MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Kim is way out of Saul's league.

Kim is way out of Saul's league.

It's quite jarring, for me at least, seeing such a beautiful woman attached to such an ordinary bozo who doesn't even appreciate her. She could get any guy she wants.


So everyone says so on the show too.


Eh. I guess they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think Kim is fairly average/plain & on top of that looks every bit her age with that droopy, "old lady face" look already setting in. I think Paige Novick and Mrs Kettleman from season 1 are much better examples of decent looking women in their 40s. Edit: In fact Paige & especially Mrs Kettleman were straight up babes when they were younger. Kim strikes me as someone who was quite plain looking even when she was young.


mos def, hit the nail on the head,
Kim borders on a butterface


Respectfully I must disagree, Kim's gorgeous with a decent body, and legs to die for.


Well it's fortunate for you then that no one else has a say in who you can find attractive


I would walk miles through the desert and drink my own piss just for a chance to hear her pillow talking her evil plans.


She's an attractive woman, only children and idiots think otherwise.


Yep and she became a lawyer the traditional way while Jimmy was still in the mail room. Kim would have been after Howard not Jimmy.


Yeah i don't get it either, he looks like Kevin Costner's ugly cousin, he's a shitty human being, constantly breaks the law, and he straight up admitted he was fucking with Howard by destroying his car and sabotaging his meeting, all cause Howard offered him a job. Not to mention she was nearly murdered by the cartel cause of shit he got involved in, but whats she do after they survive? she hugs him and wants to stay with him even more.

A normal woman would have been done with him the moment Lalo left, but whats kim do? continues to stay with him, Jimmy even tries to break it off with her for her own good and she wont let him.

Its like he's some kind of drug shes addicted to and can't quit it. Its like she gets a rush off his schemes, she kinda hates doing it but she can't bring herself to quit doing it. Seems like the lower he sinks and the dirtier he gets the more it turns her on, like after that meeting where Jimmy went into business for himself at the Mesa Verde meeting and kim was infuriated by it, then goes "lets get married".....The bitch is as dumb as they come i swear.


I agree with a lot of this. It’s kind of like the woman who likes bad boys but deserves better.


You say that a "normal woman would have been done with him the moment Lalo left."
And you're right. But that's the thing. She is not normal. There are clear underlying issues here, probably related to her past/backstory, which we don't fully know yet (if we will ever know it at all).
Once she was exposed to Jimmy's lifestyle and his methods, she got a taste for them and she can't quit them. Once she is presented with these, let's call them 'illicit shortcuts' that get her results, and once she tries them once, she cannot forget that they exist and that they work and that she is capable of going through with them. So she goes back to the well time and again.
Even when she knows, rationally, that what they are doing is dangerous and illicit and, most importantly, untenable and unsustainable, she thinks of a way to keep it going (e.g. getting married, so they can offer one another protection under the law).
And... specifically addressing the encounter with Lalo that you mentioned... it was, no doubt, terrifying. But it also unleashed something within her. She saw that she had the wits and mettle to stand up to an ice-cold powerful criminal, hold her own and influence his decision-making in her favor. There's a rush in that (think of Walter White's first explosive encounter with Tuco Salamanca in BB). And what does she do the next day? She goes to court and asks for a full PD case load of nasty criminals.
Kim, like a few other characters in the show's universe, has broken bad. And she did a good while back. These incremental steps (or strides) into more badness are just a natural extension of this.
Ultimately, whatever her specific issues and her specific reasons, it comes down to these immortal words by Walter White (adapted for Kim): "She likes it. She is good at it. And it makes her feel alive."



I always found her as average. That said, beauty is subjective, and yes, there are plenty of Kim's out there with Kevin Costner lookalikes throughout the world.



Well this isn't just a case of shes too hot for him, it also has to do with him being a shitty person and a criminal on top of that, so i doubt those typical guys dating above his pecking order in everyday life also has that little tidbit.

Kim could do better not in terms of just looks but better as in she could be with someone whos not a liar, not a criminal, and not a scumbag.



Clearly there is something wrong with her; personally I do not find her attractive; but her being with Jimmy makes sense. Just look at her descent in Season 5, as of episode 10 she is 'worse' than Jimmy in terms of character. I think she is an awful human being and likes being with someone like Jimmy because he will love her anyway. Funny, he thinks he is bad for her; but I think it is the other way around I think she is bad for him. She encourages all his worse qualities while making it seem like she is the good one.


Rhea Seahorn or however you spell her name, is really attractive for a 47 year old. Does not look her age at all.


I don't know, I know some 50+ year olds that look better than her; compared to other late forties maybe she is above average but that does not by default make her attractive than the average 30 year old. I looked up some older photos of her some of her first work in the late 90's; yeah she is descent enough looking even then but not ground breaking; even in her late 20's there were much better looking actresses in their 20's at that time. Also her voice I find off putting; she sound almost like a man.


I think a lot of you guys are missing the point of Kim’s character and her relationship with Saul. Everyone knows that, from the outside looking in, she’s out of his league. But she has a lot of issues that are somewhat touched upon in some flashback scenes. She is attracted to Saul because he is somewhat scummy and because he fights for the underdog. On the outside, Kim was a brilliant career woman that showed well to others and seemed to always do the right thing for her career but this past season she changed and became more like Saul in her career decisions. She has major issues that are starting to manifest to really become apparent now.


I was not agreeing with the argument that Kim is out of Jimmy's league; I was saying that 1 I do not think she is that attractive and 2. They are like a match made in hell. She likes Saul because she actually is kind of a scummy person but has delusions that the scummy people are just somehow wronged by the elitist such as Howard and Chuck. She hated herself for wanting to join them; and is happier opposing them with Saul.

The point I am making is she is worse than Saul because she has delusions of grandeur and is 'a true believer'. Saul knows he is just a scummy lawyer chasing the dollar bills. Kim has like moral indignation. that makes he far more dangerous than Saul; someone that believes they are doing the right thing is far worse then someone that knowingly scams and cons. He has no delusions of who he is or making the world a better place. She seems to, that means she is going to be the one to drag Jimmy into some dark places he would not have gone otherwise. I think she has been subtly encouraging his worst instincts this whole time.


You make out like she has supermodel good looks or something. While she's attractive enough for her age with a nice body, you could go for a 5 minute walk in a busy street anywhere and see much better looking women on your trip. I look at her face and I think she can look pretty but at the same time it has a touch of gremlin about it.


I wish I lived on that street.


I was thinking the same thing! I've always lived in suburbs my whole life, and it's not happening here.


That's not how it works in real life. Men like women who are hot, but women like men who are confident. It isn't looks or money that attract women, it's the fact that men who look good or who have earned a lot of money tend to be more confident. And no one has more self confidence than Saul Goodman.


This right here. Woman look for Confidence, money than looks are last on their list. Money and confidence though are interchangeable in the list.

Men its looks first (they dont compromise much on this like woman) and maybe money....other than that nothing. Well personality but that is still below looks.
