MovieChat Forums > Derek Chauvin Discussion > Chauvin innocent, as we knew. A good cop...

Chauvin innocent, as we knew. A good cop taking on drug-addled scum in the name of public safety.

There was no evidence of injury or asphyxia to career criminal, Saint George. He died because he was a low-life drug fiend. Anyone who saw the reverse camera angle already knew this.

But the "racist" Chauvin (who was married to an Asian woman) had to go to jail for "murder", because those little black angels were ready to stage possibly the most peaceful protest in US history...



You are an idiot. There is no other polite way to say it. Go pick up a book on policing because you have no clue.

Chauvin deserves to go to jail because he followed nothing regarding policing. Nothing. Police officers are trained to avoid the neck, head, and spine unless in a deadly force situation. Kneeing on a man's neck while your fucking hands are in your pocket is NOT a deadly force situation and evidence enough that Chauvin was not in fear for his life or the life of others. This is not an opinion, but a fact.

So go back to whatever fantasy land you live in and resist blathering on about shit you know nothing about.


Chauvin’s knee wasn’t on Floyd’s neck, genius. It was on his shoulder blade. Dr. Andrew Baker, the chief medical examiner, admitted this to Chauvin‘s lawyer at the trial.

If anyone is an idiot, it’s you for being such a bootlicker.


Watch the video, moron.


No? How about this video?

MN v. Derek Chauvin Trial Day 10 - Dr Andrew Baker - Medical Examiner (skip to 47:19)


You really are a moron. Not only do I suggest you watch the video of the incident, but I provided a link that clearly show his knee on the neck.

So, either you are just a worthless troll, faking your stupidity, or just purely stupid.

Now, go away......


Yes, I'm a moron because I pointed to what the chief medical examiner actually said at the trial. You are a total genius because you shut off your brain and you call anyone a moron who subscribes to facts instead of a chosen media narrative. Funny how that works.


Watch the video.....bye, bye, putting your lying ass on ignore.


Translation: I am a moron and I have lost because I have no brain or common sense.


Or better yet, genius, do a 1 second Google search and one of the first images is of him and guess what? A knee on the neck. Now, STFU about shit you know nothing about.


Wait, here is the link to a photo......but I doubt it will do you any good, bootlicker....though you might have to join the link....

You are obviously a MAGA nut, so evidence probably is meaningless to your miniscule brain.


How about you check out Candace Owens's Greatest Lie Ever Sold video before you keep embarrassing yourself and slandering an innocent man?

And by the way, I don't give two shits about Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree. How about you Shut The Fuck Up about shit you know nothing about?


Man, you must be a loon if you point to a lunatic like Candace Owen.

Now, go away little man, and bother someone else because it is clear you are a deadbeat troll that like the Trumpies, ignores evidence and evidently what one's lying eyes show them.


No dude, I ain't going anywhere. Deal with it.

It's not my fault your head is so far up your ass that you are either so dense or so afraid of evidence that shows you wrong.


Going on ignore, dipshit.


Oh, that makes me so sad...


That one is extremely sensitive, it threatened me with the ignore button after one reply from me, lol.


After being so nasty with the OP, I thought it deserved a taste of its own medicine so I was nasty right back. It can't deal with its own medicine.


But even if the knee was on the neck it still didn't contribute at all to his death. So what the fck is the point of talking about the knee on the neck at all? There was no bruising or constriction of airflow "cant do from the back of the neck anyway" so it really doesn't matter in the context. You should just state your real argument which is why were the police preventing a black man from stealing, doing drugs and driving a vehicle while fcked up.


Right....right...anything you say doctor.....

I suggest you pick up a book on policing, as well as forensic pathology and contributing factors when it comes to death and dying and the process of death and dying, and how those contributing factors lead to criminal culpability.

Because you, like others spouting off about this asshole, know little of what you profess to think is true.

Next you'll be quoting Candace Owens or Tucker Carlson......


Chauvin has been previously in trouble in 2017 of using unnecessary force (several years before Floyd) and plead guilty to a violation of civil rights of a 14-year old who also received his knee to the neck.

Despite this, he remained on the force, and willingly used the same tactic against Floyd when the time came. He learned nothing.

He was not tried and convicted on 1st degree murder, so I don’t know why you seem to be arguing that it wasn’t a lynching based on race. He seemed to be a sadist, and his enthusiasm for such cost him dearly.

This high profile case has had a tremendously good affect on the quality of law enforcement, which has been discernible in the intervening years. Anyone who genuinely believes in small government, and is consistent in applying that belief across the board, should be happy for this judgment.

