MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The number of “how woke is this?” thread...

The number of “how woke is this?” threads on the MovieChat board are becoming exhausting.

It feels like every new film or TV series has at least one thread complaining about “wokeness”, which is constantly bumped to the top by baiting, attacks and long, paranoid diatribes.

I wish MovieChat’s moderation team would prune these types of posts back a little. While a lot of people might engage with the site via squabbling (that’s the nature of the internet, I get it), it doesn’t add anything constructive to the forum. It’s just negativity.


Whenever I start to hear lots of people starting to use the same word or expression (whatever it is) it makes me think how well propaganda works.


More annoying than the corny joke threads?


Yeah, it's very one-dimensional. It seems to be all about punniness.


At least corny jokes are harmless fun.


I quite enjoy the corny jokes…puns and silliness are often very fun


Go yell at GuyHaines, he's the one who keeps writing those.


Some folks would like to know ahead of time so they can avoid the woke crap. Moviemakers usually try to surprise the audience with it so you don't find out until after you've wasted your money. I used to try to overlook such messaging but I'm growing increasingly intolerant of it and avoid it if at all possible.


I used to try to overlook such messaging

i think thats your best bet . just ignore it .
its no big deal
you'll miss out on good movies otherwise .
Theres a lot of of other wayts a movie can be shit , so why add to that list ? you limit your choices


Some things are impossible to overlook.


Yeah, they're excessive these days. Everyone can have their opinions, but for so many opinions to be the exact same mundane spiel is weird and boring.


Not as exhausting as the whining posts from the resident troll every time woke is even mentioned. Talk about negativity...


Which troll are you referring to?


The one with dozens of sock puppets who whine every time woke is even mentioned.


I’m guessing they flame specific film and tv boards rather than GD?


Hmm, some of his socks are also active over here.


PM me if you like, so that I can keep an eye out/avoid them.


Meh, there's too many of them and new ones constantly pop up. I've just learned to live with the trolling.


Fair enough - I’ll just look out for posters that regularly use the ‘w’ word.


perhaps the “how woke is this?” thread on every movie is a good thing.

Then all the hate and mysogeny can be contained in there and not infect the other threads for that movie.

A bit like wikipedia's "chicken page" idea .


Sadly it’s a part of modern pop culture in which the message is more important than entertaining.
