MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It would have been terrible before 1980s...

It would have been terrible before 1980s for this reason

No ATMs.

You literally have to make it to the bank to withdraw cash during your lunch break if you want cash for the weekend.

If you don't make it, you're screwed. Banks did not open on the weekend.

So no cash for the entire weekend. If you're young and like to go out, that's a problem.

Another thing would be that you'd be pressured to lend money to friends and family all the time.

Imagine having to chase people for money you lent them?

Another problem, carrying a lot of cash around would mean more pickpockets and muggings.

We don't know how good we have it compared to the people of the 70s.


Wouldn't matter to me. I've only used an ATM one time in my life, about 28 years ago.


I haven't used an ATM in over 30 years - no biggie.


If I needed money before there were ATMs I would just go to a supermarket and cash a check.


My parents would do that and I think you could do it at Sears too.




People tended to keep a lot more cash on them (or at home) back in the day also (for the reasons that you mentioned in your post).


Maybe, but I remember back in the 90s everyone paid for stuff with cheque.


Try paying for a glass of beer with a check.


No - it's called using a credit or debit card.


Maybe in a restaurant they'd do that.


Small businesses here will still take a check. I always ask, they usually say yes. I don't want the owner to take a hit for the ridiculous fees they charge on credit cards. I almost never use a debit card. Credit cards are more secure.


Tillie the Teller


Back in the old days people used to get paid in cash on payday. Most of the time you would only go to the bank if you wanted to put money in, not take it out. And yes for buying more expensive things or paying rent we had cheque books.


i can remember carrying around hundreds of dollars in cash


Yes at times the poor old wallet looked like it was going to have twins.


No, it wasn't. Pre-1980s were better in many ways:

Strangers started conversations with each other all the time in public while waiting on line, for a bus or on a train.

Food was more wholesome with natural ingredients instead of chemicals and preservatives.

Children went outside by themselves to play or the store. Adults not needed.

Carrying plenty of cash wasn't necessary because items were cheaper.

Friendly neighborhood Mom and Pop stores would allow you to buy on credit or lend you a few bucks.

Comic books were affordable so every kid read them.

There were record stores, ice cream shops, toy stores, book stores, candy stores, magazine stores and other fun places to hangout.

Social movements flourished because of activism. People knew how to create change and build a better society. People helped each other.

Minimum wage meant you could afford an apartment, food to eat and entertainment.

One salary could support a family.

Doctor bills were affordable. Doctors made house calls.

People used checks. Ordering by C.O.D. was common. That's charge on delivery. Customers bought on credit. That meant making payments to the store until the item was paid in full.

People were happier.


I’ll add this: the Social Contract was much stronger and more acknowledged back then. We knew we are all in this together. If you litter on the sidewalk, I’m going to call you on it. If I do that today, some trash punk may pull out a gun and shoot me sideways. We slowed for yellow traffic lights instead of flooring it, because we were not solipsistic assholes. Our society has fragmented—but thank God we’re getting rid of the evil, privileged white men who kept the contract together.

You’re right. People were happier.


I was hoping the racists would all be dead by the time I grew up and the country would be a more harmonious place to live. I guess I was wrong.


No need to guess Keelai, you are always wrong.


You're still alive.


A lame-ass response does not equal a refutation. I might respond in kind by trotting out the old chestnut " even a broken clock is right twice a day ".


Nevertheless, you're still alive.


And alwaysthemore, you're still lame. And fake personas are always wrong.


I know you are, but what am I?


Some people think you are a troll but you are more like a kind of constant irritant the way you relentlessly and knowingly spew out a torrent of Woke nonsense day after day. No troll would be so diligent or prolific so somebody must be paying you in some way to be at it all the time.


"Woke nonsense"

Woke means being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice.

So, you're a racist!


It seems like you might be one of those Russian players whose job it is to sow division and discord in the West or at least are pretending to be something like that. That's unlikely given that Moviechat is such a small concern. So why are you here doing what you do ?

Because there is one thing that is certain, you are not a private person posting at Moviechat in your spare time for your own amusement. You put too much time and effort and sheer persistence into it for that to be the case.


So, you're a racist and paranoid schizophrenic!


Stonewalling and deflection combined with ad hominem. Text book trolling techniques.


The Bible refers to Satan as, 'The Accuser', which has always been your style here.🙄


So you are accusing me of being 'The Accuser' ( while referencing Satan no less ) I guess you don't see the irony in that.

But if I am 'The Accuser' that would make you 'The Abuser' wouldn't it. The difference between us is that when I accuse someone it's for a reason and I back it up by saying what I'm complaining about and attempting to engage the person in a discussion about it.

You on the other hand come out of nowhere and attack someone with a torrent of abuse for no apparent reason at all.

But by all means pretend that you are occupying the high moral ground. You can't look any more ridiculous than you do already.

Oh and 🙄


There's a "torrent of abuse" in my very succinct observation? You're a hyperbolic, ridiculous, self-pitying drama queen.😤


Stonewalling and deflection combined with ad hominem. Text book trolling techniques. Just like Keelai. What a coincidence !


We knew we are all in this together.

Yes. Nowadays, the culture is everyone for themselves. "I got mine, so screw you."


Very true. And sad.


"Food was more wholesome with natural ingredients instead of chemicals and preservatives."

Used to purchase, pure, unadulterated wheat germ at the university where I worked at a rock bottom price. Added it to cereals, soups, stews and chilies. Great nutrition!


I miss Entenmann's cake, Hershey's chocolate, Girl Scout Tagalog cookies and Reese's peanut buttercups. They've all been ruined.

Wheat germ sounds like a good idea for soup. Thanks!


Girl Scout Tagalog cookies

Filipino cookies? 🤣



It doesn't matter anymore. The "chocalty" tastes like wax. : (


I know Keelai. I was just kidding. Tagalog v Tagalong.


I've probably been calling it Tagalog all this time. Can't remember.


"Children went outside by themselves to play or the store. Adults not needed"

But there were more serial killers then.


I don't remember any mass/school shootings.


There were no serial killers. Serial Killers are rare.
Children were better off. They had freedom, and weren't infantilized.


I remember my mom buying stuff on layaway.


I remember layaway, although I never used it, nor did my parents.


One dealt with life as it was at the time. We planned ahead.