I agree that George Floyd is not the best example of a martyr, since in my eyes he was not a good person, but Chauvin and other cops cannot be allowed to continue on their quest of being judge, jury and executioner. He was handcuffed. Well before the nine-minute mark, Floyd should have been helped to his feet or transferred to the back of a police cruiser.


Lieutenant Kim Voss, Commander of Minneapolis' 3rd Precinct, says you're wrong.


People here are such idiots. Matt Walsh sets it straight:


Chauvin murdered Floyd and it was recorded on video for all to see.

Chauvin is going to prison for the most of the rest of his life for murdering Floyd. All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin?


Because he's a Chauvinist . . .badabum tishhh


good summary ,
Its amazing that the racist bigots cant see that the black thug was murdered when the whole thing is on video for all to see.

They dont understand that "its ok if the victim is a criminal" is not a defence.

come to think about it these chauvin defenders attitudes are chillingly reminiscent of guys in pointy hats stringing black people up from trees without any sort of trial for such offences as "looking at the white wimmin"


Asshole face is guilty. Suck it up...


So Chauvin stayed on top of Floyd for two minutes after they could not find a pulse? Was there any reason to do that other than ensuring he was dead? All they had to do was take Floyd in, but instead they pulled him out of their vehicle and knelt on him until he was dead. The stupid shall be punished.

Oh, you listened to Carlson? No wonder you're so confused.


Confused? It looks like you didn't watch the bodycam footage, you dense, disingenous bootlicker.


So then Chauvin should not be charged with anything then?


Ranb is a well known liar, denialist, and clown.🤡


At least he doesn't claim over and over that the 2020 election was stolen because he's not stupid like you.


Oh I know. I’ve had quite a few run-ins with him. He’s also a gaslighter, though his tactics have never worked on me.


I'm not a gaslighter, but it seems that you are desperate to reveal that my posts make you question your rationality and/or existence. Let me know how that goes for you in the future.


No, I’m just pointing out what you do. You act like you don’t know what you’re doing when you know exactly what you’re doing.


I question the claims that people make here and ask them to support their claims with evidence. That is always the right thing to do.

Playing the victim card, like you're doing, never is.


What victim? I’ve never said your tactics have ever worked on me, just that it’s what you do to people.

All I’ve ever seen you do is accuse people of what you do yourself. Just like when you said you were not a liberal back in the Little Mermaid even though you were talking exactly like a liberal.


Nope. Your posts cry out victim. You are desperate to be seen this way since your arguments lack any substance at all.

What does "talk like a liberal" mean anyway? I promote civil rights and condemn gun grabbers like Trump, Biden and Bush. Is that was passes for liberal these days?

You probably define talking like a liberal as "not agreeing with StrongRex". That would be weak AF. :)


Once again, you spout out nonsense and call the kettle black. You can use others of what you do yourself. You’re just giving yourself more rope to hang yourself with, but by all means keep embarrassing yourself. You’re a fucking joke.


So, you have no idea what "talk like a liberal means". It is just something you say in an ineffectual effort to insult someone.

I do not feel embarrassed by my posts at all. It seems that swearing and crying about how unfair I'm being to you is the top of your game. Good luck with that.


No one here is embarrassed by your posts.

Everyone knows that you are a lying clown and an imbecile.


I did watch the camera footage, it shows them taking Floyd of of their vehicle to slowly kill him. What did you watch?


That is not with the footage shows. You are a liar.


This footage shows Floyd in the back seat of the police vehicle before he was pulled back out and put on the ground so Chauvin could kneel on him.

Instead of calling me a liar, post a link to some footage that proves you are right.


George Floyd flopped around and refused to let the officers put them in the vehicle. He was saying he couldn’t breathe long before he was on the ground. He begged the officers to put them on the ground. Chauvin placed his knee on his shoulder blade to restrain him.

Watch Greatest Lie Ever Sold. That’s where the photo is.


You left out the part where Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's back for two minutes after they could not find a pulse.

The police got him into their vehicle, then pulled him out. I supplied video footage of this. Do you think that video is a hoax?


Yes, I am saying that the way it is being portrayed as a hoax. The video got it from the wrong angle. Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyd’s neck.


No. The video I linked to does not show Floyd on the ground with Chauvin over him. It shows him (at the end of the video) being placed into the police vehicle.

It seems that you do not care what the video shows, you just want to claim it shows something that supports your version of events.


Hey dumbass, the procedure used by the LEO has been used by others without resulting in their deaths.

Your saint died from an OD accumulated from years of long-term health issues. Your clowning and lies will not change any of that.


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin?


Yes, everyone knows that. But victims of police shootings sometimes survive also.

If Floyd's death was the result of long term health issues, then why didn't the defense present it that way in their defense?

