MovieChat Forums > Rumer Willis Discussion > Did anybody ask for this?

Did anybody ask for this?

🤮 I won’t watch anything she’s in. Will you?


Is she in anything? She really takes it on the chin for her looks..


She was in Sorority Row, which I decided to watch for the hot hardbodies in the cast, but Rumer sucked all the hot out of every scene where she intruded.

And nobody asked for Will Smith’s son, nor for Armie Hammer. “Armie”? Is he 8 years old?


^^ lol, strntz.


I might.


Rude. She is a phenomenal vocalist. She showed the bullies.


It’s a lot easier to “show the bullies” when you have influential multimillionaires for parents.


Nope, kids of celebrities just bore me. The Willis kids even more so.


Not intentionally.


You can pretty much put money on any celebrity spawn being completely worthless. The only thing that truly sucks about these ugly turds is their existence eliminated the possibility of some real unknown an possibly decent actor or actress getting a break... Instead you get these fugly untalented fucks taking up space.

Maybe in the future to insure these no longer happens anyone that becomes an actor or actress should be sterilized so there is no possibility of their scrotum leakage rearing its fugly head.


I don't know that I've ever seen Rumer Willis in anything, but I was impressed with Scott Eastwood's performance in Wrath of Man. Keifer Sutherland obviously has demonstrated a high degree of talent. Kurt Russell is also the child of an acting couple, as was Robert Downey Jr. And hey, I also liked Bridget Fonda while she was still around!

Let's be real, there are a LOT of great actors who came from parents who were already in the business.


Scott Eastwood surprised me in that one. I think he has potential. I don't think he could ever do what his old man did, spend a decades-long career playing the quintessential bad, good guy but there is potential.

Most Hollywood kids don't have any potential at all. They grow up the children of new money, getting attention they did not earn and those are usually doomed as human beings.


I knew I had seen Scott Eastwood before, but he had failed to make any impression on me. I guess he made so little impression that when I saw him in Wrath of Man I didn't even realize it was him. Then I was looking at the cast list and said, "Holy shit, that's Scott Eastwood!" He did a good job in that film and had some screen presence. It will be interesting to see how his career continues to develop.


He was actually very good in "The Longest Ride" and "The Outpost".


I might have to check those out.


I'd love to see Scott take up the mantle from Hugh Jackman as the next Wolverine. He'd be great for the role IMO.


He needs to work on deepening his voice like his dad... working on the whole wispy growl thing.

His dad normally sounds like a complete nerd with his normal voice and I had no idea Clint put on an inflection to sound "tough".

But yeah, he definitely has the look for Wolverine.


Never paid much attention to his voice and I'm sure he can work on it to sound the part. I got major HJ/Wolverine vibes when I saw him smoking cigars and looking angry in Pacific Rim 2.


Exactly that, PrimeMinisterx. Some good. Some not so much. I wasn't a fan of Scott until Wrath of Man. I hope to see more range like this from him. Put him is a spaghetti western homage by Mathew Vaughn.

I'm not impressed with Rumor but I do think she is pretty and gets too much guff over her chin. Chin looks fine to me. She is cute ... and 10/10 body to boot. Also a very nice person. I just don't need to see her in any entertainment I digest (outside of talent show shit like Dancing with the Stars).

At least there isn't a huge push for her by the execs (like we see in the Smith kid and Zendaya).


Here are just a few actors who came from successful show business parents and then were successful in their own careers. There are probably plenty of others I just can't think of now.

Tyrone Power, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Michael Douglas, Broderick Crawford, James MacArthur, Larry Hagman, Kate Hudson, Josh Brolin, Jane Fonda, Peter Fonda, Drew Barrymore, John Huston, Angelica Huston, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Esteves, Jeff Bridges, Beau Bridges, Rashida Jones, June Lockhart, Melanie Griffith, Laurence Fox, Hayley Mills, Mia Farrow, Lynn Redgrave, Vanessa Redgrave, Kiefer Sutherland, Isabella Rossellini, Ron Howard, Tatum O'Neal, Carrie Fisher, Timothy Hutton, Laura Dern, Colin Hanks, Mira Sorvino, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Carradine, Keith Carradine, Robert Carradine, Nastassya Kinski, Marlo Thomas, Amber Tamblyn, Juliette Lewis, Geraldine Chaplin, John Ritter, Phil Morris, Rob Reiner, Ed Begley Jr., Chris Pine, Gary Crosby, Jason Robards Jr., Jason Schwartzman, Sean Astin, Campbell Scott, Ben Stiller, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ricky Nelson, Chris Lemmon, Adam Arkin, Emma Thompson, Tim Daly, Tyne Daly, Liv Tyler, Liza Minelli, Stephani Zimbalist, Matthew Broderick, Brian Keith, Alan Alda, Chris Elliott, Jason Patric, Amy Irving, Anthony Perkins, Robert Walker Jr., Candice Bergen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kurt Russell


Alexander Skarsgard isn't a terrible actor


Yeah, he's all right too. I don't have a problem with Alex.


I don't think that's 100% true but it is most the time.


I have seen one of her movies. She was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, playing a very masculine, ugly version of the IRL attractive 60s actress, Joanna Pettet.


Looks like she took Willis's face more than Demi's. Egads! Image search Demi Moore young and you will see the complete difference.


Well Demi had plastic surgery to fix her flat chest, maybe Rumer can have some work to fix her fugly face, at the very least remove at least 50% of her chin and massive jowls.


What a horrible and nasty post. She is lovely. She looks quite different with the longer hairstyle and sadly has had some work done:*C2uWP9i4abhh6D-IwHSmzw.jpeg


No an honest post. She is fugly and the best she could do is put a bag on her head.
