MovieChat Forums > avortac4

avortac4 (3458)


Underuse of tech makes no sense How a child would write a movie script Chloe makes no sense "The Bug" and the agents as a whole make no sense "We Like to Call" makes no sense: The Epic Sequel Disrespectful, rude, loud gits 'I have seen shít that will turn you white' makes no sense 'No one can tell you are in love' makes no sense Another Movie Fails To Reach Its Potential Her not responding makes no sense View all posts >


If I could arrange all my questions into a list, a really thick book would not even be enough to print it with a tiny font. It would be basically an encyclopedia set, volumes I to MCMLXXXV (ok, slight exaggeration)... Why is Connor 100% blanked, unequipped, unprepared, while the villain is completely cognisant, fully prepared and almost ganks connor immediately when they first meet? This is like not preparing someone for a battle and sending them anyway, while the other one knows exactly what's up and what to do. Makes no sense to make it this unfair! Then the villain is EASILY whisked away by a couple of 'dudes', when the villain could just easily kill them and then kill Connor. Why doesn't he? SERIOUSLY, WHY?? He could SO EASILY kill them - - - AND - - - this is supposed to be a BATTLE! It's WAR! It would not even be suspicious or anything, what the heck? FURTHERMORE! Why does the villain NOT ARRANGE it so that he is protected and Connor is not, for the the short moment he needs to kill Connor? He makes ALL these preparations, probably waited eagerly for this moment for a long time, and then just gives up because of a VERY SLIGHT obstacle (from his point of view), so.. again.. WHY? He does not prepare for THIS eventuality?? WHAT?! How is that even possible? I have just SO, so very many questions my mind would explode if I tried to get them all down at once. I just can't endure this stupid, childish non-movie any longer. Take away lightning, the pseudo-'magical' aspect, Sean Connery and Queen, and what do you have left? A really crappy story about a bear-sounding cartoon villain and some douche who no one cares about, in a 'non-story' with the stupidest ending ever devised. End to all wars? NAH! Food for the hungry? No, thanks. Children rescued from the third-world corporate slavery hell? Of course not. GETTING OLD, that's the ticket! What the.. how.. aaggh! I am SO glad I am not 'immortal' so THIS hell will end some day.. I don't quite get your point. He wouldn't be 'alone for all eternity' if the others are dead, he would get .. THE PRIZE!! ... which is never specified, so the writers didn't have to do any brainwork at all. Neat, convenient. I have about a thousand questions about all kinds of things relating to the prize, motivations, mechanics, bodily functions, limitations of the immortality, the rules, the creators of the rules, why people would ever obey them, what makes a thing 'holy' (though I am SURE they mean 'sacred'), and a host of other things as well, so your question is like one drop in the ocean of questions I have. Yes, I have wondered about not only his, but other people's motivations about wanting to kill other immortals (well, 'immortals', since they can be killed)... Also, the old question of 'if two of them are friends, WHAT forces them to try to kill each other?'.. Is it pure greed for the prize? Wanting to die anyway, so it's basically a favor? This movie is your typical hollyweird mess, where writers were thinking things like 'camera shots', 'transitions', 'effects', 'locations', 'cultural aspects' and LOTS OF LIGHTNING and whom to hire, and so on, but not so much on WHY things are happening, WHAT forces the rules to exist, and so on. Motivations? Pff, who cares, as long as they try to kill each other WITH SWORDS AND LIGHTNING! I know there are 'sequels' and 'TV shows' and fanfiction and whatever, but this movie itself does REALLY not explain much, and even the tiny backstory about him being originally a 'highlander' does not explain pretty much anything, so it's almost like a fake backstory so you'd THINK there is a backstory, when there really isn't. The REAL backstory would be HOW did this whole thing start, WHY did everyone get born to the places and eras they were, did they choose their locations, why did they forget they are 'immortals', why did SOME of them know, and others didn't, and so on and so forth... "AND MAKE SURE JAMES BOND HAS A SAMURAI SWORD WHEN HE FIGHTS THE EVIL GROWLING VILLAIN IN THE LIGHTNING STORM!!" ..and we heard Morpheus say, 'if we knew what he knows, Neo would probably be dead', and Neo's name is Anagram of One, and his name is Thomas, as in doubting thomas, and his last name is Anderson, which basically means 'Son of Man' (Ander - Android - Andrist - Mis-Andrist, just like female would be Gyno - Gynoid - Gynist - Mis-o-Gynist).. ...SO.... let's go mug'em! Sorry, I meant.. let's.. let's... "LET'S DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!", they suddenly heard Smith proclaim as he