MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should you get your MovieChat account re...

Should you get your MovieChat account revoked if you post under the politics boards 90% of the time?

Usually the people who start the biggest fights are the ones who have 90+% posts on the politics boards. It takes away the essence of moviechat. It's like they don't have anywhere else to start their political fights and use this place as their dumping ground.


i mentioned a few weeks ago that i encountered a poster who has exactly 7975 posts and they are all politics. i asked him what his favorite movie was and he became upset. I won't mention his name.


I can think of at least two people who would act that way.


I dare you to ask him what his favourite song is, lol.


i bet he doesn't have one.


It would be his country's national anthem 🤡


I have no clue. Fill me in.


I don't entirely agree. But you've got a point. That makes me think of reputation system: if you post in politics you get a politic score, if you post in GD you get a GD score, etc.

That way people can see what this particular user reps are.

People who are 90%+ posts are jn politics are legit posters too. Just that they had their rep as a political poster (which most probably comes with certain characteristics.) The same can be said to GD only posters. They are legit posters as well, but with a rep of, well, as GD posters.

That way, we can decide for ourselves if it's worth our time to reply / discuss / debate such posters.


But are they legit posters if all they do is start fights? I've disagreed with many people on the general boards (I'm talking about you Kowalski) but I've never once been attacked for a simple opinion. I don't even recall ever getting to an argument here. And I've disagreed with a lot of people.

I've seen people who are normally on the general boards hop into politics and have just the same positive attitude on both boards. It's really only the majority politics posters who are jerks.


Well, the reality is such people will always exist in any forum. It's simply inevitable. That's why we have a politics message boards in a frickin' movie forum because there is no way around it. There will always be political posters (and or jerks) no matter what.

From what I see, the problem is not the political posters or even the negative attitude posters (the ones calling people names, etc.)

The problem, in my opinion, is that positive posters don't really know which is which. I see from time to time that an obvious (to me) fight bait posts, obviously controversial topic from low postcount users getting replied by numerous other users. Some were clearly mocking but most replied in good faith. Which actually saddened me.

If only we can see clearly at a glace what reps a particular poster has, I think we will be armed by the knowledge how or what to reply, or not to reply at all. Or even put the poster straight into ignore list.


The thing is, sometimes you just want to share your opinion, and then someone who disagrees with it will think you're trying to bait. As I said, I have no problem with disagreements. But there are ways to disagree with someone.

When I look at the history of those politics posters, I see multiple hostile responses. Why come here to start a fight?


That's why when you can see clearly at a glance that he/she is a political poster then you can simply put him/her in your ignore list no time flat, if you don't like political posters. You don't even need to read the posts. Just a glance on his/her reps beside the postcount, for example. And there you go, reply or press ignore. Your choice.

What I want is that this forum to arm it's users with knowledge to help them decide for themselves whether such posters worth their time or not, instead of simply police us around.


True. But when I state my opinion and someone responds, even when they're a troll, I must prove my opinion is sound. I must defend my honour! *Unsheathes sword*


Well said, sir.





Why sign up to a movie board to talk about politcs 99% of the time?


Why ask me?


Your proposal of a reputation system looks to be too much time and hassle to implement and why should it be targeted just to politics? This is Movie Chat, not Movie & Politics Chat.

It would seem like the forum is conceding to them if this were applied.


Doesn't matter. It's all only fantasy anyway. Nobody is gonna make any improvements to this site (except if it's ads related.)




Like Bill Clinton, I find it somewhat easy to Compartmentalize.

I don't want to be a Politics Only person, but being a Citizen who Cares and Participates, I do wade into that morass.
But I'm happy to step over here and say howdy to all these good folk and be a Good Old Soul.

Relatively recently, I've tried hard to make a fat black line between what I discuss here and what I discuss there.
And I don't find it that hard.


Coming on to these boards to only talk politics is like going to a baseball game to only partake in doing "the wave". I mean, sure it's nice to get into the moment, but there's a baseball game everyone is there for.


Could we PLEASE stop looking for ways to shut people out of conversations? Good Lord, how much longer is this Salem shit going to continue???


who's doing that?


Now, are you dumb, or are you intentionally disingenuous? That's an honest question. Your response is either remarkably evil or remarkably stupid. You don't have to answer my question, but do think about how you want the world to perceive you.


Says a 70 posts user.


Don't feed it.


It didn't bite tho'.


...which has NOTHING to do with the conversation. Thanks for playing and don't forget to collect your consolation prize on the way out the door!


The argument here is that they're posting almost entirely under a board that's main purpose is not the intention of the site. That's like going to the library to only watch movies.




Well said, SandyR. Very well said.



Nah. I agree that it's annoying, but because it's inevitable, I'd rather know who the confrontational members are instead of them making so many new accounts and coming at me out of nowhere. It's good to just let people out themselves as the spicier members of the board so you know who to avoid and what you're in for when you do click on their posts.


It feels like they're taking advantage of the boards. But maybe that's just me.


They absolutely are and it's pesky, I agree. But because they are so vocal about their opinions, it's better to let them blow off steam into the void, since few people will engage with them unless they're looking to fight, rather than have them make various accounts and just spill over into the topics everyone else wants to discuss. That still happens, and that's where I wouldn't mind some interference, but it's easy to avoid the politics board.


Says the guy who posts mostly in GD where most of the posts aren't about movies either!


He’s saying the majority of posting done in GD aren’t combative like they are in politics though.


1) About half my posts are movie related.
2) I don't think anyone on the general boards mostly has posts about movies.
3) I'm not starting fights.





It wouldn't be so bad, but almost every single post is about American politics, and that is a nasty cesspool


Let's talk Canadian politics. Screw the Canadian party and their green-ness, amirite?



Just break politics out of the "latest post" tab instead.


Sometimes I'm interested in what people have to say. But there are a few people who wait to attack.


I get it. But why spoil it for those in the politics boards?

Just a latest post tab without politics should please even those easily offended.


I'm not implying anyone who posts there should get it taken away. I'm also not in favour of getting rid of the the politics board. Just those specific users who overwhelmingly post there because they're the ones who start the fights. I've see people who usually post on the general boards show up there and are completely cool.
