MovieChat Forums > Snoopy828

Snoopy828 (496)


Legacy characters The college Years Shawn Hatosy as the star athlete Jake Whitehall Why I prefer this cut to the 4 hour version (minority I know) Mixed bag across the board Looks bad. Stallone in Creed vs Stallone in Rocky Balboa Stallone in Creed vs Stallone in Rocky Balboa So how many times does one have to be stabbed.... View all posts >


You reek of Snyder fanboy I think its the actor. Dominic Purcell is so bland and monotone in this series. I think the character of Linc is fine and obviously serves a purpose. But the actor is terrible. He doesn't emote, he has two facial expressions, I barely believe him every time he opens his mouth. Being that you have such great performances on this show (Stormare, Fichtner, Knepper) being the three powerhouses he really sinks on this show. But to be fair Wentworth isn't much better. I think its implied of the main cast. Coolidge basically has one scene in every movie Joey found out her father had been paroled in Season 5. She went to see him and then the episode ended. Then fast forward to Season 6 Christmas episode it appears they had their reconciliation off screen. I always assumed they were renting because that house is most def bigger and nicer. Or my alternate theory is that grams was totally taking money under the table from Jens parents to help pay tuition. I disagree. I feel this movie gets better the more you watch it. And I think this movie and NOT creed is the one Stallone should've been nominated for. John Philbin (Nathanial) and Bojesse Christopher (Grommet) were the experienced surfers of the bunch and did all their own surfing. James LeGros (Roach) is never seen surfing. Swayze said he did "just enough" surfing to where they could use a few shots of him on the board and have it look real. But a majority of his surfing shots were handled by his double. You can clearly see the wideshots of Philbin and Christoper "actually" surfing. As for Keanu, he didn't know how to surf prior, but learned to for this movie and still surfs to this day. However, people mustn't confuse learning to surf for the movie and actually surfing for the movie. The Original poster is correct Keanu was not surfing for this movie and is it very obvious. Typically because he always seems to have multiple projects up and running at the same time. Although having watched most of his shows they'd fare a lot better if he stayed the duration and saw them through. Not deflecting at all. I'm agreeing with you that the right is f*_ked while also adding that the left is just as bad. If you want an echo chamber, go to another message board. I'm not deflecting anything. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here. It doesn't matter if you're wearing a red tie, or a blue tie you all do the exact same thing and then vilify the other side for doing exactly what you do. You both are insufferable. View all replies >