The Chavin defense team medical witness, Dr David Fowler, claimed said the combination of cardiac disease, methamphetamine use and carbon monoxide killed Floyd. He also claimed that Chauvin did have his knee on Floyd’s neck and that Floyd should have received medical care at the scene when he went into cardiac arrest. He did not claim that kneeling on Floyd for another two minutes was beneficial.

Fowler also went on to claim that carbon monoxide might have helped kill Floyd. But he had no idea what kind of emissions came from the hybrid police vehicle or if the engine was even running.

I suspect that Fowler had lots of experience telling the courts in apartheid South Africa that the police had nothing to do with the death of a person they arrested after the corpse was brought to the prison.

It seems you were watching and reading about a different trial then the rest of the country.


As I have stated several times to other denialists and clowns; you are citing from an old case where it has now been revealed and confirmed via court documents and autopsy report that they lied and hid the truth.

Anymore gaslighting and clowning?🤡


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin?


Really? Prove it then. Show me the court documents and autopsy report. Otherwise this is just more crap you're making up and have no reason to believe is true.

The article I linked to was about testimony in court, by the defense. Are you claiming that the defense introduced more documents and claimed they wanted a "do over"?


All you are doing is further demonstrating your own willful ignorance and your determination to stick to the leftist narrative.


So you have nothing. Why even post?


Now that's a good question we all should ask ourselves every now and then. ☺


It's not "my version" of events. You just won't acknowledge something that is not YOUR chosen narrative.


Unless you can provide a reliable source, then it really is just your version of events.


I already did, you stupid fuck. SEVERAL reliable sources.


BS. Link to them then.


Watch the docu.


I watched that one. It was dirt.

A title card says "Here's what politicians and the media didn't want you to see..." Bold words about a person whose arrests are a matter of public record and pasted all over the media for us to see.

This video starts out with the assumption that the producers think the people watching it (you and me) are stupid.

It also seams to have left out the part where Chauvin continued to kneel on Floyd for two minutes after his pulse could not be found.
Is this is a documentary, then no one should be going out of their way to make Chauvin look like a saint.

It goes on to say that 11 ng/mL of Fentanyl is a fatal level under normal circumstances. They cherry pick this statement and fail to say that chronic abusers can build up a tolerance for the drug.

Dr. Tom Haney says he was told the autopsy report was changed after review by other examiners, but no other details. This is a worthless claim.

Why is FBI involvement a red flag for Dr. Haney? He does not say.

If officer Lane had actually wanted to try to save Floyd, he would have pulled Chauvin off of Floyd after they could not find a pulse instead of letting him stay on top. His actions in the ambulance were too little, too late.

Why is Chauvin's mother the one they go to when telling us about MRT policy and how it is performed? She holds of a page that shows a figure of a man kneeling on a person on the ground, but no context is presented. Is this an example of an allowed or disallowed technique? How is is that Chauvin's defense team was unaware of this "valuable evidence" that could have set him free?


Too bad Chauvin decided to talk to the media after the trial instead of explaining himself on the stand. He reaps what he sows.

None of the people who claim the MSP lied about MRT actually showed any evidence that the MSP witnesses lied or that they are telling the truth to the reporter.

Bill Mohrman claims that the police training manual shows an identical technique as used by Chauvin when he kelt on Floyd's neck. Since they had access to these manuals at trial, or should have, why aren't we seeing them in this video like when Chauvin's mother held them up and displayed a drawing that lacked context.

It is claimed that Chauvin did not do anything intentionally to kill Floyd, but again, as far as I can tell, they neglect to say that Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd for two minutes after a pulse could not be found.


Apparently we watched 2 different docus.


Nope, that was the one I watched. Why do you think the documents were shown without context? Would it have destroyed their arguments?

Why do you think Chauvin explained his actions to the press, but not the jury?


A title card says "Here's what politicians and the media didn't want you to see..."

So this documentary is full of conspiracy theories? Figures.


Usually this phrase means they know their claims are BS


Autopsy - Floyd did not die from having a knee on his neck.


It does say,


It does not say he died from a drug overdose. The subdual and restraint was handcuffs and an officer kneeling on him.

So, you did not actually read the report, did you? Someone just told you it said "something you agreed with" and you just went with it?


VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing
performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at
9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine)
A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin?


What does all of that mean to you? No one on the defense team claimed that this report says Floyd died from anything other than cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression. Except perhaps for their ill prepared Dr. Fowler who claimed CO poisoning without even knowing if the police vehicle was running.

Lots of internet lawyers/doctors like to point out the high fentanyl in the blood, but this is not always lethal, especially to an addict who has been taking it for a while. The defense knows this too.