entered the super high-tech, efficient surveillance room where the Agents can have anything they want, even some less conspicuous way of tracking people. And so they did. If they are so keen to murder everyone, that they use this Cypher-betrayal-that-the-Oracle-the-Bitch-Won't-Mention thing to just kill everyone they can and capture Morpheus, then WHY won't they act upon ALL THIS INFORMATION they worked SO HARD to be able to acquire? They install a bug, tap a phoneline, follow and research Neo, go to his workplace to capture him - JUST TO DO NOTHING?! WHY! What kind of incompetent cartoon fools are these? These are worse than ANY villain that ever existed in any saturday morning cartoon! What is wrong with these agents? WHY do they do only HALF of their job, then suddenly go into deep pause mode? Did they bug or glitch? Did they fall into some digital coma? I swear this movie makes no sense, but the more I think about it, the MORE it seems to not make sense... this is not good for my blood pressure. The agents' tapping ability - among pretty much all their 'brainy' abilities' is worse than horseshit. At least that can be used for manure. I mean, how do they tap a phoneline, install a friggin' physical, unnecessarily spiderlike 'bug' inside someone's NAVEL (why would this EVER happen, even in the Matrix?? WHY? WHY A SPIDERBUG IN THE NAVEL?! Can't the machines think of something more sophisticated, clever, intuitive, organic, fitting within the 'human world system'? Can't they check the human history and see NOTHING LIKE THAT has ever been done, and mimic the things that HAVE been done to control people?)... I am sorry, this movie is so childish, when you think about it.. .. how do they tap a phoneline, and then not know exactly what is being said? Alternatively, they HEAR the conversation, but they don't act upon it. So let me get this straight, the strategy here is: 1) Install an unnecessarily spiderlike (and big) bug (which looks like a LITERAL bug, groan!), unnecessarily into someone's navel (instead of sleeping drug, hypnosis, and a MYRIAD of less conspicuous ways of controlling/tracking someone, heck, install a tiny microchip in their shoe or under their skin or whatever). Also, I don't think that's how navels work, so the 'reality illusion' has been broken in three separate ways FOR NO GAIN/BENEFIT or REASON! WHAT were they thinking?! 2) Tap Neo's phone.. for .. reasons? 3) Act upon the info both things bring you in following ways: *crickets* What happened here? Did the agents fall asleep? Did they see where Neo is, listen to where he's supposed to meet the man the agents supposedly want 'arrested', where also other 'unplugged' people are gathered, so they could get/kill them all easily with one explosive, raid, helicopter attack, demolishing the building, etc... again, about 800 different ways and more.. ..then say, ooh, we know Neo is in that building, and we heard his conversation with Morpheus - they are probably going to unplug him.. As a sidenote; what was that 'translation challenge' supposed to be about? If you don't know any japanese, can't use a translation tool, can't ask anyone.. how are you supposed to not only read that sentence, but translate it, too? Heck, I would have had trouble with that, and I have translated longer things. I could only read a few of those kanji, and the only thing I could really discern from that was 'tree', 'you have to say this line' and a few other details, but not the whole meaning. How was that supposed to work? Those challenges were pretty ridiculous. If I, knowing how to read kana and a few basic kanji, and can speak the language 'conversationally' without too many problems, couldn't complete that challenge, what chances do these gits who don't even know the basic social rules of Japan have? Who thought they could complete that challenge? Is there a method of translation they could have thought of, if they can't use translation, take a pic, or ask anyone? Telepathically divine the meaning? What were they SUPPOSED to do, I am just curious. It would be one thing if they could ask strangers for help, but nope. So I am puzzled.. Forgot to mention the typical modern kid mindset: they see something absolutely mindblowingly ASTONISHING, something like the Swiss Alps, lakes, gorgeous architecture and the cutest villages possible, and what is their reaction? 