MovieChat Forums > Gal Gadot Discussion > Since when is she white and Cleopatra

Since when is she white and Cleopatra

black? Woke-tards all over social media are ranting about a "white" woman playing Cleopatra, who I just learned yesterday was apparently black.

WTF is wrong with these people? They tried to change the meaning of the words like "they" (now singular) and racism (something only white people can do), and no Gal Gadot is a white woman and Cleopatra - an Egyptian of Greek ancestry - was black? What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. These. People?!?!


It's because people are dumb. To them Egypt is in Africa so black must live and be from there, and Cleopatra was a ruler of Egypt so she must have been black too, so it's whitewashing to have her be played by someone "white".


Firstly, Gal Gadot is from Israel, and is not exactly white.

Second, the most famous movie made so far about Cleopatra was the one with Elizabeth Taylor. No one complained back then about her being white.


That's why I said "white" in my post, she looks white but I'm sure she'd claim to be Jewish or something. Also, you're comparing the response of people from 1963 to today, nobody cared about "whitewashing" 60 years ago, people love to complain about it now because they think it makes them look "woke" or something, even if they are wrong.


>> Second, the most famous movie made so far about Cleopatra was the one with Elizabeth Taylor. No one complained back then about her being white.<<

You might want to research before making a statement like that. There was plenty of backlash over her being cast in the role. As a matter of fact Egypt banned the film because of it. Taylor had converted to Judaism in the 1950s and they objected to a white Jewish woman in the role. MANY of her films were blacklisted in Egypt for a long time.


She's Ashkenazi jewish. ALmost half of the Israeli population is made up of Ashkenazi jews, which are of european descent. In other words she is white


I consider her to be white.

But the point is different: so in your opinion if a big group of blacks move to Europe and they live there for few hundreds of years mostly as a closed community they become ... white???


How do you define "exactly white"?


Other than the ignorant fools who seem to think Cleopatra was black because Egypt is in Africa comments, I read quite a few posts from Egyptian posters outraged that an Israeli is playing an Egyptian Queen, never mind that Cleopatra was of Greek Macedonian heritage or that the Egyptians of Arabic heritage moaning about this weren’t even in Egypt at the time or for the next 650 years until Egypt fell to Islam.


More importantly, a good win for England against Belgium the other day.


The Egyptian outrage stems from the politics between Egypt and Israel. There's a wall between them for a reason.

The twitter responses are just twitter being twitter. You can find anyone complaining about anything on twitter.

However, finding Youtube videos has turned up empty. I can find plenty of YT videos blaming leftists, but I can't find any YT videos of leftists attacking Gal Gadot.

This is purely a twitter machination.



Can you point out what you disagree with in those videos? None of those videos are woke.

The first two videos are black people who are tired of Hollywood white-washing black characters. Neither of them are woke. The first even talks about both political parties doing nothing to help the black community in her other videos. And the second video compliments how much he likes Gal Gadot.

The third video reinforces my point about the outrage stemming from the politics between Egypt and Israel. The two cultures just don't get along. He even said he would be okay with Angelina Jolie.

You didn't even watch the fourth video. She analyzes Cleopatra's history and comes to the conclusion that there's no definitive answer and that she could be dark or light skinned.

These are twitter machinations, and also YT comment sections where people can say anything they want without repercussions. You can't take it to heart.


You’re the only person bringing woke into the convo, the first video is terribly ill-informed of historical fact and full of ignorance by people with huge chips on their shoulders claiming Cleopatra was black.

The last video which I did watch just makes assumptions, and leaves important information out.

I did a quick search on YouTube to debunk your claim that it’s just people on Twitter, as you can see from Kukuxu’s reply news sites have made comment on the issue too.


