MovieChat Forums > Christina Hendricks Discussion > Needs A Breast Reduction

Needs A Breast Reduction

I just watched an episode of Mad Men where some Japanese businessmen remark about how difficult it must be for Christina to stand without toppling over because of her huge chest. I've gotta say, they are right....

Christina must be in constant back pain. I have never seen an actress with so much top heavy weight as Christina. Hopefully she gets a breast reduction soon because she must be in agony.


Well, that's up to her. She had issues trying to get an acting role in the past because people in Hollywood considered her "too fat." It wasn't until she got on "Mad Men" and proved not only she could act, but that curvy women could be considered sexy and beautiful, that she got her break, and I don't think she's gonna give up the girls until she retires.

And yes, she probably is in agony, and if she's smart, she'll work out to make her back stronger and use some of her earnings to get very good supportive bras.


Well said


There isnt a straight man on earth that thinks shes "too fat" to be on tv. Not a single one.


Exactly! I have ALWAYS preferred her body type. Skinny little Kiera Knightley toothpick women just turn me right off. Likewise, big land-whales like Lizzo. Christina Hendricks is just perfect.


Why of course :D Most real men I've met like a variety of women when it comes to size, and many do not want the "stick figures" Hollywood thinks are so desirable. Some like women that don't feel like a skeleton in bed.


Each one its own. I like chubby, for example, and I have friends who side with me and others that for unexplainable reason like thinner (nobody is perfect).

I had a few Pub conversations about this topic back in the day, and general consensus was that men like a range that goes from thin to chubby. Anorexic or clear overweight is a no-go for most. One common question was why media enforced anorexic women. The most popular suggestion was that in media there were many males who weren't really into women. Nothing wrong with that, but when you pick somebody who doesn't like classical music to conduct a orchestra, well...


“ consensus“ means “general opinion,” so “general consensus” is a redundancy.”

The phrase is “back in THE OLD days,” which makes good sense. “Back in the day” invites the question, “Back in what day?”

Eschew ghettospeak.


Why don't you just concentrate on your love for penis and let us men enjoy her beautiful funbags.


Nice homophobic comment, pal.


How was that a homophobic comment, pal?


Just more proof that he's gay and you original post has a point. To gays, everything is "homophobia".


lol yes.


Learn what homophobic means moron, nothing he said sounded like he was afraid of fags. Not liking fags or simply throwing out colorful slurs against them doesn't mean the person is homophobic. If the poster screamed like a girl and ran when a fag came walking down the street he would be homophobic... but nothing he said suggested that.


exactly just cuz ur discussed by em dont mean ur scared of em. homophobia is the dumbest term since it is used so liberally. most people labeled that term arent scared of those homos just repulsed by em


I suspected before, now I know for sure. At best, you're a flaccid metrosexual girly-man.


Breasts aren't that heavy. You should check out Milena Velba or Hitomi Tanaka. And even if they were heavy, resistance builds strength. Her back muscles have probably been compensated for that long time ago. Breast reduction would only hurt her career.


It's up to her honestly. At least she didn't have to deal with Gigantomastia like punky Brewster star Soleil Moon Frye.


I remember a girl in high school that also had that problem. When we were all in 8th grade she was already as developed as some of the teachers... they kept growing and by the end of high school she had the tits of an enhanced porn star. Even worse for her she was fairly short and pretty damn thin. I always wondered if she ever had surgery of it they ever stopped growing because at the start of every school year we just wondered how big Chester was going to be.


Hitomi is the reason my right bicep is two inches bigger around than my left!




Blasphemy! Nice trolling by the way


She looks perfect and I never heard her say its bothered her. The time to do it would have been when she was younger. If it hasnt bothered her now shes probably good with it. And so are most of us fans...😃😃😃🤤🤤She probably wears a very supportive bra....



I cannot believe the kind of crazy shit I have to read on this site.


You need a brain augmentation.


If she messes wi the her best features, she won’t get cast anymore
