MovieChat Forums > The Last of Us (2023) Discussion > Frankly why do we even need a "last of u...

Frankly why do we even need a "last of us" show to begin with.

Its just going to be longer, more boring with pointless filler, with actors who look nothing like the characters in the game. You might as well get Troy Baker who voiced Joel in the game to play him in live action. At least he looks the part. The 1st game told a very nice story about a character that people cared about in 12 hours of gameplay. I don''t need some shitty 30 to 60 hour novelization of that. That will probably end horribly like every other serialized show on TV. Besides we already have those Walking Dead shows. What next a gritty Super Mario show staring Tyler Perry as Mario.


I would rather watch a story than play a story.

I have no interest in the game, but I like the premise. I find the whole cordyceps thing fascinating, so a show like this brings The Last of Us to someone like me.


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. I really love the game but we're at an era now where games pretty much double as movies, due to their graphics, acting, direction, writing, and score being so similar and well made. I basically feel like I'm watching a not-as-good-as-the-original remake of a big-budget movie that was only released a few years prior. It seems so... unnecessary.

I'm fine with this for comic books. Because pictures on a page and actually watching a story play out in live-action are two totally different experiences. And I'm even fine with it for older video games since they were so poorly made (cinematically). But for this, I just don't see the point (artistically I mean; as obviously the point is money). And it's not as if games are some underground medium that only a small niche know about either. I'd be willing to bet that AT LEAST half of this show's audience has played this game.

I hear they're making a movie out of my favorite video game, Metal Gear Solid, as well. But that's yet another game that, when you play it, basically is a movie itself. There's just no need for it.
