MovieChat Forums > TruMovieFan

TruMovieFan (1965)


What is so hilarious about the Woke crybabies is.....(SPOILER!!!) Just saw this....curious of so little attention.... Again, ignore the naysayers and especially the woke crybabies....GOOD Show... I want to applaud you folks for.... Current info on Clint Eastwood, with even current video... If one is honest, he is right about Trump and religion.... My thoughts when hearing younger generations whine about current quality in programs/movies... One doesn't notice the aging until.... Hoosier's story..... This guy has the luck of ten rabbit feet..... View all posts >


Who was instrumental and took the initiative to push the decision to drop the bombs to encourage and frighten people enough to purchase the expensive vaults and to move into them when the peace talks were working? But I guess I wasn't watching the show and was dreaming that a major plot point was how the Walton Goggins character slowly realized the true nature of his wife. And I guess I imagined the part where he put a listening device in his ear and overheard his wife push an idea that everyone else was avoiding. So my question to you is, do you always spout off with insulting and condescending posts before writing checks your keyboard can't cash and did YOU even watch the series? Your reply was funny...thank s for the chuckle of the day. Shit, just how many Trolls will keep on emerging..... I keep forgetting when it comes to anything related to the Trump cult, any sort of interaction at all is worthless and toxic. These people simply are not based in reality anymore. Trumpers never can be expected to discuss anything logically, factually or reasonably because they are too far gone. My mistake. Won't happen again because Trump Cultists are worthless to engage in any way whatsoever. I mean, when it comes to those who are genuine in their spirituality, Ritchson, who wears his faith on his sleeve, is 100 percent correct and this is factual whether left or right and it's clear, Ritchson is NOT a liberal. To these disconnected people, Liz Cheney is now a "liberal" to them. So it is even pointless to even acknowledge these sorts and that is what I will do from now on at MC. Like the other troll - try staying on topic and bye bye, another ignore. Start your own thread you vapid troll. It is that easy . Now, FO because you are going on ignore. Oh, I loved my Thursday TV - like you, first it was Simon and Simon, then Magnum P.I., then the cream of the crop, Hill Street Blues. One thing I found interesting was how in both S&S and M.P.I. was how during one point both started airing decent drama filled episodes. It was like they got new writers that emphasized quality over babes, shootouts and car chases. Ps....and I'm a fan of Perry King, too. Loved his dark somber portrayal of a damaged cop in The Choirboys. Isn't it, though? Heck, I just hope I can make it to 90, let alone 94, and still be working. Instead, they should have focused on this man's love of movie-making and all his other endeavors and the ability to be productive at 93. Why can't you Trump-loving cultists ever stay on message and deal with the topic at hand instead of playing the ten-year-old child's game of "whataboutism" and ps, dipshit....that story has been debunked so away you ignorant troll. But in the meantime, why don't you try and tell just ONE thing morally uplifting regarding Trump - you know what? You can't and you can't debate the validity of Ritchson's comments because he is correct. Which leads me to my next question - where are all the sincere, genuine, and authentic Christians when it comes to Trump's behavior? Maybe I didn't make my main point clear, but I'm not trying to create a generational pissing match, but instead, trying to focus on the point that there is a TON of high-quality entertainment out there that is so readily available today and that it simply did not exist back decades ago. People growing up today have no clue how lucky they are to be starting their viewing during this time in the world and especially in relative terms. It is like there is a missing frame of reference. On top of that, I think the next benchmark will be people will no longer be able to tell visual entertainment media from the created when compared to the actual. In some ways, I think we are already there, but the next step will be an incorporation of all senses when it comes to entertainment. It's like grocery shopping nowadays - you can go into a grocery store and find countless brands of cola soda or cereal, but when I was a kid, so many choices didn't exist. I was a huge comic fan of the '60s, '70s, and some into the 80s and was so excited when Spider-man appeared on PBS's Electric Company and then had its own show. The same with the Hulk and the Captain America TV movies and to be honest, in ways, even at the time when aired, they were horrible, but relative to the time, they were amazing. We had not yet seen any sort of that stuff other than the campy Batman series (I loved that, too). Lastly, I think if programming of today was compared to programming of the 70s - including film and TV - that the percentage of hokey, pure horrible stuff would be much greater than what is put out today. View all replies >