MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > umm are the mods not modding?

umm are the mods not modding?

had some pretty crazy stuff said. not just bad for here but legit illegal. reported it and the guys still here


Grow a pear.


Show us the comment you're talking about so we can report it too.


he deleted them. the mods didn't do crap


What was it? Isn’t there a football game on?
Maybe mods will check in after the game.


this was days ago and he continues to post stuff. told me to slit my throat and has given links to euthanasia for people.

the dudes unstable


Eww! I saw some awful posts recently by some guy who says F you a lot and stuff like: I hope your parents die in a car crash.”

I’d just block them. I tend not to block people bc then you can’t even see what others are saying to them, but sometimes it’s worth it. I only have one person blocked. He’s nuts too and probably a drunk or a drug addict. He’s not that vicious like this guy you’re talking about, but he’s totally annoying and accused me of being obsessed with him for replying to his inane views with an opposing viewpoint. Lol


Oh dear. I think this might be me lol

For anyone who's not Charlotte and can see this I would like to assure you though I have nuts and enjoy eating nuts, I am not nuts myself. At least not to my knowledge. Also I enjoy weed from time to time (shh, just between you and I) but I hardly drink and don't touch anything hardcore, let alone am addicted to it. Damn you JK Rowling! Look at the lies she made you spread!!

CharlieX did tend to jump on my every comment, but the blood wasn't bad enough for me to resort to blocking. At least that's what I thought. Oh well, can't win 'em all.




She could have just given me a spanking. Then we both would have been happy.


Oh dear. I think this might be me lol

Again, my point is reinforced : "Say what you mean, mean what you say..." And another well deserved eye-roll.



Should have I said I think this isn’t me? Her description made it sound like it was.

What are you talking about rolly eyes?


" I can see your lips a movin' but the truth gets in the way", lol.


Yeah, still not getting it.

Is it somehow disingenuous for me to recognise a user who I have had the odd heated discussion with in the JK Rowling thread when they mention blocking someone and put my hand up to say I think they are talking about me and explain the situation to the best of my knowledge?

Firstly, I don't know how that makes me a liar and secondly I don't know why you would feel the need to chime in with some ambiguous comment and then not even explain what you mean.

Is everything ok there?


...I think they are talking about me...

Ever hear of the expression, "If the shoe fits, wear it"? It's akin to the Edgar Allan Poe story of The Tell Tale Heart.


Ok, so you clearly have no point.

"It's akin to the Edgar Allan Poe story"

See, quoting half a sentence with no context only means something to one person.

Hope your beef with me doesn't get you down too much more. If it does, maybe try the veal.


Cutting my quote in half is a textbook example of contextomy and you apparently have no qualms about displaying that in a blatant manner. Hence, you deserve all of the eye-rolls and lols you get from me.


Quote me out of context then accuse me of contextomy! I'm not as silly as you might believe, and that, sir, is weak. Piss weak. If you really don't understand that I was doing that to reflect what you had just done to me, then I apologise.

Funny, but right about now I am wishing it was you and not Charlotte who put me on Ignore. Maybe find someone else to hound. I'm getting bored.


Usual doublespeak (eye-roll).


"again, my point is reinforced : "Say what you mean, mean what you say..." And another well deserved eye-roll."

Again? That was your first post in the conversation
Are we supposed to be familiar with some other point you may have made in the past?
also what you did say made no sense in the context of Tim's replies.

neither did your subsequent ones either before of after it broke down into the usual interment keyboard warrior nitpicking and pettiness


My initial response to him was about admitting to not actually meaning things he has posted, which offended people. Hence, my mocking comment of, "Say what you mean, mean what you say." Then he admitted to being disingenuous. More of the same. I'm just mocking him with his own words. There's actually a consistent pattern to my criticisms if you're not too lazy to read and discern where I'm coming from.


Now thats a well constructed comprehensible post! thank you.

although where did he "admitting to not actually meaning things"


Well, thank you in return for a very unexpected compliment!

The quotes I initially confronted him with were verbatim from two different threads he created:

Does MovieChat ever get you down?
Why Donald Trump will be be re-elected on November 3rd.

I might not have those titles word perfect but they're close enough for you to find them in his posting history. The rest is up to you if you want to know badly enough.

Btw, we had a thread topic awhile back which addressed insincere comments such as those and they're classic examples of doublespeak.


"Strangely enough", I didn't click on your private message.


But felt compelled to mention it here to score points with whoever you are trying to impress by hounding someone who hardly even noticed you before you got a hard-on for them for reasons only known to yourself?

That's great. Good to know you would prefer to flame me publicly and relentlessly rather than talk things over privately like two grown men.


I suppose if the comment was really bad and the poster deleted them, there's a possibility they did get a warning from the mods and did the right thing and removed their offending material. Or maybe they just thought better of it and removed it without being warned.

Either way, it's gone. That's a good outcome.


the guy did cause I said id report him. hes mentally unstable but still posts similar things


He's probably not the only mentally unstable person here, to be fair.

I hope he doesn't trouble you again but I wouldn't let it worry you too much. If he's getting really nasty and you can't just skip over his posts, just pop him on Ignore and, voilà, you'll never hear from him again.

