MovieChat Forums > Black Is King (2020) Discussion > Would it be racist if Kid Rock came out ...

Would it be racist if Kid Rock came out with a "White is King"?

Tis a query


No doubt many people would see it as racist even if it was justified with something similar to how they've tried to justify "black is king".

I very much doubt black is king is racist but who knows, everyone is jumping on to the white bashing bandwagon right now but the title is clearly racially charged at the very least.


I haven't seen or heard Black is King so I can't judge it but the title is absolute beyond any doubt, RACIST.


I agree. It's probably not meant as such but it projects a "Blacks are above" vibe. Not great to appease tensions...


I'm sure Beyonce doesn't care about stoking the racial fire. I'm guessing she's nice and safe and secure in a fortress home, no doubt in a gated community with armed guards. Screw all the poor black neighbourhoods, black owned businesses and low income housing that are being burnt down and all the livelihoods lost. Not to mention lives being lost. I'm sure she's happy to join in with the sheep shouting "fuck the police" "de-fund the police" but who do you think she's going to call when the mob get to her neighbourhood...She'll have them arrested in a heartbeat.


What you just explained is nothing but an alternate reality to some people. They act like they care but really... it's not their problem.


Exactly. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the world from "They Live" where there are glasses to see what's really going on but I don't need glasses here. I'm just seeing all this shit go down like "wtf guys". It's crazy.


The only reason white people feel that pro black movements are anti white is because 'pro white' movements have always been anti black.


Well, the anti white elements help too...


What, exactly, is anti white about wanting equality and representation?


Whilst there are absolutely genuine motivations behind BLM, you have to be blind to overlook the ironic racism they spout and the racism that surrounds it.

Take for instance the September issue of British Vogue. I was reading an article about it and I had to check it didn't come from The Onion. It stated "The photoshoot was also conducted with a predominantly black team on set." I just found that weird. I wonder if there was a sign up "no whites allowed" or perhaps they were segregated in a different area...

All these people going on about just wanting equality and representation can't see the wood for the trees.


Literally forever BIPOC were not given equal opportunities, so what is wrong with having a 'predominantly' black team? It did not say exclusively black. And even if it did, a lot of times, different ethnic groups had to make their own groups and clubs, because, quite frankly, they were not welcome into ours.


I just think it's counterproductive. They don't like how they've been treated in the past, fair enough. To then go and do the same thing to other races because that's what been done to them? Madness. Making decisions on hiring, exclusions, that's racist. Basing anything (within reason) on skin colour is racist at the end of the day. And yes, I know it said it was not exclusively black. It just struck me as odd, like they were proud of it. How can you get rid of racism when people are still practicing it and it's being celebrated?


You have to look at it differently. They are not practicing racism, they are giving opportunities to people that have not been able to get them for a long time. If nobody ever gives them a chance, how will they ever be able to gain the experience to be hired based on that?


By giving someone a chance because they are black you are at the same time removing that chance from someone for simply being white, that is racism. The cure is to look past color and hire by competence.


Exactly. This is why California wants to repeal civil rights law, so they can persecute white people legally! Absolute madness.


White people are not oppressed.


White people who are oppressed are.


It just doesn't fly with me. Most white people don't just magically get given these supposed advantages, they're earned. You go to school, you work hard, you learn, get good grades, go to university/learn a trade, make money, buy a house, start a family etc. This process is not exclusive to white people.


That is exactly where it starts. Most of the things you listed, are part of white privilege.
If you are in a school that is in an area that has been redlined, it becomes a LOT harder to learn anything, let alone get good grades. And not everyone is able to go to school until adulthood.
All the information is out there, you just have to be open to learning it. There is a reason when someone makes it out of generational poverty, its called beating the odds.


Interesting you bring up redlining. Look at Baltimore. Under Democrat control for 53 years and look at the state it's in...And yet, the Democrats are supposedly the party for black people. They clearly don't care.