'That's pretty.' said in a monotone voice. Really? If THAT is just 'pretty', then what the heck does it take to make you gasp out of sheer admiration? I would be near speechless, or trying to find proper adjectives to describe the immense, rare beauty I am suddenly so privileged to be allowed to see.. ..these people barely muster 'oh, this is probably my favorite place, haha' and about 8 separate occasions, 'oh, that's pretty' in a very unimpressed way, and THAT'S ABOUT IT. What the heck is wrong with these people? Isn't it enough they disrespected Japan in a major way by breaking their every possible train and public behaviour rule in existence, but they had to also disrespect Switzerland's sublime and evocative, almost mystical beauty by reacting to it in such a lackluster, casual way? How about the way they said 'He's not in a MAGICAL place, it is just a place!' How the F dare you?! If an old, beautiful castle surrounded by the most breathtaking nature and amazingly soul-caressing architecture in the mountain villages of Switzerland is not magical, WHAT the hell is?? What is wrong with these twits? Seriously! I can't fathom why anyone would watch them... Pegasus is sometimes right, but he certainly has bad taste when it comes to picking 'favorites'. If your favorite youtube channel is ugly young people that talk like [forbidden word]s and discrespect every single culture, people and country they invade, casually treat every place in the world as their personal playground without any kind of actual appreciation as to what their privileged little rich kid eyes are seeing... you have some serious mental issues. Please stop calling him Zack. "I'd say the biggest problem,would be Hollywood finding an actor (or actress) who has the acting chops to BE the movie. That is one hell of a tough job - to be the only person in a film and to carry every single scene." Tough job? Why would it be tough? Isn't that what acting is supposed to be all about, to be able to tell a story or fulfill a premise believably? If hollyweird is populated with sub-par actors, that's their own fault for casting talentless hacks instead of people with talent. If you are saying that amidst ALL actors on this planet, a powerful force like hollywtf is 100% incapable of finding a slightly-above-mediocre actor (this could pull it off just fine - look at Keanu Reeves in The Matrix or Sam Rockwell in 'Moon'), you must be delusional. Also, why would THIS particular thing be any tougher than ANY acting job? There are plenty of people that have acted plenty of all kinds of weird situations and roles, from Spock to Data to Picard being Borg and whatnot. Why would THIS particular role be somehow different? What makes this role somehow more difficult? You are looking at this from some kind of weird angle, when the reality is, this is the story, these are the lines you have to say believably, this is the premise, this is the story, now act. NO PROBLEM for any actor in my opinion. Anyone that knows how to act should be able to pull off this role. So WHAT if you have to 'carry' a movie, that's not, in acting reality, any more difficult than being the star of some other movie with other people in it. Are you saying that if you can't do dialogue with some other actor, it's somehow suddenly harder to act or get in character? No, it isn't. You obviously haven't acted.. it doesn't matter WHAT the role is, this kind of role could actually even be EASIER than most roles, because you do NOT have to constantly be spewing dialogue and showing emotions and whatnot. You could just walk around saying nothing with a stressed-out look on your face.. Wow, you are writing my thoughts somehow! I thought I was the only one on this planet that thinks this way... hmm, wait, that sounds somehow familiar a premise. In any case, I 100% agree with you - hollyweird just DOES NOT have the guts or talent to make a movie about any premise. They HAVE to inject the 'expected', so women would also see the movie. Someone talked about forcefully injecting Square Dancing into every movie. So you buy pr0n, and it has square dancing section in it, EVERY single time. You watch any movie or read any story, square dancing is everywhere. This would be almost as annoying as what they are doing now, with the 'injected romance'. There HAS to be some woman in every movie, it's pretty difficult to find movies that do not. Even the SUPER rare movies that do NOT have square dancing - which is to say, 'injected romance' - almost always have women in them. There's ONE movie I can think of that does not have a female character, but even that movie has female actors. It's even made by a celebrated hollyweird moviemaker, if you can believe that. We should all know it... but I will tell ya: It is, of course, 'Bad Taste', possibly from 1987, if I remember correctly. A really goofy movie, but very funny and fun as well. I don't mind 'comedic relief' (as I think it's called, instead of 'comedy relief') at all, because I hate horror anyway, and love comedies, so it's always welcome to me. I can't understand why anyone would WANT to watch a movie without humor, I guess that's just my nature... I just love humor, so please inject as much of that as you want. However, 'injected romance' is what REALLY ruins pretty much EVERY SINGLE MOVIE EVER! It's like inserting some robots in EVERY single 'chick flick', would women like that? No. Their movies are pure romance and completely robot-free, so why do OUR robot movies have to have romance every single time? IT MAKES NO SENSE! In any case, yeah.. I am not gonna flame ya.. View all replies >