MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Which inconsistency in the entire saga b...

Which inconsistency in the entire saga bothers you the most?

For me it's obi wan totally not remembering R2D2/C3PO at all in TNH. I mean common!!


- Jabba's Galactic Mafia operating with impunity while the Empire is at its heights, yet in ANH we see how handily the Empire treads across Tattooine with impunity tear-assing the landscape looking for the 'droids. It always occurred to me that Vader would dismantle the criminal element first to find out where his bounty is located, but that never happens. This odd trend is carried over in the next two movies as Vader hires bounty hunters linked to the Hutts to find the Millennium Falcon and its crew. We are told in ESB that The Dark Side of the Force can bring order and structure to a chaotic universe but Vader seems A-okay with a large criminal network operating under the Empire's nose.


Finding out that inside Darth Vader's awesome exterior is a stupid, whiny, useless dupe.

The prequels almost ruined the greatest villain in the history of film!


Don't want to reply to the OP, since it's a ghost of IMDb.

My entry is that inconsistency that makes the entire saga possible, the basic lapse in logic which starts everything. Two droids escape from Leia's ship heading for Tatooine, and the Star Destroyer gunners point it out to their senior officer.

He tells them not to bother shooting it because there are no life signs onboard, and assumes it was a glitch.

All of them, in that moment, completely forget that they live in a galaxy with sentient droids on just about every street corner, droids that don't have any life signs. They also forget that they're trying to stop blueprints from getting out, not people, and blueprints don't have life signs.

It was basically a "don't look behind the curtain" moment which was the only way Lucas thought of to allow the droids to escape.

There was at least one other option, though. What if no escape pods had been fired off yet, and Leia releases all of them at once. The Star Destroyer gunners could then try to shoot them all, but miss like three of them, one of which had the droids. Then they'd have been just "lucky" instead of the scene requiring people to momentarily forget one of the basics of their reality.

Although, this is a writing convenience kind of like the joke of Stormtrooper aiming skills. Obi-Wan implies that Stormtroopers are so accurate that he can spot their firing patterns just from damage, and yet they can't even hit Luke standing 30 feet away when he's not even moving (but Luke can shoot back and hit them).


I have always charitably assumed that other escape pods were fired with people in them, and that they were fired in the direction of cities, spaceports, nicer planets, or known safe locations.

So that an uninhabited escape pod aimed at an empty desert that would kill any living thing that landed there, one a long long way from a spaceport or a way off Tattooine, would actually look pretty damn random. But still, youd think they'd take a pot at it just for the target practice.


For me, the biggest fallacy of the series was that Darth Vader was Luke's father. That's impossible! I AM HIS FATHER.


DO tell us how you got to a galaxy far, far away, long, long ago!


It’s kind of a long story but the gist of it is that my godmother was one of the last actual fairy godmothers, and she gave me a yellow and a green magic ring. When I put the yellow one on , it took me to a place full of trees and pools of water. I put on the green one and jumped into one of the pools and it took me to Naboo thousands of years in the past. Well I snuck in and banged Padme while Anakin was meditating. Stupid dork never even knew and since he was a Jedi, he didn’t know anything about sex, so when she told him he was the father he believed her because he thought you can get a girl pregnant just by touching her boobs. Dummy!


Well, that is as believable as anything that made it into the actual movies...




How about in RotS, when Obi-Wan says, "Only the Sith deal in absolutes". This statement is itself an absolute, and the Jedi have absolute rules against things like marriage.


For me, its Annakin going from a skilled pilot (presumably an adult) to an ultra aggravating slave boy.


Luke's obvious lust for Leia in the first two films.


Neither of them knew they were related until ROTJ. Can you blame them?


Lucas didn't know it either!


Leia always knew. She said so in ROTJ.
...which makes that sloppy kiss in ESB even *worse*.


This isn't an inconsistency but I thought it was weird Anakin Skywalker built C3-PO when he was just a boy.


Anakin being the person that build C3PO was pretty weak


What's bizarre is that a slave boy that works in a junk yard on a planet full of scum has a need for a droid programmed for protocol and etiquette


For me it's Annakin first being described as an experienced pilot and then being presented as a nine year old pod-racing slave boy.