"All the information is out there, you just have to be open to learning it." That's quite a powerful statement when you think about it. The Internet is one of the, if not the best learning resource available to a person. OK, maybe your school was crap and you couldn't get a good education but go on the Internet and you can pretty much learn how to do anything if you put your mind to it, short of specialist subjects of course. Learn plastering, bricklaying, coding, whatever. There are loads of skills that can be self taught that can earn you a living.

I couldn't get my head around why generational poverty exists so I did some research on it. To me, it certainly seems that government welfare policies are to blame.

The illegitimacy rate in the US in 1986 in general among black people was 55%. As high as 80/90% in some places such as New York and Washington DC.

This was not always the case in the US. In 1940, the rate was 12%. In 1918, the rate for black people was less than white people. So why the increase? If you tax something, you get less of it. If you subsidize something, you get more of it. Subsidizing the cost of having children out of wedlock through welfare programs results in more more single mothers that are unable to provide for themselves and their children. Of course in addition to having children out of wedlock becoming more and more acceptable socially.

It certainly seems like the welfare state did more to destroy black families than slavery and reconstruction. Black families were far more stable in the reconstruction period. In New York in 1920, 80% of all black children lived in 2 parent families. Up until 1960, it was 75%, slightly less than the white family rate. In 1986 it was around 42% and has obviously continued to..



The destruction of the family unit is what massively contributes to poverty. Which is why it is so worrying that one of the aims of BLM is just that.

Info taken from a talk by Walter E Williams


Younger generations of black people have had the exact same opportunities as white people. Using crap from the past does not excuse a black person being racist.


You can say that, but it doesn't make it true.....


No, the facts make it true.


Perhaps you should try using some if you know that.....


The law guarantees that every single citizen has the same rights and that's a fact. Meanwhile, you've only been spouting diarrhea.


Yeah cuz people never break the law lol


Got any facts to back up that white people break that law more often than anyone else? Affirmative action does seem to break that law, though. Lol, your delusions are funny.


Where did I say that? All people break the law.


If white people don't break that law more often than others, then everybody has the same rights and you just need to shut up.


That makes no sense at all. Do you even read what you write? I suggest going back to the beginning and reading it all again.....


It only doesn't make sense to you because you lack reading skills. Which was already clear from your previous reply.

We were talking about the law that guarantees the same rights for everybody. As long as you can't back it up with facts that white people break that law more often than others, your argument holds no water.


Like I already stated, people break the law all the time.
Whether white people break the law more often than other people is irrelevant. It still happens, often and casually.


Absolutely not irrelevant. Your counterargument to my point that the law guarantees equal opportunities for all, was that people break the law. Unless you can prove that white people break that law more often than others, you have no argument whatsoever against the fact that white and black people have the exact same opportunities.


What does that rate at which white people break the law compared to other races have to do with systemic racism issues that do not allow for equality? Not a damn thing.....


YOU claim that black and white people don't have the exact same opportunities because people break the law that guarantees equal rights for everyone. You need to back it up with statistics that show white people do that more often than others to prove that claim.

Dang, you entirely lack comprehension skills.


It isn's my comprehension, it is that what you are trying to connect has no connection.....

When Jerome brings a resume into an office and the manager throws it out because she can tell he is black, by his name alone, technically she is breaking the laws that you are claiming protects him.

Like I really need to break it all down? Are you not able to do any critical thinking at all?

They literally teach classes in this subject in nearly every post secondary institution in North America.....maybe investigate that if you need someone to lecture you to each individual way this happens.


YOU are the one who made that connection, so yes, you most certainly lack comprehension skills.

"When Jerome brings a resume into an office and the manager throws it out because she can tell he is black, by his name alone, technically she is breaking the laws that you are claiming protects him."

Right, and now we're back at where we started. Do you have any statistics that show white people break those laws more often than others? Also, fictional Jerome thinking that's why the manager never got back to him does not make it a fact.


Education is your friend.....


