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'Lightyear' will feature Pixar's first same-sex kiss after stern staffers' letter to Disney leadership

One week after Pixar's LGBTQIA+ employees and their allies sent a strongly-worded letter to Walt Disney CEO Bob Chapek objecting to his decision not to push back more forcefully against Florida's controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill, the studio's parent company has already reversed course about a same-sex storyline in the animated blockbuster Lightyear.

According to Variety, the upcoming Toy Story "sidequel" features a kiss between two female characters that was originally cut from the film. Now, that kiss has reportedly been restored after the employees' letter revealed that Disney had cut scenes featuring "overtly gay affection" from previous Pixar films.

Way to go Lesbian Karen. You sickos went from “What we do in the bedroom is our business” to “Let’s push it in kids faces”

When will Disney’s first openly kiddie loving pedophile grace the screen?


OK, OK, OK, I'll bite:

What do the last few letters of LGBTQIA+ stand for?


The problem is the nut jobs that throw around the alphabet soup can't even agree on what the last letters stand for. Q has been claimed to be both queer and questioning, I is apparently for intersex (what that means is again unclear depending on who is using the term), A is for ally or asexual depending on who you ask. And of course the + sign is to include any other random freaks that weren't captured by the previous alphabet soup.

Frankly the most descriptive and easy to say term to capture all these folks is "nut jobs".


I agree. Gender has never, in all of human history (to my knowledge) been defined as "fluid", or a "spectrum", so why are they throwing this crap around now in the last 10-20 years?


Queer, Intersex, Asexual.

Intersex are those with both male and female genitalia.
Asexual are...asexual.

Queer in this context is just a generalized term.


Who was it called it "LGBTQWERTY"? That seems to about cover it.




The "+" indicates MAPs which stands for Minor Attracted Person. It's the new term for pedos that's being bandied about to try and "normalize" attraction to prepubescent children. They're throwing it in as the plus sign because they know that it's too soon to come right out and add the letter M to stand for it. Society has to be more brainwashed to it first before they can put in real initial.


I always thought at least that the "+" stood for any future sexual types they can add to the term, to be honest. I would say they've found enough for now.


And MAPs is one of the sexual types that's been added to that + section. I'm sure beastiality is included in that + as well. But we'll have to be conditioned to accept the MAPs before we can ever be conditioned to accept the beasties. Enough is never enough for this alternate lifestyle cause.


You mad bro?


Found the person who will support when the pedo agenda starts being pushed in Disney movies.


i'm mad! i find this sort of enraging, absolutely.

enough so that i cancelled my disney plus subscription & got a refund for the annual fee i paid in january.

i don't think things like this belong in a movie marketed to kids.


Not good, but at leas it's not two dudes.


Both equally disgusting. Especially in a freaking kids movie.


I disagree that it's equal, but to each his own.


Disney is caving to the LGBTQ+ crowd.

Depicting a lesbian kiss in a movie that is part of a franchise garnering fans from ages 4 and 5 up is totally inappropriate.

Kids are impressionable enough without the specific agenda-pushing effort.

How would the American public react if Chick-fil-a all of a sudden had their servers deliver a "Why You Should Love Jesus" oral presentation to their guests as their food was dropped off? They'd go nuts. This is the same thing - a content creator (Disney/Chick-fil-a) is taking advantage of a captive audience and in the delivery of their product (movie entertainment/delicious chicken meal) they get a chance to push their individual agendas (acceptance of and recruitment for gay/lesbian sex vs. acceptance of and recruitment for a specific religion).

Just stop it. Let kids be kids, for God's sake. Social engineering doesn't belong in entertainment, just like religious proselytizing doesn't belong in going to a restaurant.


It's even worse than shoving religion down someone's throat. Religion doesn't have the risk factors that homosexuality has. I would compare it to promoting smoking or obesity.


Yeah it's pretty hard to get aids from going to church I guess.


No, theres nothing worse than religious brainwashing.


The real question is will Disney leave it in for the Chinese cut.


You know they won't. They'll cut it out.


Good thing I quit watching the Toy Story films after #2. It's all gone to shit.


Don't watch it! Your dick will fall off and you'll go blind if you ever see woman kissing.


It is a little unnerving the progressive effort to socialize elementary school aged children to gay and trans sexual and romantic themes. I just don’t understand the relentless focus on children and how that possibly promotes the cause. It reminds me of the NRA ads showing children with guns in hunting and shooting competitions. It seems manifestly counter-productive to the effort to obtain or keep public support.


>Your dick will fall off and you'll go blind if you ever see woman kissing.

Thats some serious STD you got there.


It's only a few seconds from the looks of it. Just a quick pucker on the lips. Nothing in your face forced but then again, Disney is trying to push the gay agenda as much as possible after all so there's that.


So it's not a full scissoring sex scene, that's ok then.


Damn you. I have not seen a good scissoring scene in quite awhile; now you have me curious. I guess I'll close out MovieChat, drop my work VPN, and head out to my fav. porn site!
