A BLACK woman?

What is the thinking here? Arthouse?


Yes. Just like the Halle Berry movie.


Ummmm that movie was trash.


A black, or at least blackish Catwoman is nothing new. Eartha Kitt (1/4 black) and Halle Berry (1/2 black) both played Catwoman in the past.


None of them played Selina Kyle though. Her skin color in the Year One comic is debatable, but she definitely wasn’t black. The following comics went back to her having white skin anyway.

The first time Selina was portrayed as black was in the Harley Quinn cartoon. It was dumb then, and it’s dumb now.


In Batman Year One she is not white. Yes that includes Selina Kyle and Catwoman in that comic. That comic is well received. If it is fine for a comic to do it, it is fine for a film to do it. If you do not like it stay home and let the rest of us watch the film.


In Batman Year One she is not white.

She's half white.


Kravitz is also partially white. Since it is okay for Catwoman to be mixed in that comic it is okay for her to be mixed in this film. I am glad you see the light now.


Except she was half-white, half-Cuban in the comic, not half-black.


Nope remember you said if they look like the character it doesn't matter. Kravitz looks like the Catwoman from Year One.


Yeah and Jon Foo looks like Batman from Gotham High, but no one would want to see that on the screen except for freaks and degenerates.


We will see. If the batman grosses tons of cash and is well received by the majority of users and critics you will be in the minority. Just like you were with Dune.


Most Cubans are black or part-black.


great point. its why cyguration didn't reply


Actually they aren't.

61% of Cubans are white:

So Keelai is 100% wrong.


wow you sure showed us! a sizeable group still being part lack. meaning she can fit the role just fine. Not that race was ever part of her character really

you also ignored my other response! when are you calling for dan tests for all actors to play a role?


Cyguration is one of those racists toolbags. If it ain't white it ain't right.


we should do DNA tests on all actors. If there's a film involving native Americans in a Hollywood film I want all natives played by actors from the proper historical tribes. I also want all our white actors to be the proper European origin and genetic makeup. no German Americans should ever play the largely British American colonists right?


She’s black in the DC Superhero Girls cartoon as well.


Haven’t seen that show, but you’re right, she’s black in that too.
Weird how they’re trying to push a blackwashed Selina Kyle. They can’t make their own characters?


Who is this "they" you speak of?


Who do you think?


Not interested in trying to guess. If you'd like to clarify, cool.


Eartha Kitt played the same Catwoman as Newmar, hence she was Selina Kyle.


She may have played the same Catwoman as Newmar, but they weren’t Selina Kyle.

Let’s say for argument’s sale that it was Selina. It was dumb of them to get an actress of a different race to play the same character, and race-washing is bad regardless. For consistency’s sake, they should’ve cast someone that looked like Newman for all seasons.

Just because race-washing happened back then, it doesn’t make it ok today. The whole point of "progress" is to move on from that and to get actors that resemble their characters as much as possible.

It’s bad enough that Zoe isn’t even hot, at least not to me, but she’s also the wrong race for Selina Kyle. I wouldn’t cast a White guy as Blade, I wouldn’t cast a Hispanic guy as Goku or Saitama, and I wouldn’t cast an Asian guy as Jaime Reyes or Miles Morales.


You are correct. That version of Catwoman was not identified as Selina Kyle.



And it makes no difference. Catwoman's race is not essential to her character. Therefore it can be changed. If it's ok for year one to do it it's okay for a film to do it.


So then you’d be fine with a white person playing Lucius Fox or Blade correct?




That’s fine for you but you know damn well the snowflake SJWs would lose their shit.


in interviews all three women who played cat woman in Adam wests version said they were playing Selena Kyle


that is what I am saying


I was steel manning you good sir!


At least someone here is exercising common sense and consistency.


No amount of crying is going to remove Kravitz as Catwoman. And I love it. Keep crying it makes me like it even more.


"She may have played the same Catwoman as Newmar, but they weren’t Selina Kyle."

I don't think her name was revealed one way or another (I don't think any of the villains were given their true names on the show). Would there be a reason why her name wouldn't be Selina Kyle, though? I assume that has been her real name since she debuted back in the 40s.


Its not dumb, it's not a historical figure. Not is there anything about Selinas whiteness that is intrinsic to the character.

its not as if she was some character from the antebellum south, and intrinsic to her development was that she was a privilege girl from a slave owner family who learns about racism and how wrong she was. and that having her portrayed by a black actress would make no sense.

get over yourself and your fake outrage.


