MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The number of “how woke is this?” thread...

The number of “how woke is this?” threads on the MovieChat board are becoming exhausting.

It feels like every new film or TV series has at least one thread complaining about “wokeness”, which is constantly bumped to the top by baiting, attacks and long, paranoid diatribes.

I wish MovieChat’s moderation team would prune these types of posts back a little. While a lot of people might engage with the site via squabbling (that’s the nature of the internet, I get it), it doesn’t add anything constructive to the forum. It’s just negativity.


Maybe that says more about how ridiculously woke Hollywood has become.


Don't expect the woke crowd to see the absolute logic of this concept.


The only reason you’re bitching about the people who call out wokeness is because you’re a wokist yourself, which also explains why your natural impulse is to want to silence anyone who challenges your sick ideology by having moviechat ‘prune’ those posts.

If you can’t handle a free speech place then fuck off to Reddit, that place is a stinking hive of woke scum, you’ll fit right in.


No truer words have ever been spoken! 💯


God bless you woke Mfers.


I understand completely viewers who don't want to waste time or money on racist propaganda of the radical left (yes, the politics of identities is racism). I prefer less ideology, more story.


Now look what you've done. Some poor insecure anti-woke member has started an anti-anti-anti-woke thread in response to your anti-anti-woke post! Is there no end to this madness - it will all end in tears you know.


I don’t think the moderation team should get involved. There are definitely troll woke/racist topics, but it’s also a legitimate problem. I don’t think the subject should be off limits, and I don’t trust the moderators to be the arbiters of which ones are legit and which ones aren’t.


Why there’s over a dozen posts like yours complaining about too many posts complaining about wokeness. That’s how many there are!


Look, it’s this simple:

If people like Drooch weren’t allowed to post about things that they randomly labeled as “woke”, then they would have literally nothing to contribute to the film sections of this forum.

If this was Reddit, any comments he would write would quickly be downvoted into oblivion.

Just take a look at Drooch’s posting history on these boards. Whenever he isn’t faking outrage over imaginary political correctness, he posts bizarre rants about XXX versions of Toy Story and actresses with big noses that he thinks are hot. Not many people engage with these posts for obvious reasons (they are weird and embarrassing).

Complaining about “woke” conspiracies is the only way he can get any attention or support from the other socially challenged morlocks on here - the type of people who live online and have posting histories in the tens of thousands, but possess zero sense of humour or interesting opinions on cinema.

Your best bet? Look at the users who reply to your post and use the ignore button to filter them out based on the low IQ responses. The moderators won’t moderate, which is why this site is a mess and doesn’t attract many commentators who genuinely want to chat about movies.
