MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > If he were still liberal....

If he were still liberal....

Does anyone honestly think he'd be in the middle of being cancelled?


It’s his stance on anti vax, anti weapons complex, anti big banks, anti controlled media and anti big pharma that has taken him down.

It’s the Vanguard Group that calls the shots. The woke mob will take care of the rest.


Vanguard Group
It's their customers that enable them.


Millions of people have those views. It's where Brand gets his boilerplate diatribes.


YES , of course .

Are you suggesting this is some kind of smear campaign from the shadowy hand of the liberal illuminati , working secretly behind the scenes to take down anyone who is not a "liberal" ??

Thats just more of the usual right wing tinfoil hat conspiracy theory bullshit.


wrong. documents released yesterday showing the UK did a witch hunt on him. Tim Pool did a segment on it last night.

100% confirmed.


sooo confirmed zero link given

source :trust me bro


Buzzlightbeer clearly pointed to his source.


no no he didnt. you actually have to provide it. like a link.


when you say "liberal" what do you mean ?

What do you think he was in the past and what is he now?

I think he's said a couple of things that resonate with more extreme conservatives , like ignoring mask rules,
but that does not make him your friend . RB is a million miles from GOP party allegiance


I never knew he ever was a liberal. He was just a crap comedian or rapidly decreasing relevance. Do you know his whole act was basically "I'm a weirdo who thinks whimsical and nonsensical things"? He never made any claim or on any effort to present himself as "liberal".

He just decided that he needed a better defined market or audience to try and grift from and settled on the classic anti establishment phony persona. He claims to be non-partisan but he only endorses and dogwhistles right wing talking points because he needs to maintain a definite idea of what his audience is so he can earn from pandering to them.


His lifestyle was definitely liberal. Conservatives believe in family, god, and country.


And has his lifestyle changed?


lol of course you didnt answer


If he would be liberal than none of those delusional trumpists would defend him right now. No Musk, no Fucker Carlson, no one. They would all just ignore or laugh like they do when 98% if those cancelled hollywood men are democrat supporters. But one time its the right winger and they all are: " Oh Mah Gawd. LeAvE hIm aLonE. Man Is iNnOcEnT. YoU aRe ouT tO geT Him bEcauSe he tELs tHe TruTh!!!"

Its hilarious.


Emori doing his best Joe Biden, shitting himself on the thread.

Great post Nazi.


That alternating caps/lower case thing you people do is truly infantile. No centered adult does that.


Of course. His political views and opinions are not the problem, it is his behaviour.


Right wingers think any repercussions of their own bad behavior are "liberals out to get them"


Yep and it's annoying. People were hinting about shady stuff years ago, but now that this documentary came out, it's "they're out to get conservatives!"


While I hadn't thought of them again until recent days, I first heard rumours about Brand's behaviour around ten years ago, because I used to have some connections in the British comedy scene. Those stories were circulating in that industry.

If it's all a fake establishment stitch-up, they had great foresight to plant the seeds for it long before Covid and vaccines were even thought of. But that's the power of the Illuminati, I suppose, or whatever this bullshit is.


Exactly. People make it sound like a bunch of left-wingers got together to concoct a masterplan a decade in the making so they can take down this right-winger when he's less relevant than he was years ago.


yes, russel brand is conservative

Jesus are one dumb fuck


I never said he wasn't conservative.


but he is not and never was, a right winger, you stupid fuck


yes, russel brand is conservative Jesus are one dumb fuck

but he is not and never was, a right winger, you stupid fuck

um , so which is it? and do you know what any of these words you're writing mean?


Russell Brand is a political activist. He condemned Israel's assault on Gaza, condemned COVID lockdown, most importantly he supported Chelsea Manning, who sent classified documents to wikileaks. Manning was later jailed for contempt and fined $256,000 for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

So I think Russell Brand is more anti-establishment than anything, and both liberals and conservatives are the main components of the establishment.


Brand was never a liberal in the sense you probably mean it anyway. He's British. We have different politics here and different political language to reflect that different politics. The way Americans use the word 'liberal' doesn't fit the UK or European politics more generally. What you refer to as 'liberal' we would usually refer to as 'American-style liberalism', because it's different from our liberalism in several key regards.

Brand was a (rather confused) social democrat. Apparently, he used to attend Labour Party meetings back in the day. I think his values remain fundamentally those of a social democrat. I think he's just tapped into a lucrative populist market and doesn't really care if it's left-wing populism or right-wing populism.

And, yes, he would still be experiencing the same outcomes from his behaviour if he were still preaching the same politics as previously -- or even if he were a less confused, more credible social democrat.

The newspapers that broke the story were The Times and The Sunday Times, which are conservative newspapers. And the newspaper that has most aggressively pursued the story since it emerged is The Daily Mail.

Again, the UK is not the USA.


There's a theory going around that he went to the 'right'/conspiracy stuff and doing his utube channel bc he knew all the bad stuff hes (allegedly) done was going to eventually come out and he'd get 'cancelled' after seeing what became of others after the yewtree/savile/metoo stuff, so he could build an army of followers/fans etc and ultimately claim its an attack from the far left/woke against him . I think maybe the timeline of events probably corresponds?
