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Right wing media is killing him

I havent been paying attention much with this trial but my college professor has been following this case very closely. He told me right wing media is killing him all because the victim is black and because of this, there is a good chance he gets convicted


Exactly! Face it, white supremacists just haven't been doing their jobs. Instead of rioting, looting, and attacking black people like they're supposed to, they're sitting home watching football and drinking beer. If they kept up their part of the bargain, poor Jussie wouldn't have been forced to do their jobs for them.


There is no victim.

Well, he lied about white people in general, you could say that white people are the victim.

College Professor. LOL.


He lied. End of story.


What victim? HIs intent was to frame MAGA supporters for a crime they did not commit. I'M the victim here. And fyi, I'm not black. Not even a little.


But he testified under oath that he did not fake this heinous attack. Don't believe everything you hear on fox news


Mmm, are you trying to be funny? He faked it. He did it to smear people like me. The left bought it hook line and sinker and we should really make a point of pointing out who was stupid enough to fall for such a weak ass hoax and ridicule them for the rest of their lives as being fucking morons.


It was also to support Kamala Harris' decades too late anti-lynching bill. There are photographs of the two together even.


Don't believe everything you hear on CNN. They still insist the Antifa/BLM protests, which caused billions in damages and over two dozen deaths, were "mostly peaceful."


And his own friends - the States' star witnesses - testified the whole thing was staged to help Smolletts career. You said yourself you haven't been following the case, so I'd suggest you go back and do some research. Its painfully obvious Smollett orchestrated the whole thing for media attention and it backfired on him.


it's just a plot hole


It's not because he is black, it's because he was black and LIED about the whole ordeal to paint white people as the boogie man so of course they have every right to crush him.


He’s trolling, milsey is actually a conservative. He’s not doing a very good job of it however.


Actually I think Millsey is just a little kid trying to seem relevant.


By "college professor" you mean CNN. Stop watching Fake News, moron!


He admitted to me that he’s a Trump supporter who is trolling in an attempt to make liberals look crazy (although they are doing a pretty good job of that by themselves).


Yep charging someone who files a false police report is clearly evidence of “white supremacy”


Right wing media is killing him because he faked a hate crime "perpetrated" by Trump supporters. People who make false allegations should suffer much steeper penalties, at least the penalty the person who may have been convicted for committing the crime would have faced.


But my college professor said he did not fake the crime and the truth will come out with an acquittal
