MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > Frankly why do we even need a "last of u...

Frankly why do we even need a "last of us" show to begin with.

Its just going to be longer, more boring with pointless filler, with actors who look nothing like the characters in the game. You might as well get Troy Baker who voiced Joel in the game to play him in live action. At least he looks the part. The 1st game told a very nice story about a character that people cared about in 12 hours of gameplay. I don''t need some shitty 30 to 60 hour novelization of that. That will probably end horribly like every other serialized show on TV. Besides we already have those Walking Dead shows. What next a gritty Super Mario show staring Tyler Perry as Mario.


Because Hollywood has become risk-adverse so they eschew creativity in the hope that a built-in audience will equal ticket sales. Of course, they will misunderstand everything that made the games popular, they will make decisions based on boardroom talk and test screenings by people who never played the game.




It's all about money $$$. People always complaining about Hollywood has run out of ideas - all they make is sequels. Nah - They make so many sequels because the first movie made $500,000,000 worldwide and they wanna make another $500,000,000+


It's not about money... its about sending a message..

The entertainment industry is connected to banking, military, politics, etc... It does not play by the same financial rules as most industries. Controlling culture and the illusion of popular opinion is far more important than money.


Nah….it’s about money


USA would never let their 'cultural' insinuations fail.

In 2020 more money was printed than in the previous 200 years... I am very skeptical of the box office numbers in the age or digital currency and record keeping.


Money is one factor but the power to shape public opinion and culture so that the world agrees with your ideology is another. That power is the reason for making money (after a certain level) in the first place.


Clearly, this exists for some people to make money.
I guess it fits a market niche between movies like, "Night Of The Living Dead" and extended series like "The Walking Dead" that can take years to watch. Could be for people who are isolated, snowed in, in quarantine, in the hospital temporarily and want something to binge watch for a day or two. Maybe? I'm not expecting much.


I think its mainly for non gamers that may have heard of it but didnt know too much about the story.


Don’t be ridiculous. They won’t cast Tyler Perry as Mario. You know damn well that they will not only change the race but also the Gender.
They'll call it Maria or something and they’ll probably cast Octavia Spencer or somebody.


This 2-year old post of yours is exactly how I felt after watching the first episode just now.



...and I'll bet you've watched BOTH people just need to be quiet sometimes.


Nah i didn't watch it.


That's why I don't care for this series. Just another Walking Dead.