You can't educate without FACTS.


Facts are still facts, regardless if you understand them or not. Like I said, there are classes taught on this very subject literally everywhere.....take one.


No thanks, I already have a master's degree. I'm not interested in paying for useless classes that don't even appeal to me when it's so much easier if you provide me with statistics that show white people more often break the laws that guarantee equal rights for all.


Yes, denying is much easier to the fragile ego than confronting......


I'm glad you admit that denying the facts is exactly what you are doing!


Marxist organizers are genuine alright but not the way you expect. Today's whites are yesterdays kulaks.


Could you please explain what 'Equality' and 'Representation' that Black people aren't getting?


don't worry, of the family of races, blacks are the "spoilt, problem child" of the bunch,
they're allowed to throw fits, complain about perceived inequality & unfairness... it's just their thing


Yeah... they really have nothing to complain about... they are so privileged. Well, at least we know of one who would buy Kid Rock's album. Fuckin' biggot.


you're actually one of the main problems with America presently,
you can't even spell the word "bigot,"
your stupidity & a large portion of the population's low intellect cannot even see past their own nose at the larger picture, the world at large, society & its changing of the years...
please tell me - what do they have to complain about?


I'm not one of the main problems with America. Simply because I'm not american and english is not even my main language. Even though I despise Americans like yourself, I wish it'd be better.. you know... for all Americans. It's funny you speak about people not seeing past they own nose and then you ask what they have to complain about. It's all right there for you to see.. if you're able to stick your head out of your ass (but it's probably been there for too long). Thanks for correcting me, by the way. Have a nice blind one. Bigot.


all those words & you cannot answer a simple question, not even one example - just a vague, self-righteous "wish it'd be better..." non-opinion,
you're a fool who only reads news article titles instead of the substance, watches 10 second viral clips instead of seeking out the full interactions, you probably think ACAB is a cool attitude to have,
you don't use your brain for reasoning & logical thought...just get spoonfed emotional garbage narratives that provoke the most basic reaction & then lash out at "bigots" who disagree with what the media has programmed you to think about the world


I don't know what ACAB means. And you are very bad at reading people. Since you don't know shit about me, all you can do is throw mere projections that you wish would hit the target. Well... it didn't, lol. Therefor, everything you just said is void. But keep thinking of yourself as an enlighten truth bearer. Maybe if you think it hard enough, reality will bent itself to fit your visions. I'm out.


your whole argument & reason for replying to me was to demonstrate how blacks have plenty to complain about... yet you never actually offered any instance, not a single one,
i read you absolutely correctly & you're retreating without putting forth any evidence to support your initial response to my post,
have a good time being "out"


i didnt understand one word u said dude


Some times expressing myself in english comes effortlessly and at other times it's really tough and comes out weird. Sorry about that.


Lol, you are certainly a great representative of the shithole country you're from...

(I'm not American either and English is also not my main language, but at least I can spell the word "bigot" and know you're one as well.)


Have you shaved your head yet?
Is Trump still the Chosen One?

Only an insane cultist would try to argue there's no racism in the US.
To the rest of the world it's glaring, and you look like you're set to implode.


i shave my head regularly, not that that's any of your business,
there is no chosen one,

who claimed that the US has zero racism? why would you even bring that position up??

i'm not sure that you even read my post... are you talking to yourself?


Have you even read your own post?

"Don't worry, of the family of races, blacks are the "spoilt, problem child" of the bunch,
they're allowed to throw fits, complain about perceived inequality & unfairness... it's just their thing".

Those comments are as racist as hell, and an example of the very unfairness towards Blacks you ironically tried to argue doesn't exist in the same breath.


it's just a matter of fact,
it's not racist, blacks aren't inferior...they just need to get their shit together & stop blaming others


Further racist commentary about "blacks needing to get their shit together".

