MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How has Putin invading Ukraine given peo...

How has Putin invading Ukraine given people MORE TDS?

Libs are using this invasion as an excuse to cry about Donald more. It boggles the mind.


Because Hillary is telling them to. She’s actually blaming “the right”. Another insane Democrat pants shitter. And her lemming supporters will believe anything she tells them.

Imagine a Democrat party that had real leadership that wasn’t senile diaper shitters and bartenders with 3rd grade intelligence. How about something in the middle communists.


Hilary talks like a true democrat. They never take responsibility for their actions….


they blame everyone else...


I don’t give two F#*%$ about what Hillary says. She’s doesn’t move the needle anymore.


people with TDS dont need an excuse to have more TDS.


When Biden told the American people they would have to suffer MORE because of Ukraine, I'm sure many who might not even be political are thinking, "I think I prefer America first. Why send billions to them when many Americans are suffering".. Someone said, "We need to support their desperate soldiers", and I thought of how most of the homeless in the US are veterans, and we have between 1-3 million homeless, as well as substance abuse, and to be specific (I just saw this stat) how one drug (fentanyl) is the #1 killer of adults under 40.. And back to the veterans - more die from suicide than combat, which tells me war IS terror.

I'm not a Republican, never voted for one, but if someone like me said, "Well, Trump didn't start any new wars", they'll go nuts and excuse every war Biden supported, and they'll excuse his racist Crime Bill, and other bad pieces of legislation that he either sponsored, or pushed on the Senate floor. But, I also know many are too lazy to look this up, despite it taking minutes (unlike the past).. Hell, one can go on and see the videos for themselves, but they won't.

We don't have enough interested in truth, and are only interesting in cheerleading.


Will you be intelligent enough to not vote for a Dem this time, or has the rationality that modern Dems are socialists, who destroy the economy not yet dawned on you?


Define Socialist, as I think (know) you've got things mixed up. I don't vote Democrat anymore because they have moved to the right my entire life, year by year.


Well, if that's what you believe there's no point in further discussion.


"I don't vote Democrat anymore because they have moved to the right my entire life, year by year."

Seriously? How are you coming to that conclusion?

The Democrat Party has moved so far to the Left, the Communist Party USA no longer puts up a candidate for U.S. President. They just tell their fellow commies to vote for the Democrat.

And you think they've moved to the right?


I came to the conclusion by paying attention to actions, especially voting records, not empty words.


Can you give some examples of laws or policies Democrats have enacted that highlight this move to the right?

Seems to me that everything they do is with the intention of getting the government involved with every aspect of people’s lives. That sounds like a Leftist’s wet dream to me.


Sure. I think the last "liberal" legislation was from 1966 (Medicaid). I'll even go specific and mention Biden. I could probably mention a hundred things, but it's early, and I gotta get going, but I'll type all I can before I run out of characters. In many ways, Trump is more liberal than Biden. Trump didn't start a war, first President not to do so since Carter. Trump used tariffs, which the conservatives have always hated, because of "protectionism" and not allowing "the invisible hand" and markets to solve everything. I would watch video of Trump and Bernie side by side when it came to "fair trade", and it was the same thing. Criminal Justice reform, prison reform, First Step, HBCU funding (10 yrs, as opposed to annual begging), opportunity zones, urban renewal, drug transparency (preferred nation clause), walking over to North Korea - symbolic, but still important to have peaceful relations.

Supported every single war
Bail-outs for Big Business
Crime bill
Welfare reform
NAFTA free-trade
Repeal of Glass-Steagull
Pushing the "Patriot" Act, after Biden sponsored the counter-terrorism bill, pre-cursor to this
Defense of Marriage Act
1997 tax cut law
Telecommunications deregulation (1960 - 1,000 media companies.. Today, 5-6 companies own 90% of media)
Financial deregulation (three times)
Privatization of Sallie Mae
[Attempted] privatization of Social Security
Strong commitment to reducing deficits
Increased border enforcement during his tenure
Completely abandoning the working-class
Biden has applied for more drilling permits on public lands, than Trump did in all 4 yrs.
Biden has been great for the stock market.. Wall St., not Main Street

Even the tiny things promised recently (things developed countries might take for granted) were shelved in the first minute of negotiations:

-$15/hr min. wage
-2-yrs free Public University or Community College
-End of the Yemeni Genocide
-The rich will never pay their fair share, and Biden won't do jack about it
-College debt relief --- for example, someone like me who got off their ass, worked throughout high school, and moved out at 19 while going to college, the federal law (through FAFSA) insisted on my parent's taxes until I was 26, despite not having anything to do with them financially. I had my own place, my own job, my own, etc., but the interest alone ($20,000) is thanks to these sil


Thanks. Just a few comments on some of these:

Pushing the "Patriot" Act - Government controlling its citizens through surveillance is more left-wing than right.

DOMA - The Democrat party as moved left on this issue since that bill was enacted.

Strong commitment to reducing deficits - I find this curious. Are lefties really against lowering deficits? So they're for higher taxes just so that money can be spent? Doesn't seem like any critical thinking is involved with that.

