MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So, MC is clocking at around the 170k sp...

So, MC is clocking at around the 170k spot worldwide, which isn't too good

Why is this? Could it be:

A) the founder has abandoned the site and doesn't promote it at all
B) Hollywood is going down the drain, so there are no movies with buzz anymore?
C) Some other site swallows all the discussion?
D) Some combination of A,B, and C?
E) Something else entirely

Thoughts? I have loved movies my whole life. My wife and I's "thing" has always been going to movies and discussing them afterwards. I also liked to talk about films in places like this. Is that era over?


start a movie related thread.


IMDB was the original board which was very popular. When they dumped the forum, several sites were created dividing the people.

Moviechat has been growing, but likely lost a little popularity with fewer films and TV shows or maybe it's the summer season.


Could it be because so many (actually I'm not sure how many is many but they certainly generate a lot of effluent) angry people use the site for political messaging and that's off-putting, tedious and often down right nasty for everyone else?




Almost as if this is a political site disguised as a movie site.


I really can’t understand why these political trolls would want to spew their garbage on a movie site to begin with.


There are millions of sites out there. I say 170K is good.


Yep I agree. Everyone is split a million ways into the wind. Whatever your choice of poison, the people have been staying at that particular forum or board. IMDB was the #1 place for General Chat and movie discussions.


> There are millions of sites out there. I say 170K is good.

It's a mixed blessing. We've only got a fraction of the asshats IMDB had in the last couple of years of its forums. OTOH, unless you want to talk about a current movie or one of the great movies of all time, there's nobody to talk to.


It's a combination of factors. There are other movie related sites and boards (some better, some worse) and this site doesn't really get any kind of promotion or advertising anywhere. There is also trolls on this site who annoy and scare people off and there is offensive content posted by some users, including racist and sexist comments.


What other movie sites are there?


If you search for them, you will find them. I don't want to name them, in case someone accuses me of promoting the competition.


I agree with what you have said but regarding the trolls it seems so easy to just not comment on their threads. If you don’t give them what they want they would go elsewhere. Allaby, I don’t see you engaging in their BS. I wish more users here would follow suit.


Which are the better sites?


If you search for them, you will find them. I don't want to name them, in case someone accuses me of promoting the competition.


I don't think there is a better overall movie chat site out there. PM me the link.


It's a combination of things. No promotion of the site, too much political BS (not the actual board, but allowing members to create profiles for political and historical figures that have nothing to do with chatting about movies), and competition from other discussion sites which could be fixed with better marketing and promotion.

I don't think the era is over. I think you can get some good discussion here and at Reddit as well. It sure would be nice to have one site like the IMDB days. Attend film festivals too, people are always talking about movies there!


"allowing members to create profiles for political and historical figures"

Members aren't creating those boards, they are there because they exist on imdb in the "actor" category for either being in a documentary, news program or having a credited cameo appearance.

meta property='og:type' content="actor"
meta property='fb:app_id' content='115109575169727'
meta property='og:title' content="Joe Biden - IMDb"

The suggestion to remove political figures from appearing here has been sent along to Jim, MovieChat's owner.


Thanks for the clarification. OK, members can't create them, somebody at IMDB does and it's linked here.

Glad to see the suggestion was passed on and hopefully something will become of it.


Will you please pass along the suggestion that the Politics section also be deleted, and remove the root cause of the problem, rather than merely trimming the branched? “A Politics site disguised as a Movie site”? That’s a pretty damning description, because it is spot-on. Thank you.


R_Kane said, "Will you please pass along the suggestion that the Politics section also be deleted, and remove the root cause of the problem"

I disagree. I don't look at the posts in that section at all, but when I looked at the thread list just now I saw many users I rarely or never see elsewhere. It seems to me that the majority of users are honoring, or at least trying to honor, the "keep politics in the Politics section" rule. Removing that section would just cause those posters to come flooding back here.


completely agree.
there's spill-over, but having that section keeps most of that talk there. if you take that board away, they're gonna move into the general board in large part i'd expect.


this is the way i see it. just leave the board there at this point.


Yup, that's a hornet's nest we don't want to's better that bunch stays over there at each other's throats👍


I agree that would be a bad idea. Before, the GD page was inundated with political posts until it was ordered that all political discussion goes over in the politics page.

I don't want them all back here!




What site are you seeing this statistics at?