Go burn a cross you good for nothing snowflake dipshit. You're the very problem.


you have your SJW insults backwards,
snowflakes are the precious "feewings" warriors who gasp at anything off-color or slightly offensive, using their whiteness as a beacon of hope for the oppressed (& helpless minority),
you must be posting on your laptop from Portland


"Using their whiteness as a beacon of hope for the oppressed".

Ironically what you're doing by crying like a little snowflake bitch over a movie title. Skinheads uniting against the White Man's oppression from a movie title. 🤣

I'm not White or from the US. Try harder.


thanks for quoting that, it should be the new Democratic motto,

i am not crying, just one of a few who is pointing out the hypocrisy in that minorities (almost exclusively black) want "racism" flipped so far one way that it becomes anti-anything-other-than-black... they don't want to eradicate racism, but instead reign over whites (& other races) in what they perceive as a reparational due or right


You continuing to make negative generalisations towards an entire group of people shows that you're the racist here, you uneducated fucking bigot.

The title is doing its job getting racist little parasites like you triggered. Here's a gold star for being so utterly predictable.

The context of the title, as explained below, is of Black empowerent in the face of oppression - not Black supremacy.
Black pride doesn't denote supremacy unlike so-called White Pride or White Power movements.
"White is King" would be reinforcing the same idea of White Supremacy.

Everything relates to context, which is completely lost on dullards like you, who can't see beyond black and white thinking.

Have you got your vote for Trump ready?


by calling me a racist & a bigot, then implying i would vote for Trump similarly equates Trump voters as racist & bigots,
so who is the one generalizing a whole group of people?
you also resorted to name-calling & insults by your 3rd reply... why?
because you can't deal with topics without your emotions taking control, but i guess that's why you're a democrat & a liberal... everything for you is either MAD or HAPPY, grey isn't a color you can even see when your eyes are staring at concrete,

blacks don't need empowerment... why are you generalizing a whole people? that white savior complex kicking in hard today?
keep excusing black supremacy sentiments by allowing yourself to keep thinking that blacks are lost without your support, because without you they'll be perpetually & systemically oppressed for centuries to come,

are you swedish or norwegian?


Everyone with a more than half a brain knows that those who still worship Trump are racist and bigots. You equate duscrimination and oppression with calling Trumpbots bigoted? Nawww here's some more tissues to wipe your snowflake tears...

It's hilarious that you're offended by the above after unleashing racist bile upon African-Americans. You're the textbook example of White racist fragility. You're offended by assumptions while trying to desperately cast me as a WASP and a wanna-be saviour. 🤣

You really have no argument other than tears of: "duhh why can't White people say they're king? Woe me. We're so oppressed by Blacks because of a movie title".
And you continue to demonstrate that you have absolutely no concept of cultural context and nuance. What a shock...

"Black supremacy sentiments" 🤣🤣 Just because "your White Pride" is directly used to convey supremacy...Thanks for showing us that again...

Would love to see proof that systemic racism against Blacks in the United States no longer exists...
Acknowledging reality - that the rest of the world sees - doesn't make one a wanna-be saviour, skinhead. Are you still trying to be the saviour for racist snowflakes offended by movie titles?

And you're a President is a sick joke, the laughing stock of the world, and your beloved Republicans are willing to let you die from the plague...But don't worry, just stay in your little bitch bubble here getting triggered by "racist" movie titles.

What a fucking moron.


it was only a matter of time before you would show your true colors:
a vulgar, crass, low-class instigator,
it's hard to parse all the insults & bad demeanor but i think i may be able to respond to a point or two (that you tried to make),
i'm not really sure how you came to the conclusion that i was offended by anything you've posted, it's more that i wanted to see your point of view & try to enlighten you on how & why you're wrong,
it's not much matter to me if you believe i'm a bigot or a "snowflake (a term you're still implementing incorrectly),"
i don't think anyone or any group should be using terminology like "**** is king" nor do i believe any race is being oppressed by any other (certainly not whites by blacks) - those are not my arguments - those are your words,

& you'd like someone to prove that systemic racism doesn't exist? i think a better proof would be to show that it DOES exist... because i see none & most people with an IQ above 100 agree,

the fact that you call this "pandemic" a "plague" shows about the level of intelligence & gullibility you're strapped with,

but please, continue with the sophmoric insults, you'd fit right in on the frontline of the protests/riots hurling verbal venom at police & anyone with the gall to be patriotic


You used quotation marks in "pandemic". I suppose you don't believe in that either?

