MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > Major Kramer Plot Hole

Major Kramer Plot Hole

Kramer hates taking baths, to quote:-

"It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth."

Yet just two seasons later he has a hot tub set up in his apartment!

Surely sitting in a warmed up soup of your own filth is even worse!


I believe he mentioned with the hot tub you get the boiling water that'll kill the bacteria.

Anyway, even if he didn't that's an inconsistency not a plot hole.


Do you have a definition of what a plot hole is so we can test it out against this?

I'm kind of thinking that hot tub water wouldn't be hot enough but that's interesting if it was specifically called out in the episode! (I didn't remember that)


I would say it is not a plot hole because it does not effect the plot.


A hot tub is different from bath, because you usually put chlorine in hot tub, which disinfects the water.

So I don't think it is a plot hole or inconsistency.


If Kramer had been sitting in boiling water, he'd be dead. But yes, it's an inconsistency, not a plot hole. At least the OP didn't say it was ironic.


It is not hot enough to kill micro organisms. A human cannot be in a bath that hot. It would need to be 140 degrees.

So in short a hot tube is even worse than a bath because microorganisms are most active in 100 degree water.

Jerry actually said this when Kramer asked him to use it. I believe Jerry called it a bacteria frappe.


Yes, improper sanitizer levels will allow bacteria to grow
The higher temperatures in a spa creates an environment that speeds the reproduction rate of bacteria that are called mesophiles. Mesophiles grow very rapidly at temperatures of 68°F to 113°F. The normal operating temperatures of spas as well as the normal human body temperature falls within this range. Some bacteria can reproduce in as little as fourteen minutes in spa water at 98.6°F. Bacteria that prefer this temperature range are often those that cause disease in humans.

Maintaining proper sanitizer levels with Chlorine Concentrate or FreshWater Salt System will minimize the chances of bacterial growth.


yes but a bath is not the same as a boiling jacuzzi (that kills all germs)


Kramer is the type of guy who would draw distinctions between the two.


I've got to admit, I think baths are gross, but would absolutely sit in a jacuzzi for an hour, with other people in there as well.



I have no problem sitting in a tepid pool of my own dirt, but Jacuzzi I can't.


He hates baths. He loves hot tubs.

What's your problem? There's no plot hole or even inconsistency. It's like saying he hates bananas, but he loves strawberries. Two completely separate things.

He doesn't hate water, or sitting in water - he loves going to the beach and adores his shower.

It's just TAKING BATHS he hates, and sitting in a hot tub is not TAKING A BATH. It's not TEPID, it's not 'pool of my own filth', it's FLOWING, HOT WATER, completely different thing and situation.


I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth.

He may hate baths but he just admitted he takes baths. No inconsistency.


Yeah but that's just part of the quote when he explains why he doesn't take baths:-

"It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. All kinds of microscopic parasites and organisms having sex all around me"

Same rules apply for hot tubs. In fact I'm sure they're worse - at least all the filth gets drained after one bath. In a hot tub it's a more long lasting stew you got going...


That's why I only take showers.


In real life people change their minds about stuff all the time.


Hot tubs are much more sanitary. Like swimming pools, they have a filter and are chlorinated.