The “fake outrage” comes from the claim that there are people that whine about muh diversity and representation because they supposedly can’t identify with the characters otherwise, among other asinine reasons to color-wash them.

Whether she’s real or not, whether it’s cultural or not, her skin color matters, just like the rest of her design. Sure, in her case some minor details can be tweaked a bit like her eye color, hair color, and height for example, but leave her race and gender alone, same goes for all characters, real and fictional.


where is anyone here whining? except for you!

We have been over this. there have been multiple mixed race cat women portrayals. and NO, her skin color and race has zero bearing on the character.

"everything's woke!" victim cries again. big surprise!


Gaslighting and projecting, big surprise.

That’s what you guys do after you whine that there’s too many white characters, you pretend you didn’t whine at all and say we’re whining instead. Nice try, not really.


You dont seem to know what gaslighting means. big surprise. its the newest buzzword you like using is my guess.

Really I have whined about there being too many white characters? Show me where please

You are a child. You are whining about a villain that

-has been shown as mixed raced in the past. Eartha Kitt played Selina Kyle. In interviews ALL THREE women who played catwomen in the Adam West show said it was Selena Kyle.
-some comics have her origin as mixed race
-even when white she's often been shown with darker skin tones
-and whose character, origin and arc has literally nothing to do with race

im not whining at all. im saying "cool let whoever plays her play her. its not a historical figure. and its not a history of only white actresses and portrayals. so if its a mixed race actor go for it"

meanwhile you

It was dumb of them to get an actress of a different race to play the same character, and race-washing is bad regardless. For consistency’s sake, they should’ve cast someone that looked like Newman for all seasons.

Just because race-washing happened back then, it doesn’t make it ok today. The whole point of "progress" is to move on from that and to get actors that resemble their characters as much as possible.

It’s bad enough that Zoe isn’t even hot, at least not to me, but she’s also the wrong race for Selina Kyle. I wouldn’t cast a White guy as Blade

which one of our positions is whining? fucking whiner


Trust me Leo you will find no reasoning with LanceDance or any of these other chumps on these boards. Cyguration is another clown to steer clear of,.


Still gaslighting I see, and doubling down too. I know the definition, and I explained how it applies here.

They didn’t play Selina Kyle, though even if they did, I mentioned how dumb it still was.

I was using the royal “you”, though you specifically broke down at the end and whined too, so there’s your answer.


Nah, you lost here. BTW the copyright holders determine what's canon. She's black and her name is Selina Kyle and she's Catwoman. FUCK YOUR SENTIMENT.


The fans decide what's canon with their wallets. The copyright holders can push whatever they want, it won't matter if fans aren't buying it.


They're not completely black, at most half but skin tone is on the lighter side.


..and she's fucking gorgeous!


I don't care what color Catwoman or Selena Kyle is in a movie. She needs to be sexy, first and foremost. I'm lukewarm on Zoe Kravitz in that regard, but I don't think many really care that she's blackish.


Julie Newmar - Smokeshow
Eartha Kitt - Smokeshow
Lee Maryweather - Smokeshow
Michelle Pfeiffer - Smokeshow
Halle Berry - Smokeshow
Anne Hathaway - Smokeshow
Zoe Kravitz - Smokeshow

Every cat women has something in common: They're all incredibly sexy.


IMO, the best Catwoman was Julie Newmar. She was sexy and had a great chemistry with Adam West. IMO, the subsequent Catwomen accomplished that. If Zoe pulls off the chemistry, then I salute her.


I though the best catwoman was Michelle Pffieffer. Newmar was changed out with a couple during the tv series and the tv movie. To me that's not a 'chemistry'.


Irrelevant observation. Why? Because the best ANYTHING is Michelle Pfieffer. She's the hottest woman on the planet every year. Thus has it been; thus shall it be. . .



OP clitcommander prior posts:

"A black manservant? How progressive!"

"There is only one human race. No need to make a distinction based on skin color. Don't be so easily triggered"

I'm just pointing out his/her racist obsession with Black people and hypocrisy.


You're pointing out your mindset. Stop with the whole "race" thing and just take people individually.


"A BLACK woman?"

You're pointing out your mindset. Stop with the whole "race" thing and just take people individually.


It's a so called trigger post. And you are so easily triggered.


It's called a racist post. And you are a racist.



Clickbait trigger bait post