Racism exists in policing, your overall justice system, your prison-industrial complex, housing, job-hiring, through government policies and your Orange fuckhead of a President.

Racism in the US, through such things as policing and the justice system, has long been documented for generations. Do you have proof as to otherwise?
No, you believe your own simple-minded racist beliefs trump facts, while you sit here in your cosy bubble getting triggered over movie titles.



i put "pandemic" in quotation marks because you yourself, just like other liberals, are exaggerating its effects,
i believe a larger percentage of the population has to die for it to be considered a "plague,"

that 2nd paragraph is completely false from the first word to the last, if anything, it's classism & economically-based rather than having anything to do with skin color,

long documented by who? liberal-backed studies & organizations? institutions with an agenda?




crying tears of lard-flavored Mcdonald's french fries you gluttonous heathen


I love McDonald's so that wouldn't make me cry - unlike you crying over a movie title like a little snowflake bitch.
"Duhhh Covid is exaggerated by the liberal media". Get a life you lunatic; it's selfish redneck scumbags like you that puts everyone else at risk, just like the guns you cherish like a cock extension.


lol he is right tho. that wasnt even racist. these days everything anyone says is racist and that word lost all its meaning


Yes, it would be racist. Whites have privilege + power which blacks do not have so saying "white is king" would only be reinforcing a system of oppressions (white supremacy) whereas "black is king" fights back against the oppression and so is not racist.


Well said. 👏👏👏👏


so black should be king?
are we to raise blacks up above all other races so that whites are then the oppressed?




black people are the most racist group, there is 10 times more black on white crime than other way around yet the media always talks about how much of a victim group they are....


Keep jerking it over Breibart, skinhead.


im just stating facts bub


10 times more Black on White crime? Prove your skinhead scenario...

You skinhead cucks should have your Movie Chat site where you can freely jack it and cry White victimhood like the hopeless little bitches you are.

You're an embarrassment.


This site is for everybody. Just because people ideas dont agree with yours doesnt mean u should silence them... I am proud of myself. Was born poor and became a millionaire at 22. Not a victim mentality here. I am armed and ready to defend myself if anyone tried to come onto my property and make a victim out of me


I highly doubt your story seeing as you are not capable of critical thinking......


critical thinkings is some book learning nerd talk, u dont get stacks sitting pretty at the library bub


no critical thinking is an actual thing that involves your brain and thinking..crazy I know....


i am rich money man i pay people to do my critical thinkings


Amen! Embarrassment is being nice about it.....


She knew she could get away with it because blacks can't be racist/supremacist and that she knew how neutered the white liberals are. They've pacified them to the point where they bend the knee, apologize on a daily basis on demand and rightfully so because they were the party of the KKK from before.


is america wasn't so racist there wouldn't be a need for it. get rid of fellow rascist conservatives and you won't be constantly triggered by gay parades or movies like this


How do you get rid of them?


stop encouraging them, call them out, say they have no place in the party. its really simple.

amerigirl made a post on here saying AOC should be kidnapped and have her tongue cut out and fingers cut off. not jokingly at all or any indication it was sarcasm. cause it wasn't at all..

I posted it asking republicans to condemn her. not a single one did. Like yo they went scatter brained talking about BLM. or one said it was funny.


And if they don't capitulate to your fascist demands? I am guessing you will continue with the looting, rioting, forcing people to raise their fists in support, burning down buildings, tearing down statues, stabbing, kicking, punching, shooting?
You do recognize there is a difference between what amerigirl did and what your side does? One is talk and one is action. Which do you think is worse?