However, finding Youtube videos has turned up empty. I can find plenty of YT videos blaming leftists, but I can't find any YT videos of leftists attacking Gal Gadot

After one single search in google:

The Independent: Cleopatra should be played by a black actor (I guess she meant 'actress'... I hope)

The Guardian: Gal Gadot as Cleopatra is a backwards step for Hollywood representation

CNN: Color-blind casting still doesn't get a pass

And after woketard news complaining of whitewashing, the most shocking article for the end 😂

Arab News: Twitter Poll: Shockingly, most Arab News readers in favor of Israeli actress Gal Gadot as Cleopatra


Unfortunately, the far left is an ideology based on self-serving fantasies. It wouldn't be a problem were it not the ideology promoted by international corporations who benefit from the masses behaving like infantile brats.


The twitter responses are just twitter being twitter. You can find anyone complaining about anything on twitter.

However, finding Youtube videos has turned up empty. I can find plenty of YT videos blaming leftists, but I can't find any YT videos of leftists attacking Gal Gadot.

This is purely a twitter machination.


Could be true. I'm thinking, more and more, maybe twitter should just be shut down.


The twitter responses are just twitter being twitter. You can find anyone complaining about anything on twitter

Seriously. This is definitely one of those cases where there are far more people complaining about the people supposedly complaining.

As you say, there is a swathe of YouTube commentators talking about the "SJW"/ "Woke" outrage but basically no "SJW"/Woke" YouTube commentators actually complaining about Gal Gadot's casting. Seems like the overblown & oportunistic tendencies of many "alt lite" & beyond types, always looking for an excuse to get on an anti "SJW"/Woke" soapbox for clicks.


The outraged Twitter comments on this video by Midnight's Edge are hilarious!


Actually under California law Gal Gadot could identify herself as Eygytain to place this movie.


She's Egyptian by gender praise be praise be.


Little history lesson:

Critics of the move have insisted that the role should instead go to an Arab actress. This is in spite of the fact that Cleopatra was part of the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt, which was Macedonian Greek.

A journalist at The Guardian defended the criticism by speculating that Cleopatra may have been half-Egyptian, as her maternal lineage has been subject to debate among historians, and stating that it would be "whitewashing" for a woman of "Ashkenazi Jewish heritage" to play the role. Cleopatra's full ancestry has not been definitively determined, however, and it is not known whether she was fully Greek or half Egyptian.

Ancient Egyptians were not Arabs, as Arabs did not arrive until the Arab conquest in the seventh century. The ancient Israelites, from whom modern Jews descend, shared a border with the ancient Egyptians and were often subjugated by them, which would suggest that ancient Egyptians probably have more in common with modern Jews than Arabs.

Basically it's just racists inserting what they think Cleo should be when it was already chosen. Anti-semites and anti-white.


She's a European Jew playing an inbred Ptolemy Greek royal. She's actually too attractive as even ancient coinage from the age of Cleo depicts her face and she had a decrepit face and nose (the type of face WASPs depicted Mediterranean immigrants to the USA back in the 19th/20th Century


Not true. The coinage depicts Mark Anthony's face. It was custom to make the wife look like the husband. Furthermore, a large nose and chin represented strength, therefore his image is likely symbolic rather than realistic.

The good news is that Cleo may have been beautiful after all.


There's no good news, just your wishful thinking


"Cleopatra’s profile is an exact copy of Antony’s portrait"


Both look FUGLY


There are no accurate images of her. I'll assume two major leaders (Caesar and Marc Anthony) wouldn't settle for an uggo. And her sister/half-sister was pretty according to a computer reconstruction of her skull. Her sister's image looks a lot like this:

Or if racially mixed, I see a Zendaya look:


Not true, there are more than one coin and all depots her in the same way. Hide, black supremacist.

And a bust that looks like the coins. And a painting that looks like all these.


There has been a major tug of war over claiming Cleopatra and Ancient Egypt as a whole. Some African Americans have hilariously tried steal the credit for Ancient Egypt. Sadly they're desperate for some ancient kingdom or culture to be proud off. Quite sad actually.

