MovieChat Forums > Severance (2022) Discussion > Wouldn't your work self go batshit insan...

Wouldn't your work self go batshit insane?

I mean for the version of you who doesn't work, life is just leisure time, but the other version basically lives at the office and works non-stop for his entire existence. Wouldn't a person go mad from that existence?

Just imagine putting in a full workday, walking out the door and poof, it's the next morning and it's time to start again. That's basically hell!


That's probably the "new character" that the description is referring to. A literal manifestation of a personality


You are right it can be a version of hell!

Except the person is aware of what is going on. That makes a difference, right?


Nah. Hot therapy chick will see to your health.


I wanted to agree but then I saw it was my own comment.


I had a similar feeling while scrolling through Netflix the other day. The "recommended for you" slides weren't doing it for me, so I started flipping through another row. They were all great movies/TV series, although I'd seen them all, and I thought, "What category is this?"

"Watch it Again"

Of course.


Hmm. Great movies and series on Netflix?


Russian Doll; Love, Death, and Robots; The Last Kingdom - yeah, there's good stuff Netflix does.

There's also just a lot of stuff on there that's great (like Heat) that isn't produced by Netflix, but it's on the service.


Why is that surprising?


[–] Ace_Spade (7913) 6 months ago
I had a similar feeling while scrolling through Netflix the other day. The "recommended for you" slides weren't doing it for me, so I started flipping through another row. They were all great movies/TV series, although I'd seen them all, and I thought, "What category is this?"

"Watch it Again"

Of course.

Man, I'm really glad I'm not the only one who's done this.


I've talked to a couple people who've done that.


Yes! If I were an Innie and hated it, I would go batshit crazy and start smashing up the furniture, monitors, etc.

And I wouldn't care shit about the Break Room, cos I'd know that all I have to do is keep smashing up shit when I get out again - I mean what are they gonna do, kill me?

It wouldn't be long before Lumon realizes I'm no füçkin use to them as a worker, I'm costing them $$ and they'd have to tell my Outie that my employment is terminated.

Is there anything I'm missing here with this strategy, any reason it wouldn't work?


I suppose the break room is used for mental torture. If that doesn't work, they may begin to torture physically. At extremes, Lumon could even cut one of your fingers and tell the Outie that your Innie accidentally hurt yourself at work. Then, you will need their $$ for a medical procedure to fix that finger. If you think I am exaggerating, keep in mind that their message detector is designed to extract a physical object from your body without concerning about hurting you or not.


I wondered about whether that was true, or whether it was just a lie used to try to stop innies from trying to pass messages to their outies.

I think if I were desperate enough to do what I'm suggesting above, I may even be desperate enough to go a step further and let them cut my fingers off, to teach my outie a lesson - it's still not going as far as Helly did, after all.

As for paying for the medical procedure - that wouldn't worry my innie, in fact I'd be glad to have inconvenienced my outie that way too!


I think the other poster mentioned the money for the medical bills because that could be their way of keeping you on the hook, needing to work to make money to pay for medical.

And as for the break room… it might not be so simple as you think to overcome that psychological torture.


Are you kidding? Waffles and melon-parties!? I'm in!


On the surface, I agree. But when I think about how the innie's entire life is composed of this and they know nothing else, they may tow the line because the option is death. Not everyone would choose death over constant work. There are people in the world who literally work their every waking moment.


There is a giant world of difference in working hard or spending most of your time working, and spending every single moment of your existence at work like these people. No sleeping. No occasionally going out to dinner. Just living every single moment in the same office, under the same Florescent lights, all for the reward of an occasional waffle party? That sounds horrid! I'd prefer death.


It is fun to parse theoretic perspectives. Hard to know what someone for whom a set environment is their entire world would think. I can assume dissatisfied people inside and out. Is what drives people insane outside the same as what drives them insane inside?


No, it wouldn't, because it's not a different 'self'.

You are still the same you all the time, your access to your memories are just selectively restricted. The way they SHOW it in this show is wrong; you absolutely wouldn't just seem to jump from one day's end to next day's beginning - there would be haziness about it, and feeling of time having passed and even memory confusion, because you were JUST thinking about other things that you now forgot.

You would still FEEL as if the time has passed, you just wouldn't remember what OCCURRED.

Also, you would STILL get the leisure activities, you would still get the sleep, you would still get everything to keep your body and mind healthy, so why would you go insane?

Think of it from the perspective of the 'outie' (so stupid that these are supposedly separate people and these names ar even stupider); it's constant holiday without any work. After all, you live BOTH existences, and SOME side of you remembers both (just not at the same time).

You ABSOLUTELY wouldn't be a different personality due to this kind of memory shift.


You would still FEEL as if the time has passed, you just wouldn't remember what OCCURRED.

Physically, you'd feel as if time has passed, but your mind at it is only exist inside the office. Your mind and body when not in the office could be living it up with yacht sex parties, but all that wouldn't mean shit if the only thing you know is the never ending cycle of office drudgery.

Also, you would STILL get the leisure activities, you would still get the sleep, you would still get everything to keep your body and mind healthy, so why would you go insane?

Again, the office version of you isn't getting any of that. At least not that they can remember, so who cares.

Think of it from the perspective of the 'outie' (so stupid that these are supposedly separate people and these names ar even stupider); it's constant holiday without any work.
Nobody is arguing that the outie is getting one hell of a deal here! It's the Innie's existence that is hellish. The innie is basically the outies slave.


What if the outie got drunk every night? You would be the one working exhausted and hungover everyday. You would not have even been able to enjoy the alcohol :(.


I hate Night Guy! /Seinfeld


My work self is already going batshit insane.