"And if they don't capitulate to your fascist demands?"

asking people on here to criticize someone who called for the kidnapping torture and mutiliation of a public figure is fascism?


you cant have it both ways. claim a party isnt racist, calls for violence, homophobic and sexist. and when someone asks you to criticize them you say they re being fascist.

"I am guessing you will continue with the looting, rioting, forcing people to raise their fists in support, burning down buildings, tearing down statues, stabbing, kicking, punching, shooting? "

we had this conversation already scatterbrain. remember? you ran away from it when I showed you were thoroughly a tool. check it again and maybe takes notes this time.

"You do recognize there is a difference between what amerigirl did and what your side does? One is talk and one is action. Which do you think is worse?"

so that group that was going to kidnap the governor was just all talk. conservatives just talk but never do anything?

see my comment above. How embarrassing that you cant even criticize someone calling for a terrorist act.

this is exactly what I was talking about in the post about amerigirl. and you did it again :) you guys cant help yourself


Do you condemn what BLM and Antifa do? Yes or no.


so you cant be a man and address the topic and what amerigirl said. instead defended her. sad.


She is not DOING those things, you dolt. Talking and doing are not the same. YOUR side literally attacks people. They don't talk or joke about it on these message boards. They DO IT! And you cannot summon the basic decency to condemn their violence. Instead, you point to a post by amerigirl, somehow trying to make they case they are in any way comparable. LOL


"She is not DOING those things, you dolt. Talking and doing are not the same. YOUR side literally attacks people"

are you really this dumb? claims she's just talking and im a dolt for calling out her terrorist encouraging activities.. then says "but see what your side is doing"

you arent the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

"They DO IT! And you cannot summon the basic decency to condemn their violence. Instead, you point to a post by amerigirl, somehow trying to make they case they are in any way comparable. LOL"

let me guess. no formal education, overweight and angry. your re mad and work yourself reading all about antifa and blm and only the "damn demokkkrats" do bad things?

sorry you arent man enough, or in your case id say intelligent enough, to see the irony of your statement about amerigirl only talking and encouraging terrorism, while her side does it.

while I sit here discouraging all sorts of things and blaming me for BLM violence.

spaz confirmed.


Well, I gave you plenty of chances and you failed. Most Americans feel using violence and intimidation to advance a political agenda is called 'fascism'. And most Americans are against fascism. Until now. Liberals realized fascism can be effective. Which says to me liberalism is such a failure in every city they run they cannot use empirical evidence to support their 'cause'. So they have to resort to violence and intimidation. They have nothing to run on.
It was fun. At this point, you aren't worth the effort.


"Well, I gave you plenty of chances and you failed. "

lol are you delusional? what meds are you on?

no what happened was I ASKED YOU. and instead of answering you dodged.

"Most Americans feel using violence and intimidation to advance a political agenda is called 'fascism'. And most Americans are against fascism. Until now. Liberals realized fascism can be effective. Which says to me liberalism is such a failure in every city they run they cannot use empirical evidence to support their 'cause'. So they have to resort to violence and intimidation. They have nothing to run on. "

Up your medication.

what a coward you are


Of course he doesn’t condemn them.

Have you read this person’s posts? He came onto this site a few weeks ago full on like a case of progressive political diarrhea that won’t stop.

He was probably cheering the rioters on. He probably contributed to the Hollywood celebrities fund in bailing rioters out of jail after they hurt someone or burnt something down.


You're right. It was a waste of time even trying.


"He was probably cheering the rioters on. He probably contributed to the Hollywood celebrities fund in bailing rioters out of jail after they hurt someone or burnt something down."

and this is why no one takes you guys seriously....


you've got a real hard-on for amerigal


my bet is she is late 30's early 40s, largely over weight and a mess. I dont think hard on and her name have been said together in the last decade.