So this , when i watched A New Hope i imagined him to be like Han Solo, a super skilled pilot that stood tall and strong.

"The best star pilot in the galaxy .....and a cunning warrior"


My brother felt the same way.


A couple of my favorite inconsistencies, besides the ones already mentioned are...

1) Leia has a half-assed English accent some of the time...and no accent at all at other times.

2) Why such a push to find the plans/blueprints of the Death Star? Even if the empire retrieved the originals, you mean to tell me there are no Kinkos in the galaxy? They have enough technology in the Star Wars universe for space ships, laser guns and hyper-space travel.....but not enough technology for a xerox machine?

3) Along those same lines....there's enough technology for spaceships and lasers...but yet NOBODY has a cell phone?

4) Why would R2-D2 communicate only with beep-beep-beeps? WHy wouldn't he have the capability to communicate with people directly? There's enough technology that droids have AI, can think...and even feel emotions....but R2 can't talk??

5) There's enough technology for holograms......but yet there's not one computer or computer screen seen anywhere in the films. Just rows and rows of square, red and white buttons (lol), like in Star Trek.

6) There's enough technology for hovercrafts, robots and landspeeders.....yet there's no cyborgs? Instead, we get goofy, beeping robots ambling around, beep-beep-beeping, looking like something out of a 1950's sci-fi comic book.

7) When Lucas went back and retro-fitted some new footage in various scenes, mostly using CGI.....there's one scene in particular I've wondered about: The added scene with Han walking next to, and talking with...Jabba. Did they shoot that scene in 1977....and just have Harrison Ford walking next to and talking with a regular guy (an early version of Jabba?), which ended-up on the cutting room floor? And then...many years later, Lucas cut out the old version of Jabba (just a regular guy walking with Han)....and CGI'd that giant slug version?

8) Why the goofy, juvenile.....terminology? I mean...."blasters" "The Death Star"? Really? LOL
"The DEATH STAR??" And how about....."The Force"? Isn't that a bit basic and generic? If it's some mystical, universal force, belief, ideology and pseudo-religion....couldn't they have come up with some kind of really cool name for it, like: Quin-shi-DOH? Or Zoook-YAMA?
ANYTHING....would be better than "The Force". Calling it "The Force" is as basic and arbitrary as calling it "The Stuff". LOL


I share some of these issues too. However, I never thought about #8. Funny and true. May the Stuff be with you!


The added scene with Han walking next to, and talking with...Jabba. Did they shoot that scene in 1977....and just have Harrison Ford walking next to and talking with a regular guy (an early version of Jabba?), which ended-up on the cutting room floor? And then...many years later, Lucas cut out the old version of Jabba (just a regular guy walking with Han)....and CGI'd that giant slug version?

Exactly. Jabba was a chubby guy in a fur coat when originally shot.


"1) Leia has a half-assed English accent some of the time...and no accent at all at other times."

There are idiots in real life who do that, like Lauren Cohan, who pretends she has a British accent even though she was born and raised in New Jersey (lived there until she was 13). I have a crazy "aunt" who does that too. She's from Maine and moved to Georgia when she was in her 30s, and when she first came back to Maine to visit about a year later, she would randomly switch from her normal accent to her new, fake Southern accent.

"5) There's enough technology for holograms......but yet there's not one computer or computer screen seen anywhere in the films. Just rows and rows of square, red and white buttons (lol), like in Star Trek."

Watch it again. There are several computer monitors shown in Star Wars. In addition to targeting screens in ships, there are multiple monitors in the first room they hid in on the Death Star; the room where R2D2 accessed the computer system to find out that Leia was there and was scheduled to be executed.

"6) There's enough technology for hovercrafts, robots and landspeeders.....yet there's no cyborgs? Instead, we get goofy, beeping robots ambling around, beep-beep-beeping, looking like something out of a 1950's sci-fi comic book."

One of the most famous characters, not only in Star Wars, but in movie history as well (Darth Vader), is a cyborg.
