tokenism on the checklist of the Bunghole Bolsheviks. Probably a mandatory step in order for Favreau and Filoni to produce a halfway decent set of episodes to actually entertain people instead of preach to them woke politics.


I don't think Favreau is a woke. I think he's probably a classic liberal, what used to be the American left decades ago. You check his twitter, and it has zero politics.

Right now, in Disney, you either check the woke boxes or you're fired. He managed to follow the woke protocols in a very tricky way, like those directors following the Hollywood code during the 30s and 40s and breaking it in tricky ways at the same time (Hitchcock, for example). Honestly, I think Favreau is the most underrated director of this generation.


Absolutely agreed.

The one thing I noticed is that you can't have a straight, white couple in a show and have them produce normal kids. Heck, normal heterosexual couples in non-family dramas are a rarity in today's television/streaming scene, which is a bizarre thing to think about.

Funnily enough, Favreau managed to get around the pro-abortion, anti-nuclear family agenda Disney and others have been peddling by changing the species in The Mandalorian. The one episode about the eggs? It was a husband and wife trying to repopulate their species. They were a loving couple and just needed a safe place to raise their family.

I instantly saw the pro-life message of the episode, but wondered if the only reason it was green-lit was because they weren't human?

I can't think of any other recent shows out there that actually promotes healthy, male and female relationships and raising a family for repopulation purposes. Everything else out there is all about trans this and trans that, and the LGBTBBQ nonsense and their genetic dead-end deviance.

Anyway, Favreau has definitely made some good stuff and while I sort of wish he would break away from the House of the Mouse, in some ways him and Filoni (with a little help from George Lucas) are the only things keeping Star Wars from going completely belly up.


I suspect season 3 will feature a few gays and trans characters.


Did you ever consider WHY The Mandalorian was well received? It has since been infiltrated because of it's popularity and will fall hard and fast.

They used it's success to get their jobs back and will now flood their streaming services with utter garbage and then spend the rest of their time insulting their customers for 'being wrong' again.

History repeats quickly it seems.


If these woke idiots put as much effort in making good tv shows and movies as they do in those stupid checkboxes i might actually still watch their crap.


They ought to have a Jedi of a species that's naturally transgender, and yes, there ARE naturally transgender species on Earth. There are species of fish that can change sex, and unlike humans they can change biologically to the point where they can produce sperm or eggs with their new organs.

It's true, species of wrasses and clownfish really do this here on Earth, and it's something that's been speculated about in sci-fi for decades. "The Left Hand of Darkness" (1969) by Ursula LeGuin is set in a transgender world, where androgynous and hermaphroditic humans become male or female when they go into breeding mode. No true sci-fi geek could possibly object to transgenderism in their sci-fi, it has roots!


This is as if to say that all sci-fi fans must be a fan of all sci-fi.


"The Left Hand of Darkness" is a damn good book, check it out.


They ought to have a Jedi of a species that's naturally transgender


that's been speculated about in sci-fi for decades. "The Left Hand of Darkness" (1969) by Ursula LeGuin is set in a transgender world [...]. No true sci-fi geek could possibly object to transgenderism in their sci-fi, it has roots

I already read The Left Hand of Darkness years ago, and I quite loved it. We're talking there of the golden age of scifi where writers explored many different topics. Those were the stories. Using it as an excuse for Hollywood checking the official woke boxes in the woke religion, well, as I said before...



... Fish that change sex are not transgender, they are sequential hermaphrodites and there are different reasons as to why it occurs. This is not analogous to humans in any way.

You are also acting like being a Jedi is limited to 1 species when in the movies we can clearly see all different manner of creatures as Jedi ... ?


That IS why I mentioned a "naturally transgender species". Because I'm quite aware that humans can't change sex but other species can, and the Jedi are a multispecies order.


Except that isn't what being transgender is at all. The fish are not transgender, they are hermaphrodites which is completely different scientifically.

Star Wars is a fictional universe based a long way from here in the distant past. Current 'real world' events are not important in this fictional universe - especially when it's full of aliens, droids and all manner of other creatures & entities. There could literally be Jedi that are 10 genders or 0 genders, not that such a thing would be important to any storyline.


Cue the viewer numbers dropping like a stone.


Who cares? They are a bunch of aliens.