So what do you say Dr. Rex? If you're so confident, then why did you not rush to MN and offer to testify for the defense using your google degree?


Willful ignorance ignoring the facts.


Your willful ignorance does not improve your standing on the forum.


III. No life-threatening injuries identified
A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae
B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal
C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries
D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other
than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column
injuries, or visceral injuries
E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and
lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks
negative for occult trauma


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin?


So? What about the "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression" they claim (from your link) killed Floyd? You're cherry picking the evidence that you provide to this forum. That is never good.


Willful ignorance ignoring the facts.


You only stopped at the headline.


Not at all. You quote data without providing any sort of interpretation. What good is that doing your case?


What good is it doing for you if you only want the last word?


II. Natural diseases
A. Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe
B. Hypertensive heart disease
1. Cardiomegaly (540 g) with mild biventricular
2. Clinical history of hypertension
C. Left pelvic tumor (incidental, see microscopic description)


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin?


Duh. Floyd was living with all of that until someone decided to kneel on his back until they could not find a pulse, then stayed on his back for another two minutes.

How well can you endure a knee to the back for two minutes after your pulse cannot be found, tough guy? Probably not so well. Why did you expect Floyd to tough it out then?


Fentanyl overdose caused his death. He asked to be put on the ground.

Willful ignorance ignoring the facts.


You say that, the medical examiner does not.


Floyd was well over the fatality threshold.

From line one of Floyd's Toxicology report:

1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL

“Blood concentrations of approximately 7 ng/ml or greater have been associated with fatalities where poly-substance use was involved.”,poly%2Dsubstance%20use%20was%20involved

According to the deposition of a former Hennepin County prosecutor, the county’s medical examiner told her in a phone call that there "were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation."


And by the way, I will call you a liar as many times as I want. Because that is what you are. Liar.


Oh, make me yawn some more.


Yawn all you want. Doesn't make it less true or make you less of a scumbag.




Chauvin is textbook definition of a cop being a 🐖 🐷


Well, Chauvin was certainly reckless in what he did. I would say Involuntary Manslaughter. He should have just left Floyd in the back seat and let him freak out if he wanted to. Call an ambulance and have them monitor his situation since he was probably high on a lot of stuff. These days, you know that there are cameras on you from all angles, and Chauvin simply didn't care.


Even better is the other 3 Officers standing by not doing anything to assist Chauvin with getting this large man to cooperate and had they actually assisted him properly, we probably wouldn't be seeing what we are today??


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin? Floyd was a piece of shit but it wasn't up to Chauvin to execute him in the street.


And once again, the amount of Fentanyl in his system at the time doesn't play a part, right??


That doesn't matter. All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life. Why are you making excuses for Chauvin? Floyd was a piece of shit but it wasn't up to Chauvin to execute him in the street. Are you really so stupid that you can't see this?


All Chauvin had to do was call for back up from the other 3 Officers standing 20 feet away talking and doing 0 to help the situation, but the amount of Fentanyl in this man was staggering


I'm not going to argue with you on this because it's a waste of time for both of us. Chauvin was wrong and that's why he will live in a cement and steal cage with another man for next 20 years or so. All that because Chauvin didn't follow proper police procedure.

Fuck Floyd. He was a piece of shit. But it wasn't up to Chauvin to execute him.

Get your last word in because I know it's important for you.


Hey, I agree with you.. He'll never leave Prison


It's interesting that the police suddenly started treating black Americans with more tender lovin' care as soon as Biden occupied the White House. Well, at least there was no more BLM rioting, so one might infer that police abuse of black America has dwindled to the mean level of abuse they dish out to everyone else. In fact, BLM seems to have completely dropped off the face of the earth after Trump was removed, almost as if the racial component of Floyd's death was exaggerated for political purposes.


Well no, by then BLM representatives all had their luxury houses so there was no reason anymore for anyone of them to instrumentalize people's suffering for their own personal pecuniary benefit.


There's always some grifting charlatan to replace previous grifter leadership, so it's not a matter of BLM leaders retiring to their mansions in white/asian neighborhoods. Someone else would have slipped in to extort money from those who have it, but that requires political and media capital to work. BLM lost their influence as soon as Biden wandered into the presidency. Suddenly the image of street riots in a deeply divided America was no longer advantageous to the Democratic Party.


Maybe, but once the first wave of grifters has been exposed, it's difficult to pull the same scam again. And I'm not sure they're that inventive. "BLM are currently unavailable for comments, as they are busy hating on the Jews right now."


It's almost as if having a POTUS who doesn't constantly advocate for violence is a factor...🤷‍♂️


Trump advocated BLM and Antifa torching cars, burning buildings, and murdering people? When?