Completely abandoning the working-class - Yes and no. Completely abandoning the current American working class, while importing a new one.

Increased border enforcement during his tenure - Whose Tenure? Biden's? If so, this has to be a joke. Biden has not only allowed 2 million illegal immigrants to flood into our country over the past year, he's bussed them to destinations around the country. (Not his neighborhoods, of course.)

Biden has applied for more drilling permits on public lands, than Trump did in all 4 yrs. - First of all, the government doesn't apply for drilling permits. They just approve permits. And no, they didn't approve more in one year than Trump did in 4. The only outpaced Trump's first year. According to what I read, the only reason that number was so high was because there were so many permits applied for because of the anticipation in the change of administration. They were in the pipeline, and there are legal issues involved for denying them. There's no indication Biden's going to continue at that pace.

Biden has been great for the stock market. - Markets are up all over the world, recovering from the pandemic. What has Biden done to help the stock market?

I have to say, some of these items surprised me. So let me get this straight, as an American, your political views lead you to want high deficits, high taxes, an open border, and a crappy stock market?


Regarding "The Patriot Act", it was a conservative Republican George W. Bush, and the GOP supported this more in proportion than Democrats. I think Barbara Lee (D-California) was the only one against the authorization in Iraq and Afghanistan.

There's a lot of misinterpretation of terms because when one leader adopts a certain policy, the opposite party will do the opposite. I can give MANY examples of a Democrat doing Republican things, and vice-versa. My point is that people get too bogged down with the terms liberal/conservative (also getting the liberal and adjective mixed up, if they can even define it in the first place) instead of whatever is politically expedient. The UK didn't nationalize coal mines in the 1860s because they opted for bondage; it was economic survival. But, it is used to rally people, just like fear.

DOMA is another example of the Democrats fooling everyone. It was the Conservative SC that enabled gay marriage, thanks to the dissenting conservative. However, two minutes later, you saw rainbow colors over the White House. Days before, Obama, Clinton, Biden kept repeating the "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman". So after the court's decision, of course they're going to collect the rewards, and I bet if you asked the average person, you'd think they made it so. Again, when politicians post rainbow colors on Twitter, it's an easy way to gain some voters without doing a damn thing. The GOP has also got more liberal on this issue for the same reasons.

Regarding deficits, I'll echo Dick Cheney -- "Deficits don't matter"... I'm not a Democrat, but their point would be that if we have to accumulate some debt for the greater good, so be it, we'll worry about it later. I'm going to guess every new President adds more than the preceding President, so neither party is fiscal.

Nixon made his political career from being anti-Communist.. He said, "The last thing I'd ever do is recognize Red China" -- it was!


Do you live in Kentucky?








Obama administration's 41F eased restrictions on the making and transfer of NFA firearms like machine guns, silencers, shot barreled shotguns/rifles, destructive devices and AOW's. Elimination of the CLEO signature on the applications was one of the most significant actions for easing restrictions on gun possession since the sunset of the AWB in 2004.


Can't take anything you say seriously anymore. You proved yourself an idiot by claiming Biden lied about vaccine mandates.

You're a moron.


Why do you think Biden was telling the truth?

What does this have to do Obama being more pro-gun than Trump?


biden was lying, biden always lies. he has dementia and has no idea whats going on.


people with TDS dont need an excuse to have more TDS.


Haha! That's a good one.


I'd be more than happy to buy you a paperback dictionary.


TDS is out of control.




It's not like leftists are rational. They'll be blaming shit on Trump decades from now.


I'm more conservative than Trump; I will be blaming him for his gun grab until I die.


Nuh uh!!! It's Bush's fault!!


Impeach Joe!


Liberals NEVER take the blame for their bad ideas.

Biden could fuck up completely and cause World War III, and as the nukes are falling they'd be trying to figure out some way to blame Trump for it.

A year ago that would have been a joke. Now it's much too close to reality.


This has been the Democrat media/party playbook for half a century. They accused Reagan of wanting WW3 for the entire 80s. And the lack of an AIDS cure was his fault. And homeless people were his fault.

This is what Democrats do. They’re worthless.


Why should it? The Biden Crime Family is up to their eyeballs with their connections to Russia. Fuck liberals and their "TDS"! If anything, they SHOULD BE upset with Plugs Brandon!


Imagine if you will what the left would be doing right now if Putin made this move with Trump in the Whitehouse. Samantha Bee, that dude Rachel at CNN, that racist Lemonhead, etc. would be screaming that Putin did this with Trump's approval.

Honestly, if this was going to happen with either Joe or Don in the office, I'm actually glad it wasn't Trump.

Midterms will be the first step, and 2024 will restore sanity to the WH.


Any seasoned psychologist would tell you the answer is simple: They're in love with him.


he won't stop talking about it, whether its taking responsibility for NATO or how smart Putin is. sorry we are calling out an idiot who cant resist saying dumb untrue shit in the media.


It's going to get to the point where you will cut individual words from separate press conferences to string together for a message that you can get offended at lol.

Context is clearly not important to you.


sorry we are calling out an idiot who cant resist saying dumb untrue shit in the media.

Yes. Biden and you.


lol 🤣