As for calling Gal 'White', this is sadly typical. She's a Jew (historically discriminated against 'minority') and 'person of color' when it's beneficial to them, however whenever she gets in the way of a black woman getting a big role (as that's what these people want, Cleopatra to be black) suddenly she's a poster girl for White privilege! Pfft.


Nope. Europeans claimed Ancient Egyptians were white which is nonsense. African-Americans are only correcting a lie. The majority of Ancient Egyptians were black or racially-mixed with Asiatic and Nubian people. They painted themselves with brown-skin and black features. Ancient Greek historians wrote they were black with kinky hair.

Let's face it! Most whites have a problem with believing blacks accomplished anything because of white supremacy and racism taught in schools and reinforced in media including movies like Tarzan and whitewashed Egyptian and Western films. That's why its important to read history books to learn the truth.


So people like Benny Goodman, Leslie Howard, Jack Benny, Joan Rivers, and William Shatner aren't white? Jews are Caucasian, which is white. Gadot is white. Cleopatra was of Macedonian lineage--white.


That’s the problem in USA, everyone redefines “white” as they want …

As with other terms. Racism, gender, woman, etc.


That's why it's called a social construct.


Yes, your fantasies are social constructs. Race is not. Just as how sex/gender is not a social construct but biological and you are trying to dissociate gender from sex and make it "a social construct" by redefining it.

But in essence it is not a social construct, only that ignorants that don't know biology believe so.


"That’s the problem in USA, everyone redefines “white” as they want …"

That's literally the definition of social construct. That's your quote, therefore you're arguing with yourself.


You're too dumb to understand. Yes, that's the definition of social construct. Only that it's used by ignorant fucks like you that don't care about reality.

Just like in case of gender - they call it a social construct, but it is not, only in their head/ignorant society it is.


"How a shifting definition of ‘white’ helped shape U.S. immigration policy"

AKA: social construct

Actually, the determination of "whiteness" was made by WASPs. Today, white Hispanics aren't really considered white, but brown.

You don't know U.S. history. And you're still arguing with yourself.


Idiot, I know the history of USA. And I don't give a shit about how you idiots view race.

Race exists as a reality although you ignorant fucks use the term in a different way.

You are the idiot that would argue that the shape of Earth is a social construct because some idiot fucks like you believe it to be flat or a tortoise or whatever. And history proves that since humans had different images for the shape of earth over the centuries.

NO, the shape of earth is a spheroid regardless of what you idiots believe and how you redefine it. You are just stupid fucks that don't know better.

Just as you idiots consider Earth to be flat while it is not and it's the same with the races. Capisci?

I don't give a shit if you believe Earth is flat or what you call white.


Your beliefs are irrelevant.

The historical truth and reality in the U.S. is a race-based hierarchy with whites (ethnic Anglo-Saxons) on top. They decide who is considered white. Italians, Greeks, and Irish recently became white.

White Arabs and Hispanics are still treated as nonwhites and not accepted into the club.

BTW, racism exists in your country no matter how much you deny it.

U.S. has a space program and made it to the moon unlike you.


‘ White Arabs and Hispanics are still treated as nonwhites and not accepted into the club.’

This proves how much of an imbecile you are and that in fact you agree with me … Arabs and Hispanics are white, thank you.


1. Not all Jews are white. You're naming only actors whose ancestors settled in Europe and intermarried with the local population. There are Jews who settled in Africa and Asia who are not white. And the original Jews were Asjatic.

Cleo's family lived in Egypt for about 300 years which is plenty of time to intermarry with the local black and brown Egyptian population. 3/4 of Cleo's ancestry is unknown. Her sister's tomb was found and she was biracial. Furthermore, no one knows what Cleo looked like. Finally, ancient Greeks weren't white. Their population was diverse and mixed.

According to historians, Cleo wasn't white nor black, but likely olive or brown-skinned.