I've had some trouble here with a similar thing but my mates backed me up and made me realise I was taking it on board too much. Not saying you're wrong to feel aggrieved but if you just concentrate on interacting with the people you like, it does bother you less. Good luck django :)


No, I deleted them and issued a warning to the member who posted them.

Hello SewerMaintenance,

A number of your posts were removed for violating MovieChat's Community Standards, specifically:

#2 - No trolling, flaming, spamming or unsolicited advertising.


Prohibited Content:

2. Content that threatens or advocates for harm on oneself or others, or otherwise violent content

You may review the full Standards here:


Moderator 5
6 days ago


ya and I reported yet another one. did I not? I could be wrong. him sending a link to a site for euthanasia (basically the same thing)




The mods are terrible here and get to hide under alias' like "Mod 1,2" etc.

You could be abused by someone who actually is a Mod or have a disagreement with them and then they use their Mod alias to warn you for retaliating!


before when I used to be on here I saw them ban people for barely anything bad while letting people who I can only guess, were closer to them politically, get away with saying way worse things


Exactly. Or they give a free pass to one of their buddies on here even though their buddy is breaking rules, trolling, flaming etc.


Golly ! Cops might shoot you without a good reason ! What's up with that?
We should be able to yell "FIRE !" in a theater because we have Free Speech !
Life is SOOO complicated when we don't try to understand what it's like to be CIVIL in a diverse environment.


Which number mod are you?


Sssshhh... he's Jim.


I wonder how much they get paid?


Mods usually don't get paid.


So what's the incentive then? 😳 Seems like a lot of time and effort on their part to moderate the board.


They are doing it out of love.




MovieChat moderators are not paid.


So what's the incentive then? 😳 Seems like a lot of time and effort on your part to moderate the board.


Power trip tends to be the popular one.


There's gotta be some tangible benefit. No way would I do this for free. I HAVE to get something out of it.

Power trip for moderating an anonymous online forum? LOL.


There really aren't any benefits. I have been a moderator when I was younger, I thought it would be interesting. I was so wrong! It's like going to work without getting paid, having to deal with all of politics etc.

In the end the people who keep doing it like the power and/or prestige, notoriety. The last two don't apply on here as we don't know who the mods are (which is still a bad thing in my opinion). So you are left with power tripping.

Of course some might be curious, think they are making a difference etc but they quickly find out otherwise.


"Making a difference?". Going to a 3rd world country and volunteering to feed the poor is "making a difference".

I think being a moderator is akin to a teacher trying to calm down two loud-mouth, obnoxious boisterious children arguing and fighting with each other in the classroom. "He called me poopyhead. No fair!
WAAaaah!". Except no pay nor benefits.


Depends on the forum. Some forums are over the top with the rules and are counter productive. Treating their members like children. Mods get involved and scold people when a discussion goes off topic or someone posts in the wrong board etc.

Then you have ones where it seems like there aren't any rules at all.

It is easy enough to get people to settle down and in the end you can just ban them. So you have more power than a teacher. That said politics always gets in the way and I have seen Mods let their buddies get away with murder while coming down hard on the people who are being bullied by them. As well as Admins and Mods being the ones who cause the drama.

They really are on a sad power trip.

I agree about making a difference. I wrote that as I found that for some people "making a difference" means not doing much at all that actually makes a difference. But for them they feel they are doing something.


I always find alt right types to be like obnoxious junior high school children who think they are smart enough to argue their point but don't understand the bigger picture.
Sure, it's a free world and they have a right to be JOs, but what is the long term effect to you and the rest of us? We should be helping each other more than helping ourselves, as incredibly naive as it sounds.


Yes, if only Left wingers would just stop with their hate and bigotry. The world might be a better place.


The Left is only tolerant if you agree with only their ideas.


And they turn on their own frequently. Must obey, must not question!


Indeed. This is how the media operates. And that damn Scientology cult that is popular with Hollywood celebrities. Disgusting...




There's got to be some tangible benefit.

I won't even attempt to mow my yard during the summer unless I have a perfectly chilled beer waiting for me halfway through that chore.


Yep. Needs to be some motivation; otherwise, I wouldn't work hard or work at all.


A lot of people think it's a civic duty to be a voice of conscience in a world of bad actors.
If you and yours don't understand that, to me, that's understandable.


i was a mod on a blue jays site for over a year when they were making the playoffs. it was a lot of fun. it was nice to have that sense of community with fans.


Lots of aggression here in general. Have you ever see the parody threads where someone will mock someone else's thread(s)? Not to mention attacks on members in general.

It seems like all of that is allowed here by the use moderators and absentee Admin.


But I love rascally parody threads!


I recently had a parody thread done on me. I found it funny and took it in the spirit that it was intended. A lot of the regular posters are comfortable enough with each other to engage in banter - it’s not all nastiness.


Haha was that the Andy King bloke?


Actually, no lol. One of the Aussie contingent took one of my posts and did a play on words with it.


They’re right rascals down under!


Buncha rackers, the lot of em’.


Not all and I do have a sense of humour. But I have seen some parody threads that are intended to be nasty.


I’ve only ever really seen ones that gently poke fun, rather than are blatantly nasty, but then again, I notice that a lot happens as soon as I go to bed (because of the time difference).
