
Has feminism destroyed the basic bonds between men and women in our species? A selfish, shoddy, myopic cult of an ideology that has made women fearful of every man they meet?

(If you're a woman who doesn't behave like this, bravo, I applaud you for retaining your sanity; this question isn't meant as an indictment of you)


If women are avoiding you, it isn't because of feminism.


Thank you, Otter. Just as I was once again thinking that this site is irredeemably puerile and dimwitted (not to make too fine a distinction), you pop up and give me some hope.


You need to explain to Otter your comment isn't meant to be taken seriously. Satire is difficult to convey on the Internet some times.


If you have a point it is up to you to convey it clearly to all readers, so clearly you do not have a point, or you cannot communicate anything but your own failure to connect with women.




Typical snarky response entirely unrelated to what was originally said. I understand why you feel threatened.


My comment is true, no matter how you feel about it.

And if you want women to stop feeling afraid of men, start standing up to straight men who assault, harass, or demean women. That's the real reason women are hesitant to trust men they don't know well.


How many straight men actually do that? I've never once met a man who did any of those things. Look at the statistics. Any real man knows abusing women is wrong. The men who don't understand that should stay far away from women. No ideology is required to understand that.


Too many! Enough! And you've definitely seen a man demeaning, harassing, and possibly assaulting a woman, everyone has. But some don't notice it, because they consider it to be normal heterosexual behavior.

Seriously, what does it matter how many? Women are very clear about this, to those who are willing to listen to what they say on the subject. They know damn well that not all men assault, harass, or demean women, but as there's no easy way to tell the dangerous men from the good ones without getting close enough to be in danger if he turns out to be one of the bad ones, they feel they have no choice but to regard straight men with a general distrust. That's why they put up barriers.



Falling on deaf, and dumb ... no, stupid, ears.


I know, but sometimes I rant at the deaf ears... just in case someone who might be capable of learning sense reads the comment.


That's why I argue on the internet. I prolly can't convince who I'm talking to. But I'm hoping there's something who's in between, reading, that might come around.


I don't see men demeaning, harassing, and assaulting women. No, regardless of your delusions, I definitely do not see it happening. It happens somewhere, sometime, but it is extremely rare. It is not normal heterosexual male behavior. 99.9999 percent of men have absolutely no interest in harming women in any way. Putting up barriers against all men because one in a million might be bad is irrational. SandyR is right.


"I don't see men demeaning, harassing, and assaulting women. No, regardless of your delusions, I definitely do not see it happening. It happens somewhere, sometime, but it is extremely rare. It is not normal heterosexual male behavior. 99.9999 percent of men have absolutely no interest in harming women in any way. Putting up barriers against all men because one in a million might be bad is irrational. SandyR is right."

you re a fucking blind idiot then


Like I said, some people regard harassment as normal heterosexual behavior. They just dont see it for what it is.


agreed 100%. the amount of women assaulted/ raped is truly disturbing.

No one is saying you have to say "feminists are right men are horrible pigs". just as you said all you have to do is " start standing up to straight men who assault, harass, or demean women. "

but thats just "woke" and horrible to conservatives on here


Any suggestion of common decency is horrible to the conservatives around here!

The douchebags who think that abuse and harassment are unrepentantly, defiantly, horrible people... and then they whine that they have no clue why women aren't more attracted to them. It's because you treat women like shit, you dirtbags!


they simultaneously claim there is no sexism and feminism is pointless.

while the more rank ones openly say disgusting sexist things, and the more moderate ones play defence for them.

then they act shocked they get called out


Again, speaking truth and facts are not what this people like hearing. Same old delusion that's fucking up our world.


What does it matter how many?It matters cause theres 4 billion men in the world.So until none of them do horrible things,the fear mongering continues?


It's so easy to dismiss other people's fears, especially when you find them personally inconvenient.


You could have argued my entire comment instead of just the last low hanging fruit line.


I don't take you seriously enough to argue your entire comment.


Why not?How did you come to that conclusion?


You do realize that there are plenty of women who do 'horrible things' too, right?


look up the sexual assault stats. literally 1/3. an ideology literally is required because of apologist scum like you

" The men who don't understand that should stay far away from women. "

OHHHH why didn't women just think of that!!! silly them. the rapists and assaulters who don't understand should just stay away and problem solved

you are a clown


Male feminists are the worst.


It'd be preferable if you actually made a thread based on actual information from the movie whose board on which you are posting.

Has the fear of a selfish, shoddy, myopic cult of an ideology completely ruined your ability to be on topic or to create sensible discussions.


It's one of a million here on MovieChat.


yeah....yeah i know lol

Honestly, the title did make me go REALLY? when I first heard about it. Seemed a bit too on the nose.

But I actually saw the trailer, read about it, and I'm like oh okay.


> destroyed the basic bonds between men and women in our species?

More like masculinism.


Women prefer limp dicks, right?


You hope they will whenever you grow up and get the chance.


No, just in small little whiney clicks, that like to make feminism noises no one listens to or cares about: facebook posts, forums sometimes like this one, opinion posts no one cares about, twitter (not a real place)....

Out in the real world, where an actual majority operate, women still want men, men still want women, and both work toward that, with sexy clothes and makeup, or driving fancy cars and confidence.

Nothing's changed, and it never will.

Every decade there is some new shit for people to protest or stand up to make this or that better, but when it comes to sex, it will never change. Women STILL looked to get picked up at bars (I know from personal experience, and other friends) and men still act cocky to attract them. And it works.

As long as the common/typical/average balance of men provider/seed donator and women womb and sex fun exist, nothing is going to change that.
Not feminism, not time, not laws, just nothing.

Hell, let's tell all fish to start flying. Makes as much sense.

Nothing to see here.
Let dumb ugly incel women keep waving their protest signs for TV while no one is watching or caring, it affects none of us real people.


"Let dumb ugly incel women keep waving their protest signs for TV while no one is watching or caring, it affects none of us real people."

Ironically id bet you are an incel who gets none.


You mean what to me? Oh, that's right: nothing :)


and none of that changes the likelihood you are probably a bitter sad sack of shit you cant get women.


Out in the real world, yes, men and women still mostly want each other. But the straight men want quality women and the straight women want quality men, and both would rather stay single than pair up with someone repellent and/or dangerous!

But of course, some people can't get it through their heads that the way to get laid is to stop being repellent and/or dangerous. So they stay defiantly awful, and then come here to complain that they can't get any...


was someone here complaining about not getting any? I certainly don't do that. just because someone here calls me an incel all the time, doesn't mean it is true. I think he is simply jealous.

this thread is about modern feminism and how it is or isn't really affecting men and women. I find a lot of feminist dirt flinging to be silly because at the end of the day, they want to get boned and make a baby like the 85% of the rest of the female population. And that's okay. Unless they spend their time trying to look like a man, and barking about how the patriarchy has keep them down.... until they want to stay home with the baby and be supported.

can't have both.


Sweetie, do you think that everyone here keeps track of which jerk troll complains about what? I don't, I lump all the jerks in together, because you all complain about basically the same things, definitely including women being unwilling to put up with your shit. None of you are special enough to stand out from the crowd.

As to your complaints regarding feminism, it's all wasted effort. You can't change women in general, you can't change any woman into what you want her to be... you can only change yourself.


You have no perspective on the topic? Ok then.


Again: You can't change women in general, you can't change any woman into what you want her to be... you can only change yourself.

So bugger off, you asshole in a crowd of assholes.


What an incredible come back. I better write that one down in my journal. Thanks. :)


It's not feminism the cause of women being fearful of men, it's male violence. We can see it in the news.



who is fearful of every man they meet? maybe go read some of the comments on here. you have consevratives literally saying "raping your wife is oaky because you agreed to sex in marriage"

im sorry if sexism still existing offends you snowflake


I'm all for pointing out the inadequacies and failures of extreme conservatives,
but I bet you cant link to a comment on this site where anyone has said that.



"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EuLwJFVqgY Between 37:20-39:42 This Woke nonsense has really gotten out of hand, if a fella can't grab his own wife's breasts and thighs + rip her underwear off, without the entire fucking planet clutching their pearls when they hear about such things"

someone calling them out "I find it disturbing that you would think it would be okay for a husband to do that to his wife. "

their reply "You speak as if marriage exists for anything other than going out for drinks together and then having sex"


hmm ok ,
You win the bet ,

but that *is* a troll post . I'm not believing the author really has those opinions
